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LYTTELTON. Lyttelton is situated in lat. 43.37 south, long! 172.44 east; and tHe difference of time fcatween Lytielton and Christchurch is 20sec. Tha time-ball is dropped every -week day at 1 p.m., New Zealand mean time, which is «quivsleni to 13.30 Greenwich mean time oi the previous day, being calculated for 172 deg , SOmin east Jong., and llhrs 30min east, oi Greenwich mean time. WEATHER REPORT. ETC. High Water This Day (Monday):' Morning, 8.46 a.m.; afternoon 9.8 p.m. Sun rises 7.24 r+va., sets 4.47 p.m. Moon rises 10.2 a.m., sets 11.34 p.m. SUNDAY, JULY 31. ' 9 a.m. noon. 5 p.m. Barometer . . '29.90 29.92 29.98 Thenrmometer . 39 43 40 Calm. ABRIVED. \ ' July 20—Clyde, schooner, 87 tons, Cameron, from Greymouth. Pifcc&ithly and Co., agents. July 20—Mararoa, s.s., 1381 tons, Smith, from,_ Sydney, via oast coast porta. Union ' Steamship Company, agents. PassengersHisses Douglas, M"Beath, Bowen and Gorrie, Alesdames Tripp, Hope and three children-, Smith, Bradley, Rollitt, Courage, Bevin and child and Butler, Revs E. Walker and Jecks, , Lieutenant Matheson, Hon C. C. Bowen, Messrs Wood and two children, Oldfield, ■ Younghusband, Harries, Copeland, Rodgers, ■ ' Adams," Bishop, Smith, Derritt, P. Selig, Rollitt, 'Courage, Mazey, E. Lamb, Orbell, . Rhodes, Gillingham, 'Beivin, Grand, Darcy, Salinger and Butler and thirteen steerage. ' July 20—Petone, s.s., 388 tons, Christian, from Greymouth. C. W. Turner, agent. . July 20—Tarawera, s.s., 1269 tons, Manning, from Wellington. Union Steamship Company, agents. Passengers—Misses Asehman , and Jolly, Captain Bourne, Messrs Munro, Pringle, Thompson, Monk, Shirtcliffe, X»aurenson, 'M.'H.R., and Mewhinmey and eight steerage. ' _ July 20—Moura, s.s., 1246 tons, Beaumont, - from Dunedin. > Union Steamship Company, > agents." Passengers—Misses Kean, Gibson, Layton" and (Dale, Mesdames Ilea and iStfeet, Captain Munro, Messrs Bell, Wilson, Street . (2), Ferguson and Mayo and five steerage. July 20— Papanui, a.s., 4099 tons, Forbe3, ftam Port Chalmers. New Zealand Shipping ' Company, agents. July 21—Corinna s.s., 820 tons, M Donald, from Timaru, Oamaru and Dunedin. "Union Steamship Company, agents. 'j July 21—Tekoa, s.s., 2646 tons', Weston, '"'from London, via way ports and New Zealand coastal ports. New Zealand Shipping Company, agents. July 21—Rotorua, s.s., 576 tons, Macarthur, from Wellington. ■ Union Steamship Comipany, agents. Passengers—'Misses Forbes, ±Jlack, Bird, Franklin, Dawson and Goodiellow, -Mesdames Black, Bird and Franklin, Captain Lewin, Trooper Sycamore, Messrs ». »Doud, IDemis, Williamß, Trevurza, Fisher, Emmanuel, Drake, Blaok, Thompson, Forbes, Holmes, White, Watson, Emmerson, Gifford, Walker, M'Haffie, Drayton, Hoaxe, Brown, , Douglas, Pxangnall, Earle, Pollard, Lafferty, Duff, Adams, Quealy, Hera, Barrison, Pettigrew, Piper and' thirty-one steerage.

