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KINCAIDS 0.1. C. -BEST ,KE BOS ENE 4,s 6d PER TIN, 03 PER-CASE. following prices:— " lx "Delphic/’ ana ate now selling at Tbe^ JT*w Valencia Riisihs, per lb'. .• '• «Hforai»‘Muscatdp. per lb Vaw -naf it« • g . a t 0 7 s*b tTxftys .Muscatels; per lb « ’• Saw Sultanas’ per lb . . '• . » ft- Fmest Spanish Muscatels. per lb r JTew. Seeded ilttscatels, -per box .08 New Figs, per lb . . , ; GETLINDO TEA. ! HRKK CETLINDO TEA. IT IS THE BEST. & A „ 0 c i I o k 1 4 . 0 73 . NO, 1 CEYIjINDO TEA, PER LB., IS 4D NO. 2 CEYLINBO TEA, PER LB.. J S gD SPECIAL CEYLINBO TEA, WONDERFUL VALUE, ' IS QD PER LB. NO. 3 > CEYLINBO TEA, PER LB., 23. ,■ NQ. 4 CEYLINBO TEA, PER LB., 2$ 4D. ;CEYLINBO TEA, IN 51b PARCELS AND UPWARDS. ‘ fORWARDED, CARRIAGE PAID, TO AN ■ StIGAB, FINEST SNOWDROP, pep lb 2i«* \ STATION in CANTERBURY. 5 CWT LOTS, 3s 6d, TONS LOTS, £23. almonds. a. A a 4 i e 0 10 1 10 0 33 0 11 1 5 Per lb. , 0 7 . 0 2J .0 4 • 0 s , 0 0 . 0 4 . 0 6 . 0 « o n 0 4J 0 9 0 4 Jordan,' finest, ■ per ‘lb ... taiJr ■ l ■ . « » •In OUR-- • • • • • ■ .. . . ACID. i Tartaric, powder*d . - • 1 Jfalaon'* lor packets, each • • , . .BAKING POWDER, EtO. (.Btoond’a, A|d,, large tin* • \ Per tin of' olb. ’ •Arrowroot ,6§d 1 , . • • » •Alban; -Imnoh 2|d < * * ‘Cbttia S|d • » . • • » Oingnaut* Ed • • » » {d. . . « » • '■Water; ISudicmV 4d_ « . . ‘Wine; AuUebrooka sja . • .Cake*,• Sonrech • • • ; psS, F®Sn AND cO -!f : A LARGE ASSORTMENT. ■ • * blacking. end .Martib’a Cakes, pjer doa • "Lay 'and Martin's Liquid, ;a jar# » Mirror, in "tin* . >' • *, . ■ , ■ ' Nugget' Boot Polish, pad and brush, 1 - ofe., per box • ; Nurget Boot Polish, per 4m . . . , . BLACK LEAD., . James a Dojaa, per dos box • • : Zebra Oral* Polish, per. doa . ♦ . Brunswick Black, per 3« • • Black Lacquer, per bottle: . . • BLUE, WASHING. Keen's Oxford, per lb • • Riekett’s Squar*, jer lb ... Riekett's Bag Blue, per doa " BRUSHWARE AT MANUFACTURERS -■ , PRICES. ; CANDLES. . Electric, per lb .• • > Plain Wax,.per lb • • frioa’a Piano, «alf-fitUng, 12 in box rice's Nightlighta, 3-boar, per box ‘Plica’s Carriage Candle*, per box . . ,/ v CHEMICALS. . 1 Ammonia, 'Wishing, p*t bottla • . Blsrax, per lb ■• ■ • • • . Cauetio Soda, llb iin . • • ;powdkr«4, per lb • . Borax Par*2L), i ,Lrge n biofik • Chutney. 1 10 9 0 0 10 0 10 0 Q 6 0 10 o a 0 9 • JAMS, MARMALADES AND JELLIES. St George’s Assorted—lib tins, Apricot, * 4 Greengage, Pnrplegage, plum. Damoon, Gooseberry, Peach, Quince, etc., per fm Sd, per doz . . . Jag Phcenix Assorted, lib tins, each , .08 Phcohix Assorted, lib tins, per doa .49 Munnmgs 21b Jars Jam— Plum . , • n Gooseberry . , # ‘ * “ i o Raspberry ‘.. .. • * " * *l4 Orange Marmalade, 21b jars, eaoh i !1 8 Red Currant, 11b