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Their Royal Highnesses held a reception at the Canterbury Hall yesterday afternoon, and it was largely attended. Outside the ball the Christ’s College Rifles (58), the City Guards (40), and the Imperial Rifles (41), formed a guard of honour under the command of Captain Harper and Lieutenants Saudford and Mathias, while the Garrison Band, under Bandmaster Merton, was also stationed outside. The corridors and hall were decorated and funnished precisely as they were for the Mayoral reception on Saturday night. The guests began; to arrive shortly Before five o’clock, and ten minutes after that hour their Royal Highnesses arrived, their ; escort being detachments of the North Canterbury and Waimakariri Mounted Rifles, under the command of Lieutenant Uru. The Duke and Duchess were accompanied by Lord and Lady Ranfurly, Lord Wenlook, the Duke of Roxburgh©; Sir Arthur Bigge,’ Lady Mary Lygon, the Hon Mrs Derek Keppcl, Captains Alexander and Osborne, and the Hon 0. Hill-Trevor. TJie Royal party were ; conducted to the dais, and the Duke and Duchess received their guests on the lower step. After the formal presentations, the Premier presented Mr and Mrs F. D. S. Neave, the father and mothe*

af Lieutenant Neave, who wafc killed! in South Africa. Their Royal Highnesses conversed with them for some little "time, and afterwords spoke to several other lattes and gentlemen. The Royal party - thjn returned to Te Koraha. The following are the names of the guests who Were invited to the reception; —- 'Mrs lußdhael Stud-holme, Mr E. C. Otudb-oiiao, 'Mrs and Miss Francis, Mrs R. JM. Macdonald, Miss 'M. Matson, 'Mr and Mrs iS. K. Oarrick, Mr and Mrs H. Qunne, Mi J. iFairhurst and Miss Fa-irhurs't, Mr and Mrs N. L. ©. M’CBeiJh, Miss Wood, -Miss D. A. 'Cabot, Mr H. Harman, Mr C,. A. C. Cunin riiam, Br A. C. Be Benzi, Mrs Bo llanzi, Mr and Mrs J. Bailantyno, Mr and Mrs W. Balkmltyne, Mrs W. 'C. Walker, Mr Cr. B. Eart and Mrs Mart, (Mrs N. Bealey, Dr and Mrs Mickle, Mrs E. B. Ell, Miss M-. Thomas, Mrs Scott and Misses Soott, 'Mr Knubley, Mr D. da C. (Mailet, 'Captain and Mrs Thorp o, Mr and Mss <O. J. Owen, Miss Freeman. Mr and Mrs C. S. Wmny, Mr and .Mrs B. Moor, Sir and Mrs H. Fxdedlander, Mr Justice Donmston. 'Mrs and Miss Dennis ton, Mr and Mrs C. Balgatv, Mr and 'Mrs A. 'Dobson, Mr it. W. Eufljland, run., * Bind ’Mrs 'England, _Mi &ncl MrsiG. Ft, ElHott, iMr and Mrs A. Ferguson, Mr .and Mrs J. ißicker.fcoa Fisher, Mr and Mrs F. 'B. Mtotman, Mr and Mrs IN. Francis, Mr I. Gibbs, Mr and Mrs J. C. N. Grigg, Mr Wyndham 'Gray. Mr F. Graham and Miss O-rabatn, Mr nmd Mrs T. Garrard, Mr «nd Jfrs G. Harper and Miss Harper, Canon Harper, Mias Harper and Miss 'B. Harper, Professor and (Mrs F.