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WARDELL BROS, AND GO CHRISTMAS, 1900. ;NBW SEASON'S BRIED EBUI 1 ' WASHED ASD DKIED WITH STEAM MACHINERY. . ! 3iftW,;Cttnmt3, per IT>'' '•. • ,tNW IBaisiißß, pets lb.'. . , . ■'Mtnr Sultanas,. per ib . ..'. Wmr'Sm&ed .Raisins, per lb . .New Musca.tels, par lb . 'Santa ■ Clous SitooMngs, 5d ana e. &. * 0 7 'JLenioa Paei, per lb ; . 0 6 Oranrge Peei, pw: lb » 0 7J Layer Figs, per lb i. 0. 7J New Dates, per lb , 010 New Prunes, per lb . 010 Preserved Ginger, per lb 'JSrrowroot t » ' » « » >■ 'ACID— Tartaric (powdered). , , * Uaaihovy Essence s ■ * ■ JANCSHOVY PASTE- " C. ana B. , . , * t • Tina * » Ulum ....... iAmiaonia, per bottle » » « » BARLEY—- '; Pearl j « . Robinson's « i. « JBAKING POWDER— Bruce's ~ ■• w • ■> Edmonds's, 5j and 1 . > Loose ...... JBrosemeal » . BLUE— Ricketts'a . s * . • Ricketts's Bag ..... , . Keen's < » • » tBLACKING * . * . • £' Jars . Tina, 3d and . • . "■ • fßlacklead, Dome, per doz , . » (Brunswick Hack « « IBlaok Lacquer . . , • * iBORAX- ( 'White or Ground fc < . fcIKD'sBED—- : Hemp *«;*-• .'. Canary, t Mixed • » » * BEEF (Corned)— .',-.,21b Tins _ .Beans—Haricot .... kISdUITS—In- tins of 1-llb and 71b—- , Arrowroot ' ... 6Jcl ■ ■ Albert Lunch . • ■ 2Jd \ Bligestivs . « • ■ W '. . Gingemuts . • * °*j a '. .Gingemuts . . » ■ Bel ' » ■ Garibaldi .' . > • «J d - ' Mixia •, '» ' " & ■ Mixed KiebifPepples') . . 6|d. ■; Oswego ' ■ . ■ • • • m ■ Snowfteke .. . • • ?&°- t. Tea (rich) . ■ • • •°M Wine (beat) ..■ -•• • • »|a Water • * • »a ' Water Crackers .- • 3 * d jpiNDLESColonial . ' • - / Fluted Wax • , Price's,Xaitional'.S perms . . » London Wax >. • • • ' NightiHght, 8-honr, per ( box . Carriage Candles, &'s, 10 3 \Chiccry iCream df Tartar ■ of Soda • • JCORNFLOUE- [ Brown's . . • ■ Brown's and Poison's Patent > Wardell Bros and Co.'3 (recom- \ mended) - • \ ; Paisley Flour, per tin . • '(JAKES ' Balmoral . s . « » Oswego ■•■««• ' Nbmuch .HDlotbes Pegs, per dozen . 'Cocoamit (Deseica-ted) • • 'COFFEE (Blended, Roasted,, and ' Ground oon tbe Premises)— Finest Plantation Coffee, per lb Cafe de Paris, in .Tins, per lb * Fine Coffee, per lb * • Good Coffee, per lb Puis CoGea (Ground), per ib Whole Coffee (Roastod), per lb . Green Coffee, per lb . Coffee Essence, 2s Sd «nd COCOAAulsebrook's, Jib . ~ * Aulsebrook's, Jib . •. •• . « Aulsebrook's, lib , • • • Cadbur/a, Jib . . • Cadbiiry's, Jib : ■ * « Van Houten's, Jib . Fan Houten's, ... Van Houten's, lib . • Fry's Homoepathic, Jib • Fry's Homoeopathic, |H> • Fry's Homoeopathic.