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‘A BRILLIANT FUNCTION. . (, Tta tcceptioo tfiv«n 'hy th« Mayof arid * Itfow Rhode* in toe Ototerbofy Hall was certainly the ntoet htlkkcot function which bail erex taken place in this city. Close sjpoD one thousand guests accepted ihe an* tittoioiK and the large hall and dress circle, although not crowded to excess, were more than oonrfoetdbly filled- When the guests had assembled l , the main floor, viewed from the dress circle, presented a 'brilliant sight «~the scarlet Uimoana o£ the Amy and Volunteer officers, with the blue of the natal officers, and theif heavy - gold •paatottai gav* (hi neaesnry ookraring oSMfe totfc* maM Sotnhte dkess «f the civilians, and the quiet tones of the regulation half«nmrming dress of the ladies.

The ftwaotgemenis for the function were most complete. At the two entrances to the building* light porticoes had been erected, appropriatelr hung the Royal colours, the northern One being used for *■ the guests, -while 'the southern one <w«s exclusively reserved for tie Royal party. The decorating andrfumisidiig of the entrances «ttd corridors were carried out by-Messrs Strange and Co., while the main hall -was entrusted te Messrs Eallantyne and On., and the work was most effectively and, artistically carried out in both instances. The Vestibule at the Royal entrance was hung in dark red, and. carpeted in a light shade. On the rigiht were retiring rooms for the Duchess aud hen suite, which were exquisitely furnished, while on the opposite side the two large rooms of the Selwyn County Council were handsomely fitted up as retiring rooms for the Duke and his suite. The main corridor, running from north to South, -was furnished ae ah entrance hall, and carpeted iii Royal ted along its Ml length. Both ends were covered with plate glaiss miriors, with plash and lace hangings, and', there were several large \ let into flttsh panel*, along the ■walls. Several very handsome carved- walnut add oak hall stands were placed at intervals, and a number of antique hall chairs were placed about* At- intervals were lovely figures in Parian marble, upon'black pedestals, these representing “The Fish Oirl,” “The Hunter,” “The Dancing Girl,” " Sunrise ” and others. The northern end ■ »l the corridor was handsomely furnished is a drawing-room, luxurious couches, fancy ‘hairs and china Cabinets, and large New Zealand pot plants on pedestals forming the principal feature*. The main entrance was carpeted in Royal red, and at the foot of the stairs, leading to the dress circle, were A couple of Very large dud handsome tiger skin mats. The stairs were covered with a Royal red pattern "Brussels carpet, and it the first landing Whs a large plate glass mirror, framed in maroon plush. In the entrance hall itself were some very large tree ferUfi and palms, and on either side of the staircase Were bronze figures, holding electric lamps. I The fine hall in which the reception was, held was a lovely sight, being hung and decorated with exquisite taste. The whole scheme of the decorations was in red, white tnd blue, and this served to accentuate the pale tints of the Ceiling.' The whole of the walls .Were draped with red and blue hangings, relieved with cream Madras muslin between each colour, the whole being tastefully looped up at the bottoms, while a heavy festooning of old gold made » suitable heading, and served to heighten . the effect Of the bright colours in which the , haiidsbale capitals.of the ceiling are painted. The seven large, arc lamps with which the room was lighted were shaded in kindred colours, and thus the white glare of the electric light was subdued. The Royal dais, which was situated in the north-east comet of the hall, was covered with a heavy royal Axminster square in red and blue, while on the platform approaching it was an Indian carpet, all laid over blue felt. The furniture for the Royal party on the dais was in pale bine velvet, the rest being in rattan, with crimson silk cushions. The whole of the floor of the hall was laid in Wilton carpets, red and blue being the predominating, colours in the patterns, while studded about the room Was a large quantity of highly artistic furniture in the shape Of lounges, easy ehairs, etc., and these were intermingled , with huge palms and tree’ ferns, which, under the subdued lights, produced a lovely effect, giving the hall the appearance of • huge, luxuriously furnished drawingroom. At the south-east corner was a decided novelty, in the shape of a huge ga« stove, made to represent an old-fashion-'ed log fire, with the accompanying “dogs.” 1 : Around the walls were eight large plate i glass mirrors, draped in suitable coloured flashes g In the four comers of the room

