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B . LYTTELTON. iMfttdfaa la •ttwtad in 1»4. 43.87 «mth, |>M, J. 78.44 east; -and the difference. of taw I RUi*e«i Lyttelton «ad Chrisfcchuroh as 20seo. If' Th* .tißt*4»U is dropped every week day at 1(1, p.m., 'New Zealand mean time, which is *a 14.30 Greenwich mean tune of "i, *si» Biwieui day, being calculated for 172 deg :?«?nria mai hag., 'and llhrs 30min east of .' Gxteawioi ami 41ma. PHASES OF THE MOON. I-'" JUNE.

"WEATHER REPORT. ETO. Higit .Waster, Hhta 'Day (Friday): Morning, ',.•7.55 ,».».; afternoon, 8.19 p.m. Sua rises • -y.bß jub., **te 4.27 p.m. Moon ri3es 10.13 ■: \m., «*ta 8.45 p.m. „ » .TKUKSIML,Y JUNE 20. i!' J i 9 a-m. noon. 5 p.m. * ' SmoM •. » 23-08 29.86 29.*$ ?. Jfhw-memeter * 50 60 48 i. .fiWab ■ ;-,' ! WEATHER FORECAST, jf The following weather forecast was iielefrom Wellington yesterday:—A gale r'"X»ra between the west, south-west and south /••U places. The barometer will rißa everyThe sea will be heavy on all the west * eeadj, and also on the east coast south of !--',J5*»-Cspe. The tides will be high on the CvWMt coast of the North Island and! .also in '"''.'■li the «»st coasb'southward of East. Cape, V-ikfl good at all other parts. Cold weather ;~i* to be expected in all parts of the country, -*nd warning isjgnals for westerly gales are at Cape Maria Van Diemen and -Tiritiri, and at Capes Campbell, Fareviill ;,Spit and Fonlwind. Synopsis of the last twenty-four hours:—Throughout the country ''rise pressure continued to decrease until :?. -»boufr 10 ip.m., since when it has increased , > «T«7wheie. Northerly gales with rain have ;:.l>i*n e«p*rienced at most places , from Na"pter'*nd New Plymouth southward to Hoki- ; tik* and Kaikoura, and) strong westerly winds .'■enertlly, with rain elsewhere. A low presi'«ur» from the west haa passed eastward of the of South Cape. if I'THE WEATHER IN ATJISTRALTA. '/ The following weather reports were received '.from Australian) stations yesterday:— ' Albany, Junes 19—Wind, north; barometer, "80.10; cloudy. \- Hobart, June 19—Wind, south; barometer,' 29.60; cloudy. \- Sydney, June 20—Wind, west; 'barometer, "».70; fine. '"'.' THE WEATHER IN {NEW ZEALAND. .' The following weather reports were received -','Jrora New Zealand stations m 5 p.m. yesterday:— '. Mknukiu Heads—Wind, north-west, fresh; ""i»onMrter 29.71, thermometer 65; okudy, aoa. Tough. ' JN«w Plymouth—'Wind, west-south-west, ' light; barometer 29.60, it!hermometer 68; fine, tea modera/id. r'- -Gt&'le Pcriat—Wind, north-west, light; fbaro- : meter 29.46, .thermometer 55; fine, sea modeV-. ' Wellington—Wind, north-west, light; baio- . meter 23.43, thermometer 54; cloudy. .' Westport—Wind, east, light; barometer 28.55, Thermometer 50; cloudy, sea rough. ; JSJukours—Calm; .barometer29.s3, thermomeiter' 50; 'gloomy, sea slight swell. Qamaru—Calm; .barometer 29.48, thermoma ter'47; ciouciy, ssa moderate. ' ■ Wiiia—Wind, north-west, flight; ,barometer 09.46, thermometer 64; fine. '•'-■Captain Edwin reports:—The pressure at 'both Sydney and, Albany has decreased slowly, bun lias increased at Hobanls. A low :• pressure from the .west passed eastward pi ihe ' Meridian of South Cape about 11 p.m. yaster■/day. Strong westerly winda are girobajbl'e ia juotb PKts of the country. ARRIVED. ; ' Jun» 20—Rotokino, s.s., 1304 tons, Farmer, .'fawn Westport. "Unaon Steamahip Co., agents. .