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I/YTTELTON. . fcyttdton. is situated in lit. 43.37 south, fcag. 172.44 east; and tie difference of time Mwaea Lyttelton and Christchurcn is 20s eo. f The time-ball is dropped every weeK day at {I P.xa., New Zealand mean tune, winch is Knmluit to 13.30 Greenwich meantrmeoJ m tMriou day, being calculate? " r " 2de « fctaia «Ht long., and libra 30mm east of prsaawioh mean time. PHASES OF THE MOON. FEBRUARY. d. h. m. Full Moon ..«« *» o a - m " Lwt Quarter. . ... 18 643 -.m. Wwjfoon .... 10 210p.m. First Quarter. ~;.»« 8 a - m ' ! High Water, This Day Monday). Morning b.l aim., afternoon 3.28 p.m. Sun, rises 6~. , Sun,, seta- 7.1 p.m. Moon rises 4.4 a.m., sets f 80TOY, g ,m-* * • t, . "9.80 29.78 Barometer ••«**<« ks Thermometer .- • • 66 •Wind, 'N-.W., light. j ARRIVED, " '> Feb. 16-Wakatu, s.s., 95 tons, Wills, from fcaikonra and Wellington. Sxamy, Bams and s.s., 462 tons, Snthav Sand, from Greymouth. Union Steamship (Company, agents. j s Feb. 16—Rotamahana, 9.9., 901 tons, Staking, from Wellington. Union Steamship Comipamy, agents. Passengers—Misses Schaife, fcansley, Vilson (4), Ogilvie, Lnmax, Morton, ©lover,-Strange, Barbour, Highf t>nci Rutnerlord, Mcsdames Waterman, Schaife, Wilsjn, Hodgson, Stm-imson, Stringleman, Hills, RobEnson, Williamson, Massey, White. IRoed, Ha-r----iaan and Schoefer, Arcideacons Harper and IBobinson, Rev Wright, Judges Davy .and MacJkay, Messrs Waterman, Adam, Moore, Young, Ingram, .Hodgson, Stevenson, Bird, Mill, flttflne, Smith, Biirnside, O'Leary, Evans, Stringleman, Cufchbert, Watson, Kelson, Williamson, Wilson, Dickie, Coop, Waymouth, Rutherford, Kettlewell, Newman, Forde, Smith, ' Cook, Baals, Welch, Mackay, Pratt, - ilUdhurst, Stock, Reeves, Langl'ands, Brayyhftw, Farmer, Te Whatihoro, Campbell, Dawson, and sixty steerage. I F*b. 16—Te Anau, a.s., 1028 tons, Bernech, fn«i Dunedin. Union Steamship Company, •grata. Passengers—Misses Schumacher, Wil¥xmt, Burgess, Smith, Gibbs, Kean and Os%orB«, M°sdame3 Smith, M'Donald, Ross and Wo children and Thomas, Messrs Oredale, ' !lCag»erjg, JfDonald, Melrose, M'llraith, BalSanfcyne, Gall-away, Osborne, Ross, Coffin, Auld ■ad Logan. . ;" : Feb. 16—BeMord, ship, 1771 tons, MacKinnon, '. 'iron ±3goa 'Bay. New Zealand Shipping Com•»»By, agents. " F*k. 16—Lake Erie, barque, 938 tons, Keriaoje, from Timaru. Kaye a/nd Carter, agents, i ' \ Feb. 16—Cygnet, s.s., 66 tons, Murray, from „ "Akaroa, via the -Bays. iPitcaithly, WUlace and 'Co., agents. J Feb. 17—Kahu, s.s., 99 tons, M'Alister, from i-Napier. Kinsey, Barns and Co., agents. ! F«b .17—Upolu, s.s., 700 tons,, from lakaroa, Timaru, Oamaxu and Dunedin. Union Steamship Company, agents. ' V r»b. 17—Taravrera, s.s., 1269 tons, Seville, !*ro» Wellington. Union Steamship Company, !