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were bowers of ferns, and the front of the Stage was also liberally treated with ferns and pot plants, all oi which were artistically .arranged by Messrs. Nairn and Rons. The stage was also' laid out as a drawingroom,/ r -.and with a Mirzapore I square;-' and-iurhished' in keeping with the i main hall, tM crimson drop curtain, with its heavy bullion fringe, milking a fitting : back ground. « ! The supper rooms, of which there were four, were in the hands of Mr Morton, of Messrs Freeman .and Co., and these-were also tastefully laid out,, while a long table for light refreshments was laid cut in the corridor running from east to West, Which was -also furnished as a drawing-room. The board-room of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association, which was used as a supper-room for the Royal and Viceregal party, was laid for seventy, the table decorations being in heliotrope, yellow, and white. The other hall upstairs was laid with small tables for 140, and the decorations here were violets, moss roses and , yellow and white chrysanthemums. The two halls downstairs were also lalfl out as supper rooms, -and decorated with taste, and altogether there was seating accommodation for about 500 at one .time. The tables were loaded with artistically arranged dainties, and some of the set pieces and sweets were in the very latest designs. SoOn after eight o’clock guests began to arrive, and from that hour until 9.30 p.m. there was a continuous line of carriages, extending from Manchester Street Bridge to the hall, waiting to drop their occupants at the door. About 9.30 p.m. the Mayor arrived, in full court dress, and, with Mrs Rhodes, held a reception of their guests just inside the main hall. During the time that elapsed before the arrival of the Royal party music was furnished by Miss Scriveitor’s Band; The Royal visitors were expected to arrive at 9.45 p.m., but it was not until 10.30 p.m. that they entered the room, and were conducted to the dais by the Mayor and Mrs Rhodes. Those who occupied Seats in the dais with the Duke anfi Duchess were Lord Wenlock, Prince Alexander of Tcck’, Viscotilifc Crichton, the, Duke of Roxburghe, Sir D. M’Kenzie Wallace, Major the Hon Derek W. G. Keppel, the Rev Canon Dalton, Dr Alan R. Manby, Lady Mary Lygon, Lady Kathleen Coke, the Chevalier E. de' Martino, Lord and Lady Ranfurly, the Right Hon R. J. Sedd'on, Sir Joseph and Mrs Ward, the Hon W.' C. Walker, Captain Alexander, and the Hons C. Hill Trevor and C. H. Butler. When dt length their Royal Highnesses made their appearance, they lost no time in taking their seats, and a concert followed. The Duke had expressed a desire that" this part of the entertainment should last exactly three-quarters of an hour, and his wishes were obeyed punctually. Under these the programme was a surprisingly varied one. A time limit of less than one hour naturally imposes restrictions on the creative faculties of the concert promoter, hub the framers of Saturday’s programme had managed, nevertheless, to compress into_ the time allotted them a variety of pleasing vocal and instrumental selections, and in more than .one instance the efforts of the performers evoked signs of approval from the Royal party. The vocalists Were —Mrs Bums;, who sang Ganz’s “ Sing, Sweet Bird ”; Miss Maud Graham, whose contribution was “The Song of the River,” by Liddle, and Messrs H. M. Reeves and A‘. Millar, who Sang respectively “Lucia,” by Lnzzi, and Sevan’s Admiral's (Broom,” and the instrumentalists were Miss Laing-Meason, of Timaril, who played, as a piano solo, Chopin's Polondlse in A major, and_ Mr F, M. Wallace, who contributed a violin solo, “ Zigeunerweisen,” by Sarasate. The accompaniment to the last-named item was furnished by Mrs (Wilding, and the remaining accompaniments were played by Miss Katie Youfig. The concert over, their Royal Highnesses spent some little time in being introduced to and conversing with some of the guests, and then took their departure. Supper .was their partaken of, arid the function concluded at midnight.

