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is dropped every week day at Zealand mean 'tame, which is to 13.30 O-Tceuwich mean time of day, being calculated for" 172 deg, cast long., and llhrs 30min cast at meaa time. HB? PHASES OF THE MOON. ! #:i-,- ■ DECEMBER. W:.' •.:■'■■ d. h. in. .■'if : - First quarter , . . ' 8 5 57 p.m. Sfi«VFull moon ... 15 3 17 p.m. ifSfrlAtii; quarter .... 22 7 30a.m. i'tS-New. ''3looll ' . . 30 8 55 a.m. ; K:WEAT!HER jEEPORT, ETC. ll'High: Water, This .Day (Thursday): ,ip.m. Sun. rises 4.16 a.m., sots 7.31 «&■'.'Moon rises 2.44 p,oi., sots 1.22 ».jn. ate;''- ' 9 a.m. Xoon. spm. a|iVßa(romoi*r . . 30.00 30.03 30.01 . pWirid; -NdE., liglii. I fc%:MAGN£TIC OBSERVATORY,' ' [«&:.:'•'....■■ ■ ■CBRIST.OKURCH. o 1 'sfliMetooroiogical obe«rvaiii'cnD, taken at 9.30 | |£m.':— , "Ssifßarom'ster 30.12. x. temperature during preceding Si Jfiibiixs—C2.6. MiJliwiraxim teinpcralirro during preceding 2a lii'UTi—so.o.: xjfrek vbujb 52.9. . cent—72. i'SpMaximura te-mpttraturc. in su;i—l33.3. thcrrrerrtetcr on grass—lG.B. ji'l'sJiiDirootion of wind—E. 51'Cloud 0-10—10. r'SQTehdeiicy of barometer —Steady. |l|-; THE -WEATKEK IN AUSTRALIA. _ ;§i?sio.'foiS-owiriij ■Vr-cafer reports' received '{rom Australian stations yesterday:— SvPerth. Dea ~S—Wind, north; barometer; : &aa. ; .:.. ;:■':■ ■• ' ■ fSFMolbaumo, Doc. 9—" Wind,,, S.AV.; barometer '■ ■ '''■'■■■.■ ?« Sydney, Doc. 10—Wind, east;' barometer SO; p'flne. ''"■>■■'< - !;,;'STHJE'WEATHER IN .NEW ZEALAND. '■Z'i'V-ko ■fallowing weather 'reporta were, received iifrom Kw Zealand stations •at" S p.m. yesterist^mSuW Heads—Wind, S.AV.. toeess; barI'ometer thermometer £9; fijw, eca mode l"siw: : FlyrmOtli-Waind, west, 1-gfc't; barcm-- * ; ct*rSo.lo. theru"K>m«ter 6i; fa smooth. i'29.99, H'hermicmetea' ,65; «?*.«» , m^ttfa,te V,, tf.'N.AV., breeze;, <bar:'omet€ir 29.93, thernrenvstor 62; toe. ' W,. iros-k; barometer , -BOLlß.'thtimomflter 63? fo?» «■* very smooJi. liVK*ik«—Wmd,, light; ™*» •30.02,-tihcirmometOT 63; fi."«f» ,fea- emooan. y--.OsWi-W.tad, N.E., barometer I 5?0.02, thermometer 55; gtoopryv sea moderate. * 'N.E., light; .barometer 3U, « i'thermiomcter 54; over-oast. ! , , I >-;-;Capt=wn Edwin (reports:-.ModaraV* to strong : 3*inds from between aorta-east and north arid J.west ■a-ra-to bo expected .in all parts of \Ht> \ Country, with a falli-r.g' barometer. | : :- 7 .AVIEL.VTHE.B FO-RECAST. ■•*' The 'following weather- ioreoast was tele-■aTraroh-od from Wellington y^terday: —W aift, Siioderate-to strong from be.iweeai the norchfciasi aind north-west-at .all plsvoes. Tno baro'*/m*ter' will 'further fail evoryniicro. lno £ea ■Jvv-idMjo conside«i:Wo <ki tho east coast ncrth *bf Eoat -Capo after sSxteon homi3,'nnd moderato s ( «lsewhere. Tho tides will be- good on tho \ ?eafit,coast jioTthward of iNapicr, «n>d moderato stheocfl southward and- poor on all west -'waat a-ou:.h.