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KINCAID'S G-.1.C. ..BEST KEROSENE REDUCED TO 4s 6d PER TIN, 9s PER CASE Ex "Delphic,” and are now gelling a* l following prices: Kew Valencia Raisins, per lb . . jj‘ »■ “ifornia Muscatels, per lb . New Currants, per lb . t .J J. s '? “*7® Muscatels, per lb • v-, i, er iu , , , 0 75 Finest Spanish 'Muscatels, per lb VZ fiSSfttS. P« box .0. 8 Few Pigs, per lb . .* • «. cL 0 6 1 Q 1 4 0 7J CETLINDO TEA. DRINK CETLINDO TEA, IT IS THE BEST. NO, 1 CETLINDO TEA, PER LB., JS 4D NO. 2 CETLINDO TEA. PER LB.. IS gD SPECIAL CETLINDO TEA, WONDERFUL VALUE, j_S (JD PEE LB. NO. NO. 3 CETLINDO TEA, PER LB., 2s--4 CETLINDO TEA. PER LB., gS 4D, CETLINDO TEA, IN 51b PARCELS AND UPWARDS. ! FORWARDED, CARRIAGE PAID. TO ART RAILWAY STATION IX CAXTEBBDRY. 1 SDOAIt, FINEST SNOWBBOP. p« lb 214 6 CWT LOTS. £1 3, 61. TOSS LOTS, £2l ALMONDS. a d. 2 4 1 6 0 10 1 10 0 3J on 1 5 Jordan, finest, per lb • * 1 Sicily ~ -. ' • 8 * ** • ACID'. ■ ’ Tartaric, powdered • • * ' INel«m'* loz packets, each • • BAKING POLITER, ErC ■ Edmond**, Sid, large tins Cream of Tartar, per lb . . biscuits. P«r tin of 6lb. Arrowroot 814 ' « .• • * Albert Lunch 2J4 * « * Oiew* Sjd » • * * Olngwouts fid * » * * Mixed fid . -. 4 ■ * Water, Hudson's, 4d . . . * Win*, Anlsebrobk’a 5J4 * * Cakea, Nonsuch . • • PMI, mEANAND CO.'S Bisuuirs: A LARGE ASSORTMENT. \ . blacking. Bay and Martin’* Oakes, doz • pay *nd Martin’s Liquid, in jar* Mirror, in tins . * • .* «• Nugget Boot Polish, pad and bruab, etc., per bos • • • Nugget Boot Polish, per tan « • BLACK LEAD, rimes a Dome, per dog box « * " Zebra Grate Polish, per doz • * bw . • T> 1 _ -1- maw iQfT ■ A Per lb. . 0 7 . 0 2i s 0 4 . 0 5 , 0 5 .04 .06 . 0 6 0 11 0 45 o a o 4 2 6 0 10 Brunswick Black, per jab Black Lacquer, per bottle • BLUE, WASHING. 0 10 o *i 0 6 0 10 0 8 o a 0 3 0 8 0 8, 0 3 1 0 1 8 2 6 Keen’s Oxford, per lb, Riokett's Square, lb . Riokott’a Bag Blue, per doz . - --- BRUSH WARE AT MANUFACTU EEB S PRICES. ' CANDLES. Electric, per lb , . . < . Plain War, per lb • • ■_ • Price’s Piano, saK-fittang, 12 in box . Price’* Nighflighta, B-hour, per box . Price’* Carriage Candles, per box CHEMICALS. Ammonia, washing, pat bottle < it Borax, par lb • • • « * Oaurtic Soda, lib tan . * * * Sulphur, powdered, per lb • » Borax Paraffin, large block * > CHUTNEY. Colonial, per bottle • • » • Bengal Club, 1b and • • « * Mango, per bottle, Island • • Mango, sliced, per quart bottle * COFFEE. Coffee, best Mixture, per ib » Pair Coffee, per lb • * » * Whole Boasted, per lb . « * Ohtav. pp ft <s6oaL ■ ■ ■ 'Anlsebrook’s Homodopathio, per lb . Vi-Cocoa, per 805 tin# . • - Van HouWs, Jib tin .... Cadbury's, Jib tin . • • i CHOCOLATE. [ Cadbury'# Chocolate in fancy baskets, .