THEI INVITED GUEST'S. The following is a list of the guests who wore invited by his Worship the Mayor and Mrs A. E. G. (Rhodes to the (Royal receptitja at the 'Canterbury Hall on Saturday night;—Mr and Mrs F. A. -Archer, Mr and Mrs Andrew Anderson- and Miss Anderson, Mr -and {Sirs John Anderson and Miss Ahderson, Mj* tod Miss A&gecr. Mr tod Mrs “W. I>. lAnitewe, 'Mr Leo. Aoland, Mr Alex. Anderson, Mr E. Allen, Hon J. 18. A. Acland ana Mrs and Miss Aoltod, Dr and Mrs CMorton Anderson, (Mr -0. T. J. Alpers, Mr and Mrs W. G. Ataok, Mr and- Mrs -Archie Aynaley, Mir and Mrs It. Allan, Miss Allan and .Mira M. A^» t Mr E, C. Ashby, (Rev and, Mrs lAwerhi, Mr W. G. Aspinall, Mrs and Mfaa Aiken, Mr and Mrs H, A; Adley, Mk A. Allen, 'Mr and Mrs Aldred, Miss MurrayAyneley, (Mr A. "W. B on-nett, 'Mr and Mrs 0. F. Bourne, Miss (Buokley, Mr and Mrs H-. G. Buckley, (Mr and -Mrs G. A. M-. Buckley, Mr and- Mrs W. Buckley,'Mr and: Mrs ■and Miss Bassett, Mr and Mrs P. <H. Bruges, (Mr and Mrs (Burns, Mr .and Mrs H. J. ’Bes■wiok, Mr and Miss Brittan, Mrs and -Miss Cnoasdaite Bowen, (Horn G. C. Bowen, and Mrs and Miss Bowen, Mr and -Mrs Hugh Buchanan-, (Mr J. P, (Buchanan and (Miss Buchanan-, Mr T. W. Beckett, Mr and (Mrs -H. W. Bond, Mr Percy Barker, Mr and Mrs (Bullock, Mr and Mrs S. D. Barker and -Miss 'Barker, Mr J. Bayne, Mr and Mrs -H. W. -Bishop, Mr and HWrrt a. S. (Bloxam, Mr and Mrs T. H. Barnett, Mr and Mrs G. G. Bridges, -Mr -and •Mrs (D. IBuddo, Mr and Mrs ’A. H. Bristed, Mr and Mrs W. Boag, Mr and Mrs'J. Barclay, Mr and Mrs J. ‘Barker, Mr and Mrs, T. Barker, Mr and Mrs J. M. I), (Barker, EMr andi iMfra *S/ A. [Bristol, .Mr M. Barnett, Mr ftfid MrS C. E. Bevaru Brown, ■Mr and Mrs -E. C.,Brown, Mr and Sirs W. Baliantyrre, Mr E. C. Bishop, Mr and 'Mrs F. J. Board, Mr and Mrs J. Baßantyne, Kev W. 6. Bean and Mrs Bean, Mr and Mrs Gr. T. Booth, Mr and Mrs A. W. Beaven, Mr and Mbs (R. O. Bean, Mr and Mrs G. Bowrou, (Mr and -Mrs (R. N. (Bealey, Hon J. -A. (Bonar and -Mrs Bonar, Mr and Mrs H. Betts, Mr T. A. Bulliok, Mr and Mrs J. E. Brunt, Mr J. A. Butler, -Mr and Mrs P. Barkas, IMr A. L. (Beattie, IMf Christopher Bowen, Mr Barstou, Mr and Mrs Cobham, Mr and Mrs P. Campbell', -Sir George and Lady Clifford. Mr and Mrs Frank Cowlishaw, Mr W. P. Cowlishaw and -Miss Cowlishaw, Mr -and (Mrs T.