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LYTTELTON. LyiUlton is «ita»tad la lift. 43.87 eouth, , iom. 172.41 east; *b& the difference of time barween LytieltQn and Christchurch is SOseo. The time-ball is drooped every week day at / 1 p.m., New Zealand mean time, which is ■'; equivalent to 13.30 Greenwich, mean Urns ai the previous day, baing calculated for 172 deg BGrnin ca-st long-., and libra 3Qmin «ast oi Greenwich msan time.' PHASES OP THE MOON. JUNE.

■WEATHER REPORT. ETC. Hig-h Water, This (Day (Thursday): Morning, 7,6 a.m.; afternoon, 7.31 p.m. Sun 7.86 aaa., Bens 4.27 p.m. Moon rises 9.42 a.m., bois e. 40 p.rn. ' .WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19. 9 a-rn. noon. 6 pjoi. (Barometer . , 29.31 29.23 29.23 Thermometer .50 60 48 !Wind, N.E., 'light. ' ' THE <WEATHER IN .NEW ZEALAND. ' The weather reports were received from New Zealand sta/fcicins ■»! 5 'p-m. yestsr- "' lav: —• >Tp.TniV«ii (Heads—Wind, north-west, fresh; 1 baromete 29.65, 'thermometer 66; showery, sc« "' smooth. • ,'■ New* 'Plymouth—Wind.- aiotfth-weat, fresh; barometer, 29.48, thermometer 63; showery, sea . tough. , 'OasMe Point—AYind, nctfUi-wes-i, breeze; barometer £29.33, (thermometer 57; showery. Wellington—Wind, north-west, gale; baroi-\ meier 23.87, thermometer 54; showery. Westowt—Wind, west, breeze; barometer 39*24, 'lnermometer 50; rain, eea rough. Kai'koufa—Ciim; baromo:or 23.12, inermome- " te 46; arisaling, saa, moderate. Owttixu—Wind, south-west, light; baro- ' meter 20.23, thermometer 47; gloomy, sea ~: moderate, v '?-<' Bluff—Wind, sowth, flight; (barometer 20.23, '• thermometer 50; gloomy. Captain 'Edwin reports:—A How pressure f fcorn 4he west jrill pass eastward ©f the men- ' dian of 'SoutH* 'Capo by -niidniglri to-night. ', Ga'« from between the we-st and south-west ; ■ «d'*outh .are to bo eocpeoted dn all parts oi '-', tk« «owrttry, with am increasing pressure. 1 WEATSER FORECAST. • '- The following woather forecast was •' gwphed from Wellington yesiexday:—A gale from between <the north-east and north-west «t all places, but changing after twelve hours '- to betwsefl the north-west, wen and south. The • barometer will further fall everywhere, but nil rise after twelve hours. The'sea will be heavy on both coasts. The .tides will be - very l:gh 02 l west coast of the South Island, and also, on the east coast south of Tfrnarn, and high at other parts. Bain is to ' be t xpected in all parte of tha country, and * » flood! on the west coast generally. Warning »ig:aals for westerly gales are exhibited at ' Cape Maria Van Daemon and Tiritiri and for ' northerly galea at Capes Campbell, Farewell Spit and Fouiwind. Synopsis of the last ■ twenty-four hours:—A further considerable ' ' decrease o-f pressure has taken place in all - parts <rf the country. Strong winds to ft S*le '-V from the northward have been experienced - .northward of Hokitika and Lyttelton accompanied by a heavy rainfall stnd strong north- ' eily -winds with rain have prevailed thence