<ofj Kuglea, and moderato thence fnorthwk-d. Synopsis ci the ia,st tv/only-iorir , Jhonrs:—A siowly falling 'Promoter eveTy■iwhere, with moderate.winds. ttlS''' ■- AEKIYED. ~A 8* -Dec. s.s., 1240 lems, Beauftjont, -ffronj "Wollins;twn :: said «.-.\.3t coast' ports. TTni,-m ifitaams&ip-' Company, agents.v Passengers--"Misses Mooro, Bc-na-eit, ><e.dira a-sd Hewson, '■Mrs. Norri-s, 3lossrs Grey, Busscll, Tanner, -Lowry, Gough, 2vorrj.3, Hsniy-'ond Pipor, and :. ; fifteen steerage. ■ -•-Dse. 10—MaraTOa, s.-»., 1331 tons, SnoitJi, Jfrom : Port 'ohailm>er3. Union Steamship Comi'pany, agents:' h: o>ec. -lO—Paxawora-, s.s., 1263 tons, Stott, ■■Jjfcbm-,Wellington. "Union Steamship Company, Segenls. Pas-sengors—Misses M. Dickinson, ■'Sollars and-Iloydhouse, Moadaiu-cs B. M'Gill, 'IA/'-W- 'Hills, Paterspn, K-higoley, Burrows, n Scott, Clayton, liodingham -and "V/ia.g'ho.rn <wnd 3 child, Messrs Afthur, E. M'Gill, Hills, Pat?;terson, Scott, Anderson ;i(2), Kingsley, Bur%'cowa,'- Luna, Kobarteon, Ledingham,, B. AV. C. A. Bichsrdson, ,E. W. Thomas, i .'Wadh-OKi and' Pownall, -and cloven steerage. ! S ;! 5 'Dt'i. 10— Cygnet, s.s., 66 terns, 'Murray, ironi Ifiiißiroa, -via "the Bays, Pitc-adihly and Co., ■i|fige»tt). ;.-■,■'!. :#. <- ; ': : SAILED. ! ; '4' ; -'Deo. 10—MJanaroa-, 0.5., 1391 tons, Smith, for ' J *sTdri'ey,-via- east c-cast .parts. XJnlcta- Steanii fiaip Ooimpany, *etwts. PasKeoffera:. For AVelJ&ton—Miissea Holkn, >£'CLae'hla.n, Joughm, }J=nS. Bonmer,- ifesdamea Butcher, Bates, -ftt'La»Hwn, Fr-aer a-u-cl Patereon, Messi-s ''-tyrne, Da-ing. Pyobinscn. Harris, Butcher, i*. r olan, M'L'Rchlan, ■BccckLeback, Brite-s, Hol- !:'; m and-G-aliaidi; For''Napier—Miss Reming- ,^; in, Mra Nantes. Mr Nantes-; for Auckland—x'fi'dt&ek -Porter;-Kirk, A'ien (2), -Dumiago and " iSrker, Mesdamea Craven, 'Raphael and ?..-(ughes, Messrs Hester, Cutts, Hughes, iDains, •aiewitt, Oraven «nd Raipih-ael. Hi' Dec. 10—Tacawera, s.s., 12G0- tons, 'Stott, for •-tfrellington. Union Steamship Company, ■/■'gents.' •Co'llina, Mrs '■{■Ac-mais, Mk'Sßrß -00-iy.ns, M. Cohen, Porter, "■ :: aTunno33 >a.i:d HoMiand. 'Deo. s.s., 1246 tens, Beaumoat, ■i'-'tor 'Dimedin. Union Steamship Company, urgent?. '—Mrs Showman, Messrs -t; Biowman, Jtceso and G'eorgev :'-: Deo. 10—AV-ateatu, ia-s., 9-5 tons, Will's, for i Cheviot, Kaikoarra. and AA r ellington. Kinsey, : - Barca and Co., 'agents. ->-» IMPORTS. ■£ -Moura.: From -Auckland—l caso goods, ; ';'K>soft' timber, 2 h'hds and 15 cases -syrup, G t cases cubes,' 2-116 bags and 450 sacks sugar, 2 ?