- Cowlishaw, Mr and Mrs W. B. Cowlishaw, Dr Graham Campbell, Messrs Charles and Leo. Clark, Mr and Mrs Charles Clark, -Mr and Mrs : P. Cox and -Miss Cox, Mrs Cunningham, -Mr. A. Carriok, Mr and Mrs Chariewood, Mrs Michael Campbell and jMiss Campbell, iDi Crosby, Mr and Mrs Henry Cottsrill, Air E. J. Cotterill and Miss Cotierili, Mr and Mrs (Duncan Cameron, Dr and 'Mrs Orooke, Mrs find Miss Oaxdals, -Mr and Airs E. W. Chapman. Professor and Mrs Cook, Mr aftd Mrs John Clark, Mr and Airs E. Cuthbert, Mr and -Mrs W. W, Collins, Mr and. Mrs W. H. Collins, Mrs ■and Miss 'Cocks, Mr. -and Alfred Cox, Mrs Owen Cos, -Mr Thomas Cha>pman, Mr and Mfo C. Dampier-Crossley, Mr and Mrs W. Ohrystalii Mr and Mrs Ctttten-, Mr and Mrs 1. Coverdale, 'Mr John Conual, IMr T. Cain-, Air and- Mrs W. 18. Clafkson, Mr and Mrs J. J. Clarkson, Mr and Airs. -W. IH. Cooper,-Mr tod Mrs C. C. Corfe, Hon James Carroll, Captain and Mrs Ohajfey, Mr and Mrs J. C. Clarkson, Air and Mrs W. 'SB. Clarkson, iun., Mr and (Mrs G. Clarkson, Mr and Mrs.- J. Colvin, Bov and Mrs C. C. -Coates, -Miss -E. -Mendelson, Mr and Mrs P. Campbell, Air and Mrs Obeaney, Mr and Mrs T. D. Condell, Miss Cook; Mr and Mrs J. A. Cassidy, Mr and Sirs W. W. Cartrigbt, Miss Chaff ey, Mr and Miss ,J. Doans, Mr Justice Denniskm, Mrs and Miss •Dennistoa-, Mr and Mrs F. Dalgsty, Mr and Mrs C. iDalgety. Mr W. A. (Day, Mr IM. Davie, Mr .and- Airs E. Denbam, -Air and Airs -A. OD. -u-obson, 'Air and Mrs F. GEL Davie, Air and Airs J. Daly, Dr and Mrs G. E. Deamer, Mr and Mrs J. H. Davison, Mr and Mrs Al. Donnelly, Air and Mrs M. J. Dixon, Mrß. O. S-tmcan, Mr tod Airs -P. J. Douglas, Hort T. Y. Duncan. Airs Dixon, Mr and Mrs Dennistoun and Miss Dennistoun, Mr and ■Airs T. E. Donne, Mr and -Mrs W. Donald, Mr Percy Denton. Mr and Mrs A. Elworthy, ■Mr and Mrs -H. G. Ell, Dr and Mrs Elmslie, Mr and Airs -W. Evans, Mies Earlo, Mr and Airs R. W. England, jimr., Mr and Airs O. ■Herbert Elliott, inspector and Mrs Ellison, Mr and Airs A. Ferguson. Dr and Airs Pox, Airs and Miss Fenwick, Mr and Mrs Wilder Pox, Odr and Mrs J. -Biokcrton Fisher, Mr and Mrs F. R. Plattaon. Mr and -Airs T. C. Field, Mr -and? Airs J. A. Prostiok, Mr T. S-. Poster, Miss Pairhurst, Air and -Airs (Norton Francis, Bev and Airs C. A. Fraer, 'Air and Airs J, T. Ford, Mr H.' C. Ferguson-, Air and Airs HuffO..Frisdlander( Captain- and Mrs Fisher, Mr Isaac Gibbs, Mr and Mrs J. C. AT. Grigs, Air and 'Mjs G. : ,’Gould, -Dr Gain. Air E. Gragg, Lieu-tenaht-'Colonfel and Mrs Gordon, Bishop Grimes,. Mr , AVyndham Gray, Miss Gibson-, Mr and At. Gray, Air and Airs Frank Graham and MiSs Grab am, Mrs and Alias Garrieb, Miss Gerard, Caotain Garsia, Air and Mrs G. Gerard, Mr F. B. Gillingham, .Mr and Airs L. C. Gardiner, Air add (Mrs J. GrJm.mond. Mr and Mrs A. E. Guinness, Mr tod Mrs W. Menzies Gibb, Captain -and Mrs Garland, Mr and Airs T. Garraid. Air Frank Graham,, fun., Air and Airs G. L. Greenwood, Air and Mrs Thomas Gapes, Mr and Miss ‘S. Garforth, Mr and 1 Mrs G. Harper and 'Miss (Harper, (Mr and- Mrs E. D.

