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'■';KINCAID J S GKLC. HAVE'BEEN AWARDED 50 FIRST AND SPECIAL PRIZES HAMS AND BACON. THEY AKE DELICIOUS, HRST PRIZE SUGAR-CURED HAMS - - 8D per lb FIRST PRIZE BACON, SUGAR-CURED - per lb FIRST PRIZE ROLLS, SUGAR.CURED- - per lb A REALLY GOOD SAMPLE OF VALENCIA RAISINS 4|D PER LB. CEYIiINDO TEA. ' DRINK CEYLINDO TEA, IT IS THE BEST. NO, 1 CEYLINDO TEA, PER LB;, £S 4D NO, 2 CEYLINDO TEA, PER LB., IS 8D SPECIAL CEYLINDO TbJA, WONDERFUL VALUE, IS 6 D PEB NO, 3 CEYLINDO TEA, PER LB., 2 3 - NO. 4 CEYLINDO TEA, PER LB, 2 s 4P> CEYLINDO TEA, IN 51b PARCELS AND UPWARDS. FORWARDED, CARRIAGE PAID, TO ASY RAILWAY STATION IN CANTERBURY. SUGAR, FINEST SNOWDROP, per lb 2Jd, 5 CWT LOTS, £1 3s 63, TONS LOTS £23. Jordan, finest, per lb . . . ,2.4 Sicily . . . . ; * -1 6 , In Shell . . . s c , 0 10 ACID. Tartaric, powdered . . r. •1 10 Nelson's loz packets, each . .' ■ 03J BAKING POWDEB, ETC.. Edroond's, s£d, large Una . . 011 Cream of Tartar, per lb ■. • » 1 o BISCUITS. j, Per fin of 61b. , Per lb. Arrowroot 6Jd . . . i . 0 7 Albert Lunch 2Jd . .*.,.; i. .0 SiCheese. 3Jd . . . » . 'n 't Giingermjts sdl .. » » .05 Mixed 5d . . . ', . • .05 Water, Hudson's. 4d, . . . .0 4 Wine, Aiulsebrook's, SJd . . "95 Cakes, Nonsuch. . . • • • 0 6 Cakes, Oswego . . • • . OIX PEEK, FREAN AND CO.'S BISCUITS: A BLACKING. Day and Martin's Cakes, per doz .0 4J Day and Martin's Liquid, in. jars . 0 9 Mirror, in. tins .' . • ■ •° * iNuggdii Boot Polish, pad *wid brush, etc., per box . . . ► 2 6 Nugget per -tin , .0 10 ©LACK LEAD, James'a 'Dome, per doz box . » • J.J Zebra Grate Polish, pear doz . • • ° f Brunswick Bk-ck, per jar . . . «.o 6 Slack Lacqtfer, per bottle . . .'0 7 BLUE, WASHING, Keen's Oxford, per lb . • »0 9 Kiokett'a Squaw, per lb . . •/•„,„ ■Racket's 'Bag Blue, per doz . ( . 010 e. d. Phoenix Assorted, lib tins, each . , 2.4 Phcenix Assorted,-lib tins, per dos . 16 Muiminga' 21b Jars Jam—,o 10 Plum . 4 . . . Gooseberry . , . . • , , 110 Raspberry ..... , ' 0 35 Orange Marmalade, 21b jars, each Red Ourran't', lib jars, each . , , 011 Crosse and Blackwell's—- , 1 5 Calfsfodt, per* pint foot . . » j, ■ ' MATCHES. Per lb. 'Small Safeties, per doz . .' » .07 Wax Vestaa, Plaids, per doz . .0 2i Pocket Vestas, each . , 0,4 Fire Kindlers, per .pkfc . . . BRUSHWAiRE..'AT MANUFACTURERS' Powdered, per oz • " £ MEATS, POTTED. » 0 5 ( Crosse .and Blackwelt's Anchovy Paste, ■ 0 * , Bloa'ter Paste, Ham and Chicken, " „ * Ham 2,-nd Tongue, Turkey amcl • " ." Tongue, Devilled Ham, Strasburg • u • Li Potted Meat, .Gaime Paste in jars, ITS: A each , . . . .■ . . .11 Jib : tins assorted as above, per tin ,06 Maconochie'a tins . . . ..05 .0 4| Salmon .and Shrimp Paste, per 'tin ,08 . 0 9 Camp Pi'o, per tin . - . . . .10 .0 4 Ox Tongues, large tins . . . ,36 i, Beef, Corned, per tin . . . , 010 . 2 6- Beef, Compressed, per tin . . ' , 1 0 • ° 10 , MEAT EXTRACT. _ Gear, Extract of Beef . . , .10 ■ 0 6 Liebig's 2oz jars, each . ' . . .19 ,0 8 Brand's Extract . . ■ .26 .4.0 6 Bovril, 2oz pots, each . . ~'l6 • ° 7 MAGNESIA. Citrate, per hot. ... , » 010 ,09 Kruse's Fluid, per bot. . , .010 . 