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■WEATHER REPORT, ETC. . Vigh Water, This Day (Monday): Morning l S ».m., afternoon. 1.55 p.m. Sun rises 5.38 t'xaV*®* 9 6.3 P-t“- Moon, rises 3.50 a.m., sots 8.20 ?-m-. SUNDA y, SEPT. 28.

1 MAGNETIC observatory, . CHRIST CHURCH. ''■lletcorological observations, taken at 9.30 turn.. Sunday, Sept. 28: 'Barometer 30.-ISI. h Maximum temperature during preceding 21 tours— - 19.1. ■. Minimum temperature during preceding 21 hours —35.1. '' Temperature at 9.30 a.m.—Dry bulb 43.8, wot lilb 42.2. per cent—76. Maximum temperature in sun—l2B.s. /Minimum theirn'cmeter on grass—3s.3. < •Direction of wind—S.AV. rCloud 0.10—4. Bainfall during previous 21 hours —.Oolin. Tendency of barometer—Rising. ARRIVED. Sept 26—Toroa, s.s.. 171 ions, M’Alislor, from Napier. Kinsey, Barns and Co., agents. Sept. 26—Cygnet, s.s., GG tens, Murray, from Cheviot and Kaikoura. Pitcailhly and Co., •gents. Sept. 27—Rc tom all an a, s.s., 91-1 ions. Manning, from Wellington!: Union; _ Steamship Company, agents. Passenger's—Misses Doak, Eunsley. M’Kenzie, Ballinger, Torbeit _ and Hook, Mesdames Burrell, Tait, Wallis, Hillary and child, Brooko-Taylor, Firm and Diamond and three children. Rev M’Donald, Hon E. C. J. Stevens, Cantains Willis and Joyce, 'Sergeant Hunter. Messrs M’Gregor, Izard, Goodlett, Galbraith. Douglas, Cooper, Hawkins. Banks, Singleton, Span!. Tali, JTcnes, ; Bright. Olerhardt, Warnrit, Jordon, Hillary, Firm, Inglis, Diamond, Johnston, Slim, Parry •nd Baker, and nineteen, steerage. Sept. 27—Te Aimu. s.s.. Bernech, from Dunedin. Union Steamship Company, agents. . Passengers— Misses Richards and Ketilo, Mosdames 'Leary and child, Hamilton end Kettle, Messrs Baker, Cohen and Wood, end two steerage. . 1 Sept. 27—Mararoa. s.s., 1381 tors, Smith, from Sydney, via east coast ports. Union Steamship Oomnany, agents. Passengers— Misses Philp. Hobbs. Nice!, Turnbull and {Boakes, Mesdaines "Walsbam, Chatteris, Garlarnd, Cui'hbcrtson. dirndlo arid child. Coles and lian^eschwardfc. Messrs IValsbairi. H-crs-•]ey. Chatteris, ’Balkin, 'Aronstem. _ GoTlrncl, CuthheaJlson. Graham, Raphael, Gill, Milne, Barnshaw, Piper. Lawric. Fkck, Cm™.!, Bonce, - Bussell, Coles and Fawber, and eleven eteerage. , ~ , ;• Sept. 2S—Penguin, s.s., 517 ton*,, Backetrom, from ’Wellington. 'Union Steamship Co., agents. Passengers—Misses Lawrence, Pope, Aiiken and Close. Mosdarnes Maiifcrand, Delamare and Prion. Major 'Smith, hlessrs Black, Harding, Wilson, Miller Gtorge. Smith. Hart, Wheatley, Percy, Pelham, Spiller, Halstead, 'Cooper, Taylor, Dixon. Rose, Gibson, 'Chatman-, Ansley, Bosley, Cowner, INcwe Essex, Engletor, Delamnro and Hall, ibx’s Gaiety Gompauv (8), Rickards'* Vaudeville Company (16) and t.wenily-seven steerage. » ; SAILED, ift Sept 27 Tutanckai, New Zealand Government s.s.', ■' 411 tons, Bollona, for southern 27—Kent, s.s.. 3505 tons, Crawford, 'for South Africa, via Port 'Chalmers. Kinsey, Barns and Co., agents. . Vv Sept. 27—Araiapu, brigantine, 12. toils, Grubb, for Kaipara. Pitoaitbly and l Go., *°Seot 27—Dilnnssitnd, baroue, 530 toils, Richards, for Kaipara. ■ W. White and Co., I ?Sent. 27—Mararoa, s.s., 1381 tons, Smith, lor Dunedin. .Union Steamshio Co., agents; passengers—Messrs Palmer and Irvine. ■ , Sent. 27—To Anau, s.s., 1025 tons. Bernech, for Wellington and cast • epast