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CHRISTMAS. CHRISTMAS. CHRISTMAS. USEFUL PRESENTS. ■ KID GLOVES, 2s «d, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4a lid, 5s Gd. LACE COLLARS, in white, cream, and Paris, Is lid, 33 lid, 53 lid, 7s Gd, 10a Gd,- 21s. GOLD TINSEL BELTS, Is lid, 2s Gd, 3s lid. LADIES' HOSIERY, good l value, is 6d, Is lid. FASHIONABLE SUNSHADES, special value, 4s lid, 6s lid, 9s lid, 15s lid, 19s 6d. WHITE LACE GLOVES, 7£d, Is 3d, Is lid. HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, a nice nresent, half doz. la 6d, Is lid, 2s ■ lid. GLOVE and HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, in Leather and Basketware, Gd, Is, Is Gd, special. COLLAR, CUFF, and .Towel BOXES, 3d. PICNIC HAMPERS and BASKETS, Is lid, 2s lid, to lid, 'ls lid, Gs lid. METAL BELTS, -Is lid, 73 lid, 10s Gd. PERFUME, Best Makes, Gd, Is, Is 9d, 2s lid, ds 6d. PRETTY MUSLIN APRONS, Good Trimmings, Is Gd. 2s 3d, 3s 3d, 4s lid. KUFFLES, Cbitton and Silk, Choice Goods. 14s 6d, 15s lid, 21g, 27s 6d, 355. CfIEISTMAS CAEDS. PEE3EKT3 FOE ALL. SUNNY HOURS, Box of 6 Folding Christ- Children's Silk Dr— -— in - aA IQ = K ' l ni ~ mas and New Year Cards, Gd. Stylish Trimmed 1 THE YULE Box of 12 Artistic Christmas Silk -i 3! °i ls % 3 ' 1 Whito and Crel New Yoau: Cards, 3d. T ° a > ■ " ~ri Ladies THE APT Box of 12 Charming Christmas aio ; co Pina£oro3) 2s lld 4s 6d> 5a udj 7s 6d . arid New Year Cards, Is. n.w\«< ™„=i„.„„™ TT=t= o= *A o= <ifl 3. r„i HEARTSEASE Box of 12 Artistic Christi and New Year Cards, Is 6d. . Overalls in Holland and Drill, 3s Gd, 4s lid, GEMS OF THOUGHT Box of 12 Special 6a Gd. -,,,,„,,,. Christmas and New Year Cards, Is 9d. fcew French Sailors, ,3s lid, 4s lid, 5s lid, 7s lid. .. FRIENDS EVER fEte of 12 Selected CSfcriaU Coloured Moroan Skirts, 9s lid, lis 6d, 13s mas and New Year Cards, 2s. 6d IGs 6d _ PANSY Box of 12 Charming Ohristmas and New Corsets, all makes, 3s lid, 5s 9d, Bs' Now Year Cards, 2s. 6d, 10s Cd. t-tv/-" ttt?>t-o\7 -n tin n\,r,;„~ Sun H a * 9 an<l Sonnets, 3g Gd, 3s lid, 4s lid, L.IAG- HENRY Box of 12 Choice- Christmas Gs 6d and New Year Cards, 2s 3d. T . ' . Silk Underskirts, 22s 6d, 27s 9d, 32s 6d. KING CANUTE Box of 12 Selected Christ- Blousea , all the Lateat shapes, 3s lid, 4s lid, rna.3 and New \ear Cards, 2s lid. 5s lldj 6g gd) 7a Gd) 8g 6d 1903 CALENDARS 1903. Splendid Selection White Skirts, Trimmed, 4s 6d, 6s lid, 8s lid, of Fancy and Photographic Calendars, in 12s 6d. 'a great variety of Styles, including organs, Flowers at Special Prices, 9d, Is, Is Gd, Is animals, foirds, and blossoms, from Gd to lid. 23 Gd each. * New Siik Man tics, 193 6d, 25s 9d, 425. BEATH AND COMPANY, LIMITED, CASHEL STEEET, OHEISTCHUEOH. ARTISTIC GOODS IN NOVEL DESIGNS', F AN C Y goods; USEFUL GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BALLANTYNE &• " O O