-,- June 20— Corinna, e.s., 820 tons, M'Donald, : 'ttm, Wellington. "Union / Steamahip Co., '/if«ots. Pasaongerg—Twenty-nine officers and c;8«4 cadet«. „ ... ,'). Juae 30—'Jfararoa, s.a, 1381 fonß, Smith, /•tam Wel'lington. Union Steamship Company, Piassengers—Aliases 'Scalmer, ilule, ■'lfoig, Harrison, Young, Poison (3), Craig'therae, Finch, 'Hunt, Aladdison, Townsena, •Oldreg and Tudor, M«adame3 ißlakey, Lind- ■ Imj, Oiewis, Parr and child, .Young, Bolton - 4 tau chM, iMar, Daxon, Rolleston, Fowler, ; "Kia»bury and infant, Prkigle, Reid, Harri;,"p»a, Poison, Whall, Hardimg, Hodmesi, nurse •ad infant, 'P*ton and son, Fle'stgant. G«od-: 'year, Childe, Williams, Belve, Allmann, Boyd, • Croll. Powell »rid 'Stevens, ,Wood, 'Captain* Itoveday, €ole», Mor*on, '!Xhxmhe», Good, Turlrington, Aduma, Piarritt, •iljwtonion, Ha»l*m, V.'«ll, Mad"Keeps, Bee and Scott, Revs ©asee "'"•nd flobbs, Messrs iFraser, Buxton, Felling■'taai, M'Kinley, -Palmer, Johnston, Lindsay, ■%iMi.t, Oray, Pollard, Parr, Boson, New-'-ItBd!, Young, Marriner, Rule, Hicks, Hurat 12), Tcoimpson, Storey, Collins. Hay, Kings- . bwy, Henderson, "Maddison, Cadogan, Beid, ''Bhanah-an, Downes, Tychurst, Dermer, Tod'fcnater, Simmonds, Campbell, Bums, _ Taylor, ■"fi»Tidson, Baylisa, Harrison, Schnmshaw, i'Wilton, 'Duffy, (Holmes, 'Greenwood, FMch, ''Eußbaon, Olaereg, Paton, Rogers, Jew, MacMtSur, {Browning, M'Neil, O'M'ally, O'Connor, •ILowii, Waflish, .Brash, Eose, Mackay, ' Wwt '(2), Ellis (2), M'Derinoto and child, W*ut, Hyde, Goodyeiar, AlgeTv Alli»ann, Hoss, Heuny, Duvial, I)ix, Hislop, ■' Buth«l«nd, (Manifdld, Croll, Palhser, Ander--'•on, Johnson, M'»Cormick, O'fßrien and 'i£'C»ttley, and 963 cadets. SAILED. ; a June 20-Corinna, s.s., 820 tons, (MUoraM, '-'te.Wellington. Union Steamship .Company.,- : Wellington Uoion Steamship -Company, Passengers—Messrs T. S. Weston, Wayals, Cresswell and Ardell. ". June 20—'G-othic, s.s., 4975 xone, Kidley,- for -'lLondon; vi* ißio and Teneriffe. National '":l4onzage and Agency Company, agents. PasBlades, M. Coke, M. fl»m- - ton, D. Jones, iM'Lean, Mahoney (3), Sfiartan, -.8. May, Stewart, Thomas, Washibourn. ■Wil"•on, Woodhouse, Carralin, MedcaM, O'idham, '•% Trumper and 18. iB. Young, IM'esdames Holmes and child, 'K. (M. Holmes, A. uil. S. Jones, Reid, E. Richards, Smith <2J, D. Thomas, T. Lowe, D. ■Murchison, Old'hamand '■ child,- Palk, Paton, A. Reid and Simpson, ■JBfoßßra J. E. R. Allen, G. H. Blackwood, ' A. 'Deamer, 'Gordon, Holmes <2), T. Hughes, •■M'Xee, iH. E. May, L. 'May, W. S. (Reid, -J. 'Smith, W. O. F. Stuart, D, Thomas, 'W. Barker, W. 'Bedell, A. 'Edwards. W. J. Froat, G-. Gilmoar, G. Olansford, G» T. Jones, ' Sf!L»dkl«B, P. Mar- jfct, D. iMeiklejohn, iD. i lluiehiwn. C. Palk, C. Paldiser, A. W.