to pkce-9 south, but ihere was a frost'last night ' at the Bluff. A low pressure from the west • is approaching th« meridian of South Oape. Tha pressure is also low in the Tasman faea in about latitiude 37 south and longitude 166 - *i&%, and is travelling to the south-east. ARRIVED. . r 'June I«—Archer, H.M.S., 1770 tons, 3500 '"'horse-power, 6 guns, Commander -Rolleston, from Auckland. ' June 19 —Tarawora, s.s., 1269 tons, Manning, from Wellington. Union Steamship Co., agents. Passengers—Musses Martin, ' Trumper, 'Thomson, lieagley, Hyde, «nd CariLez, Jilesdanicii liichardb, ,Urr, Parker and - ' > jjerryanl ennd, Messrs ilango3, M'Kie, LegteJ, firman, Ivlackay, Cables, Cohen, Cook, 'its, Gray, Hinge, .slaniiixig, Hawker, Ste-\}»enS-on, Cantwei:, Gran-i, ltoberfcson, Pugh, ■flughes, Fxeyberg, Costoii, iiartin, Singer, 'Vouglaa, Morrison and JBerry, and xwenty- ■' .imr steerage. June 19—Zealandia, 5.3., 1800 tons, Hipgrave, frcm Dunedm. liinsey, Barns and Jo., agents. i*aisengors—Mcsdames Davia, Simpson and M'Donohue, Messrs'Blackwood, J ilavis, Simpson and Hughes. Juno 19—Elizabeth (jraham, barque, 593 ! . lam, Anureson, from Edithburg. pj&caitbiy, ;.' : ' Hid 1 Co., agents. ',*'-' Jane-19—Ifoening Light, schooner, 92 tons, '.- from Varupu. Pttoaithly and ~o»V~«£«ats. June 19—Pylades, H.M.S., 1420 ions, 950 fc.p., 14 guns, Commander Tupper, from Auckwsd. ' Juno 18—Torch, H.M.S., 960 tons, 1400 h.p., - -"I gun*, Cap tarn iJMacAlisxer, from Auckland. . June 19—Sparrow J «^K.M.S^» 1 853 toors, 1300 k-V-, 6 gun=, lrieutenant-9«niaiander' (ih>rdon, tioia Auckland. Jnne IS—Cygnet, s.s.J 66 tons,' Murray, from i Aksroa, via mo -iiays. Pitcarthly ana Co., ,»genta. SAILED. < June ID—Rosamond, s.s., 462 tons, Sutlier- ) land, ifor Oamaxu. Union Steamship Com- -. pany, agents. June 19 s.a., 1800 ton 3, Hipgrave, for Sydney, via cast coast ports. Kinscy, -Hams and Co., agents. Passengers: Poi * W«llington—Captain Ivcberts, Messrs Withaan ' and Peerott; for Napier—Mis3 Moloney, ( . .Messrs Moloney, lluusell and Scott; fox Gisborae—l£r firesi; for Auckland—Miss iiartin and maid, two 'Sisters oi the Mission, Messrs i X?eiherae and 'David. June 19—Tarawera, s.s., 1269 tons, (Manning, -, ftr Wellingion. Union Steamship Company, * agent-8. Passengers—Mies Nixon, Messrs Hare' jjreaves, J C. l-'inlay, H. D. Winter, .Kxdley, ' Ad'amsoc, H'Cullough ' and Haylock. IMPORTS. Zcalandia: From Dunedin—l2s iron mains, ■' 81 whisky, 48 pairs wheels and axles ; 6 : " hhds whisky, 5 .sacks peas, 186 ,pkgs groceries, J 5 arums paint, 20 cases starch, 50 bags candles, 100 cases kerosene, 10 bags rice, 20 ■saflks DiTley, 19 .bales skins, 33 ihhds ale, 25 ' ca3C3".vihisky, 25 sacks oatmeal, 20 boxes soap, -' 6 oases drugs, 5 kilderkins ale, 19 bdla pipes, •• 10 casks hardware, 2 case 3 drapery, 14 ca3es ■' .fancy goods. Tarawera: From <rreymoutn— i boxes gold. Morning Light: From rtVaitapu—so,oooft timber. * Elizabeth Graham: From Edithburg—soß •tons silt, 350 fans gyp3um, 536 'bags ground