ports. Union Steamship Co., agent?,; passengers for Wellington—Mesdames Wynrlham ard boy and Harman. Messrs Stringleman, Preston 'and hoy and Andrews; for Auckland—Captain Button, Sept. 27—Rotomahana, s.’s., 914 tons. Hanning. for Wellington'. Union Steamship Co., agents; nassengers—Misses Shaw, Kearns, ’’O’Brien, Dimant, Tastin', Hall-Tones, Oakley Brown. • Mesdames Fraser. Kearns, Samson, Young. Hill, M’Harrie, Unite, George and. Hawkin', Colonel Wood, Dr Young, Messrs Mor'ey, Gcw. Farland, S. Brown, M'Burniy. Fraser. Kearns. Samson, Young, George, Slum, Parrv, Cl eland , Mul cahy Stevenson, Claridge, Madden. Wylie, Thompson. Mnrkey, M'lntosh, Gallaway, Watts, Inghs, Johnson, Sivers (2), Richards, Btmken'benr. Horning. Mansfield, Livermore, Benson, \Vatkins, Stevenson', Deakin, Allan, Lyes, Janison.'Fulton, Clark, Harding,'Boyd, Lavcork. Rowley, Baker and Galbraith. , Sept. 38—Paparoa, 'B.s.. 4216 tons, Jaggard, for Wellington. Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents. THE UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S FLEET. MONDAY.—Penguin leaves for Wellington, Picton and Nelson. Kini arrives from Grevmouth. > On Saturday the s.s. Rotomahana arrived from Wellington at 7.50 m, the s.s. Te •Aft'iiu from X)unoain at 8.45 a.m. ■and Iho -£..a. AlJiraroa from Sydacy, via* 'east coast aorta, at X 0.30 a.m. “ f . The Government s.s. Tutaaiekai left for Bouthem. lighthouses at 5,20 a.m. on Saturdav. ; The b.s. Toroa arrived /from Napier/at io p.m. on Friday and went into dock on Saturday morning for her annual overhaul. ('-The s.s. Qygnet arrived from Cheviot and Kaakoura at 10.30 p.m. on Friday and went cn the slip for cleaning and painting on Saturday morning. . ° •AThe Huddart-Parker s.s. Zeakndia w-as delayed at Sydney this trip to undergo her bail-yearly survey. The s.s. Sussex, from New Zealand, arrived at- Durban on Sept. 16, The new White Star liner Corinthic is to leave London for New Zealand on Nov. ‘’O r The s.s. Kent left for South Africa, via Port Chalmers, at 12.15 p.m. on Saturday. The brigantine Aratapu sailed for Kaipara ftt 2.13 pm. on Saturday, and the barque Dilpussund left for the same port at 3 p.m. , - The departure of the New Zealand Shipping Company's s.s. Papaxoa, for Wellington, was delayed by a couple of accidents. Wheat attempting to get away from the wharf on Saturday afternoon it was found that she was foul of the moorings of the dredge. Later in the day a steam pipe in connection with her ■team steering gear burst. This was repaired, •nd the vessel left at 2.10 p.m. yesterday. The s.s. Mararoa is to undergo her annual overhaul at Dunedin, She is to leave that port on Oct. 14 for Sydney, via cast coast ports. The s.s. Rotomahana, on arrival at Lyttelton 1 'on Oct. 4, ’will go 'to Port 'Chalmers fox her annual overhaul, and will rosumo her running from Lyttelton to Wellington, on Oct. 16. She and the s.s. Tarawera will then leave Wellington and Lyttelton on alternate days. The latter steamer will relievo the . Rotomahana from Oct. 4' to IG. . The s.s. Beckenham, from Lyttelton, arrived at Durban, on August 8. ' The British ship Patterdale, 1169 tons, Captain Lockmann, which _ left Newcastle on March 24 for Iquiquo, with a cargo of coals, 'and has not been heard of since, has been posted missing. 