«gwta; passengers—Misses Mahoney, Ladley, 'Dixon. Johnston, Wilson, Wray, Seymour (2), <•' :M»diitt, 'Naeh (2), Lirgard, Bell, 'Dennett (2), " iSlasning and Smythe, Mesdames Flynn, Kane, ■'" [Stosehim, .Yeomans, Morgan, Beamish. Bates, . {•Wilson, nurse and child, Forbes and child, ■» - !s«dSey and infant, Anderson, Connelly, .Hodges and Whitiaker, Bishops Julius and ' t .IWilaon, Dean Fitchett, Archdeacon Gould, '.' ;3Uv J. H. Simmonds, Justice Dennieton. Dr A ;Dun». Messrs Hartley, Flynn, Barry, O'Sulli- . Kane, Sheehan, Palerson, Little, Wer'hatty, Yeomans, Jones, Hefford, Sutton, ]Aiaz«r, Immfcie, Bates, Drayton, Underwood, {Keen, Gillinglnni, Wood, Turner, Fantham, {Ford, Norris. Forbes, Patrick, Petrie, Bnttan, ' 'Denniston. Wisrlfeaworth, Ferry, M'Gowan, ' ' "'lfLeod (2), Svatt, BrowrJ'ow, Stratford, 'Hodge3, Cow. Paterscn, Whittaker, Bodley "tad twenty-seven steerage. , : '' SAILED. ■ '• Feb. 16—Aocea, s.s., 4316 tons, Evans, for jTiroaru. National Mortgage and Agency Com>p«ty, agents. ' Feb. 16—Otarama, s.s., 2160 -tons, Worster, :far Waiiara. iNew Zealand Shipping Com'P»By, agents. ' F&b. 16VEongj, schooner, 93 tons, Peterson, for Kavc.ock. X. H. Ker, agont. » Feb. 16—Te s.s., 1023 tons, Bernech, for Wellington, and eaat, coast ports. Union ifcteftmthip Ccmpoiiiy, agents. Passengers: '. iFor AVcKingrou—Two bi=.u-rs or MosSimpson and Ker.,ha'>v, pLew, liLforrctt. Hoiiord, Melrose, 'Davis and WiL:co:iii. Ma iter M'Callum; for LVapier—Miss 'Cottcn; for Auciiand—Misses 'Hardy, Cirre'tt' '»ad Wylhe, Metdames 'tlay, 'Francis and .TVyllie, Dr Fraacn=, Mr Hay. ' , ; Feb. 16—Eotomahana, s.s., 901 tons, Man*B;3g, for Wellington. Union 'Steamship ComSany, agrnts; passenger^ —Misses- Smith, jrown, Fowler, Harcourt, Mcyenbeige, JSed■wi;l, laraelson, Ward (2), Hamilton, Atchmin, IBiunette, Pearce, Armitage, Smith, Swcetman (8J and Caut. Mesdames Muh, O'Connor, Kobicson. Panther, Unuan, Stevenson, Chisio!m, Marshall and two children, Barrett, Hobbs and child, Smith and Markmgham, Professors Cook and S<le, Me/srs iriales, , -Wood (2), Clifford, 'Eichelbaum, O'Connor, s*B»er, Rolhtt, Weston, Triggs, Broadwiy, • - Henry, Hartwr-il, Btonn, Cioit, ■-- !N(^Y e , Acton-Adams, Dacre, Smith, M'Leod, Markham, Best (3), M'Govern (2), Bnttan, Stevenson, Ohisholm and Mills. Feb. 17—Waikare, s.s., 1!)01 tons, Ridurcfc- , • »on, ior Dunedm. Steamship Comi iP»-ny, agents;passengers—Misses LNanco O'Xeil, .' ''Gill, Berry, Allan, Crawford, Loesell, 'Elliott, '■ iSTDougal], Gregory, Kimcts, Rowland, ii Ivemey, Bentley, Beehan, JJowlmg and Hans- :" mann, Mesdames Beehan, Bernaid, Plimmer, Martin, Stevenson, Bncy und Raynham, ]' D4***i't. Wiener, Hughes Mooie, Beehan, *■ S<ati, Craike, Hay man, Mow;ut, Gallosvay, !'" Bernard, Pliiumoi, Martin, Stevenson, ilan- ,';, , kin, Kingston, Young, Boyer, Rajnham, }' Becks, AtholwQOrt, Hareus, Overton, Worth, ■>' *- Bhillips, Hood, Fitzgerald, TuLett, Hyland, fcplis, Walter, Russell, (Baldwin, 'Stew-irt, QDouglas, Piatt, Hayne and Miller.

