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''■ Xftttattfen is dtoufad in la*. 45.87 .south, ;|og|, 178,44 e*ft) *ai4 difference of iimo :.fcftir«m Ly&ter&an and Christohurch is 203 cc. ■" -fThi'ttauvb*!! la dropped every week day at "i.pjn.; Star Zealand mean 'time', ■which, is •qttW«Jri to 18.80 Greenwich mean limo of Ik* mviow day, Ts«tag calculated for 172 deg ...Mmfn east long., and 'llira 30min east of Croaeiraricit mean; time. ■ PHASES OF THE MOON.

"WEATHER REPORT. JETd :■ High Water, This Day (Thursday) t After- ■ ■©«, 0.18 pjn. Sun rises 7.87 a.m., sets 4.38 '.'* Mb 'Moosi,xises 1.1 p.m., sets 2.4 G a.m. .. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20. ■ .. '. ( 9 a»m. noon. 6 p.m. :'•- Sawmeter .. •. 86.83 30.28 80.23 ■ J i ' T*.«n»nMter . 32 33 35 ':': '" ARRIVED. , " ■ Tw* 36—T* Aawi, s.s., 1023 ions, M'Dougaill, , Yhom Wellington. Union Steamship Company, wrenie; passengers—Misass Hardy, Duncan : 'ffii and Hedges, Mesdames 'Powell and child, ' XLlidflri Biyshaw and lour children, BUMS* Bandall, Cochrane, Brown, Thompson, -'Ma* CBeirne, Elliaon, Cameron, BramonO, 'Stajtelww.©, M'ftill, "Williams and Grango, '"'•ad fourteen steerage. Tun* aft-jTaieii, 5.«., 1070 wra, Lobb, from Comsaay,' agents. , B ' Jw>* 26-JButeshiro, s.a., 3G36 ton 3, Olsen, Vfcftm Sydney, via Bluff. New Zealand Snip- '- aWC .Company, agents. riTUww " 36—Mararoa, s.s., 1381 lons, Smith, '*'§&m ■Wellington. "Onion Steamship Company, j-'ageni*. Passengers—Mrs Holymann, Mr J. ,'2iair and two steerage. Vi."-Jan« 26—Cygnet, s,s., & tons > Murray, from .iyycaroaV'Via "the Bays. Pdtoaithly and Co., fojeny, agent 3. 26—Herald, as., 356 tons, Biophy, Sjfitoai 'Greymouth. Union Steamship Com- ' SAILED.-, ■ 26—To Anau, "s.s., 1028 "tons, SlPDongaU. for "Wellington. "Union StesmCompany, agents. Passengers—7oo .\Cndeta. '■ &, June 26—Wakatu, s.a., 95 tons, Wills, for f; Cheviot, Kadloura end Wellington. Kinsey, > 'Bbu and' Co., agents. ''{ Juna 26—Marartfa, s.s., 1881 tons, Smith, I'lor Sydney, via 'east coast ports. Union ; Stearnthip Company, agents. Passengers: i'.Fosr Weffiujgton—Missea Maddison, Beagley, Patchett, Matheson, M'Olasbam, Allan, •Itf Galium, Herredge, Urie, Stopford, Heaphy, JtOftltesr, Mahony (2), Wills, Godfrey, three \'(Mater*/ of Mercy, - MJesdamea Grimmond, t Young, Johnson, Rcstall, Steward, Inder, Cabl«,' Boyd,. Warren, Milne, Thompson, Col- ] liar, Hodgkinson, jEley, Barker and child, •1 "VPilliama* and boy,/Murray, M'Cluro, Heaphy, , K»i and child, Hare and three children, £ll ,'jHVd four children, Spiers and infant, Per- ■ guaon, Plimmer, Young, Pinkney, Croll and VaK Asch, Dr Mason, Miajors Owen, and I Madoclu, Sergeant JC'Daruild, Lieutenants 'Tappar and Boaworth, Corporal Eeeao, Hon 5 lbjor Steward, Captain Turner, Trooper v'Bakar, Measra T. 8. Garland, iM'Lelland, • Soaati, Hammond, Bockstram, Butters, Grimlaiond, Plinuner, Cook, Johnson, Boyd, P. da Hughes; for Napi«r—Miss Veillard, " Captain Davidbou, Mr Hyde; for Gisborne^— , Mr Macfarlane; for Auckland—Misses Julius "«nd Bowlandson, Meadiamea Donnal and J. .tH. . Ifcmfcld, Meosrs J. B. (Donald, J. li. ,'Bw«, Todhuntear, Milne, A. H. Pollard, C. Taylor and