CHRISTMAS SPECIALITIES. 97, COLOMBO STREET, HAS A FULL AND CHOICE STOCK OP NEW FRUITS AND PRESERVES. Machine Cleaned New Currants', per lb 0 5 Machine Cleaned Kw Sultanas, per lb 0 7 Machine Kenned Valencias . . .06 Seeded Raisins, IGoz pkts, per lb . ,07 Seeded Raisins, 12os pkts, per lb . 0 6J Seedtoss Valencias, per lb ... . .07 Oraingo and Lom'on Poel, per lb .. 0 G r 0., L. and Citron, per lb . .09 ~»,( Sicily Almonds, por lb, Is 2d and 1 4 New Mueo&U'ls, layers, per lb , \. 010 New Malaga, per lb ,14 New Jordan A'-micnds, por lb . . & 8 Layer Figs, per lb, 8d raid . . . 0 Cooking Figs, per lb, 7d, best . .08 Small brass 0 8 Nov; Prunes, por lb *0 6 Selected, largest fruit, per lb .08 New Dried Apricots, per lb, Sd <and .09 Poaches ex 'Pears, per lb . . . ,08 New Apricots in syrup, per tin . 0 8 New Peaches cr Pears, per tin .09 Best brands, por tin . . . .10 New Pie Apricots, gallons, per tin . 1 8 ■"■■w Pio Peaches, • per tin . . .18 /stalised Cherries, por lb . ..20 Potted Moats, assorted,, ljd per tin, par doz . . : . . .16 "Assorted Meats, glass ■ jars . . ', j 0 9 Ox Tongues, 2lb tin 3 . . , .23 > Etc., etc. T. TAYLOR, SEVEN DOORS SOUTH OF LICHFIELD HULBERT AND CO.POR FASHIONABLE ' HATS. • «7KTE are Famous lor our HATS. "We are .. VY now Showing Our Celebrated Half-Guinea Flexible Hat (a Specialite), THE "WEAREASI." A Very Moderate-priced Hat, Combining Comfort with Durability and a. Nice Appearance. Also, STYLISH FRAME HATS PANAMA HATS, STRAW BOATERS FLEXIBLE (or Bowler) HATS by the World's Mont Eminent Makers, And a Consignment of UP-TO-DATE SOFT FELTS FROM THE LEADING AMERICAN HATTERS. HULBERT AND CO., Opposite Strange's. JUNO TOBACCO •AS RETAINED LASTING POPULARITY. JUNO TOBACCO, ALWAYS THE BEST. JUNO TOBACCO, MAKES LIFE WORTH LIVING. JUNO TOBACCO, CHEAPEST AND BEST DARK TOBACCO. L 2178 " Gra-nd Prix," Pans, 1900, the Highest Possible Award. JOSEPH riILLOTT'3 PENS, Of Highest Quality, and having Criwtcst Durability, are thereforo the CHEAPEST. L 2006

SPECIAL PUBCHASE SPECIAL PURCHASE HIGH-CLASS BLOUSING SILK. YARDS * 2000 YARDS , 2000 YARDS OUR Buyers Secured this Big Lino of 'Beautiful 'Silk »t enable*us to offer ihem mucih under Tho übubil "WWiesalo opportunity to kcuto a First-class Silk at a. Low Price, viz., 23 3s 3d, 3s hd, 4i 3d, 4s lid, 5s 9d and 6s &1 Yard. \ "READIT MONEY DOES 1 t'Ha Big Lino of 'Beautiful 'Silk »t such, a DISCOUNT .as. to ihem mudi undor The usnxsA "Wtooiesalo Prioo. This «ffer3 a unique Pirot-olass Silk at a, Low Prioo, viz., 23 Gd, 2s Od, 2s lid, 3s, 3s 6d, TONEYCLIEFE AND CABEY. SOMETHING OF' MOMENT. TO-DAY. -j ODO'Z MEN'S WORSTED HOSE, is Gd, for 2s 6d and 23 lid per pr. FOR CHRISTMAS. SDOZ LITTLE CHILDREN'S LACE-EDGED SATEEN and SILK SUNSHADES, 3a * 6d, -is 6d «iac!h. now Is 9d, 2s Od each. "OES SHOT SILK AND BROCAID'ED RIBBONS, 4 to 6 inchos wide, 2s and 3a Tier yd, now Is per yard. 50 riEOES 'CEU3IS AND HOYLE'S PRINTS, East Dyes, 6Sd to BJd par yd, mow 42? cl "pct ycJ 14 PIECEiS INDI&O TJYBAFIRON'CLOTH, Striped Border, 7Jd per yd, now 4Jd yd. i piece o^v.^-g^^a^ra^a^gj^nowuiid. Gk SHAW AND CO., CASH . DRAPERS, 213, CASHEL STBEET. , V Immediately Opposite " Press " Office.

