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V ; T :r ''/ LYTTELTON. '- ':' :: Lyttelton. is situated in lat. 43.37 south, '■> iong '172.44 east; and ttiho difference of time Lyttelton and Ohristchurch is 203ec The time-ball is dropped every week day at : 'l' pan.,-Stow Zealand mean time, which is :J equivalent to 13.30 Greepvich mean twno of ■.v : ? the "previous day, being calculated for 172 deg, ; : I 30min easrti doag., and li'-ors 30min «ast oi ;l : iGre.enwidi mean time. t\^'■''""■■ PHASES OF THE MOON. ■ JUNE.

■ WEATHEIR ItEtPOtRT, ETC. . . - High Water, This Day (Tuesday) :■ Motreuaig, 6.16 *.m., .atfternoon, 6.39 p.m. Sua rase* 7.36 ' i a-m., serfs 4.28 p.m. Moori rises. 7.37 p.m., sets '-■ •)'■::• 01R *.in. ■;:" : MOQSIDIAX, JTM?B 23. ■■■■'■.'. 9 a.m. Noon. 5 .p.m. ;''j.-, Onto. ■.. ■'"' THE WEATHER IN AUSTRALIA. ■"-:/:> The tollo-wing weather Reports -were received ■ stations'yesterday : .Albany, 'Jwia SOr-WxA, iNVK; barometer June S.W.; barometer "' firue. ... -';";! ; WEIATKER. IN- NEW ZEALAJND. : f-! ;v :'Tha -following Weather reports were received v? %6mi New Zeaiamd stations yesterday:— rS; : ■- Jteukau ■' He*ds-Wrnd, north, moderate ';.-'' giio| : IbaromeAer 29.76, thermometer 58-, NM, fresh; baro- - : :! Jnj*fer 29.74, thermometer 63.; rain, sea, rising. ; EMS., • fresh; barothermometer 57; gloomy; sea gloomy and foggy. . ■ m . 'N.E.rwest;- barometer ;w' r 'iJG9.66, .itb-erartometex So; *ram, -sea. arouga. S.E., frosh; barometer :ii : «'B9 87' luhenmometer 50; gloomy, sea.'fresli. barometer 29.81; thenno- ■ - : meter 48; gloomy, sea> moderate, :■ : : : Edwuv reports froA be■"•'■fl twaea nortlh-e&st oad north and west »»'jt°J» ffit «11 places irorlih Of Napier and : -: to between north and : :"east and sou'bh-eaat Whence south 'to. Lyttelton r :--"4iid Hokitika, with heavy ram, and on botii sea- will be heavy. Strong ,easterly ■'■ i ! :winds sre to bs expected southward _of LytA low pressure from the ;i::;;iiortih-west is -approaching Cape farewell. ;/'::^.':.*.- ; -J•.{'-*''' ————— - ?

f:-": ": ; v "WEATHER FORECAST. ■- '" The following weather forecast was : i ; graphed', from Wellington yraterday:-TA. ' :: . from; between tho -north-east and nortn and i: ' ;: "-■west : -B!t all places n-0-rtliwa.rct of.- East Cape, s-.-' Tfuxpo and Manukau, extending; southward to :=SNatner and' .Raglan ,after'v from sixteen to : !':';; hours; -a gale from between the north ••i^Jarid-east and sotvth-east thence southward to i^:-iK&ikoura and HokMka. after ten hours, and W' :! -'strong north-east to east and south winds V>4im' The 'i .barometer : will furfcer ..-r'iiall* but rise- at places .of Thames ' and Manukau ; ! ':*|f««r;' : -tw^ 6 fr°' ur3 - T3ie eea _ will be ' on. the east co-asii northward of East : '; ; : !, :; ::.Oape' and between Castflkpoint and Kaakoura, ':---"' ? 'iiiJl»o' : on' the west coast -northward of 'Oape considerable thence sou'tlhward, and elsewhere. The tides will be Hugh •#S-'-taa-the""east coast north of East Cape, g° o< * ewa&w-aad, high on the west coast i'*;:;?ittoir«h of 'Cape Egmont and also a* Cape Jare-''?''¥-ifreUr'and good, elsewhere. [Rain .will probably " :?: ■,-ibe-ih-eiavy at most places north of Lybteltaa- and ?: : PKiHbkifctka. Warning signals for northerly galea '0 : --vn' : -exhibited- <vt Tiritiri and for. easterly gailes ,j;V--|S*'-"Oaipea Campbell, Foulwind, Farewell Spit Point. .Synopsis of the last foityv'Skviight (hours :—Northward of Hokitika, and Lyt--#;<'Mton, Uha' I?arometer has con-binned _to Ml "sf'rirtcftdily, Irat most in the northern- districts. Easterly gales and irain have been ex- '.*! "perienoed northward of Kaikoura and JdoJa--1: ;?'- tifca, -and moderato westerly, winds elsewhere. ■'ri.The low pressure from thawe3t, due at the - -'V' iaeridian of South Cape yesterday, has passed '/further southward'"than usual. The pressure ; : "' ifiow im tho Tasman Sea. at about 200 mites