Harman, Mr and Mrs T. D. Harman,' Canon and the Misses Harper, Processor and Mrs Hutton, 'Mr and Mrs J. D. Hail, Mr and Mrs iHolmors and ‘Miss Helmore, Troiessor Haslam, Mr and Mrs 0. Hanmcr, Mr and Mrs G. Harris, Mr -and Mrs Ixl. E. Hill and the Misses Hill (2), Mr and Mrs Arthur Harper, Mr and Mrs James Hay, ’Mr and Mrs Hawdon and Miss Ha.wdo.n-, Captain and Mrs Hawkas, : Mr and Mrs C. A. C. Hardy, Mr and Mrs J. IV M. Hay-hurst, Mr and Mrs Verne Hargreaves, Mrs and 'Miss Henna'd, Mr Herman (n'anmer, -Rev i'. Hare, Mr and -Mrs G. Helmore, Mrs and Miss Holt, Hr and Mrs Hayes, Mr and Mrs Howell, Captain and Airs Hocday, Mr and Mrs It. J. S. Harmon, Mr and Mrs Fairlio Hobson, (Mr and Mrs G. Harper, Mr W. Harris, Mr and Mrs J, Hay, Mr and Mrs E. S. Harris and Miss Hams, Air and Mrs W. H. Hargreaves, Air J. Al. Hoy wood, Mr Philip Hoare, Archdeacon Harper, (Air and Mrs James Holmes, Air and Airs H. Harris, Mr John Holmes, _ Colonel Hume, Air and Airs Victor (Harris, Miss Hargreaves, (Air and Mrs F. Hobbs, Air and Mrs Hunter, Mr and Miss J. Hayden, Air and Airs Hay and Miss Hay, Mr and Airs A. G. Howland and Mira How.and, Mr and Mrs V . Izard and Miss Izard, Air and Mrs Inman, Airs divine, Hr and Airs Irvine, .Bishop and Mrs Julius, Miss and Miss A. Julius, Hr and Mrs Jennings, Mr and Mrs G. Jameson and Miss Jameson, Air and Airs AV. Jameson, Mr T. Jamieson, Hon. \V. Hall-Jones and Mrs HaT-Jonts, Mr and Mrs W. Jacques, Mr and -Mrs P H. Johnson, Mr T. I. Joynt, Colonel Jowsey, C.AI.G., Air and Mrs T, Jones, _ Mrs (Hardy-Johnston, (Mr and Mrs James Johns, Air and Airs J. J- Kinsey, Air and Mrs G. Kettlewell, Mr and Mrs P. Kippenberger. Mrs and Aliss Kettle, Air and Mrs H. Kohn, Air and Mrs H. Knight, Mr and Airs A. Kaye Mr and Airs Kettle, Hon J. Kerr, M.L.C;, Air and Mrs G. King, Mr 'and Mrs M J. Knitblcy, Air Beauchamp Lane, Air and Mrs H. H. Loughnan, Mr W. M. Lewis, Mr .and(Mrs F Lane, Lir'Levinge, Mr and Mrs Charles Lewis and Mis? Lewis, Captam and Mrs Lewin, Captain and Airs Lindsay, Mr and Airs E. Latter, Mr and Mrs G. Laurenson, Mr and Airs T. H. Lance, Mr A. Lyon, Miss Lean, Air and Mrs Laurie, Mr and Mrs Lichfield, Mr and Airs H. A. Le Cren, Mr and Airs AV. H. Lane, Air and Mrs G. Lambic, Eev Father. Lemenant des Chesnais, Mrs J. D. Lance, Air and Mrs Launcemt Lane Mr and Airs G. Lisle, Air and Mrs W. D. Lawrence, Mr and Mrs L. Mathias Mr arid Mrs H. O ;D. Meares, Mr and Mrs AY. J. Moore, Mr and Mrs Marsh, Dr Moorhouse Mrs and Miss Moorhouse.Mr Evan G. Macdonald, Air and Sira R.