!g|;|.;\ .■:■■■■'. .. IMPORTS. ' !Raa<H?»°i}d: From ■G-reymouth—29s,367ft timIjyPilNifi' 560 sleepers, 2 cases, 4 coops empty rei[l|l|w»««|;- frorfl. Hoiiti-ka—l 1)107016 frame. Prom Punedin—23s bars iron, 2 iy6*te>as,'|3, and 2 cases ale, 3 sacks malt, llKl»'*l6*Jfl' : "twihe, 10 "bales wool, 100 fire4»TS, 19 p|f 2. boxes, 38 cases, 29 pkgs, 1 bag, M&;mMwifm,'4' ingots/ ■ l||*,iS:i.: Frpm Napier—s4o sheep. llMlS:^''' '':- ' '■ 'EXPORTS. WiKj^ii:-'Oprijjjlft:. For Westporfc—b' hhds and 10 cases f""" e,a'ca«es stout, 100 sacks oats, 1 box fruit; |;llpkitika—llo , sacks chaff, 15 bales bay, 'ija^Sj'l crite; ioi G-reymouth 2 barrel i!!'|?i&:i%|4:'J!l cases- ale, 3 cycles, '% cases, meats, 1 ll| : '':!: l ||s^&'''"p«r*iß : wilator3, 7 cases' boots, SI sacks saqks chaff, '3 bells rods, 40 sacks sacks'potatoes, 1 bale bay, 23 cases New> Plymouth—6 : bhds and . 6 |S||n||l9*s; !; 'My' 5 1 crates 'and 2 case's'biscuits, and fsf*fimifc^%*& ■#s >a S s s° nx ' s *°^ s m h?' ai ' liSv^i.sack* sharps, 40 boxes soap, 185 sacks oats, |l|;;|i|;.'"!jal& ,: r|ay, , .'s. sack<s chaff,-20 sacks' barley, £ojisp barrow, 5 sacks bran, 6 cases Picton— 5 cases pickles, 2 |||| «*ska .vinegar, ■ guantjty ■ timber; for Wanganui ! foti' : rio -%?W- bales bay, 3 pkgs -and transhipiil|v';||ep,t4.';ezl' lyaikars; for" Fox ton—3 crates bis|v;|:''«^it^;.',: :for.GrejrfflOuth—-70 sacks chaff; for. Sl;!!&'lt^ , ' Piymoutb—3'bids ale; for IH'oldtika— ISS'^Os#acSs ehafi;: for Fatea—l case; for kelson ale;, for Manukau—l cask;, for 10 .^^l^gtori—B crates 'and 4 cases biscuits and ||o« 2. cases pears, 7 sacks and 1 part |!;:|i: : «|clfc'taree, ; ; 34'..045es ale and stout, 6 hMs, igji'jirb^rr^ls. and 1 11 cases ale, 1 ..cycle, 1 case ||;||; : ?lBopi»,. il <;rats perambulators, 100 sacks oats," |||i;'.^ii|ft„fe«^«''lime l " l 2il sacks flour, 2 horses, 20 cases ■S..taipules,' 1,2 sacks potatoes, 20 sacks pollard, g||!|.; i»»ck» "onions,' 1 'abaft, 2 ploughs, 27 empty 111 .Returned cask3 r 6 pkgs harrows, 2 bales wooiSSms, ,2|G-sacks"oysters, l'pipe, 75 pkgs, qiianr Waikare. &}*..'.!;-Mokota:- ■ For; 'Launccaton—l36 sacks grass feTjjjiei; 'for Adelaide—l9o sacks oats, 5 sacks ||iSirliia«fid,' , ..S.'ia'ckii 'grass seed,' 1 parcel; for .lor IJunedin—l2 pkgs 1 case,quantity scenery and effects; jf*'."ilp : Bhj.S—lo cases, 4 cases and 1 iS|;;t'(l|S^' vinegar, lease-lime-juice, 1 bale hessian, |jjt!;'||:'iea|e shovels, 4 cases;-for pi|[Ji|b«hy~-l case meats; for Fremantje—i cases J^iv|a.inj«*'tß,' :,450 -sacks bran; for Heffaburne— 2i g».|i«iiq» currants, 1 piano, 20 cases cheese, 20 |:Sc:f||Sty rafcuried' cases, 183 sacks bran, 10J fl£; ! «jplB grasSs, ireed, 28 sicks tares, 25 half-bags : glass,'so bales tow, 1 bale flax, 1 box; {Misffz"'Boii 'Chalmers—2 blocks; for Hob-art—2 ptcipes pictures, 2 sacks and 1 part sack rape |l:K:'t|p, 3tram wheels,: 8 case - and pkgs. liifiv'iTl-'ii'TaluiJ.e: For JTewcistle—34 cases cheese, 707 oata;' for' Brisbane—6o plcgs; for Syd-||j;i--|i#—-Si ! sylvs 4 sced, 1 pkg ironwork, 4 bales Sts'cXitks, 'I bicycle, 13 sacks oatmeal, 31 cases |f||4|e{se, 3769 sacks .oats, 622 sacks barley, 320 |>|i:'kapks malt, '52 sack* pea.->, 41 potatoes, li<!:'3s; : i«as.fis' ! empty returned, 23 cases and pkgs. p{f-('.vJo&eph> Sims:' For "Waitara—soo sacks and ISlipf ; bags 'flour,. '■ 150 sacks oats, 150 sacks |l;i:ii(aip>s,\ 30- "sacks whe*t, 30 sacks meal, 20 B[>ainara— 2.10 sacks and 2100 bags a oats, 200 sacks'wheat, 4?o,:bag3 acta L 21) sacks" wri|p:ii'tjnfiiii;, ; :4ot).!-:'i):i:qk9