''■ ' ARRIVED. June 23—OBeckcnham, s.s., 2983 tons, Raekurn, frc-ni the BlufE. G. G. Stead -and Co. fcnd Friedlander i8r03., agents. ! . „ SAILED. Juno 23—Penguin, s.s., 517 tons, Lake, for Wellington, "Pioton and Nelson. Union - Stwwnsnip Company, agents. Passengers.: SFor Wellington—Misses -£"oupland, Livin-ir-oton'e, Traiili, 'Payne and Bffistcw, Meisdame3 TTnwin, 'Cooper, Meaclem, Hasfcia -and twochildren, Messrs Donald,' Sharp, Harding, ©lack <2), Moiiien, Burrows, Taylor, _J. Lue . and H. Piper; for. Picton—Me-sdames Syjnorns (2), and child, Mr J. G-. Mitchins'on; for Nolsoii—Two Sisters of Missions. IMPORTS. P«ngnJn: Fsora Wellir.g'ran—l9 bales bags, 6 -boxes butter/ 10 c-ask 3 pelts, 1 bull, 2 bdls end 5 bars iron, 6 caaos, 13 pkgs, 2. bales; faom Onehunga—s pkgs tea, 2 -crates, poultry, •10 'ham-r/sirs', 3 'fcran-ks; from -New Plymouth—- „ 1 c*»ef from Picton—ll casks pelts, 1 case, / 1 portmajitoaux; fromi iNelfion—l ibale liops, 2 c*ses camples, 31 oases. 'EX'PO'RTS. . Rdtoamflhana: For Wellington l —lsl sacks potatoes, 43 -pkgs biscuits and confectionery, 83 cages fruit, lfi cases alo, 2 cases 'boots, 5 pkgs rang-es,. 1 case wine, 1 cra'te peraimbulatorSi 7 cylinders, 5 sacks oatina, 2 bags rivets, 1 mill, 4 oase9 eggs, 3 'bdfo S pieces wire rope, 1 pkg ironwork, 10 tons pig -fron, 20 cases e-mpty xeturncd, 50 bales and 64! trusses -hay, 50 sacks flour, 165 Backs pofcu-i teas, 1 sack, 14 bags and 61 gunnies onions, ' 3 cases itubos, 73 bars irom, 2 trusses ttealther, 2 cases oranges, 100 sacks bran, 1 case and 1 (parcel fireworks, 2 roller checks, 87 cases and , pkgs; for Foxfcon —5 oa3es ale, 2 oratos fowls, . P-i c<;se; for IPatea—ll sacks oats, 2 oases; for "W-angaaaii—7 casos; for -New Plymouth—--1 cntes biscuits, 1 separator, 1 truss -lealiher. Te For Wellington—26 sacks potatoes, 1 boat; for CKaipiei—2o ibosos lemons, 1 Ibdl trees, 7 oases sauco, 6 oa-sea vinegaa-, 5 cases pickles, 2 bicycles, 2 pkgs.ranges, 14 ipkgs furniture, 11 sacks oatina, 60 eacks maMi, 40 cases fruit, 2 bogs rivets, 24 ©a-s-es and rokgs; for Oisborne—2 cases confectionery, 20 Backs flour, 1 sack meal, 80 saoks calls, 12 cases an-d! pkg 3; for Auckland—l2 cases ale *nd stout, 4 cnates ibiscuits, 2 cases confectionery, 15 .sacks oatina-, 3 crates ventlat'ors, 6 itrussea leather, 973 sacks potatoes, 1813 Mcks "rfhapb, 925 eaoks oa-ts, Hi -sacks beans, 100 saoks flour, 13-4 -bales atecw, 5 sacks peas, 132 sacks onions, 14 cases live hares> 1 bag tuinips, 1 oass fireworks, S s : t£c!l plates,' 1 I bar 5 cases bacon., 1 saddle, 68 cases *nd pkgs.. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From London—Hawlco's Bay, left April 13. lNi/waxu, ait Auckland. W-aimate, at Auckland June 21. CM/aniari, left May 2, due Port Cha-l--imars June 27. Susses, 'left May 5. Ddlphio, Jeft 'Cape Town. Juno 1, duo Wellington/ June 80. -ftaiaia left May 16, duo Poi't Chalmeia July 28. Ruapchu, left May 21, due Wellington July 7. Waiwera,, left Juno 2, due Aiicktond June 26. Paidhla., left June 2. Wuk&to, left ~. Juno 2, duo 'Auckland July 25. Gothio, lefs v June 7, due- Wellingt-on July 21. Mdmixo-, lefs June 9. From -New York—lnenkeith, 3.3., 3756 tons. Folmina, s.s., 3950 tons. Saint Fillans, s.s., 8630 tons, loft Sydney Juno 21. Hflns, a.s., 4300 tons-, left April 9. Star of New Zealand, «.»., o)t Melbourne, June 21. 'Beira, s.s., 4060 \ *on», left May 20. From Newcastle—Elverland, three-masted iaehooner, 361 tons. ITsiy Moore, barc[ue, 544 tone. ' From Sydney—Frank Guy, barquentme, 191 fton*, left June 16. -From Liverpool—(Hermione, ship, 1120 tons. , VESSELS HOMEWARD BOUND. ".'■■'"" Days out. iim*zono CCa-p'taini GieskeJ .... 54 SRottesky Bay (Captain Jackson) . . 24 THE UNION 'STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S • FLEET. - 'TU'ESDAY. —Rotomia;hana arrives from fWeHingtoai, and leaves en return trip. WaiIhora «rrive3 from 'Dunedin, and -loaves for Sydney, via east caas-t ports. Tai-awera arrives from Syduoy, via Auckland, aad -leaves iot Dun-edin. Mr F. Jftill, formerly purser of the Taviuni, in now pWser on tho Hcura. A Londan naval engineer claims to have designed * liner capable of crossing Hhe A'tloatio to -Ganada in less than four days. Messrs Suddart, Parkor and Company s new i etoamer Victoria, which is being built by 1- 3t!wsrs Owrlay- 03ros. wb Dundee, for the i - AustrailMa4few Zealand trade, will bo launc-h-I ■ *d in Aiumst, and 1 is oxpec-ted to reach the \ Colonies i« November. Captain Thomas Free, ■ well-know* in Zoa'land, will leave Aus- ■ »ttalia to bring Jicr out. . H The ne* cargo sU-amcc (Bocken-ham- arrived ■ -nrlv Te«ta#day moirning from tho Bluff to load ■ mte for South Africa. Sho is a steel screw KSJIip «■ 4663 tons gross and 2983 tons fitted vrilh engines of 429 nominal She- was launched at Stockton and belongs to Britain (Watts, W-atts and Co.), C. Raeburn is in comofficers are:—Mr G. H. B. D 'lfoorna?- second, nnd Mr Mr C S-tomirt is chief J Potter, second; Mr J. Mr T. Ru«h, fourth. It the steamer will leave for Wednesday.