- M. Alaodonald Air AY. Montgomery, Mr and Airs T. Maude, Air and Mrs I’. AY. Maude, Hon W. Montgomery, Mr and Airs C. D. Morris, Mr John M Laughkn, Air and Mrs B. Meredith, Mr and Airs G. M Intyre, Mr and Mrs 'B. P. Manhire, Mr and Mrs C. N. Macintosh, Mr . and Mrs J. Manchester, Air A. B. Morgan, Mr and Mrs JR. E. M’Dougall, Mr and Airs !A. J. M Culloch, Mr and Airs Alaling and Miss Mahng, Captain and Mrs Ala.rc.ol, Alt and Alts J. Alurchison, Mr and Mrs LuinfrMeaeon and Misses Lamg-Moason (2), AH w. Mendelson Mr and Mrs Walter Alaciarlane Al/’and Mrs Leicester Matson, Lieruenan’t and Airs Merton, Mr aad Mrs Lavid Matson, Mr and (Mrs G. F, Martin, Bev Moriev, Air Allan Al’Lean, Miss Martin, Mr and Mrs B. AL Molineaux, Mr and Mrs G. ,H. Al’Haffie, Mr M. Murphy, Mr GML xnoore, Afr and Mrs B- Moore, Mrs J. T. Matson, Air 6. Millar, >AIr and (Mrs H. L. Mrihel, Mr and Mrs D. Macfarlane, Mr and Mrs J. M’Whiner, Mr and Aliss A. Mathieson, Mr \V. and Miss M'Keo'hme, Mr and Mrs R. MKeuzie, Mr and Mrs G. W. ■ Maran, -Mr and Mrs J. O. ’Moore, 'Hon J. M’G-owan, Mr J, Mlandl and Miss Mandl, Mr and Mrs D. M’Lareni, Lieutenant-Colonei and XL Moore Mr A. Millar, Mr and Mrs At • -Mac Donald Dr A. MacArthur, Mr and Airs S. Manning Air Frank Moorhouse; Mr and Airs fee and Miss Heave, Dr 1 Mt and Airs J. Horthoote, Mr and Airs m. r Sill Haldet, Kcv and Mrs - o^ o e - k f T £. Oilivier, Air andAlrsED.OEoikc-m and Mrs Oele, Mr and Mrs J* Gven and Miss Overton, Dr Ovenden, Mr “d Mr^ O. N. Orbeli, Mr and Airs A. P. o Mr and Miss Orbe 1.Mr._8.-L. OrheU. Air and Airs' Walter Oilivier, Mr H. H. i Sr and Airs J. Balme* and Ato HSo‘j d T I Sia F jsS'pS.ok, Mb, Vtint, 1 a ker Mr Percy Perry, Mr and Mrs Pettigrew,. Mr S Mra C. T.>. P f ry Mr and Mrs Palairet and Miss £ p el ry, Dr and Airs Perry, Mr P. Perry, iur O (B. Pemberton;, Canon arid Mrs Pasooe, Mr and Mrs E. Patten,. Mr Price, Mt mid Mrs J. C. Prudhoe, Mr Pearss, Mr and Alrs> Powell’ Mr W, J. Poison; Bev Father Price, Mr and Airs X. Qdane. Mr and Mis R. Heaton Rhodes, Mr and Mrs G. E - T E °; ocie l’ Mr and Airs A. C.; Rolleston, Mrs, Miss and Miss N. Reeves, Mr Hugh AL Reeves, Mr and Mrs E. J. Ross, Miss Ross, Mrs dtobirp son, Air and Airs E. W. Roper, Mr J. B. Reid, Airs Rose, Air and Mrs A. F. Roberts, Air and Mrs F. C. Raphael, Air and Airs T. G, Russell, Mr and Mrs W. Rolutt, Mr