EXPECTED .ARRIVALS. From London—Star of New Zealand, at Auckland, Feb. 14. Star of Victoria, at Wellington, Feb. 14. Karamea, at Wellington. Feb. 14. Rimutaka, left Hobart Feb. 1-t, due Wellington'Feb. 19. Rangitrra, left Jan. 8, due Port .Chalmers Feb. 20. Whakatane, left Jan. 15, duo Auckland March-10. Kumara, left Cape Town ' Feb. 10, due Wellington March S. Wakanui, left Feb. 5, due Wellington March 26. Waimate, left Feb. 8, due Auckland April 6. Maori, loft Feb. 8, due Wellington April 2. . From New York—Star of England, s.s., Devon, S.s., left; Nov. 20. Star of Australia, s.s., left. Dec. 22. Baron Eldon, s.s., at Melbourne, Ja.n. 28. ■ ; Fjom Monte Video—Selkirkshire, barque, 10.22 tons, left Oot. 18. Inveresk, barque, 1297 tons, left Jan. 20. From Hobart—Sir John Franklin, barquen/tine, 245 tons. From Newcastle—lsola, barque, 633 tons. Timaru, barque, 354 tons. Fiom Edilh,buig—Manu'rewa, barque, 327 tons. VESSELS HOMEWARD BOUND. Days Out. Macduff (Captain Huelin) , . « « 108 Glenburn. (Captain Pritchard)... 103 Lutterworth (Captain Wood) . . « 34 Mario (Oaptain Cafiero) ...» 26 {Romanoff (Captain Robertson) . , 4 THE UNIOX STEAMSBa- COMPANY'S FLEET. MONDAY.—Tarawera leaves for Wellington. Upolu leaves for Wellington and Westport. The schooners Huia and J.oseipi Sima ol'eared on Saturday, the former for Kaipara. and the latter for Waitara. The schooner Roiiga left Lyttelton for Havelock at 3 p.m. on Saturday. The s.s. Te Anau left for Wellington and east coast porta at 6.45 p.m., and the s.s. Rotomwhana for Wellington at 10.30 p.m. ou SaturThe s.s. Waikare, which waited for .the members of the Kstnce O'-Ncil Company, left for Dunedin shortly after midnight on iSatut^ay. Yesterday the «.a. Kahu arrived from -v&pter about 4 a.m., the" s.s. Upolu from southern ports ai 11.30 a.m., and the s.s. Tarawera from Wellington at 1.55 p.m. f The s.s. Kahu is to leave for Wellington and Napier this afternoon. The s.s. Cygnet arrived from Akaroa on Saturday afternoon. . . The a.s. Otarama left for Waitara at 1.20 p.m. on 'Saturday. The Union Steamship Company's employees at Lyttelton had a'very busy day on Friday last. Five.of tlve company's steamers . port, the Waikare, the Mokoia, the Tara-wera, the Talune and the Corinna. One thousand three hundred and six tons of cargo were landed, and 1016 tons put on board. Three hundred and fifty tons of coaj were also s'Jnf-t----ed, making a total of 2672 tons handled. The hands employed,, including tally clerks and j railway men, numbered 210. _ T'Sfe steamer Star of Australia arrived at Melbourne on Feb. 8 from. New York, having the largest .shipment of American-manufac-tured goods.that has ever left an American, port. Her cargo list covered. 