SAILED. ■ July 20—ittosamond, b.s., 462 tons, Sutherland, from Greymouth. Union Steamship Company, agents. 'July 20—MMaroa, s.s., 1381 tons, Smith. for Dunedin. Union) Steamship Company, •gents. Passengers—(Misses Hislop (2) and Dixon, Messrs fi. S. 'Crawtford, J. Lowe, lEvaaa, Merewether, A. Wilson, Hobos and

Patterson. / , ' . July 20—Mouxa> 8.3., 1246 tons, Beaumont, for 'Wellington and east coast ports. Union Steamship 'Company, agents. Passengers: ' For Wellington—-Mrs tßichmond and child, Messrs Burnett, Gaw-Crease, W. J. Jenkin, &. H. Hall, F. J. Wilson, Httwke, "White, fiiely and, Eidhmond'; foT IWestenra; for Austin, PenBran, Guthrie and Wilson, Mr (Bell. - July 20—Tarawera, -s.s., 1269 tons, Manning, lor WeHingttm. - Union Steamship Company, agents. Passengers—Miss Upton, Mesdames . Oroiston, Joyce, Henderson, Dawson, Ashfcolt, Biggs, Struthera and Brumsden, Hon C. Louieaom, Captains Joyce and Medkleham; Messrs Henderson, Hales, HuTsthouse, Primjner, Shirtcliffe, Upton, Boeker (2),.Lomas, Glendixang, Dawson, iStruthers, Brunsden, • Langfcon, O'Brien, H. E. ' PuTdw, Hunt, Bishop, Cederwell, lAitche-sta, Wilkia and Drake. , July 20—Peione, js.s., 888 tons, Christian, lor "Wellington. C. W. Turner, agent. IMPOSTS. Sfaxaroa: From.-Auckland —2 cases bicycles, 1 case tobacco, 1 case cigarettes, 40 sacks lime, 23 cases milk, 5 cases treacle, 4 tales I leather, 8 bags sugar, 2 bales -woollens, 1 case I brooms, 10 cases syrup, 1 case boots, 31 cases, 111 empty bads, 12 pkg 3, 2 bales, 1 empty I kilderkin; from Napier—l bicycle, 47 sacks rhides, 9 casks p&lt-s, 1 case, 2 pkgs; from I Gisborae—l2 cask 3 pelts. I -Tarawera: From Wellington—ls cases staI iionery, 5 oases fruit, 6 cases drugs, 1 bale I leather, 1 sack beans-, 3 stag's iheads, 14 casks I pelts, 121 rails, 252 shoes, 4 bags plate, 35 I sacks Tiides, 2 cases bananas, 72 cases, 7 l|rnssea,'l6 pkgs, 25 boxes) 1 trunk, 1 sack. I Mo>ur&: From Port Chalmers-7-119 cases ■ poultry, 70 cases ibu'tter, 1 coal hoist, 3 cases, ■ 1 parcel; from tDunedin—2 cases dates, 25 I cases starch, 3 ranges, 11 cases jam.) 27 bales ■ •heepskins, 1 case glass, 2 coils rope, 1 sack loats, 1 magazine gelginite, 3 hhds .ale, 15 pkgs, ■ 6 box*», 6a cases, 1 coil, 8 trusses, 20 drums, ■ 4 chests, 6 half-chests, 5 hhds, 11 boxes. I i'Clyde:, From Greymouth—6o,oooft timber. I EXPORTS. ! ■ Monowai: For Wellington—l parcel, 2 ■tales; for Newcastle—l27s eacks potatoes; ■for Sydney—l daisy cart, 200 Hwtcks potatoes, 10 caees dripping, 3 cases laTd, ■75 gpranies onions, 20 bales hay, 7 horses, 2 ■•acks ieed, 1 10 sacks o.tts, 9 cases and pkgs. U Mararoa: For Oamaru—2 quarter-casks ■▼Msky; for Dunedin—23 cases pickles, 2 ■cases, 1 bale and 3 trusses leather, 1 case ■cigarettes, 19 cases pickles, 73 cases and 10 ■casks empty returned, 32 cases Irish moss, 4 ■bales woolsacks, 1 pkg shades, 23 pieces timHber, 21 boiler tubes, 10 tags onions, 9 