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i Printed at Slortest Noli*. NEW DESIGNS, IN CHEAT YABIETTj; Just Becerred. "LYTELTON TIMES"- OFFICE. Gloucester Street, ChristchurcS, - -•,■

Wanted IOYS Wanted, Distribute Pan: p^ets. Apl » .pjvjlsmpljioi-ne, Prosser _____3o-_ _j____J /iHSiSTMAS Presents—For Assortment,(J VariotTand Good,Value, ycu mutjpi Minson and Co.'s new < invited. CITY- Fruit and Couiectionefy-m Sale cheap, in a good pcsitio sold as a going concern. - ■Auctioneers. (PHEAP. HOSIERY M ! Many Jj*« ,™ V> High-class Hosiery will be ofcefed duntir our great Clearance Sale (now.«:) at tible prices. A capital se ection of Ladies and Children's Goods. Should be seen at once. Strange _and_Coiapagy : _, G HEAP'BASKETS! Rush Dross Baskets,; ' with Leather Straps; former prices, 4a 6d,"4» Hd, to Cs 9d each; bale piices fl«.. 4s 3d, to Ss lid each. Cane #«.ic BtekdS.i former price each, is 3d, 2s 3d, 2* 9d, Ss» «.cJ,: Sale price, each, 7*d, 13 ad, la to, is Sd. Strange aad Company. „ __w .SSTOHESSE Chests, 48s Od; Mame-wp 1/ Washatands, 22s Gd, our own mike. v. Sykes/the 'corner Cashel and Durham |tte<st*i Our only address. . DINING-ROOMS and Be arcing-house, as ft going concern, doing good business;; only £SO required;, a splendid Opportunity* Beauchamp and Co., Cashel Street Jf est - > ~ - pVERY.-hard-driven, business man, every, £li tired and weary housewife, every rMH.artd •woman, should-regftlo themselves oeCttaitmfily, with a cup of Coolie Tea. AU grocer* aM! Jameson, Anderson .and .Co. '..; X2348'- _■ pOE Sale, Salisbury Street, New 5-roomod X House; well finished and connected wiut sewer; nice section. Ayers and Piarkerson, 191; Hereford Street. . F 2591 ; FOR SALE, in Linwood, very gcod House of 7 rooms, all conveniences; half-acro ia 1 orchard, etc.; 'price £450; apply at pnceV Dearsley and Lane. ■ X 2581 Sale, on easy terms, Barhadoes Street -,- north, New Cottage of 5 rooms, Wft9h-j liouse,, copper, bay windows, J-acre, nice gar-* flen; owner leaving, must sell. Ayers and Parkerson, ■ 191,- Hereford Street. F 2521 ' FOR Sale, House of 5 roonis, scullery, wfiSlii : .house, nice section*. .The house, is btiils of brick and good.; only e'lifl terms; situated East Belt. -'BettuelTflnlp., Mia 1 .. Co., Auctioneers, CashePStroet'. ■■' . ;F2389 :- J7*QR Sale, Job' Line Enamel and Chambers; Cheap Mirrors, Chairs, Bedsteads, Furniture, Toilet Seta, Bnstots, Glass Dishes, Lamps.' B. "Hmdle's Exchange and Mart, 81, Colombo and Tuani Streets. F 2579 ' OTJSE of 5 rooms, scullery, wasnhouse,; bath, .etc.,. J-acro fine section, Hereford Street east;'a bargain at £359; tertrsj also; good investment for. capitalists. Particular* from Beauchamp and Co, Auctioneers, Cashel' Street. ■ F 2359 T7IOR Sale, about 4 Acres of land, well suited; i- for poultry farm or early market garden;: good orchard and garden, new 5-roomed h6us»,'' stabling and fowlhouses, close to tram; favour-; able terms; AyerS and -Parkerso.i, 191. Hereford Street, F 2591 - URST-CLASS Farrn for Stlo, near tho Creamery at Halswell, consisting of 30 acres, well fenced, large dwelling house aiid all necessary outbuildings; price reasonable. Ail' particulars at" Beauchamp and Co.'s, Auctioneers, Cashel Street. F 2289 \OR Sale, 3 minutes from Post Office, a} Modem House of 7 robmfei, '■ b"Mbt66rii, ::Jlj and c. water, V. blinds,'gas. Verandah,'tanks,;; concrete foundation, asphalt paths, good, Sec-v tion; easy'terras if'desired. Ayera aM j Parkerson, 191, Hereford Street'. , F2591.'