-.Keid; U-JWd, Simptoa, D. Slidders, A. Taylor, fJwT H. Vergette, 'Masters I>. Thomas, A. OWfe«n and Paton. ' Corinna: iFrom lNelso&—4 field guns, 4 i, Umbers, 4 cases harness, 1 drum oil. ' Botokino: From Westport—l7oo tons coal. ; Mararoa: From Wellington—7 pieces casfc- ''-, jwy,i Ift cam* uneats, 300 standards, 20 coils •'top*, 6 cases felt, 123 boxes -butter, 2 crates V*iai, 1 horse, 1 quarter cask, 67 cases. 79 •kg*, 1 bale, 1 bag, .7 trunks luggage; from -' OJrtiußga— 3 pkgs trees, 1 'bale leather, 1 par- ;•',-,--" EXPORTS. : i- Tarawera: For Picton—3 sacks roots; for •;sl«Uon—3 owes, 3 pkgs; for Foxton— l cr*t*a, ,"\ c*se, 1 box biscuits a»d confectionery, 1 ff Miie, 1 keg, 1 parcel; for Wanganui—B crates ■■ and: 4 cases biscuits andi confectionery, 1 r«r»te; for New Plymouth—s crates and' 2 C*«es bisouits, 2 crates and 1 case confec.."ifoiJery, 10 casks empty returned', 2- cases, fl •£k»: 'for Blenheim—2 cases, 1 sack; for ; Wellington—U pkgs ranges, 1 crate perambu- '■ Jators, S chests tea., 20 chests drawers, 10. i crates, 2 cases and 1 bos confectionery, 86 plcg* railway points and crossings, 50 sacks eata, 22 pkgs furniture, 53 isacks 'barley, 25 . packs beans, 21J sacks ilinseed, 20 sacks ey»ters, 31 cases and pkgs. EXPECTED AKMVALB. . From London—Star of England, at AtiokJune 17. Papanui, at Wellington June JB. Tekoa, left April SO, dtre Auckland June --S*. Walwera, left- May 10. Hawke's Bay, l«ft Mar 4. Wainwte, left May 27. Wsikato, left May i, d ; ue Wellinirton July "18. 'Pakeha, left June 13. Star of New Zealand, Bimuiaka, left June 3, due Port Chalmers '' July 20. Buteshire, at Bluff June 18. ":From New York—Tomoaaa, left April 26. 'Cered*, at Port Chalmers rCtlsd*. left April 15. 'ji .Flora Edithburg—Manuwera, barque, 327 !-fdlHi ■; .Wnm A'goa B*y—Corryvrschaij, barque, 1 tsee toss. •.' From Valparaiso—Sant Anna, barque, 1303 f-ten*. CoifUa, ship, 1344 tons. K ttem Caps Town—Kinclune, tarqus, 71S 'rton*. " ; * From Fiji~Mary Moore. baTauo, 544 tons. '; ( From Brisbane—Hesperides", ship, 1339 -'•BS. ■- ,'Froni -HobaTt—lAldebaran, 'barque, .466 tons. NewoasHe—Laira, barque, 492 tons. ?'';Froni QCelbourn'e—<Roratord, e.s., left- June w .:* .''From Sydney—River Hunter, barque, 234 Adelaide—(Blenheim, ebip, 1077 tons. SELS HOMEWABD BOUND. »p4am KeUy) 93 aptain Ql'JKinnon) . . « 76 #C»pt«ia CoHitigwood) t €0 iCftptiia 'Milne) ... 42 iDamoM) . » . 3 ItOar STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S - HXjCjSUX. >T >iTJpolu sxrive* from'Wellington, lot lAkaroa, Timani, Oam«ra &nd 1 3tenM»^»ni , vt>^rom~!W'tUiagbQ»^i

Wainui and Flora arrives from Wellington, and leave on return trip. Mokoia arrives, irom Melbourne, via southern ports, and leaves for Wellington and Sydney. Waiter* arrives from Wellington and East Coast ports, and .leaves for Dun-edin. The 'S.s. Corinna, with nearly 700 cadets from Wellington, Blenheim andl • Nelaon, arrived at 9*5 a.m. yesterday. The's.a. Mararoa, with a large number of cadets, arrived from Wellington at twenty minutes after'noon yesterday. Tie «.s. Rotokino arrived from Westport at 4.30 ».m. yesterday. . Ths e.s. 'Corinna left for Wellington at 2 p.m. yesterday. '.