120 pages, each being about 50 per cent larger than, an average foolscap sheet. In this was included every variety of manufactured goods produced in the United States. There were 400 tons of | sewing machines alone. For Auckland '(Now Zealand) the vessel, had an entire gas plant, \ weighing 500 tons. There. were rifles, shot" guns, revolvers,, and ammunition sufficient to ' supply v »'brigade, whilst lawn-mowers, reapers, whee.s, waggons, cofi'e-miils, patent medicines, etc., were reckoned by tons. Kerosene to the extent of 80,000 cases and 1500 'barrels, 1000 tons of wire, 1200 tons' of bar iron, 400 ton's oi roll-paper, hundreds of pianos and organs, together with an, extensive array o£ miscellaneous articles," comprised cargo which, for size and value, has probably not, been exceeded in any vessel coming to Australia. On -Saturday the s.s. W&katu arrived from Kaikoura and Wellington at 1 a.m.. the s.s. Rosamond from Greymouth at, 7.55 a.m., the s.s. -Rotomahana from Wellington at 8.10 a.m., and the s.s. Te Anau from Dunedin at 9.45 a.m. ' The s.s. Aotea, left for Timaru at 5 a.m. on •Saturday. . The ship Belford, chartered by the New Zealand 'Shipping Company to load wool for London, arrived from Algoa via Otago Heads, on Saturday afternoon. The Belford is a* comparatively new vessel, having been built in 1894, by Messrs A. M'MiUan, and Son, of Dumbarton. She. is constructed of steel, and is 267 ft long, 40.1 ft in beam, and 23.6 ft in depth "of hold. Her tonnage is 1905 gross and 1771 net. She is owned by. the Belford Shipping Company, of Glasgow, and is commanded by Captain W. C. Mackinnon. The barque Lake 'Erie arrived from Timaru on 'Saturday afternoon. She is to load -produce for South Africa, on account of Messrs Kaye and Carter. The s.s. Wakattt went on the Harbour Board's slip on Saturday afternoon for cleaning and pj-iniing. The 'barque Timaru, 351 tons, has been char•tere*d to load coal at Newcastle for Lyttelton. The 'brig Edward, 20l tons, has been chartered to load timber at Clarence River, and the barque Heleno, GBB tons, to load coal at Nciwcastle, for 'New Zealand ports. A Wellington paper states that the shipping statistics for C\e\v Zealand for 1900, with the comparative figures for 1839, are as follows:—Entered inwards, 1900—With cargoes, 545 vessels of 743,551 tons, numbers, of crews, 21,888; in ballast, 71 vessels, of 11-2,081 tons, numbers of crews 1903. For 1899—iWfth cargoes, 553 vessels of 738,929 tons, numbers of crews 2-2,621; in ballast, vessels of 72,254 tons, numbers of crews 1308. Cleared outwards, 1900—With cargoes, SSO vessels of 786,454 tons, numbers of crews 22,661; in ballast, 33 vessels of 38,821 tons, numbers of crews 817. For 1899—With cargoes, 570 vessels of 778,245 'tons, numbers of crews 23,181; in ballast, 34 vessels of 29,621 tons, numbers of crews 636. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. , ARRIVALS.—Feb. 17: Gis'borne, 4.30 a.m., Pakeha, from Auckland; Spit,-6 a.m., Mlniiro, -from Gisborne. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. . POUTO, Feb. 16. Sailed—Acacia, barque, lor Melbourne. Moaaa, schooner, ior Wellington. ( • GISBOKXE, Feb. 'l6. ' The Tyser steamer Mimiro will leave for Napier this eveningi after having shipped 24,000 carcases of meat at this port. WELLINGTON, Feb. 16. Sailed—Tarawera, for Lyttelton. • 'TValune, for Sydney. PORT CHALMERS, Feb. 16. Arrived—lndradevi and Mokoia, from Lyt-' telton. AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. SYDNEY, Feb. 16. Arrived— a.m., Mararoa; 8.36 a.m., Sonoma, from Auckland. Linda Weber, from Auckland. Rotokino, from the,lslands. : r ' Feb. 17. Sailed, yesterday—Moana. NEWCASTLE, Feb. 16. Sailed—Kale Tatbain, for Napier. HCiiART, Feb. 16. Sailed—Yesterday, Rimutaka, for Wellington.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 4