NATURAL MINERAL FLETCHER, HUMPHREYS AND CO., Agent 3. L 3131 -"-ILK FEVER IN COW 8. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. Spreydon Lodge, Christchurch. Mr John. Berry, Veterinary Chemist, Colombo Street, Chri3tchurcli. Dear Sir, —"Within tho last few weeks I have had six cows very bad with milk fever, and have much pleasure- in informing you that through tho timely use of your "Milk Fo.vei Cure" we have succeeded in saving FIVE out of the SIX. I firmly believe, if your remedy had been applied in time to the one that died, she would have been saved. She was too far gone before your remedy was tried. I might eay that all the cows were too fat foi Jairy cows. Your remedy being so successful with my cow 3, I can strongly recommend it to anyone who keeps dairying cows. I am, yours respectfully, S. GARFORTH, Spreydon. BERRY'S MILK FEVER CURE. Per bottle of Two Doses ss, by post 5s 9d. MILK FEVER CURE SYRINGE, For injecting the above, ss. by post 5s 3d. BERRY'S CLEANSING POWDER For Cows after Caiving. Allays feverishness, expels after-birth. 2s; by post, 2s 2d. BERRY'S HEALING' OILS For Wounds of all kinds on Horse 3 and Cattle. Very Healing for Sore Teats of Cows. 2d; by post, 2s 9d. BERRY'S CANTERBURY EMBROCATION For Swollen and Hard Udders of Cows, Sprains, Lameness, Stiff Muscles, Bruises, Strangles, etc., in Horses. 2s; by post, 2s 9d. FOR SALE BY THE FARMER,?' CO-OPERATIVE STORES, At liangiora, Ashburton. Geraldine, Timaru and Christchurch. WHOLESALE AGENTsCHRYSTALL AND CO., Christchurch (Canterbury). KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER and CO., F 2970 Dunedin (Otago and Southland).

LISTEN TO THAT MAN (IOMrNG down a quiet slrcict at night. You J can how him a quarter of * mile off as his hoeis strike the 'hard sklo-wialk 'and wake tho echoes. He c-liatters up to die door, oprais it, and goes in, 'and yr.m in the street can hoar him go rat-tat-tat ■■&£ h$ goeis up stairs to hiis rami. Famey the feelings of tih« sick and vous people in tho ihpiiae strivrivfr to sleep ;'n ihooci iron heals' go up th<» steira. Watch tho other mm, wfho comes along jau.ntiy and Vapidly, as if ho walked toi air, as noiseloss and certain 'as (3i!a flight of a bird. No noise, no clatteir, no waking up the street. Ho com&a, goes, and vanis'hesi as silently as a plicsi. : Wh™ he emtors the house nobody knows it, and he is upstairs and in bed without disturbing anybody. Tho man. wears O'SUI/LIVAN RUBBER HEBL, And ho docs sol because ho is thinking of his own and other pecpUo's comfort; and he finds that, while merpemsivo to Jiini, it is also valuaiblo to oMieirs. Q-o ,caid follow his example!. Buy o'Sullivan's Rubber Heck, ar.d ' "ung and torturing sick, sou '" cring people with the barb: tor of your noisy, aolid-loather heels. If you don't, people will point you out, iandi «a they grit their teeth:, will say to each other, " Listen to that man." Take no substitute. Buy the C Sullivan, which can be had Wholaaal'o from M. O'BRIEN AND CO., Premier Boot Manufacturers, '(Mistc&urcli. : S3IUI •• .', ' !'>' '•■'-'

NEW VULCANISED TYRES. Don fc pay 253 for a vulcanised tyre when you can .get one equally as good, guaranteed for 12 months, for 22a 6d. Gamage's are selling Silvertown and Ideal Vulcanised Tyros for 22s 6d. Genuine guarantee for 12 months. No charge for fitting. Silvertown rubber wears longer than other rubber. Gamu-ge's, Hicrh Street, Christchurch. , ."', TH'X27OS

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12996, 11 December 1902, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12996, 11 December 1902, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12996, 11 December 1902, Page 4