• Mtda tedacle, 302 Mis laths, 5 pkgsi ra-isins, : i 12V baJos paper, 52 -Vg?. _ potatoes, 50 case* iißand soap, .6 coses qiaickshino, 6 coils cordage, t* 499. -sacks 'pumice, 45 oaaes fruit, 11'Wis doors, ~: 1' case saddlery, 2 'bales brooms, 3 bales lea-:---th»r, 1 isic-paratoir, : -3 anantelpieee-s, 2 p-kg* tea, V-:27 caseia pinrcs', '2 go-carts-, 1 casei drapciry, 200 Sf-baga'-flour, 12 cask-3 pelts, 40 eases, 14 pkgs, G i'tempty 'hhda; from 'G-isborho—2o sacksi lin&oed,. .';'l6 casks pelts; from Napi'tr—3 sacks seed, 9 %>' cask 3 pelts,' 4 siacks. hides, 2 pkgs, 1 caße. '•';■.' '-'Tawwer-a: F-rora AVcHingtoa—ls cases tea, :t:;l5 casos rttatches, 10 ossea jam, 4 tens iron, 1 ! i!caak oil, 2 crates figs', 2 bars- steel, 26 sack.? Shides', 37 esse®, 1, 'bale, 1 trunk, 29 pigs, 1. ■i--keg, 25 orates empties, 2 casks, 8 empty bids, : ''l 3 orates; -from Plctcrc— s casks-pelts. ,-;'■-,' M-ararca: From Dimedin—2 drums dip, 1 «ndl 12 ibjhds aCe, 76 bars lirom, 4 sheets f'eteel, 10 lengths pipe, i cases acid, 4 ranges, ;.;15 bags 2 blocks-, Si bales twine, 14 tins S'^Boft so-ap, 403 c-ase'3 butter, 133 oa sea, 24 phases, 7 35 pkgs, 2 opaites, 1 truss, 1 Sioask. ■■''■.' ■ ■• j|".,.-.Wa-katu:' From Chevidt—2sl bales- -wool, 13 s|s:pligg machinery and appliances-. jf ■ . (EXPORTS. $ : .-. Rotom-an'ana: For Wellington—66 pkgs bis- |" pu,il3 unci coinfeotioneT} - , 2_cratosi sugar, 8 plcgs ':Xti/airdwaie,-1 truss hose pipes, 33 oases and 0 r»barrels ale;-16'pkgs •ranges, 1 boiler, 1 box_ a ; ;steel, 10 lengths pipe, 4 oases 'acid, 4 ra-nge3," ■" pollard, 50 eacks floair, 1 cultivator, 7 plough if.'-wheels, 116 sacks patiat'ces, 30 'feoffis «nd, 9 '•ioasog oggs, 117 Mis willows, 22 pkgs agrifficuitural machiiinery, 1 gig, 2 bars- steel, 1 pump, 5/67: cases -and pkgs; for 'Nelson—s pkgs disc $ harrows, 1 pkg; for Manuka-u—l horse, 3 -I 1 pkgs; for Foxtea—3 orates biscuits;, 1 box i'.cake,-1- easy boots 1 , 33 eacks bran, 10 sacks I,flour; for Blenheim —3 crates biscuits, 1 case ':confectionery, 1 case; for New Plymouth—s f;b3irire!s ar.d'll casea 'ale, 2 crates biscuits, 1 i:crate «ind 1 ca«e comfeciicnery, 1 case, 1 truss; ;';for Patea—l oaae bo-ots; for Pic ton—2 par-■•f.-c«l-9; far AVanaamui—l sack, 3 pkgs. if! .Taiari: For West-port—2o cases boots, 2 ! iV.bales leather, 1 crate hiscuiits, 4 boxes cake, i If'cam confectionery, 1 .case dried fish., 70. bags J" flour, 10 "meka hram, 30 sacks pollard, 60 .'-.points rand a-ossiegs, 2SO sacks chaff, 8 cases '£aid 'pkgs. " . ' ■ . i".