Donnal. IMPORTS. ■Te " Anau: From Wellington—l 3 case 3 ■BUktcheA, 3 bicycles', 23 bdte arms, -16 coils .iron, 20 cases fruit, 27 cases and 1 crate tea, >; l'magaarine dynamite, 82 pkg 9 drills, 1 engine ■i»oU«r, M lolls netting, 10 castings, 58 sacks '!l%tdm, i casks, pelts, 7 poles, 107 cases, 116 j,«%*i t bales, 8 empty leturned crates, 10 I nMi 5 boxes, 3 orates tins, 1 empty hhd, ':t,a»ck«, 1 bar,; from Kelson—3 pkga; from '*Gwymouth—l3 boJla skins, 1 eaok tins; from .Saw Plymouth—lo empty kilderkins. '■) EXPORTS. ■' "Morning Light: For Waitapu—4oo bags tear, 50 sacks sharps, 50 sacks bran, 30 eacka, fAaat, 10 sacks meal, 6 eacks beans,' 70 pkg 3 lamcatiaa. ' Joseph Sims: For Waitaia—soo eaoks and hIO bags flour, 100 eacka oats, 50 sacks f i,mmp*> ', V4', y ■. ESKECTED ARRIVALS. London—Star of. England, at Auck::fa»d June 17. Tekoa, left April 80, dueAuokjatid June 24. Waiwera, ieffc May 10. Hawke's 'B»T,' laft'Tlay *. 'Waimate, left Mav 27. )Hf»jiar!»r lert May 4, duo Wellington July 13. 'Kkaha, left June" 13. Star of New Zealand. 'KfOMitaka, left June 2, due Port Chalmors rSm' New Y«fc—Tomoana, left April 26. '-' 'From Edithburg—Manuwera, baxq,ue, 827 'fau*. ' ' From Algoa Bay—Corrywcch'an, barque, '-MM tons. '•f-.ftwß TaOparaiso—Sant Anna, barque, 1303 ''fan*. ' Cozolia, ship, 1264 tons. .From Cape Town—Kinchine, barque, 718 Poiaa- '; Ftom Fiji—Mary Moore,_bwqut*, 544 tons. ;'"■ Jflrom. Brisbane Hesporides, ship,; 1338 too*. ■Frara Hobart barque, 466 tons. •■ Fiom' Newcastle—Laira, barque, 492 tons. , l From Melbourne—Romford, ».«., left Juno * - ,■' From Sydney—River Hunter, barque, 234 'lone. fcom AdeMdef—Blenheim, ship, 1077 tons. HOMEWABD.BOUNR Days Out. til ro* (Captain -Kelly) . ...» 09 TiuioiA. .(Captain 'M'Kinnon> •' • ; . 82 iCani*flbury (Captain 'Collingwood) . . €6 ''lnverclyde (Captain Milne) ... 43 •'flbuniblan© {Captain iDamora) . . » . 2 ■'THE UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S ■ - FLEET. 1' THURSDAY— arrives from "Weliifington, and leaves on return "trip. Moura '•xrwea from Wellington and East Coast ports, ~«nd leaves 4or 'Dunedin. Upolu «Tiive3 from vJXiEnaiu, Oamaru and Dunedin, and leaves for ''Wellington, Nelson and Now Plymouth. ■i'iPoherua leaves for W-estport. ' ■' .The a.s. Te Anau arrived from Wellington ateamahip Company's «.». Taien from Wellington, ancl W«3iport at 8.15 ' man. yesterday. Captain Lobb is in command. " "•-JBEiL'a. Royal iArt!hur left dor Hobani on Jfqaiihy aiternooa. --' '"lT'Thi Shire liner •Buteshire arrived from fMaey, via the Bluff and Dunedin, at 8.15 uu, yeatarday, and was anchored in the stream ■' |o await a "berth at the wharves. All the btrtha are at. presen-t occupied, but iv is ox'iMoted that sh* will come alongsido >to-day. "'.&• 'BTiteahire !has no cargo for Lyttelim, bai is to load frozen meat and general '' gajgn for iLosdon, for which poi:t she is io f|aa,v« bom Wellington. Tho iNevr Zealand J > pUVPis< Company are acting as agents for 1 S£i 7*3f el, which is still under the command >iU Captain ' - .> Toe «.