bark. EXPORTS. Zealandiat For Wellington— <l case ibacon; for Wangamui—'l3 sacks potatoes, 4 crsvtes coa|»qtionery; ior iNapicr—2 ranges, 1 cylinder, 18 sacks' potatoes, 1 three-furrow plough, 2 cyoles, 3 iharrowfl, 4 pkge ironwork; for GlsIfcorne—4o sacks flour, 20 sacks bran, 10 sacks veillaird, 110 sacks poi&toea, 4 cases Jxwta, 3 trusses wooll'ens, 32 sacks imal't, 1 cycle, 1 C»te confectioaiery, 9 empty casks; lor Auckland—fi cases woollens, 3 trusses woollens, 6 «aees l>acoa, 2 trasses- 'leather, 1 sack "bacon, ' kfl .bags 'bolittes, 1040 sacks v/hfeat, 10 sacks Mas, 1 cask rivets, 3 steel plates, 50 cases , •!«, 200 eacks oats, 350 sacks and hags flour, , i mcki whoatmeal. 12 sacks 'bran, 20 sacks tarpfi, 3 sacks oatmeal',' 1 case boots, 1 sack bob, 1950 eacka potatoes, 130 gunnies onioiis, ll'oased oheose, 4 wheels; for Suva—lso sacks fciacuit flour, 3 sacks peas, 1 aod 2 - Waaes woollens j ios 'N'mvcastle—l2 sacks Mararoai For Wanganui—lo cases ale, 2 fikgs catftiiigs, -1 bale woollens, 8 oases and 5k«3;. for WeUpoui—2 cases baots; for Fox-|oA—-l.mill; for ■Pocton—2 sacks 'aaid 5 part jacks maogolds, '2 oases; for Weillngrton—l ' fcdl Izees, 8 pkis ranges, 2, pkgs casttnga, 11 - Msea dead .poultry, 11 cases and 1 kimetkm tie, 18 cases T)icklos7~B cases sauce, 2 pkgs • lucks, 4 caßCs" and 6 sacks bacon, 57 'sacks tad 60 bags 'Hour, 2 crates perambulators, 63 licks potatoes, 7 cihesrta tea, 8 cases poultry, " 1 sacks peas, 3 bdis faees, 6 tsacks rolled oats, ' 8 coils wire, 1 bdl mould-boards, 17 bdls uriHow*, 40 packs oysters, 1 case plants, 2 fotui straw, 4 girders, 53 casca and, pkes; for JMesttheim—l &k yokes, 1 case; for Pabea— S2 owes aod 9 barrels ale, 83 saoks wheat; jr NoWon—io sacks oatmeal, 1 whwl, 3 cases ' and 4 hids ale, 3 cases stout, 1 pkg machinery, '.' ' carcases mutton ' 'and kmb, 240 casks pelts, 483 casks Wlow, ' 100 piera Jus, 140 wifea ibasdls, 1604 bales ' wool,' 663 sacks oaAs, 0.353 sacks beana, 492 Backs peas, 1314 sacks cocksfoot, 650 ea^ks "' wheat, 29 bags greenstone, 82 boxes butter, t casks casings, 13 fooses cheese, 530 aides rixk, 600 -boxes. iidh'eyß, 3 toxes sweetbreads, cuts poultry. ■Dumblane:! For United KLagdom--10j355 1 wheat. EXPECTSD AKJSIVJiS. From iLondoii—Star of England, at Auck--1 tuidi June 17. Papanui, a-t Wellington June .;- gfi. Tekba, left April 30, du* Auckland June "„ «4. > Waiwera, left May 10. Hawke's « 'lJ*7, left May 4. Waimatei left May 27. '"' Waikato, left May 4, due Wellington July 18. '"'" TPakeba. left June 13. Star of New Zealand, C' ! Bamutaka, left June'2, due Port Chalmers 4 -"'July 20. Buteslure, at Bluff June 13. &'-■<.-From ew York—Tomo*na, left April 26. |\ ,;,' Pxoin, Bdithburg--Manuwera, baro„uo, 827 tj]\ '4oO*. ;j ■■>■- Jf|om Bay—Corryyrechan, barqu«, & j'lik icas. l"'JFw«» V»baiai«>-Sant Ansa, barque, 1303 GvtWh fhip, 1364 torn. £'" "Fw»''Ch». T»wn.—Kiawunß', barque, Tie v ■ "tifi—Huj Moore, barque, 64 i toa». § Uttim. Bmbane—lfesp«id«, ahip, 1918 Kijfww Bobart-Aldebaran, barque, .466 tons.