-;,i Monra: For Duncdin —45 cases picktes,_33 It"casts sauoe, 5 t> cordials, 2 cases baking ".pepper, 4 cases hams, 1 case -and 1 cask drugs, Ji 100 bags lime, 29 cases end pkgs. ii : ; I«ly: For> Wellington—9oo Backs, -wheat, 100 <:!,: Bttoka-and 200'bags feur. |J::V-. 'EXPECTED ABRIVAIjSv, ; .' : ;' : From London— left Oct. 4.- : -Gothic, >St& 'W«Uiriflion Dec. 7. Delphic, left Oct. \[St, ;: . <Juo 'Pwt 'CHalm-eM Dec. 20. Star of New -vZr.aktricl, left. 'Nov. 6. 'Ruapehu, left 'Capo ',.? Towa Nov., 30, duo Lyttelt-Mi Deo. 23. B'aka.vaj.. '.; : l«ft Nov. 30, dua Port Chalmers Jan. 31: Oorinthic, -kift Nov. 21. duo AVeHinglora Jan. 5.5.-. SWhakatame, 'left .Deo. 6. Mainaori, loft Sped A. ■■ , : ;;j : .;. From New York—Lelihington, s.s-., 4121 tons, ft ; ftt iAueltland Dec. -5. Gracchus, s.s., left Oct. - 20. Qusen Mary, s'.a., 3564 tens. Indraghiri, ; '? -From 'Goole^—Coaatanaa', ship, 748 tons, left 'i<Vov:-. 24. '■n- From - Newoastilr— C. Tobias, barque; 797 IJtensV left Dec. 6. hft Dec. 9. ■fe:,--FMni Manning River—Mo'ana, scow, 96 I*THB'-UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S ' FLEET. IfeTHUßSDAY.—Rotornahaua from and. leaves on rotu'rn trip. MoeS''ii»ki' 'arrives from Melbourne via southern ports'.,and.-leaves for Sydney via Wellington. iSUpolu arrives from Wellington-,' Nelson and |I!NW Plymouth and leaves for Akaroa, Timaru, sOamaru and Dunedin. Kini leaves for fconthiv'-''.;;-.-■HiiYc'sterday the s.-s Mout.i, amvd from AVc'■pngton, arid ports at G3O am, tho WO a,»- g?" 1^

the s.s. Tlairawera from Wellington at 7.45 ia.m. The Union Steamship Company's new s.s. Moeraki will pay her first visit to Lyttclton to-day. She is to arrive from Melbourne via the south this morning, and to for Sydney'via Wellington -this ■afternoon. The departure of tho s.s. Devon for Napier has been postponed until noon to-day. The Shaw, Savill and 'Albion Company's new s.s. Corinthic is due at Wellington from London,oq Jan. 5 next. The s.s. Cygnet arrived from Akaroa at 2.45 'p.m. yesterday. 'I/he Shaw, Savut mid Albion Company's s.s. Bangatira is to return to Lyttelten from Port Chalmers for loading on Sunday next. Tho Shaw, Savill and Albion Company's s.s. Matatua i will not come to Lyttclton this trip. The s.s. Gothic, expected to arrive here next Sunday, is 110 leave for North Island ports on Dee. 2i. The s.s. Maiaioa left for Sydney via east coast ports and the s.s. Tarawera- for AA rellington yesterday evening. The barque Clydesdale, which left Newcastle for San Francisco on July 9, has not been heard of. TIMARU. The s.s. AVaimate visited Timaru early this week to land 800 case 3 of sheep dip and load 