*. Sfazaroa arnvea from Wellington ' ilwo* I<l* P-JB- ywiw^aJ l _™ .. The M.B. iWakatu left for Wellington', via (Sh«nei .and last night. ' The «a Te Anau left for Wellington! yestextyj evaiiiag wivb & number of northern Tom #* Mararoa left for WellingtoK and #rfaey laat night. '-W_TJ» »m. Cygnet arrived tErom lAkaroa, via : tßaska JPeninaula bays, at 8 ipju. yest&rday. flraa barqu-e Brussels cam« oirl of dock yesia/day after an, overhaul. The .•*■ Eerald arrived from IGxeymoufchi at 4»p.m. yeaterday. r .'IBMS. Ophir la t» %o out ifronji JTo. 7 ' ajhavf to the stream thi3 forenoon; and! to fan* lor Hobart, with iH.IM.iS. Juno and St MmriP'i to-nighn. '■'' THLEGIIIPH iKPOTICE BOARD. LTTTELTON, Jun« 26. »/m., Taleri, from Wellington; njf. «jb.. Te Anau* from Wellington; ' 8.15 rjh»V-Bnesaire, from Port Chalauersj 1.80 '■'' mJO., Mararoa. from Wellington: 2.50 v.m., iftjjoei, froaAkaroa; 4.45 p.m., iHeraid, from :.; QtajmoaUx. '.-l:tmi»i 11, Tarawera, for Wellington. T$- ■ THtEI POaEIT, June 26. y ' Jtplwei'li 1 I" a.m.,, from Lytielton. ' 'BLUFF, June 26. ; '.'Aiimmt m>«ja. L Induna, from Durban. T *&fT WELLIJSiaTOJT. June 26. f J|afrira4-a.1.20 a.m., Pukaki, from Lyti'el,M>ni 03.40 p.m., Tarawera, irom {Lyttelton. 'i % Sailed— a.m., Moraroa, (for Lyttelton-; "IWO ajm., Ufildura, for Adelaide j 6 p.m., Taxaf" jreia, for 'Lytteltoa; 4.50 p.m., Raima, for ' Lyttalicni AUCKLAND, June 26. • •' iniv«A>-2.40 {km., Tokomaru, from Lonfl.; , PORT CHALaiSRS, Jnno 26. {'f Sii'lad—7J3o a.m., Wihancapc, for Lytteßon. ; %■ A'fU.ROLi:, Juno 26. ! ,Bailed—ll,ls ajn., Cygnet, for LytteKon. Ft /".':' fIEIPPINQ TELEG-RAMS. • ;j. •''■ ■•'-.. KAIPARA HEADS, June 26. Blmu, from the south. Eira, ', • 'AUCKLAND, June 26. I, jg;^|py>i— a.*., from London direct. .f. .jIWHIBINGHPOiN', Juna-«6. for Lytt#ltan; pasaengera

Joynt, Enigßili, IBower, Scott, Toniks, Howard and elevea efeerage. Moura, for . Lyttelton and {Dunedin.; passengers for Lyttelton l — : . Misses Hedgels—and Duncan (2), . Mesdames Bannister, Eager and Lockley, Messrs May, edW-Miiesea Bhok and tForaytfh, Me&daanes Meadows, MLuaky, ,Wad* and North, Messrs 'Meadows, Johnston, Brown, Thomson, Findlay, Hadfield, and fifteen steerage for both ■porta. _ PORT CHALMERS, June 26. Sailed—Wibangape, for Lyttelton. BLUFF, June 26. Tho steamer Jjiduaa came-into iport, and was iberihed to-day. / AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. SYDNiEY, June 26. Arrived—Ururoa, from Whangaroa. Mokoia, from New Zealand. Sailed—Waakare, for New Zealand, with an Ensliah mail. MELBOURHE, June 26. » Sailed—Warrimoo, for the Bluff. .' HOBART, June 26. Arrived—-Waiwera, from London. She sails for Wellington at one o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Three passengers landed here, and l thirty-nine tare proceeding to New Zealand. NEWCASTLE, June 26. Sailed—Amelia Sims, for (Nelson, G. M. Tucker, for Wellington. / ~ ADELAIDE, June 26. Sailed—'Neptune, for Auckland. Blenheim, for Timaru.

m JTUNB. F«tt Moca . . / . Lift Qmrtez . • . V*w Moon . . . Tuti . Quartet . . . 3 9 38 p.m. , 10 9 39 a.m. 17 1 3 a.m. 21 8 0 s.w.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12538, 27 June 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12538, 27 June 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12538, 27 June 1901, Page 4