.: c. water; Linwood, snug Cottage, S toOms, &- : acre, garden; Fendalton, near , bridge,, : 6 rooms, bathroom, etc... (J-acre .gardes;'/manyy. others. Ayers and Parkerson, 191,Hereford Street. ■ '. '. ':F2591 - >■ jpiOTJSE, 5 large rooms, piastereu, enxrauca: 11: ■■■hall, .pan try, ■" scullery,'' concrete foitnd a-;. tions, washhoitse, copper, -etc., water inside,; , asphalt paths, nice garden; situated .City-■ north; only £'375; terms arranged. ./Apply,f ""Seauchamp and Co., Auctioneers, Cashel Stxeoti: (Fo. 73) .■ F 2359 LAST Day of Sale, Saturday, February 23rd; ; all Remnants and Oddments must: be sold.; Beath'and Co. for Bargains. . '-.W... '■■ :'''■"" " AST Day of Sale,' Saturday, FebruaW a3fd; ;; -a-J Sacrifice- of all Remnants and Oddmifef4 ••; accumulated during sale. Beath and Co. ;: ' ' " EASE for Sale, cheap, of 13 Acres,*:...' —J etc., near Tenipletoh. Pull particulars', from Beauchan* and Co., Auctioneers, Cashel : : Street. .. ' ..'.,' ' '■ . L" AST ©ay of Beath and Co.'s Suminer:;,' Clearance Sale, Saturday, February 2Srd jl,■.; Oddments and Remnants at ridiculous'prieesi 1 Beath*s. '■ "ONsEY, Money, 'Money to Lend, in sums to , —.—• suit borrowers, at lowest current rates ! oJ ; ; interest. Baker Bros,, 198, Hereford Street. ■';''.' . ,_.&tea.; : .'! MULTITUBULAR Steel Boiler, Sii.Hersea ;. power,- SOlbs Pressure, with :Flt_B|ji§iij i: nearly new,- £35; J.. Begg, NJE. Vallef, Dslees : i edin. r ■ - ■..''■'. ■'.■ : ,9d23... yj;VAKE Money—We have Businesses jjfbi ■. ■ Sale as follows:—Dining Eoo i mß i ;.:G!ro» ;•■ eery Business, Fruit Business, Lsirgie ing House (about £150), Partner reijuifsdlfoaij;,: old-established Commission Business,... ..-altar ' ! ':.j others. Consult us. Beauchamp isund Co.,yauO-!! tioneers, Cashel Street. ~ ff52389'.,.:': OFFICES to Let, central. Apply Beaii* , champ and Co., Cashel trect. _F2389 _.V House, bath, h. and c,:et'6, ■ omfcK!f»»>;-' J terms easy. Lincoln Road (just i6S% -mtmka, '.,;: 7 rooms, extensive "vineries, 3 acreSj :wfcli l«Jl: ; ; out, orchard, etc., -cheap. Wilson's- Soad,;!j House, 4 good rooms, etc., .over _-acrey'ift Baori>;. !; ::: fice. Apply Beauchamp sj&d: C 0.,; Cashel Street- ' ■'."'■'■ '" '. :,Ws®&;,;*\.M VO Let . . „, . . Terrace, To Le"t for Concerts, ■. Sow*** ■ Meetings, etc. " Aup'.y ' E-. J. •Edg'rlton, i CitJ.::. Hall;. .Telephone 885. " ' ...:....:'.'■■. : l fr\o Let, Durham Street, city,, nice B*iro'olße<3 -L House with conveniences; also House of 6 rooms,-etc.,-garden,and erohaarda Beauchamp and Co., AuctiOheeJ Street. -i S rooms, bathroom, etc., Paddocking for. Horse or Cow; Colombo Street, 6 rooms and bathroom, 32s week; Opawa, 6 rooms, fur-' ished, paddock. Thompson and Hillary, 108, Manchester Street, north of Clock Tower. 