«abb * ■ * * Fancy boxes, each . • • • Chocolate Creams, per lb • * Chocolate Creams, in Jib boxes . ChooolaU Caramels, assorted,' per in . hIESE. ge*t f ootory, per lb . . • • eat Biaroa, per lb . • • • Stilton Colonial lejd per ib, per cheese ‘ Stilton English, Jib jars, each , Parmesan, <?, aha 8., per bottle . • Roquefort, 81b jar, each * • • WhH# Canadian, Sjlb tins a » OorgenzoU. Blb tins . • • ‘ COFFEE ESSENCES. (Btmington’a, per. bottle - • • • (KINEECXiONERY. Mixed Lollies, per lb . • * * Fruit Drops, per lb . , ? » OTuJubee, «oft, per Ib . 1 » « ’ CORDIALS. 'De Carl's Emit Syrup, per bottle , - Lime Juic#, Paramatta, per bottle . 0 11 0 10 JAMS, MARMALADES AND JELLIES. \ a A St George’s Assorted—llb tins, Apricot, Greengage, Purplsgage, Plum, Damson, Gooseberry, Peach, Quince, etc., per tin sd, per doz . . . .49 Phoenix Assorted, lib tins, each . .05 Phoenix Assorted, lib tins, per doz .4 9 Munnings’ 21b Jars Jam— Blum .... .12 Gooseberry . . , * * .10 Raspberry \ ' . , . # .14 Oronpo Marmalade, 21b jars, each . .18 Red Currant, 11b jars, each . ..12 Crosse and Blackwell’s— Callsfooi, per pint hot . . . , .1 10 MATCHES. Small Safeties, per doz . . t »0 8 Wax Vestas, Plaids, per doz . , .04 Pocket Veatas, each ’. . , .01 Fire Kindlers, per pkt . . . .0 S MEATS, POTTED. Crosse and Blackwell’s Anchoyy Paste, Bloater Paste, Ham and Chicken. Ham , and Tongue, Turkey and Tongue, Devilled Ham, Siragburg ' Potted Meat, Game Pasta in jars, each . . . , , . .11 ilb tins assorted as above, per tin , 0 6 Maconochie’s tins . . , . .06 Salmon and Shrimp Paste, per tin . 0 8 Camp Pie, per tin . . . . .10 Ox Tongues, largo tins . . . .86 Beef, Corned, per tin . . , . 010 Beef, Compressed, per tin . . .10 MEAT EXTRACT. Gear Extract of Beef , . ..10 Liebig’s 2az jars, each . . . .19 Brand’s Extract , . , .26 Bovril, 2oz pots, each . . . .16 MAGNESIA. Citrate, per hot. ... » , 015 Kruse’s Fluid, pet hot. . . .0 10 Dinneford’s Fluid, per hot. , s ,12 Dinneford’s Fluid, large hot. . . .28 Powdered, per oz 0 3 MILK (PRESERVED). Swiss Milk, “Milkmaid," per tin . 0 7J Swiss Milk, Nestle’*, per tin . . .0 7| New Zealand, per tin . . » '. 0 7 MUSTARD. Colman’s D.S.F.,’ ilb tins . , ,06 Colman’s D.S.F., |lb tins . ., t ,0 9§ Oolman’s D.S.F., lib tina . , .17 Superfine, 7lb tin, per lb . , .1,2 Fine, 71b lin, per lb . . . .0 10 Colman’s D.S.P., 71b tin, per ib . . 1 7 French Mustard, per . , ,10 Jordan Almonds, per lb . , , .24 Valencia, per lb . . . . ■ , .18 Sicily, per lb . . . . ..14 Shell, per lb 10 Barcelona, per lb . . » . ,07 PEEL. Lemon and Orange, per lb . .06 Citron, Orange and Lemon, mixed, per lb 10 Citron, per lb 14 PEPPER. 0 5 0 5 0 10 0 6 Pepper, warranted Pure White, per lb 1 4 Pioklea, per bet 09 Morton’s, per hot. . . . , .12 Crossa and Blackwell’s, per bot. . .16 PLATE POWDER AND KNIFE POLISH, ETC. 1 0 8 6 4 0 e s Goddard’s Plate Powder, per tin . \ g Needham’s Polishing Paste, per pot , 0 6 Oakey’a Knife Polish, per tin . . .06 Furniture Polish, Adams's, per bottlo 010 Emery Cloth, per doz . . . .10 Linoleum Reviver, per bottle . ,10 SALT. Fine Liverpool, per bag , . ,89 Table, Cerebos, per tin . . , ,09 SPICES. 