From Melb'oiirae—jßomford, s.s., left June 4. From Sydney—River Hunter, barque, 234 tons. From Adelaide—(Blenheim, ship, 1077 tons. VESSELS HOMEWARD BOUND. Days Out. Ak&roai (Captain Kelly) 92 Belford (Captain M'Kinnon) . . . .75 Canterbury (Captain 'Collingwood) . . 59 Inverclydo (Captain Milne) . . . . . 41 THE : UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S FLEET. THURSDAY.—Mararoa arrives from Weilirjgtbn, and leaves on return trip. Corirma arrives from Wellington, and leaves on return ' trip.; ' . . • Yesterday evening the s.s. Rosamond left for OamiwrU, the e.s. Zealandia for Sydney, via east coast ports, and tho s.s. Tarawera for Wellington* ■• . The s.a Cygnet arrived from Akaroa, via the Bays, at 3.45 p.m. yesterday. H.M.S.'s Pyladea. Torch and Sparrow arrived 'from Auckland yesterday afternoon, and cast anchor' at 2.55 p;m. off Camp Bay. The barque Brussels went into dock for an overihaul yesterday morning. H.M.S. Archer arrived from Auckland yesterday morning, and. anchored off Sticking Point at 11.30 a.m. i Yesterday the s.s. Tarawcra arrived from Wellington at 7.20 a.m., and the s.s. Zealandia from -Dunedin at 735 a.m. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Co.'a s.s. Gothic will leave for London to-day^ Tho schooner Morning 'Light, arrived from Waitapu at 2 a.m. yesterday. The barque Dumblane, with a cargo of wheat, cleared for Queea'stown or Falmouth for ordor3, and went cut to the stream yesterday Tuorrtiug. ..•-■■ The- barqho Elizabeth Graham, well known in Lyttelton, arrived during Tuesday night from Edithburg with a cargo of salt, and anchored in tha stream to await the health officer's inspection. The " Post" states i-hat the Union Company is advised by Messrs Mackinnon, Mackenzie and Co., Calcutta, that tho Obra is on the berth for New Zealand direct, to sail July 15, and tho Ikhona to sail August 3. There will also bo two direct steameM for November and December loading, probably the former a steamer of the British India Company; and the latter the Whangape or another of the Union Company's steamers. The rate of freight on juto goods for JulyAugust and November-December steamers will bo 30s to mala portEi. The December steamers will call at Timaru, and jute goods by her carried at the main ports rate. TIMARU. The s.s. ffiakaio. arrived ait Timaru from Port Chalmers yesterday, xo load frozen meat and other produce. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. I,YTTELTON, June 19. Arrived, 8.40 '.a.m., Zealandia, froni Port Chalmers; 7.50 a.m., Taiawena, from Wellingion; 11.40 a..m., H.MJS. Archer, from Auckland; 2.55 p.m., H.MvS. Torch, from Auckland; 2.55 land; 2.55 p.m„ H.M.B. PyJadee, from Auckland; -3.-15 p.m., Cygnet, from Akaroa. Sailed, 8 p.m\ ; 'Rosamond, for Oamaru; 7.30 p.m., Zealandai, for 'Wfellinßrrcm. • WELLINGTON, June ; 19. Arrived, LJS p.m., Takapuna (San Francisco, mail), from New PCymou'wi; 1.15 p.m., Mararoa, from Lyttelton; 4.25 pjn., Weeftralia, from Sydney. Sailed, 4.45 p.m., Corinna,' for Lyttelton; 8.30 p.m., -Mararoa, for .Lyttelton; midnight, Whangape, for Dunedin. TIMARU, June 19. Arrived, 7 a>m., Pukaki, from Lyttelton; 7 «..m., Rakaia, ifrom (Lyttelton. AKAROA, Juno 19. Sailed, 9.25 «,.m.; Cygnet, for Lyttelton. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. POUTO, June 19. Sailed—Pilot and May, for Onebunga. WELLINGTON, Dune 19. Arrived—(Silver (Cloud, from Newcastle. Lark, irora Kaipnra. Westralia, from Sydney: passengers for LytseMon—lMisses Bush, Iceach and Thompson, 'Mendiames Murray and two children, Messrs 'Murray and Price, Dr MorEey, and itwentsMtwo steerage; for Dunedin— Mr Thompson. . Sailed— lor Lyttel'ton. ' Corinns-, for. LyHelton. •Maiaro'a, with 150 excursaomigrts, for Lj'ittelton. The Postg.l Department is advised thai the mails sent from Melbourne by the Orizaba on May 15 arrived in London on June 16, two days early. TIMARU, June f 1.9. • The barque Alma arrived here from Melbourne evening, >all well. BLUFF, June 19. The ekamer Cereda, bound from New YoTk to 'Dunedin, passed tbis morning. She reported ** All welL" • AUSTRAUAN SHIPPING. ' NEWCASTLCBy June 18. Arrived—Hannah -Bell, from lyttelton. Sailed*—Cs»n MTLeod, for Auckland. Pendie Hill, for Napier. NEWCASTLE, June 19. Sailed—Colac, for Westport. SYDNEY, June. 19. - Sailwi-—Elinpjamiite, for Auckland. Mr Bell, chief clerk »f the Unloil Company, has .been appointed (manager of tibe North Ooast Steamship Company. MELBOURNE, Jwm 19. Sailed—-Talune, for lihe BlufE. HOBART, June 18. Sailed—Hassa, for D\medin. ADELAIDE, June 18. Sailed—Blenheim, for Timaru.

• Full Moon. . . . . 3 9 23 pirn Last Quarter . . Haw Moon . . . . 10 9 30 . . 17 1 p a.m First Quarter . . . . 21 S 9 a, in

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12532, 20 June 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12532, 20 June 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12532, 20 June 1901, Page 4