-W. Hutton, Mr, Mrs and Miss 'Helm-ars, (Professor and Mrs F. w. Ha--Jam,. Mr and Mrs H. F. Hill, Mr and Mrs A, [fearp&r, Sfr land Mrs J- ‘Hay, ian .^ ‘ D. (Hft'wdpn and Hawdra, Oag;ain and lira ifa.wka, Mr and Mrs J. T. M. Rev F. A. Hare, Captain and Mrs Hobday, Hr and Mrs R. J. S. Harman. Mr and Mrs P. Hohson. Mr (and Mrs C. J. Harper. Mr and Mrs W. H, (Hargreaves, Mr J. 'M. Eeywcod, gr and Mrs H. Harris, Miss Hargreaves, Miss aywood, Mr and Mrs W. J. Iswra. Miss Julius and Miss A, Julius, Br and Mrs E. Jennings, Mr and 'its W', Jac-ttes, Jlr T. I. Joynt, 'Cokmei and Mrs Jowsey, Mr and Mrs J- J. Kinsey, Mrs G. Ksttleweli, Mrs end 'Miss Kettle, Mr and Mrs A, Fhiye. Hon J. Kerr. M-li-'O., and Mrs Kerr, Mr B. H. Bane, Mr H, Doughnan and Miss Doughnan, Mr and Mrs F. Lance, Air and Mrs C. Lewis, Mr and Mrs G. Lambia, (Mr and Mrs B, M. Lichfield. Mr and Mrs L. Lane, Mr A. li'otjghroy, Mrs (Mathias, Mr L. Mbimas, Hr and Mrs H. O. B. Matures, Mr and. Mrs W. J. Moor. 1 'Mr and (Mrs J. E. March. Br jUwmrhouse. 'Mrs and Miss ‘Menshtrase. Mr and 'Mrs R. 'M. Macdonald, Mr and Mrs T. Maude, Mr W. Montgomery, Hon W. Montgomery. ’ Mr and Mrs Mating and Miss ■Malmg, Mr and Mrs J. 'Murchison. Mr Laiag-Measoa, Mr ;W, Mandelson, Mr and Mrs W. Maoiarlans, Lieutenant and ■ Mrs Merton', Mr and 'Mrs L, Matson, Mr and Mrs©. Matson, 'Mr and -Mrs G. H. M’Haffie. Mi JR. Moor. Mr_G. G. Moore, Mr F. Maorhousa, Mr J, T. MsAson, tlr, Mrs and Miss F. ©• 'S. Heave, Dr Hedwill and Miss Hedwill. Rev <O. H. and 'Mrs tTorthcote, Mr and Mrs E. D. 'O-Rorko, Mr and 'Mrs B. J. Ogle, ©r Ovenden, Mr .and Mrs H. Overton, Mr H- OrbeM. Mr Mrs fW. M. OHiviar. Mr H. tEL Pitman, Dr ind Mrs G. Palmer. Mr and Mrs J. 0. Palmer, 'Mr and Mrs F. H. Pyne, Mr A. L. Mr and Mrs -C. Bal-ajret, Mp, O. B. Pemberton, Rev Canon and Mrs Pasco 8, Mr *md Mrs B, Heaton ißhoetos, Mr and Mrs J-aorge Rhodes, -Mr and Mrs A. G Roltoston, Airs .and Mas Reeves, Mr and Mrs W. lass, Mias Boas. Mr E. W- Roper, Mr J. J. Retd, Mr and Mrs A. Roberts, Mr and Mrs T. G. Russell, 'Mr 'and Mrs Duncan abherferd, Mr and 'Mrs R- H- 'Ro^d^ 3 '. on W and Mrs Bolleston and Miss Rolleston, Ifr G. M. Russell, Major and Mrs <U. V. Richards, Mias -N. (Reeves, Air and Mrs G. G. Stead, 'Mr Wilfred (Stead, Dr, and Mrs Symcg, Professor and Mrs R. J. SoOlt. Mr and Mrs G- B ©tarky, Colonel and Mrs Slater, JSOr *nd Mrs VE. G. SUveley. Air and Mrs P. Soliff. Mr and Mrs J. Studholmo, Mr and Mrs iP. ©tudholmc, Mr and (Mrs B. Siruthers, Mr and Mrs G. L Smith. Mr and -Mrs V. Steel', 'the Hon Wl and Afrs '3toward. Mrs Cmtia. Mr and Mrs J. M. TumhuU. Mr and Mis 'E.