0 9 Din'fteford's Fluid, per bot. . , .12 . 010 Diinneford's Fluid, large bot. . . 2 8 / PRICES. .-CANDLES Elediric, per lb ; .; • . Plwin Was, per lb. MILK (PRESERVED). ■ Swiss Milk, "Milkmaid," per tin 0 *S Swisa Milk, Nestle's., per (tin , . 0 6 New Zealand, inpr *i.n Price's Pian'O, are'lf-ffiKng, 12 in hox . 010 New Zealand, per tin Price's Nig-htilights, 8-hour, per box Prlce'a Carriage Candl'es, per box « ■ CHEMICALS. . SAmmomia, washing, per bottle . . Borax, pel ilb ;. . . . ■ Caustic >Soda, lib .tin . . . • Bulphur. powdered,' pe* lb . » . IBorax Paraffin, Qaarga block; • , : . ~X, CHUTNEY, i Coloni'al, pea* bottle , . '.. • « Bengal Club, Is «n 3 . , • • * Macngo, per battle, Is .ana ■ Mango, Bllced, per quart bofctla • •COFFEE. ' Coffee, beslS Mistiure, per lb « ■. . » Fair Coffee,'per lb .■■ . » , * Whole Roa«ted, per lb . . » Chicory, per lb . —.. »■'-■•..» COCOA. Aulgebrook'a Homceopaißhic, per l<b . "Vi-Coooa, per.Soz tins. . • • * V.wn Houitert'9,'ilb tin. . ■ > Cadbury's,- &lb -, tin . ~ ■• »- • ■CHOCOLATE. Cadbury'a Chocolate in fancy baskets, escb. ' < • » ,• • » Faaicy Boxes, each . . . » » ' Chocolate" Creams, per lb • ChocoMe/Creams, in Jib boxea • . ° f Column's D-SJ 1 ., Jib tins . , .06 0 J Oolman'a D.S.F., Jib tins . , , 0 9| Colman'a D.S.F., lib tins . , .17 0 3 Superfine, 7lb tin, per lb . . .1 2 0 8 Fine, 71b tin', per lb . . . .0 10 0 8 CoJaian's D.S.F., 7lb tin, per lb . .17 0 3 French Musted, per pot 4 . . , 1 0 1 ° 'NUTS. Jordan Almonds, per lb . .') w , .24 1 0 Valencia., per lb - . » , .18 } 5 Sicily, per lb . .. . . , .14 J °' Shell, per lb . . , , .... 010 26 Barcelona, per, lb . . , r ,0 7 „ ' . PEEL. 1 ° Lemon and Orange, per lb . • •. 0 6 J 2 Citron; Orairiga 'and Lemoo, mixed, per I I lb. . , . . . ... 010, 0 a Citron, per lb . . . .... « .14 PEPPER. 1 * Pepper, warranted Pure Wiliite, per lb 1 '4 0 _ B s Pickles, per bot. . . , , /."0 9 0 11: .Morton's, per bot . , ... 1 2 010 Crosse and Blackwell's, per bot. . ,I'6 PLATE POWDER AND KNIFE POLISH, n * ETC--0 o Goddard's Plate Powder, per tin . .13 0 5 Needhaim's Polishing Paste, per po'i) . 0 6 010 Oakeya Knife'Polish, per tin .0 6. 0 6 Furniture' Polieh, Adams's, per, boiltle 010 Chocoiaita iCaramels, assorted, per lb , 1 0 Emery Oolth, per doz CHEESE Best Factory, per lb Best Akaroa.. per lb Linoleum 'Reviver, per bottle 0 7 _ ■ SALT. P ° Fine Liverpool, per bag . Stilton Colonial la 8d per lb, per cheese 1 6 Table, Cerebos, per SMM'on Enalisih, 31b jars, each ..76 9 Parmesan, C. and ©., per bottle .10 Keen> g M ixed Spice Roquefort, 31b jars, each . . . 8 b -whoto Mixed Spice, { 0 . ... SPICES. g 6 Keen's Mixed Spice, loz packet . 0 1J 4 0 Whole Mixed Spice, for pickling, per lb 2 0 c r . Cloves, whole, per oz . . .02 3lb_te . . .- . CinWnon, *nole or ground, 'per 'oz I 0 4 : v.- COFFEii ibHJiyiNCJiifci. Nutmegs, whole, per oz . . . .03 Symingtom's, per bottle . ... > 1 i Ginger, whole, bleached, per lb ~ . 1 4 CONFECTIONERY. Preserved Ginger, per dl> . . .08 Mixed Lollies, per lb . . . . 