castB»gs, 5 pieces girder, 21 cases and pkgs. ■ jto&amond: For Greymouth—22 cases ale, ■8 sacks and 43 gunnies onions, 1 case plants, ■l pkg trees, 7 cases boots, 2 bales leather, 2 1 pkg whips, 1 pkg tyres, 1 bdl -'biscuits, 5 boxes cake, 1 bale leather, H# cases and 1 parcel boots, 1 case whisky, 1 wine, 1 drag plate, 59 sacks potatoes, 411 chaff, 20 sacks sharps, 4 sacks seed, 74 Hacks oats, 65 cases and pkgs; for Hokitika— Bo cases ale, '1 case 'boots,, 1 case plants, 20 ■kacks malt, 10 sacks oats, 45 sacks potatoes, Hto9 sacks chaff, 1 box cake, 2 cases. ■ EXPECTED AEEIVALS. ■JProm !London—Hawke's Bay, left May 4. ■HTaimato, left May 17,, duo Port Chalmers Buly 19. Waikato, left May' 4, due ■Wellington July 18. Pakeha, left June ■B. Star of New Zealand, left London ■?■ Tokomaru, a.t Auckland June 26. WhakaKne, left June 26. , Otarama, left July 5. left June 15. Aotea, left Cape Blown July 6, due Wellington July Karamea, left June 29, due Port August 18. Kumara, left July K,. due Wellington August 23. Fifeshire, at Hilufr, July 17. ■JiProm New York—Tomoana, at Auckland. Huly 19. Gadsby, left 'May 25. Mimiro, left H From Edithburg—Manuweia, barque, 327 Algoa Bay—Corryvrechan, barque, tons. Valparaiso—Corolla, ship, 1264 tons. H Fiona Cape' Town— Kinclune, barque, 718 ■■ From Fiji—Mary Moore, barque, 544 tons. H] From Sydney—River Hunter, barque, 234 Frank Guy, barquentine, 191 tons. Prom' Durban—Trojan, ship, 1595 .tons, left Ocean Island—Moonstone, s.s., 2140 Newcastle—Victoria, s.s., left July 18. H VESSELS HOMEWARD BOUND. Hj Days Out. Htolford (Captain M'Kinnon) ... 107 (Captain :Collingwood) . 87 (Ca.ptain Mine) .... 63 (Captain 'Damore) ... 27 ■BE UNION STEAiMSHIP COMPANY'S FLEET. Ebtorua leaves for (Wellington, and Nelson. Taieri leaves for WestOorinna leaves for Wellington, Westand Greymouth. Warrimoo arrives from Saturday the s.s. Mararoa arrived from via east coast ports, at 7 a.m., the s.s. from' Greymouth at 7.15 a.m., the Tarawera from Wellington at 8 a.m., the Hour* from Dunedin at 8.15 a.m., and s.s. Papanui from Port Chalmers at Wellington "Post" of Friday evening ■■Ly 9: —There ha 3 been no change in the posiof affairs on the ship Beacon Eock. two of the seamen were to have their trouble before Captain Smith, the Master, but they finally decided that they could go in a body none should The position is, therefore, "as you were," crew still in the foo'sio refusing duty. week (says the "Evening Post"), a surwas made of the between East r.nd the mainland, and a good cable was, found. It is hoped' that • the lightin the island will snorfcly be connected the telephotiiq system on the East Coast, will be a great advantage to the ship-. Kftg community. Archer, which returned on Thursftom a cruise among the southern islands,' very rough weather during the and lost a off the Antipodes. s.s. Inchkeitl:; 3759 tons, has been to convey general cargo from £3>.w