‘ M. Twrraii, Dr and Mrs Townend, Mr and Mrs.R. D. Thomas, Mi and Mrs P. Tosdhomaker, Hon J. M. and Mrs Twomey, Mr and Mrs W. W. Tanner, Sir J. EraserTytler, Captain and -Mrs Temple. Mr and Mrs A: H. Turnbull, 'Mr and Mrs F. W. Thomp*on, ‘Mr and Mrs A. Tyree, Mx J. ■ B. Tun- . bridge, Dr and Airs xnacker, Mr and Mrs !W. O. Wood. Mr and Mrs W. H. Wyan-Wil-liams, .Mr and Mrs F. C. Wilson, Mr and Mrs T. y, Wardrop, Mr and Mrs'C. W. Wigley, Mr and Mrs- F. Wilding, Mr and Airs R Wosteara, Mr and Mrs E. ‘WRder, Mr and .Mrs Williams. Mr and Mrs F. Waymwath, Mr and Mrs J. C. Wilkin, Mr and Mrs A. -Ckacrof.t vJllßon, -Hon L. 'TValker. Mr &nd Mrs *L. _S. Weston, Mr and Mrs-T. Wallace. Mr and Mrs •B G. Wright, Professor and A. Wall, Mr W. Wood, Mrs C. Wood, .-'.ev Mi and Mrs W. T. P.- Wi»ter, -Mr ,«n-.x F. H. Wa'laie,. 'Mr C. F. Todhun'tor. Mr and Mrs B Tta-rning. Dr and Mis L. S. .Manning. Dr A. J- Orchli-d and Mrs Orchard, Mr and Mrs tt, W Pidr'exm. Mr" and Mrs *O. Hond-fWil-Sim Rev and W|W, M end Mrs Balv.Mr and ‘Mrs F. Field. Mrs W. H. Collins, and Mrs B. R Airs S. 'Saunders. Mr and Mrs W. H. Tn g . B,f- ® 'M Reaves, Mr W. J- Poison, Mr and Era W G- Alack, Colonel Bsiill, the Rev Dr Mrs ElmaUe, Dr and Mrs Morley, Bishop Juliua and Mrs Julius, Bishop Grimes, Very Rov Lemanent de Chcrraais, Mr and _ • A. Wray, Br and- Mr® MacArlhair, Mr and ■TVTtfi T W. Stringer, Mr and Mr» A. Mr and Mrs E. Patten, Mr and Mm O°G. Bridges, Dr. Levinge, Mr and Mrs S Weetman, Mi and Mrs G. L. Greenwood, Mr and Mrs E. Denham, Mr and Aires Pnrterson. Mr and Mrs L. C. Williams. Inspector and Mrs Ellison, Mr and Mrs J. Lomas Mr and Mrs W. H. Ganmway, Mr and Mrs J. W. Mason, Mr and Mrs G. Croll, Mr and Mrs R. F. Holderness, Mr and Mrs L C. Frudhoe, Mr and Mrs M. C.' Barnett, Mr and Mrs R. Kirton, te- w - H - B-avin, Mr and Mrs C. B. Shanks, Mr and Mrs W- Martin, Mr and Mrs R. E. M’Dougall, Mr arid Mrs J. A. Froatiok, Mr and Mrs J. M. Thompson, Mr land Mrs J. A. M’Cullough, Mr and' Mrs F A. Archer, Colonel and Mrs Gordon, Colonel and Mrs Slater, Captain and Mrs Hobday, Mr and Mrs J. M’Lachlan, Mr and Mra C. A. C. Hardy, Hon C. G Bowen, Captain and (Mrs Charlewood, Mr and Mrs R. Pi'toaathly, te ’ and Mrs E. Skog, Mr and Mrs T. H. Davey, Rev and Mrs W. S. Bean, Mr and Mrs G. A. 11. Tapper, Mr and Mrs B. M. Molineaux, Mr and Airs W. S. Cobham, Mr W. Sf. Lewis, Mr G ; . F. .and Miss Martin. Mr F. de C. AMot, Mias Siopford, ■Mr and ‘Ahra R. Meredith, jtr and Mrs G. ELaurenson, Mrs E. W. Roper, Air Eollar, Mr J. Evans, Mr L. Northoroit, Mr and Airs Holmes. 