jars, each . . ,13 Croeso end Bkckwell’a—• Calfsfoot. per pint bot . . * , MATCHES. Small Safeties, per doa . , P]ai ds, per doz . “ , Pookei Veitas, each .. , , , Eire Kindlers, per pfct . . * * MEATS, POTTED. Crosse and Blackwell’s Aaohovy Paste, Bloater Paste. H«m' and Chicken, Ham and Tongue, Turkey and Devilled, Ham,: Strasburg Potted Meat, Game Paste in jars, each ... ilb tin# assorted as above, per tin Maconoohie’s tins: . . Salmon end Shrimp Past*, per tin ! Camp Pie,' per tin . , . . Ox : Tongues, largo tins ... .* Beef, Corned, per tin . . , Beef, . Compressed,, per tin . , MEAT EXTRACT. Gear Extract of Beef , , , Liebig’* , 2oz : jars, each . . ' Brand's Extract .... Bovril, 2os gbts, each . . , MAGNESIA, Citrate,. per bot. . . . , % Kruse’s Fluid, per bot. ... Dinneford’s Fluid, per hot, , . ; Dianeford’s Fluid, large ho}. , , , Powdered, per oz . . . . , MILK (PRESERVED). Swiss Milk, "Milkmaid/ 1 per tin , Swiss Milk, Nestle'®, per tin , , , New Zealand, per tin ; , . , MUSTARD. 0 10 1 0 0 10 0 10 1 s Colman’s D.S.F., Jib tina Colmm's D.S.F., Jib tins Doiman’a D.8.F., lib tins denial, per bottl* _ «ngal Crab, _lf And Superfine, 7lb tin, lb 0 8 1 4 0 83 0 11 010 0 * 5 0 10 0 6 1 0 isgo, per boUle, Is and f • • inge, sliced, per quart bottle » . ■ , ■ COKSIBE. See, - beat Mixture, per ‘lb ■„ . ,ir Coflee, per lb ir • • • 4 hole Roasted, per lb • • Scory, per lb • • • • • COCOA, lUebrook’e' Houaosopathic/ per lb > .Cocoa, per Soa tin* .... m Hottten's, Jib -tin < • • • dbuiy'*/ -fib tin . _ • • • • .CHOCOLATE, abuu's Chocolate in fanoj; baskets, each • • * * ncy boxes, each , • • * iccolat* Creams, per lb, * • ocolata .Creams,- m Jib boxes • ocolato Caramels, assorted, per lb . ' ; '■ OHBpSi^e et: Factory, P« lb , • * * ‘ it lAkStrOfky pcf *, * _. U nr-ir 1 fl Itoa Colonial la 8d .perlb, per cheese 1 « Ron Engßshr fb jaw, e aoh .76 xmestn. C. and 8., per bottle iquefprt, 3lb v jari each, » ' bit. Canadian, 2ilb tins » • r””VwEE9SESOBa; X*a Lollies, P« IV -4 • ‘ nit ®top*, per lb • • • * eIi^WALS.* , Carl’s Fruit Syrup, per bottle . . me*Juice, per bottle . I,- at 0 G 0 9 1 7 1 2 0 10 1 7 1 0 Fine, 7ib rin, per Column's D.S.F., 7lb tin, per lb French Mustard, per pot, NUTS/ Jordan Almonds, per lb , Valencia, per lb . . . [ Sicily, per Ih . . , Shell, per lb . Barcelona, per lb , . „ FEEL. Lemon and Orange, per lb . . q Citron, Orango and Lemon, mixed, per 1» . • .... . ~o 1 2 4 1 8 1 4 O 10 0 7 0 7 0 0 Citron, per lb . . . . . . , PEPPER, Pepper, warranted Purs White, par lb i i Plokles, per bot. .... nr Morton’s, per bot * 1 f Cross* and Blackwell’s, per bot. . ''l t plate powder and knife polisi ETO. Goddard’s Plate Powder, per tin ‘, 1 £ Needham's Polishing Paste, per not ! o f Oakey'a Knife Polish, per tin . . n Furniture Polish, Adams’s, per bottla o K 1 0 8 0 4 0 5 0 1 2 0 0 0 10 1 0 1 1 1 8 i a iifuleei- -BeSt. - fortified iosrd of Trade • • • • in‘Squash/, per. bottle . • • berry Vinegar, Munamga, pee im’ Syrup, 4 L»mon, Peppermint, •meappl*, e!a^ RR Y. ’ ‘ * is and B 1 a slew all’s, ilb, per bottla 0 10 disinfectants. Emery Cloth, per doz . . , Linoleum Reviver, bottle . * T . ■ 3ALT. Fjno Liverpool, per bag , Table, Cereboa, per tin . d 1 SPICES, Keen's Mixed Spice, i oz packet . whole Mixed Spice, for pickling, per tv, Cloves, whole, per oz . . . Cinnamon, whole or ground, per oz ! Nutmegs, whole, per o2 . . Ginger, whole, bleached, per lb ’ Preserved Ginger, p»r lb . Preserved Ginger, Hh jar syrup Preserved Ginger, 21b jar, syrup . SAUOES. Lazenby’a Harvey’s Sauce,.per bottl* . i Mellor « Mild or Piquant, J-pini bottUi n Mellbr'n MiM 0 0 10 ilia Sand So»P. per bar )hor. 11b B*' 6d, loz blocks HAMS AND BACON. 3 FIRST AND SPECIAL PRIZES. ■ - FIRST PBIP. 5 , per lb a,-Side*, pa* i» n, Rolled, p*t lb ’ pW FARINAOEOUS FOOD. \ * kanth/c Food, tin . . . i and Hanbury/* hood, No. 8, par 0 8 0 8 l a 0 4J 010 '» Food,, . * • i Groats, Robinson a, per tin i Barley, Robinsop’*, p»r tini'f Cornflour, per tin . • r-aad Poison's . • • i o on 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 63 0 7 0 4 0 8 coot, i Queensland, per lb Sir!’ OAxItB WHEATMEAL AT -MILLEB’3 prices. Roller Flour, 25lba , . , Boiler Flour, 50ib . Roller Flour, lOOlbs , , Roller Flour, 200 lb sack . fi*lf-xaising,: 4lb pkg al,. MpiPe 251 b - bag , inaal/Solb. . * ■ • OTHER FOODS, ETU pti lb • • . • ■ per. lb 2 IJ 4 lg 8 0 15 0 0 10 2 9 2 IJ 010 i, per. n> • • • -tst Japan, 661 b bags 9s, pet lb 0 2 _n-j ’• --- ik ■ . . . ft a 0 6 O 8 0. 83 0 6 0 spl, per lb . . . .Egyptian, per-lb , ... tHaricotf per lb ... Oats, per pkt. , . . • FLAVOURING ESSENCES. , Aimopd, Cochineal, Ginger, •fit, Vanilla, Celery, Cinnamon, US, peppermint, Pine, Apple, », Cros»* *nd Bkckwalis , t s, JtP. aad Od., 2oz bota . ,s/ K.P. and Co., Zos bot* . „ UIT3 PRESERVED IN HEAVY, . BYRUP. , I (ian (Cutting, Packing Co.) Apr;, i, r P««r* and. Peaches, etc., in ► tins,. p»r tin ... .10 i. Tsars, Peaohss; etc., pec tin Q 10 ils, 'Singapore, per tin 8d and- 0 10 FI SB. '(PRESERvEjj). «. Alb*rt4. per * 0 1 I, and Canauds, pet , . ‘ , » » ii 1 0 *, amill tins 4d find . .00 a, iarg* tine Sd and * , 0 9 'fiteaki flat -tins . * . 011 , Colombo River, per tin .09 », Freeh, Maconochie, pet tin O 7 in Tomato, per tin . 