1 2 Keen’s Mixed Spice, loz packet . . 0 IJ. Whole Mixed Spice, for pickling, per lb 2 o'* 0 4 0 5 0 8 Am# Juice, Ships, per bottia . - Am# Juio*, Best, fortified by the 0 6 0 10 1 0 Cloves, whole, per oz , . . . ,02 Cinnamon, whole or ground, per oz ’ 0 4 Nutmegs, whole, per oz . . . ' 0 3 Ginger, whole, bleached, per Ib . !1 4 Preserved Ginger, per lb . , . * 0 8 Preserved Ginger, lib jar syrup . .*0 9 Preserved Ginger, 21b jar, syrup . .18 SAUCES. m« ouioc, £>«s3i. Board of Trade iemou Squash, per bottle • • Vinegar, Munnings, per 1‘ 1 1 3 0 10 laepberry DOttl# • • ’ _ ' ’ . ' lasorted Syrup, Lemon, Peppermint, K...P*., • - ■ Irosso and, Bliekwall’s, Jib, per bottle 010 disinfectants. Jarbolio Powder, Jeyes, per tin . ’trbolio Jeye’a Fluid per bottia , Joudy’s Fluid, per bottle . * lirhollc Sand Soap, per-bar . 3*mphor, lib 3s 6d, loz blocks mM9 AND BACON. 43 FIRST AND SPECIAL PRIZES. FIRST PRIZE. 6 3 0 8 1 3 0 1 0 3 hma, Smoked, per lb Aeon, Sides, per lb soon, Rolled, pet- lb ,ard, P er p2 RINAa E OT7 s POOD. ir Brandt’s Food, per tin • . ' . ll*n and Hanbury’a Food, No. 8, per lift ••*••• ear#’* Food, per tin .. • • - it#nt Groats, Boouuoa-e, per-tan . atent Barley, Robinson’s, per tan . rown’a Coronour, per tin • . < * town »nd Poison’s . »- ? ♦ O 4i 0 25 O 8 0 10 ai##n» * , > - rowroot, Queensland, per ib rowroot, Bt Vincent, per lb 1 0 0 11 O 8 O & 0 3 O 65 0 7 0 4 0 8 aest Roller Flour, 251bs o#st Roller Flour, 501 b . • a«if Rolhr Flour, lOOlbs aaat Roltet Flour, 2001 b sack our, SeU-iai»ing, 41b pkg . iyiaal, 251 b bag , ■ « • heatmeal, 251 b > * • » hastmeal, 7lb . • > OTHER-FOODS, ETC. jio, per lb piooa, per lb >e, best J Lazenby’s Harvey's Sauce, per bottlo 1 2 MelloF* Mild or Piquant, J- P int bottles O 8 Heller's Mild or Piquant, pint bottles 1 2 Lee and Perrin’s, 5-pint bottles . i a Lee and Perrin’s, pint bottle . , *O4 Worcester 0.0., J-pint bottle . * n k Worcester 0.0., pint bottle ! . ' . *& 9 Worcester 0.0., quart bottle . *l6 Worcester Sauce, pint bottle . . *O6 Tomato Sauce, Flag, pint bottle ! *O7 Tomato Sauce, Callaghan's, pint bottle V) 7 Catsup, per bottle ... 0 10 Anchovy Sauce, C. and B„ i-pint bottte 0 9 Ancbovy Sauce, V. and 8., J- P i n t bottle 1 2 Anchovy Sauce. C, and B. pint bottle 2 3 Florence Cream, per bottle . , i g Mayonnaise Sauce, per bottie . , * 1 a China Soy, per bottle . . ‘ * a o SEEDS. ’ Best Seed, Canary and Hemp, 51b tins for Is, per Ib . Carraway Seed, per lb . SOAP (WASHING)/ Silkstone, per bar 9d, per box . .10 0 Prize Medal, large' bars, per bar 8d or per box * . 9 0 Prize Pale, 6d, per box . . , 'op Challenge, Sd, per box . . . * s 0 First Crown, 4d, per box . . . * 6 3 Three Crown, 3d, per box . , I 6 6 Sapolio, per cake . . . , * 0 S Barilla Ash, per block . . , 1 0 8 Sunlight, ner bar 3d, per box . , ! 1 0 Extract Hudson’s ten packets- , ! 1 0 Extract, Hudson’s, 14ib box , *' s e SOAP (TOILET). Pear’s Assorted Tablets, 4 in box . 