„„,,.. -, i. The s.s. Mararoa left for Wellington last night. . : .. •'•'•' ■ •Jjhe Shaw, Savill and Albion. s.s. Gothic left at ten past four o'clock yesterday afternoon for London with 75 .passengers and a large cargo of meat, .produce, etc. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. ' LYTTELTO'N, June 20. a.m., Botokino, -from Westport; 9.40 a.m., Corinna, from Wellington:; 12.55 p.m., Mararoa (Saru Francisco mail), from Wellington. Sailed— p.m., Corinna, for Wellington; 4 p.m., GoSihic, for London. ... . -WELLINGTON, June 20. Arrived—4.3o, Waihora, irom Napier; 9.115 ».ra, Zealandia, irom ILyttelton; 12.25 p.m., Tarawera, irom Lyttelion. . * Sailed—6.2o a.m., Whangape, for Dunedia; 6p.m., Wainui, for Lytteltoa; 5.15 p.m., Flora, for Lyttelton; 5.10 p.m., iealandia, for iNapier; 4.5 pjm., H.MjS. Royal l Arthur, for Lyi> telton; 4.45 p.m., Upolu, for Lyttelton; 6.10 p.m., Waihora, for Lyttelton. iBLUFF, June 20. Arrived—Wingfield (waiting <for orders), from Durban. PORT CHALMERS, June 20. Arrived—l2.4s p.m., Cereda, from Now York. Sailed—3.4s p.m., 'Mokoia, for Lyttelton. SIHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, June 20. Sailed—.Rotoiti, for New Plymouth 'and Wellington. WELLINGTON, June 20. . iS'adled—Westralia, for Melbourne, via the eolith land (Hobant; ■passengere—Misses Toswill, Jameson, Day, BeaM-ie (a), Willis, M'lnnes and Gallagher, Mesdames Glendiniing, Buchanan, 3arraud, Murray, Harris, Hulbard, To3will, Hallows, Jiameson, Melhuish and Menders, nurse and child, .Colonel Peafcon, Majors Owen and Mad'ocks,- Captain® Bingley, Bourn and Turner, Commandants Campbell, Todd and St. Keleall, Messrs Browning, Patrick, Hatrick, ißyan, Price, Jameson, 'Goodwin, Dawson, GreviMe, M'Gje. gor, Hu'tohlnson, Cooper, Haxgreaves, Dison, 'Brown, Bastings, Carter, Cameron, Hannaiy, Anderson, 'Hedgos, Austen, ißuddick, Holmes, Hoare, Leeolu,'Bowick, Fletcher, Barraud, Taylor, Melihuish, Mercer, Murray, Hubbard, Restreux, .GarraTd and Lenport, 'Mastes O'Kane, Hannan, and Connon, 500 volunteers and iorifcy .steerage. Waihora, for Lyttelton' and Dunedia; p*3sengers-rlo3 excursionasts and seventy-seven steerage. Wladnui, for Lyttelton j passengers—Misses Cook and Coventry, Mesdames Cook, Brown and Levesltam, Sur-geon-Captain Murray, Lieuitenamts Crump, Salmon and White, 'Captain .Clemens, M-easta Hunter, 'Bell, Whitney, Deering, Heays, Connor, PrfolM, Tubai, Forsyth, Eing, Giaipes, Woods, Twomey, Pavltt, Welman, and twelve -(rteewge-. . . ■ . DUNEDIN, June 20. Sailed—Mokoia, for Sydney via Cook Strait; passengers for Lyttelton—Mrs Malcolm and eirl. Msasra Pieroe, Bteck and Schatz. PORT CHALMERS, June 20. Arrived—Ceredia, Bannirter, seventy-four d»y«, from New York. BLUKF, Jiune 20. Sailed—ißuteiflrire, for Port .Chalmers. The steamer Winkfield, from Durban, is off tlhe port awaiting orders. AUSTRALIA* SHIPPING. SYDNEY, June 20. Arrived—'Monowai, from Wellington.

1 Full Moon . . . . 8 9 23 p.m. i W*«* UUAtMI . . . . Wl« ■•*"■ JNtw Moon . . Fir»t Qiurtear . . . . 17 1 3 a.m. . . 24.8 9 a.m.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12533, 21 June 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12533, 21 June 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12533, 21 June 1901, Page 4