010 i. Preserved, per tin . .0 10 'Auckland, per tin . . .OS » pep tin . . . » *lO ies ia Oil, per bottle . .19 I*3, Essence, C. and.B., per pt. * GELATINE AND ISINGLASS, i, - Nelson’*, los t * ** 0 5 », ■ Sheet, loa » t * .0 1} e. Bheat, lib * * • .SO «, l«a‘pkt. * * * * 031 Mellor a Mild or Piquant, pint bottles Lee and Perrin’s, j-purt bottles . Lee and Perrin’s, pint bottje , Worcester 0.0., 3-piat bottle . Worcester 0.0., pint bottje , * Worcester 0.0., quart bottla * Worcester Sauce, pint bottle . , " Tomato Sauce, Flag, pint bottle . * Tomato Sauce, Caliaghan’s, pint bottia Catsup, per bottle 1 . . * Anchovy Sauce, O. and 8., J-pint bottla Anchovy Sauce, G. and 8., |-pint bottle Anchovy Sauce, Q. a»d 8., pint bottle Florence Cream, per bottla . , Mayonnaise Sawc/ per bojtle . , * China Soy, per bottle ; , , SEEDS. Best Seed, Canary and Hemp, 51b tins for le, per lb . . ~ 0 Canaway Seed, per lb . . , ‘ h SOAP (WASHING), fiilkstone, per bar 'Bd, per box . ja Prize Medal, large bars, per bar fid, or per box ..... Prize Pal#, 6d, per box . . Challenge, sd, per box , , First Crown, 4d, per box • , Three Crown, Bd, per box . Bapolio, per cake . . . Barilla Aah, per block . Sunlight, per bar 3d, per box 1 Extract Hudson’s ton packets Extract, Hudson’s, llib box SOAP (TOILET). Pear’s Assorted, Tablets, 4 in box Pear’s Uasocated Tablets, per caka 6d per doz tablets . . . , J Pear’s Coai Tar, per tablet . , Pear’* Oatmeal and Glycerine, per tablet , Cleaver’s Brown Windsor, per cake . Cleaver’s Family Juveaiq, per cake . Ylnolla, per cake ..... STARCH, Colman’e No. 1 White, fiib packets, per Colmon’s /No. 1 .White, fancy boxes ! SUGAR. Finest Snowdrop Sugar, per ib , Finest Snowdrop Sugar, o owt, at per cwt £1 3s 6d, or per ton £23. Finest Loaf Sugar, per ib . . Star Sugar, special preserving large crystals, per lb .... Icing, No. l , . . . , Sugar Candy . , . , , , SYRUP, GOLDEN. Golden Syrup, per lb . , , - t Golden Syrup, r uu tins • * « , Golden Syrup, 28lb tins . . , , Black Treacle, per lb . » , , Black Treacle, 41b tins . . , TOBACCO. Williams’ Juno, per wci: 3d, per lb Williams’ Juno, in 221 b boxes, per lb Ruby, per stick Is 3d, per lb . /, Golden Eagle, per stick Is 4d, per Ih. Victory, per etick Is, per Jb . . t Venus Twist, per stick 3d, per lb , Venus Twist, large stick 9d, per ib We are making a special cut of “MUSE by fixing the price at 4s per lb. Nail Rod, per stick 4d, per lb , , Derby, per cake XOd, per ib . , , VEGETABLES. ■Mushrooms, Champeignoa’a, French per tin . . Crosse and Blackwell's Capers, Boa bot VINEGAR, Table, per bottle , • » . » Champion Malt, per bottla , , , Crosse and Blackwell’s White* per bottle SUNDRIES, Angelica* per lb" » . * Annatto* per bottle, 1* and * KINCAID’S GJ.C., ISI ANi) 163* COLOMBO STREET, CHEISTOHCRCH. - - *

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12570, 3 August 1901, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12570, 3 August 1901, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12570, 3 August 1901, Page 4