'Mr and Mrs C. T. Dudley, Misti Gifiord, Mr AI. F. Marks, Mr and Mrs S. Hurst Seager, Mr and Mrs B. H. Wood, Mr F.' Egan, Mr and Airs A. H. Anderson, Mr and Mrs J. Anderson, Air and Mrs H. J. Ainger, Mrs R. Allan, Mies Allan, Miss ■Muriel Allan, Dr end Airs E. M. Anderson, Dr and Mrs J. Morton Anderson, Air O. T. J. A'lpers, Air and Mrs H. A. Adley, Rev A. W. and Mrs Averill, Mrs Ashby, Mr and Mrs A. Appleby, Air and Airs C. IE. Croxton, Mr and Mrs W. H. Wankiyn, Air and Mrs C. F. Bourne, Miss Buckley, Mr and Airs W. F. M. Buckley, Mr and Mrs T. Bassett, Mr and Mrs P. H. Bruges, Mr and Airs 11. J. Boswick, Alia B. H. Burns, Air W. G. Brittau, Mrs Croasdaile Bowen, Miss Bowen, (Mr and Mte H. Wi. Bishop, Air -and Airs A. R. Bloxam, Professor and Airs Cook, Air. and Mrs E. Cuthbert, Mr and Mrs W. W. Collins, Mr and Mrs A. Cox, Mr and Airs W, Chryatall, Mr and Mrs T. Covcrdale, Mr J. Connal, Mr and Airs W. B. Clarkson, Air and Airs J. Clarkson, Air and Airs W. H. Cooper, Air and Mrs T. D. Condeli, Mr and Mrs P. Campbell, Sir George and Lady Clifford, Afr W. P. Cowlishaw, Mr and Airs F. Cowlishaw, Air and Mrs ' I’. Cowlishaw, Dr Graham Campbell, Mr and Airs Charles Clark, Mrs C. Owen Cox, Mr A. Garrick, Mr and Airs 11, CaUoriil, Miss AL Cotterill, Dr and Mrs Crooke, Rev C. C. and Mrs Coates, Mr and Mrs J. A. Cassidy, Miss Chailc-j-, Captain and Airs Chaffey, Mx and Mrs John Deans,'Mr and! Mrs Cecil Louisson, Archdeacon, Mrs and Miss Cholmor.dcioy, Mr and Airs W, Barnett, Afr and Mrs D. Buddo, Mr an 4 Mrs A. H. Bristcd, Mr and Mrs C. E. Bevaa-Bnnvn, Mr and Airs G. T. Booth, Hr and Mrs A. W. Beaven, Air and Mrs E, C. Bean, Mr and Airs F. A. Barkas, Mr and Airs Macintosh, Air B. J. Weeks, Lieutenant-' Colonel A. W. Robin, Major G. Crawshaw, Captain H. L. Bourne, Captain T, J. Todd, Captain AI. Lewin, Captain E. Bartlett, Captain C. L. Sommerviiie, Lieutenant D. B. Blair, Lieutenant V. H. Kelsall, Lieutenant Eosworth, Lieutenant Haling, Captain Gee, Lieutenant Oliver, Lieutenant Westland, Surgeon-Captain Palmer, Captain Pcnnycook, Captain E, Bcwlea, Major S. S. Myers, tain Hazlett, Captain Logan, Major T. £l. ’ Hawkins, Captain W. F. Lindsay, Lieutenant H. D. Buchanan, Lieuienant Al'Rae, Captain li. Snow and' Mrs Snow, Lieutenant W. H. w. R. Peacock, Captain John Boag, Lieutcn•nt R. D. Hill, Captain Wood, Captain Collins, Captain G. A. AD. Buckley, Lieutenant A. Pooka, Lieutenant Studhoirae, Lieutenant D. M’Laan, Captain Bailey, Lieutenant Graham, Captain Million, Captain Gillies, Cap-tain-Chaplain Whitehead, Captain-Chaplain Gibson.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12536, 25 June 1901, Page 8

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THE ROYAL RECEPTION. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12536, 25 June 1901, Page 8

THE ROYAL RECEPTION. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12536, 25 June 1901, Page 8