pany has .received information that the s.s. A'ihenio arrived et Plymouth on' (Friday eveaMx E. J. Wainh'ouse, third officer of the Penguin, has been transferred to .the Wainui temporarily as second officer. Mr M'Kenzie Cliff has taken Mr Wainhouse's place on 'the Penguin. Mr Blencowe, formerly 'third officer of tha Pukaki, has been temporarily .appointed to tho Wainui in a similar position!. • Some fifty steamers plying on the. Pacific' coast of tho United States are now using oil as fuel.

The British Consul at Havre quotes figures to show that 'the system discharging seamen in a foreign-port is,_ in part at least, responsible for the increasing proportion of foreign sailors in our niercaiitife marine. •. In 1801 576 seamen were engaged at Havre for British vesseis visiting the port, and 420 so engaged were foreigners. Six 'hundred and l thirty-nine seamen were* discharged, oi whom 337 were foreigners. In'Other words, the proportion of foreign seamen among the crew 3 discharged was 53 per cent, while -the proportion of foreign seamen among the. crews engaged to replace them was .73 per cent. Thus in on© year the changes in- the crews of British ships oib Havre resulted in tho increase of the foreign element on' board those ship 3 to the extent of £0 per cent. The e.s. Penguin ldjt» for Wellington, Picton and Nelson at 5 p.m. yesterday. With- reference to the brat reported as being seen by Captain IRein&rs floating boitttorn upward in latitude 44 south and longitude 55 east, there is reason (s>ays the " iNew Zealand Times") to believe 'thwt the derelict is idcaiticai with a. boat thai!) was lost from tho s.s. Maitatua on tar voyage to Wellington. Captaim Hoimes., of tha latter vessel, reports that a lifeboat was washed 'overboard from the Ma.ta.tua when about :i'he position staited four days before tho 'boa.* was sighted by Captain ■Seiners.

TELEI&EABH NOTICE BOARD. LiyTTEfUTON, June 2-3. Arrived, 8.10 a.m., Beekenham, from Bluff. Sailed, 5.15 p.m., Penguin, -for Wellington. AUCKLAND, June 23. Arrived, 2.30 a.m., Elinga<mito, from Sydney. WELLINGTON, June 23. Arrived, 9.10 a.m., H.M.S. [Ringarooma-, from- Auckland'. Sailed,_ 5.15 p.m.,* Rototmabana, x £ov iLyittelPORT iCHALMEIRS', Jxmo 23. Arrived, 11.45 a.m., Santo Ohiaira, from Marseilles, i Sailed, 2.50 p.m/. Waihora, lor LyMelton. ■ / ■ BLUKP, June 23. __ Arrived, 3, OSpsom, from Durban; 7.1 S p.m., Wsstralia:, from Hobarft. Sailed, 4.35 p.m., Monowai, for Hobart. , /SHIPPING- TELEGRAMS. AiUOKLAN©, June 23. _ Lizard, from Sydmcy. Waimate, frcan London, via. Port) Elizabeth. Sha has 2400 tons of cargo, 2000 of which' ds-fox Auckland 1 . WiE'LLINGTaN, June 23. Arrived—H.M.S. Ringaxooma, from, Auckland. ~ " - , / T Sailed—Canterbury and Indralema, for London. I?.a3S of Balmaha, for JDwrodin: IWtomaihamfj, for LytteltOin; pa&sengersr—Masses Piaul,' <3rdffi ! tlhs, Oxley, Eraser, Haiusmin, Priedland, Joifes, Sltuarfc and Hardoastoe, Mesdaoiies Loixton iamd boy, 'Crump, Duff and Wilcox," Oaptaim Rsv IC. Ward, Messrs Frasear, M-alet, HultcWnson, DevenishMeares, Bennett, IBniteson, LongfoKl, Crump, Clark, B-xingan, Bvsaitt, G-feaves, Grah:am, Hart, Bennett, 'Bawpgark, Humphreys, Morken, Sarxingtan, Peiton, S'mith and G-lover, Masteo? Etas errand fifteen steerage. . TJUNEDIN, Juno 23. l ATritre(d—ltalian fcarque Sanita Ohte-ra, Captain, Mas-sane, tfrom . Marseilles, miter a .passage of 153 days. She has one thousand tons 'of cargo, of which two-thirds- _ are for Dunediai and the remainder {or Wellingtom'. ;BLTJE!P, June 23. Arrived—Epsiom, from Durban. Sailed —Manowai, for Melbourne. ISLAND SHIPPING. . SUVIA, June 23. Arrived—Japanese .war&iips and Waiikare, from Auckland. HTMIi .of - Dornoch, from Glasgow. ' AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. ' SYDNEY, June 23. Sailed—.VenWra;,' for , Sam Francisco, via Auckland. Sir 'Rupert 'Clark is a passenger. NEWCASTLE', June 23/ . Sailed—Quiraing, , for Dunedin. ... v ALBANY, June 23. Arrived— Chaitham, from New Zealand. , HO'BIART, June 23. The Delphic/from London, 'arrived at five o'clock this morning, and sailed at two o'clock thd-s afternoon for Wellington. She brings ten Australian' and eighty-seven' New Zealand passengers. . ___^

New moon Fi«t %usu:t«r Full moon Last quarter a. . . 6 . . 13 . . 21 . . , 29 i. ~5 11 1 ■ 9 m. 41 p.mi 24 a-ra. 47 p.m. i 22) a.m. |

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVII, Issue 12850, 24 June 1902, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CVII, Issue 12850, 24 June 1902, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CVII, Issue 12850, 24 June 1902, Page 4