1 g Pear’s Unsoented Tablets, per cake 6d* , per doz tablets . . . .I 5 & Pear’s Coal Tar, per tablet . , . 03 Pear's Oatmeal and Glycerine, per tablet . . ,- / • • • - . O 5 Cleaver’s Brown Windsor, per cake . 1 9 Cleaver's Family Juvenia, per cake .06 Yinolia, per cak* .... 0 3 STARCH. Column's No. X White, Sib packets, per “J " 7 ” "V —/. scatopi, per lb tala, Egyptian, per Ib na, Haricot, per lb her Oats, pet pkt. . - flavouring essences. ion, Almond, Cochineal, Ginger, Ratafia, Vanilla, Celery, Cinnamon, Cloves, Peppermint, Pine, Apple, Saxe, Crosse and Blackwell s .03 enoea, K.P. and Co., 2oz bots . 0 6 ences, K.P. and Co., loz bot# . 0 o FRUITS PRESERVED IN HEAVY SYRUP. Jor man (Cutting, Packing Co.> Apricots, Pears and Peaches, oto., In 2|lb tins, per tin . ..10 icots, Pears, Peaches, etc., pet tin 0 10 •apple, Singapore, per tin fed and 0 10 FISH (PRESERVED;, dine*, Alberts, per tin . • lines, Philippes and Canand s, per . . • • • lines, small , tins 4d'and . lines, large' tins fed and • • non 'Steak, flat tins . . non, Colombo River, per tin rings, Freeh, Maconoehie, per tan rings, in Tomato, per, tin . aters, Preserved, per tin * * (let, Auckland, per tin . :• liters, per tin - 0 5i . 0 6 0 7 ovias in, Oil, per bottle oviss. Essence, C. and 8., per pt. 1 0 0 5 0 9 0 1.1 0 9 9 7 0 10 0 10 0 a 1 0 l’>o boh i... . . . a GELATINE AND ISINGLASS, ins. Kelson’s, loz , , • »0 a ine. Sheet, loz , * * * 0 5 ine, Bheot, lib « • * » 2 0 lass, loz pkt. 1 * • * 8 7 Colman’s No. 1 White, fancy boxes SUGAR. Finest Snowdrop Sugar, per lb .0 2? Finest Snowdrop Sugar, d cwt, at per a cwt Al 3s 6d, or per ton £23. Finest Loaf Sugar, per ib . . . 034 Star Sugar, special preserving large 3 crystals, per lb . . .”.02? Icing, No. 1 .... .06* Sugar Candy 0 SYRUP, GOLDEN. Golden Syrup, per lb , . . ,03 Golden Syrup, 7m tins . . . .19 Golden Syrup, 281 b Black Treacle, per lb . . . ,03 Black Treacle, 4ib tins . , .10 TOBACCO. Williams’ Juno, per &.iok 3d, per lb 5 0 Williams’ Juno, in 221 b boxes, par lb 4 xo Ruby, per stick Is 3d, per lb . .60 Golden Eagle, per stick Is 4d, per ib 6 0 Victory, per stick Is, per ib . . ,60 Venus Twist, per stick 3d, per lb . 4 m Venus Twist, large stick 9d, per lb . 410 We are making a special cut of “ MG&'KFT •• by fixing the price at 4s per lb Nail Rod, per stick 4d, per lb . .’4 10 Derby, per cake lod, per Ib . . * 5 s VEGETABLES. French Mushrooms, Champeigaoa’s, per tin .16 Crosse and BleokwelTs Capers, 6oz bot 0 9 VINEGAR. Table, per bottlo 0 G Champion Malt, per bottio , . .09 Crosse and Blackwell's White, per bottle 1 0 SUNDRIES. Angelica, per lb . . . . .10 Annatto, per battle, la and , s .33 KINCAID’S G. 1.0., 161 AND 168, COLOMBO STREET. CHRISTCHURCH.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12531, 19 June 1901, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12531, 19 June 1901, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12531, 19 June 1901, Page 4