3000 bales of wool, 100 bales- of flax, and 50 casks of tallow and pelts. She was to leave for AVanganui last night. The ship Oamaru, having discharged her inward cargo, is now waiting for wool. TELEGRAPH' NOTICE BOARD. LYTTELTON, Dec. 10. Arrived, 8.5 a.m., Tarawera, for AVellington; G. 40 a.m., Moura, from AVellington; 6.40 a.m., Mararoa, from Port Chalmers; 3 p.m., Cygnet, from Akaroa. Sailed, 9.30 p.m., Tarawera, for AVellington; 1.30 p.m., Moura, for Port Chalmers; 12.30 a.m., Dingadee, for Greymouth. Dec. 10. Arrived, 9.80 -a-.m., Rotomahana, 'from Lyttclton. | Sailed, 8 p.m., Rotomahana-, for Lyttclton; 4.5 p.m., Goodwin, for Hong-kong; 12.55 p.m., Upolu, for Lyttelton. \ AUCKLAND, Dec. 10. Arrived, 2.45 p.m., Mttnapouri, from Tonga. , : PORT CHALMERS, Dec. 10. Sailed, 5.30 p.m., Moeraki, for Ly'ltelton. GREYMOUTH, Dec. 10. Sailed, 4.10 'p.m., Pareora, for Lyttelton; 4.50 p.m., Rosamond, for Lyttelton. AKAROA, Deo. 10. Sailed, 8 a.m., Cygnet, for Lyttelton. v TIMARU, Dec. 10. Arrived, 9 a.m., Rimu, from Lyttelton. OAMARU, Dec. 10. Arrived, 8 a.m., Bangatira, from Lyttelton. SHIPPING TELEG.RAMS. AUCKLAND, Dec. 10. Arrived—Manapouri, - from the Islands. Pakeha, from Dunedin. WELLINGTON, Dec. 10. Arrived—Mcnowai, from Sydney. Sailed—Rotomahana, for Lyttelton; passengers —•Misses Bute, Fairweather, Penny and Lane (2), Mesdames Clarkson, Dupre, Lowcay and child, Peacock and ehiid, Palmer, Boggart, Turnbull, Taylor and infant, Field and child', Field 3 and two children 'and Horsley, Messrs Isi'tt, Dowdall, Spopner, Holmes, Cox, Shand, Penny, Ker, Harrison, Gillespie, Timose, Campbell, Tikao and eleven steerage. Goodwin, for Hong-kong. The Mamari left London on Deo. 3 for Auckland and AVellington. DUNEDIN, Dee. 10. Saile3—Mo?, for northern ports; passengers for Ly'itelton—Mi.B=es Uoiraldson (2). Mrs Moore, Messrs Lamb. 'Hcgan. O'Leary, AVatars, and Campbell, and Msstar Cock. AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. SYD'NEY, Dsc. 10. Arrived—Enrlv. AVarrimeo, from Wellington. 'HWgarita- and AVocsune:, from Kaipn-ra.. Sailed, 2.35 p.m.—Waikare, for New ZeaPORT STEPHENS, Dec. 10. I Sailed—F/lveriiaud, for :Greyraou'iih. awn ra»ww,H»< M Mnww«»«»——a—w—imw« xjßwwrtwmiwwpMMa^i—M> I —COME and see our Overmantels, black 9£il gold. H. Atkinson, 117, Manchea.ter Street. F 1698 ;]

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12996, 11 December 1902, Page 4

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SHIPPING Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12996, 11 December 1902, Page 4

SHIPPING Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12996, 11 December 1902, Page 4