0 4 Preserved Ginger, lib jar' syrup . .09 Fruit Uropß, i>er lb . . . ,05 Preserved Ginger, 2l'b jar syrup . .18 Jujubes, soft, per lb . . . .08 SAUCES. CORDIALS. Lazenby's Harvey's Sauce, per Be Carl's Fruit Syrup, per battle . 0 6 Mellwr's Mild or Piquanit, J-pint bottles 0 8 Lime Juice, ParramaUta., per bottle . 010 Mellor'.s Mild or Piquant, pint bottles 1 2 Lime Juice, Ship's, per botitle ..10 L ee ajl d p«i-rins's, bottles . 1 4 Lime Juice, Best, foridfied by the j jC& an a PeTrins's, pint bottle , 2 4 ißoard of Trade . . .. • • r'i Worcester "0.0., J-pirat bottle . .05 Lemon Squaish, per bottle . ; . .13 Worcester 0.D., pint bottle , .09 Baspberry Vinegar, Munnings, per Worcester 0.0., quart bottOo . .'l6 ho'fctla ~ • •-,■■''.." Worcester Sauce, pinit bottle . . .0 6 iissortled Syrup, Lemon, Peppermint, Tomato .Sauce, Flag, pint bottle .0 7 Pineaapte, Cloves . . . .0 10 Tomato Sauce, Oallaghan's, pint baiitle 0 7 .. >"• CURRY. Catsup, per bottle 010 Crosse and Blackwail,s, ilb, per bottle 010 Anchovy Sauce, C. and 8., J-pinfc bottle 0 9 ' DISINFECTANTS. Carbolic Powder, Jeye's, per tin Carbolic Jeye's Fluid peT bottle . . Carbolic Sand Softp, per, bar . . Candy's Fluid, per 'bottle . • • Camphor, lib 3s 6d, loz blocks . FARINACEOUS FOOD. Dr Branclifa Food, per tin . . • . Allen :aind 'Hambiiry's Food, iNo. 3, per tin . • ■■-. • • . • •. !N"«»ve'3 Food, per ton . . . Patent Groats, Kobinson's, per tm . Paltent Barley, Robinson's, per tin . Anclhovy Sauce, C and 8., J-pint bottle 1 2 . 0 8 Anchovy Sauce, C. and ©., pint bottle 2 3 0 8 Florence Cream, per bottle . . .16 0 4 Mayoanaise .Sauce, per bottle . .16 1 2 Chiaa Soy, per bd'Jtle . . . ,09 0 3 ' SEEDS. Best Seed, Canary and 'Hemp, Sib tins 0 10 for Is, per lb 0 2J Carraway Seed, per lb . . . ,08 J.jJ (SOAP (WASHING). (j g SMkstone,. per bar 9d, per box . .10 0 q g Prize Medal, largo 'bar3, per bar Bd, or Brown'a Cornflour, per tin . • .0 o pr j zo paJo h^ Brown and Poisons . . . "o 7 Challenge sd, per/box . . iMa.izen'3, .. . • ■ • - » ' First Crown 4d, per box . Arrowroot, per ». .0 8 i FLOUR, OATMEAL Barilla Ash, per block . . AT MILLERS .FiaUbS). iSuniight, per bar 4d, per box Roller Flour, 2olb . . . J ij ■w_ v +~<,~h vr„A<*n™>o +«« v,»«i,«»» Tinesf! Roller Flour, 251 b Finest Roller Flour, 501 b . Finest Roller Flour, 1001 b < ■. ■ . Fkteisils Roller Flour, 200 lb sack . Flour, Self-raising, 41b pkg Wheaiteeal, 25ib . . • . Wheatmeal, 71b . . . • OTHER FOODS, ETC. Sago, per ilb Tapioca, per lb ' . . • * 1 ij. Extract! Hudson's ten packets , , l 'g q* Extract Hudson'3, 141 b box , ,5 '. 15 0 " , SOAP (TOILET). .■ 010 Pear's Assorted Twbtets, 4in box . 1 . '2 1J Pear's Unscented Tablets', per cake 6d, . 0 10 per doz tablets 5 Pear's Coal Tar, per 'table'fc . •. .0 j, 0 2 Pear's Oatmeal and Glycerine, per ifcab.o.2 iet) • • • • • • .0 STest I "Japan, 561 b bags 9s, per lb 0 2 Cleaver's Brown Windsor, per cake ! 1 0 , 0. 6 Cleaiver'a Family Juvenia, per cake , 0 6 ,0 3 Vhrolia, pei oako . . . . .06 .03 STARCH. • ° 9 Colman'a No. 1 White, 51b packets, per lb . . . ■ . . . .0 5i , Colman'a No. 1 White, fancy boxes . 0 6 . SUGAR. ' a ax Finest Snowdrop Sugar, per lb . . Q 2J . 