32743 THE LAST DAY of February will; soon -be: t here now. p.nd then our ■ ,s)a-le ,-.ends.-: ;C Therefore, as there's' always ', delajv; f don't put off coming to our great ''-'Clearance:.'] Sale, but come at once. If you coiEe in.tha Imorning so much the better, because tHere'-iaJi: always such a- crush in the 'afternoon.'•;. X** 'i'; day. a. number of tempting -Bargains';: WilL;b# ..'.' on sale. All sorts, of things /goingi'fory'. prisingly little money. .Something: for"eTOry**!;:::' body. ' SunSner -Goods, ridiculously^-:-'cheftpi:': ■}'■ Strange and Company. .;''■' ..,■"!.',:'''■ ,'■':■■.-■if^';.S-t-TTPEIGHT Grand- Iron Frame-' Piaho,,Pnil;i::y; U Trichord, ■ Check Action,/ Overitirung,;'}:' Ivory Keys; Cost £SO;. only" been: in !: - : u : B'ejsia' ! ':' : months, and as good a 3 new,.£36. AAID CLARK, 151, Arm'agjh. Btre«. : '■■- :XB78a ! !". Potatoes, Onions,- etc—We sell if ou account farmers in sny quantity.' .Taylor, Cole and Co., Lichfield Street. WE' fix. Mortgages on ■ 'curities. Taylor, Cole and : Sioh«':: : ' field Street: ."':' : ';y:r^: :,, ;,:,::!:*■ ,„, i:r . I_irE have for Sale, a -first-class vHoUS* I *!'* 1 ;:": -'«) rooms, ..well situated -in ■" "Woreester., ". ..Street,- : nrsati-:liAti-". f -!;«: mer-'Square, .-'Good, .section.' i-'Pasi r(fai'diiible£V::• and',terms easy.: 'Ayers--andPaiSeisbn.-'-!'.-:isi-M' rxriLLOW- ■■■:,'-DRE'SS-'BASKESDS,,i : : ;:'::.»«iU« i S" v f:, Leather Straps. 6d, .to.Gs Gd: Sale-prices Is 9d, ,2s 3d, .to. Ss' Gd;- do aaid very strong, Leather'Strap , s, =j ' ; Witj£iil |, aS!aiir;? : dies; - former prices, 4s 6d,- ss'M ) ; i ,;io^S»^6d;fc^' , Salepripes.Ss lid, 4s lid, to' &/ ! 6di''':§*r*hg# v f< and ,:_Cpmpa,ny., ■„-;..,, ,„,.;.;,„. J „..,,:i^;:;j^a|_|i^ l f -_7K7HAT: 'A -.LOT- OF:>EAIN'-'::"#£lltitfB:::!:? 1% ; 'HAD: lately.,, Yes,:':'-iafad ,r ably" have a lot; more'before Chills and .colds, are-, ; v#jfy; 'grfi'tal|f^{i'tyljlliislf? season.' ,The'. , begt"-way'':'to. ':avdid;-ShS , „,,, take car a you- -: don't: get wet.:-" ; : : : You'iyishSuW'l;::: buy a good'Macintosh.;/ iiic(\ :. investment.:- ';lt'. Will-: £•»£ Berv-e-y-cur heailh ai:d .save'-:you<do'ctfir'|r:Kllifc!:':; Wo'' have' a Macintosh ■ F.actory >jof"and can -guarantei?' the'.'qVialiiyiitoi-'jouriilii&H-l; •toshes, .because we, make:, ,thfeni.' : -'::'fiUrM!Veß|s|;s Ladies' and Gents'-, Superior'■ . : Msw&tbsh©!;4o;)jo 'be'-had'at low pHcfes-Surihff-'ouk^t&of^e^sp^f/ Sale, now on., : Strange ■ and:- OcfimjpjiTijr::'!!^ VOST"' Typewriter.V-No : : dirty':::, $ :. X' ■■ perfect alignment';,., 4.-. nearly:: .now i, machine 'for .sa'lei;. :Taylor,' .Cole::si"d' : ,C»\i : :jLjchT::i:;s field'Street. ;.^i:'-: : : ; Pl-'i .A ■^^'.?K : smi3s irODiNG Lady desires : .Comfortf*toyiiftfaia^f> .■l', ' Companion family; no wages lars.' A.a, " Tumes:'*"-:pfficii:' <?>■ : ::';? ¥:kU :' :^h'-'-W

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 1