and Mis J. S. Mr ond_ Mrs Duncan Rutherford, Mr and Mrs A. W. Rutherford, Mr and Mrs W. O. Rutherford, Mr end Mrs IH. H. ‘Eayward, Mr and Mrs R. H. Rhodes (Bluecliffs), Mrs W. B.' Rhodes, Hon W. and Mrs Eolloston and the. Misses Rolleston, Air H. F. Reece, Mr and Mrs G. W. Russell, Mr and Mrs W. T. Robinson, Airs Boss. Mr A. T. G. Rhodes, Miss R. MRhodes, Mr T. Ronayne. Major and Airs Richards, Mr and Mrs E. J. Rightop; Air and Mrs J. S. Rutherford (Alhury), Mr and Mrs €. L. Russel], Mr Gilbert Reeves, Mia and Mias Ross', Air Racy, Mr and 'Alls G. G. Stead and Air Wilfred Ste-ad, Dr and Mrs W. H. Byrnes, Professor and Mrs -Scott, Air. and Mrs T. W. Stringer, Mr and Airs Secretan and Miss Secretan, Alias Saunders, Hon E. C. J. and Airs Stevens, Mr and , Mic G. B. Starky, Lieutenant-Colonel and Airs .Slater and Miss Slater, Mr and -Mrs E. G. Staveley, Mr and Mrs J. Smith, Air and Mrs H. B. Sorensen, Mr and Mrs W. E. Samuels, Mr and Mrs G. Simpson, Mr and Mrs E. C. Skog, Mr and Mrs H. R. Smith, Mr and Mrs, J. Sansom, Mr and Mrs S. Saunders, Mt and Mrs P. Selig, Mr "and 'Airs W. Studholme, Mr and Mrs J. Studholme, Mrs M. Sludfiolme, Mr E. C. Studholme, Mr Carlisle Studholme, Miss Mabel Studholme, 'Mr and Mrs Paul Studholme, Mr and Mrs, S. F. Smithson, Air and Mrs W. Strange, Mr and Mrs R. Siruthers, Mr and Alr& G. J. Smith, Mr and Mrs P. H. Steel, Air and Airs F. J. Smith, Airand 'Mrs W. H. (Seed, Right Honourable R. J, Seddon, Mrs Seddon ■and (Mias Seddon, Captain and Mrs Snow, Mr and Mrs C. Hurst Seager, Mr and Mrs James '.Suisl'od, Mr and Airs J. T. Smith, Mr and Mrs G. Swann, Mr and Airs Strain. Miss Simpson, Mr and Mrs J. Scanlon, Air and Mrs Claude Sawtcll,_ Hon W. J. and 'Mrs Steward, Airs and Miss Stoddart, Mr. Alex. Shand, Major N. L. (D. Smith. Rev and Airs I. .SaißiUson, Air and Mrs J. M. Turnbull, Air and Airs E. M. Tunrell, Dr and Airs Townefid, Mr and Airs R. D. Thomas and' Miss Thomas, Mr and Airs J. Tescbe-ma-ker, Air W. Praser-Tytler, Mr and Mrs J. M. Taylor, Mr and Mis J, Talbot, Hon J. M. and Airs Twomey, Air and Mrs W. W. Tanner, Air and Airs W. T. Thomas, Air and Mrs W. H. Triggs. Sir J. Fraser-Tytler, Mr .and Mrs Howard Tripp, Airs and Miss Tabari, Air C. Turrell, Captain and Airs Temple and Aliss Temple, Airs and Aliss Tripp,, Mrs Thomas jTimaru). Mr and Mrs T. E. Taylor, Mr and xvirs H. Thomson, Mr and Airs Clar-. enoe Turner, Air Guy Tabart, Mr and Mrs A. H. Turnbull, Air and Mrs