0 8 a Finest Snowdrop Sugiar, 5 cwt, at per M*ccaxoni, per 11> . . . .0. 6 weavers Juvenia, per Sih, Egyptian, per lb . ". .03 Vawfca* pei cake . . . Bems, Haricot, peT lb . ..03 STARCH. Quaker Oats, per pkt . . ... 0 9 Colman'a No. 1 White, 51b pac FLAVOURING ESSENCES. lb ■ . . . . . iLemon, Alman'cT, Cochineal, Ginger, ' Colman'a No. 1 White, fancy Raltaiia, Vamilla, .'Celery, Cinnamon, SUGAR. Cloves, Bepperrainlt, Pin© -Apple, Finest Snowdrop Sugar, per •Sage,. Crosse and ■ 'Blackweil s/ , 0 8£ Finest Snowdrop Sugiar, scw Essences, K.P. and Co., 2oz bots .06 1 cwt £1 3s 6d, or per ton i Essences, K.P. and Co., loz beta . 0 5 Finest Loaf Sugar, per lb . FRUITS, PRESERVED IN HEAVY Star Sugar, special preservi SYRUP. crystals, per lb . ... Cfclifornian Backing Co.) Apri- Icing, No. 1 . . . . . cots, Pears and Peaches, etc., m Sugar Candy . 2Jlb tins, per tin . . ..10. SRYUP,. GOLDI ApriootS, Pejms, Peaches, e-te., per tin 010 Go!den g wer Ib # Pineapple, Singapore, per sud 010 GoWaa a ?Ib tina FISH (PRESERVED), Gotdto'Syrup, 281 b tins . . Sardines, Alberts, per tin . . ..o'7 Treacle, per lb . Saxdines, Phil'ippee and Canauds, per B l ac ]j Traacle, 4lb 'tins t<in „•'.■■ ~' i ' ' I ° TOBACCO. Sardines, smaU ,t, n6 Ai and. . .05 Willfoms . Juno per st i c k g d Sardines, 'large tins 8d and . .0-9 W illiams' Juno, in 221 b boxe: Salmon Steak, flat tans . . .0 11 Eub strck lg 3(1 u talmon, Colombo River, per an 0 9 Go[ien B le , per , 3tkk ls 4| Herrings, Fresh, Maconnochie, per im 0 7 „. , » ' £;t [ ck 2 ]b Herrings, in Tomato, per tin Bloaters, Preserved, per 'tin Mullet, Auckland, per tin . Lobsters, per tin . Anchovies, in Qil, per bottle Black Traacle, 4lb 'tins . , .10 TOBACCO. .Williams' Juno, per stick 9d, per lb 5 0 Williams' Juno, in 221 b boxes, per lb 4 10 Ruby, per stick ls 3d, per lb . .60 Golden Eagle, per .stick ls 4d, per lb 6 0 Victory, per stick ls, per lb ~60 Venus Twist, per stick 3d. per lb . 410 Y&LU3 Twist, large stick 9d, per lb . 410 Wo are making a special cut of " MUSKET " by fixing the price *tL 4s per lb. Nail Rod, per stick 4d, per lb . .4 10 Anchovies, Essence, C. and 8., per pfc. • crb ' r cakc 10dj er lb ; ; 5 6 botitle , m a >nv^ AtiT.P<3 i .GELATINE AND ISINGLASS. A MushrooSJ Ohampeignon's, Gelatine, Nelsons, loz . . . .00 per tin -.- 16 Gelatine, Sheet, loz . . . .0 3 Crosse and Giipers, 6oz hot' 0 D Gekifone, Sheet, lib- . . • . Z t> vtmppat? Isinglass, loz pkt. . , . -07, MNEGAR. JAMS, MARMALADE AND JELLIES. Table, . pes bottle . . . . .06 Tm« «f «am for . . .1 0 Champion Malt, per bd.lile . . .09 tins,'Apricot, Crosse fl nd Blackwen-s White, per bot, 2 0 Greengage, Purplogage, Plum, Dam- SUiNDRIJI.b. eonv Gooaiebsrry, Peach, Quince, etc., Angelica, per lb . . . , ,10 per tin sd, per doz . . ... 4 3 An<ma,tto, per bottle, ls and . , ,30 1 KINCAID'S G.1.C., 161 AiMl) 163, COLOMBO STREET, CHKISTCHURCII.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12621, 2 October 1901, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12621, 2 October 1901, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12621, 2 October 1901, Page 2