1 On Saturday lihe s.s. Mararoa left for Dunedin at 6.10 p.m., the s.s. To Anau for Wellington and east coast port at 6.16 p.m., and the s.s. Rotomahana for 'Wellington at 9.30 pm. > The s.s. Penguin arrived from Wellington at 7.30 p.m. yesterday. TELEGRAPH NOTICE, BOARD. - LYTTELTON, Sept. 27. _ Arrived, 8.5 'am., Rotomahana, from Wellington; 8.40 am., Te Anau, from Port Chalmers; 10.33 am., Mararoa, from Wellington; 10.30 am., Paparoa, from Port Chalmers. 'Sailed—7.3o pm., Roit', for ’Wellington; 12.20 p.m., Kent, for Port Chalmers; 6 p.m., Mararoa, for Port Chalmers; 6.23 pm., Te Anau, fox Wellington. I: Sept. 28. Sailed, 2 pm., Paparoa, for Wellington. ■ W'ELLINGTON, Sept. 27. . Arrived, 10.30 a.m., Waihora, from Lyttelton. ijSailed, 5.30 am., Tutanckai, for southern lighthouses; 11.45 p.m., Penguin, for Lyttelton; 10 pm, Waihora, .for Sydney. i _ ■ Sept 23. Arrived, 9.15 am., Te Anau, from Lyttelf>n; 9.20 a.m., Rotomahana, from Lyttelton; .20 am.. W'afcatu, from Kaikoura; 11.15 am., Sclsdon, ■ from "Westport. ' .'Sailed, 6.15 am., Tomoana, for Bluff, i!" , TIMARU, Sept. 27. Sailed, 9 p.m., Rotokino, for Lyttelton; 9.30 Mn.j iLM.S. Bingarooma, for Akaroa. IK-.; PORT. CHALMERS, Sept. 27. . Arrived, 12.56 p.m., Mokoirt, from Lyttelton. ■ . , Sept. 28. NArnvcd, 11.50 am., Kent, from Lyttelton; II 0 a.m., Mararoa, from Lyttelton. ' WESTPORT, Sept. 27. ■fSsiled, 5.55 am., Poherua. for Lyttelton' GRKYMOUTH, Sept. 27. jSadl'ed, 6.20 pm., Kini, for Lyttelton. AKAROA. Sept. 27. jiArrived, 10.5 am., Tutanckai, from Lyttel- _ - PORT ROBINSON, Sept. 27. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, Sept. 27. for-the south; passengcM 'lij I

for Lyttelton—Miss Johnson, and Messrs Vine 'and Jacquet. GISBORNE, Sept. 28. _ The Tarawera passed East Cape _at 1.15 p.m. A heavy south-east sea is running, and sho is not expected i:o arrive before 9 p.m. It is doubtful if the tender will got out tonight, but it is hoped to tender tho vessel at 5 'a.m. to-morrow. WELLINGTON, Sept. 28. Arrived—Rotomahana. and Te Anau, from Lyttelton./ 'Soladen*, from Westport. Sailed—Waihora, for Sydney. Penguin, for Lyttelton. „ „ , WESTPORT, Sept. 27. The Admiralty's chartered transport collier, Mercedes, brought from Hongkong an entire crew of Chinese, comprising thirty-nine deck hands and stokers. The European crew will ba discharged at Wellington. As tho captain is liable for £IOO penalty, under tho_ Immigration Restriction* Act, for each Chinese deserting, the crew will not bo allowed shore leave. PORT CHALMERS, Sept. 27. Arrived—Mokoia, from Lyttelton. AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. SYDNEY, Sept. 27. Arrived—Toroa, from Mokau River. Sonoma, from Auckland. Sailed —Monowai, for Wellington. NEWCASTLE, Sept. 27. Sailed—Taviuni, for Dunedin. MANNING RIVER, Sept. 27. Sailed—Moana, for New Zealand. CLARENCE RIVER, -Sept. 27. Sailed —Silver Cloud, for New Zealand.

i . d. h. m I* JJew moon . . 2 4 49 p.m. " ' Pint quarter . . . 10 D 45 a.m. ** ;■ Full moon • . IS 5 5S a.m. ,1 , Last'quarter .■ . 25 i 2 a.m.

* 9-a.m. Ivoon. 5 p.m. Baromeftr . 30.-15 30«0 30.51 . v. Thermometer •10 50 ■1G i' Calm- ,.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12933, 29 September 1902, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12933, 29 September 1902, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CVIII, Issue 12933, 29 September 1902, Page 4