J. M. Thompson, Rev Charles Turrell, Air and’Alrs F. W. Thompson, Air and Airs A, Tyree, Dr and Mrs Thomas, Commissioner J. S. aunbridge, Airs and Miss Thomas, Jion J. W. and Airs Taverald, 'Air -and Mrs T. Treloar. Dr and 'Mrs Thacker, Mrs and Atjss Talbot, Air and Airs Vornon, Mr J. Vincent, Air and Mrs W. Wood, Mr and Mrs Henry 'Wood, Air and Mrs W. D, Wood, Air and Alts J. B. Way, Air and Airs W. H. Wynn-Williams and Aliss Wynn-Williams, Air, and Mrs F. Wilson, Mr ahdf' Mrs T. Y. Wardrop, Mrs Woodhouse, Air and Airs W. C, H, Wigley, Air and Mrs W. P. Woodroffo, Mr and Airs F. Wilding arid Aliss Wilding, Hon W. C. and Mrs Walker and Miss Walker, Eev and Airs H. Airay Watson; Air and Mrs R. Wostenra and Alisa Westenra, Mr .and Mrs Wilder and Miss Wilder, Air and 'Airs G. P. Williams, Air and Mrs F. Waymouth, Air and Airs J, C. Wilkin, Mr and Airs A. Cricroft AVilson and Aliss Wilson, H'on Launcelot Walker, Mr and Mrs F. E. Wright.' Air and Mrs T. S. Weston, Air and Airs H. F. Wigram, Air and ,Airs T. Wallace, Air ; I Airs 0. A. Wray, Air and Airs S. Weetman, Airs J. Wilkin, Air and Mrs 'E. G. Wright, Major and Airs Wright, Airs A. J. White, Professor and Alisa Wall, Mr and Airs C. Wood, Mr C. H. Winny, Miss G. Wilson. Sir Joseph and Airs Ward, Miss Emily Wilson, Aliss Wignall. Mr and ,Mrs G. H. Whiioombe, Air and Mrs. J. F. Waohsmann, Eev and Airs T. P. W inter, Rev and Airs H. C. M. AVatson, Air and-Airs P. Wood, Air and Mrs" C. Hood Williams, Air and Mrs P. All Wallace, Air P. Westerns, Mrs E. and Miss K. Young, and Air and Mrs T. York. In addition to the a hove, invitations were issued by Mr and Mrs 'Rhodes to every officer of each) ol H.M. •warships in Yew Zealand waters, the mayors and wives of mayors of all boroughs in Canterbury and Westland, and the chairmen of the Harbouy Boards in the same district. All the members of the Ministry, chief executive officers of the various departments, and all the visiting journalists and representative's of Hew Zealand papers accompanying the Royal lour, received Invitations. The invitations issued numbered nearly 1200.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12535, 24 June 1901, Page 9

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THE MAYORAL RECEPTION. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12535, 24 June 1901, Page 9

THE MAYORAL RECEPTION. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12535, 24 June 1901, Page 9