York to Australian and New Zealand ports. It isjinderstood that she is to come to Lyttelton.

The barque John o' Gaunt, well known in Lyttelton, has 'been sold to Italian purchasers for £4700. Thei handwriting on tho piece of board l found on tho Kinety-milo Beach by Mr Barton, and which appeared to be a message frcm a member of the crew of the ill-fated steamer Federal, has (says the Sydney " Commercial News ") been identified by Mrs Ada Henderson, of Lygoa Street, Carlton (Vic), as that of her late husband, Mnr Archibald Henderson, chief officer of the Federal. On learning of the finding of the bpa-rd Mrs Henderson forwarded) to Mr J. Yeates, in. whose possession it was, a copy of her husband's signature for comparison. The resemblance between the signature and the pencil writing on the board wa3 so marked that Mr Yeates sent the strange missive to Mrs Henderson without delay. Mrs Henderson, says >sho has not the slightest doubt that the signature is that of her dead husband. She has tried, with the assistance of the Victorian Government Analyst and a well-known Melbourne optician, to decipher some of tho partially-obliterated portions of the writing on the board,, but witho\it success, though tho word or words after thft pathetic "Good-bye" would probably have been found to represent her own name. Mrs Henderson has been requested to\retain the last message of her dead husband thus strangely presented to her. Captain Cameron, of the schooner Clyde, reports having sighted the schooner Lizzie Taylor, bound for Timaru, off Banks Peninsula on Friday morning. The schooner Joseph Sims is to load wheat for Wanganui instead of for Wellington, and the ketch Emma Sims- will load for the latter port. Messrs Pitcaithly and Cot. will send the s.s. Cygnet on a special trip to Wellington on Thursday, taking railway iron and produce and bringing back hardwood. The New Zealand Shipping Company's s.s. Tekoa arrived yesterday afternoon from London, vis! the usual way ports and Auckland, Wellington, Timaru'and Bluff. A change has taken place ini the command of this vessel since she was last at Lyttelton. Captain T. S. Weston is now in charge, iand the officers with him are—iMr A. C. Pearce, chief officer; iMr A. E. Dunn, second; Mr J. T. Piper, third; Mr. J. W. Russell, fourth. Mr M'Kenzie is ohief engineer, and Mr Flipp chief steward. The Tekoa returns to London, via Cape Town, with a cargo of general produce, sailing from Lyttelton about the middle of this week.

On Saturday the s.s. Rosamond -left for Greymouth at 1.35 p.m.; the s.s. 'Mararoa for Dunedin at 2.50 p.iOi,; the s.s. Moura for Wellington and east coast ports at 6.30 p.m.; the s.s. "Tarawera for Wellington at 10.10 p.m.; and the s.s. Petone for Wellington) at 11.10 rj.m. The s.s. Corinna arrived from southern porta at 8.30 a.m. yesterday. The s.s. Rotorua arrived from Wellington at 6.20 p.m. yesterday.

TELEGRAPH NOTICE! BOARD^ ' WELLINGTON, July 21. Arrived, 8 a.m., Motira, from Lyttelton; 1L25 ia.m., Tarawera, from Lyttelton; 4.15 p.m., Petone, from Lyttelton. PORT CHALMERS, July 21. Arrived, 8.20 a.m., Mararoa, from- Lyttelton'; 8.30 a>.m., Warrimoo, from Lyttelton. LYTTELTON, July 21. Arrived, 8.30 a.m., Cbrinna, from Timaru; 4.45 p.m., Tekoa> from Bluff. • SPIT, July 21. Arrived, 3.40 p.m., Hawke's Bay, from Gisborne. GISBORNE, July 21. Sailed, 6.30 a.mi, Hawke's Bay, for Napier. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, July 21. Sailed—Ta Anau,'for East Coast and southern ports. WELLINGTON, July 20. The Argentine Republic training ship Presidente Sarmiente arrived in port during the night, nine days out, from Auckland. The lightship at the entrance to the Bluff Harbour has been removed for repairs, and a. black buoy has been placed there instead. The repairs l will occupy a fortnight. BLUFF, July 20. Sailed—Tekoa, for Lyttelton. AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. BRISBANE, July 20. Arrived —Miowera, from Vancouver. SYDNEY, July 20. Arrived—Waikare, from New Zealand. Pelotaa and Handa Isle, from Kaipara. Sailed—Westralia, for Auckland. | ADELAIDE, July 20. Sailed-i-Triton, for New Zealand. NEWCASTLE, July SO Arrived—Cereda, from Auckland. MELBOURNE, July 21. Arrived—Talune, from ithe ©luff. / ALBANY, July 21. Arrived)—Britannic, troopship, from the Cape. a

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12559, 22 July 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12559, 22 July 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CVI, Issue 12559, 22 July 1901, Page 4