- lib • Chocolate Cream 3 . . • Chocolate Mixtures . • » CABAMELS Plain . . -. • ' Opera Iced . . • - • • Carraways •-'•,* " * Capers (C. and Bj M snd . » * Curry Powder (C. ,'. ' • • CIRBOLIC POWDERCalveri'3 . .' . . • * Jeye's . . > • • • Jevo's Fluid, 9d and . • CORDIALS— Raspberry, Is and ~ * Lime Juice, Ship's • • ■ Lime Juice, Montaerstt • Lime Juice Cordial,' 19 and Chutney (C. and B.), Is and CHEESE— Special Rich Old Cheese . Finest Factory • Good Farmers' • « Best Stilton » • • • Caustic Soda, lib > • • • Caustic Soda, 2lb . • Caustic Soda, 10lb .'. . . • • ESSENCES-. ' /-' -..:... Flavouring (C. and B.)—Lemon .Almonds, Ratafia, Vanilla, Cochineal, Cloves, Peppermint, Gin- '< ger, loz-bottles *..„•■ ■', .• Colonial—Lemon, Almonds, Cocnineal, Ratafia," Van'illai etc., 2.QZ-. bottles . EXTRACT-OF BEEF—■■■" Liebig's,. 2oz Is 9d, 4oz . . .Bovril, Is 4d, 2s 6d find . Gear Company's 2oz Jars . EXTRACT OF SOA'P--10 Packets for ... . Emery Cloth, per doz . . . •' FLYPAPERS- ~ '■ • , ! Mather's,;'per :doz .•. . - ..V . '.•■': Tanglefoot, 'per -doz'- ■■'-, .... •: ; Tanjiefoot,'-per. box, 50'. •-'•-.-• • PRESERVED FISH- : Salmon, Victory - . »■ ■ s . Salmon, Californian : v • • • ■ Sardines,'best qualitj;- . . Sardines, beat quality: ,■■ .• Sardines, good, large ..... ■ . Sardines, good, smaJ ... Herrings, Fresh . > • Herringe, Kippered . ... . Herrings in Tomato S&Uco . Bloaters ..... ■ 'Mullet . . ' • « • ' ■"* Oysters • »■•'«■•« « . Whitebait » • •«' ■' » • FOOpNeavo's . i • > • Nestle's . ... Mellin's, 3s and .... Benger's . ■ • • • • Allan and .'Hanbury 3 , • Patent Barley ...«.» Patent, Groata .V • « • Dr Brandt's , > t « • TBA-lilST.'.-ALL TEAS REDUCED-2d PER LB. '■' ''- \-- s./d. e. d •„. , *" , . :1 6 Orient . - § ■ , . #■ , '. 11l Eimalay* ■'"... 1 * Pure Ceylon ... ..' "■ . .1 '« M*tchless * .... 1 8 Pure Ceylon . . . . • . .1 K ■« a x c vi ! * " . , • 2 0 Pure Ceylon '. . . , . -,'. ! Jlutohless * ; " ; TEA COMPETITION.^ 300 prizes .. ' ' WILL BE DISTRIBUTED OX JANUARY 31st, 1901., . ''' Watches China, Tea Sets, .Plated Cruets, Pkted Biscuit Jars, tor 'i dl TSask-ts Bui'ter Dishes, etc., Framed Engravings, etc., etc.-...A Competition ?-n t» hSa three months, viz., January, April, Julyand October. Save your coupons tad send them in at the end of any oi these months, and you will receive a handsoma t«sent. Bi a. , s d IrRENCH plums- >lO [ l^!™ 0fl ; ; ; : , : *\ afe*«ia: : : . - ;;■. ■ teaches (dried). . • • ■ ' 010 PICKLESip"cot3 . • • * ' * ■o & ■ Colonial . . ... .o £ 'Apples . 'n a „„ Crosse and Blackwell, Mixed . .1 ( fears ...••' ; POTTED MEATSKew Date 3 Jars • . . . . .l ] SINNED FRUITS— . m . Tma ... n < •Pears, Peaches and Apricots (Best p araffin Wax • *■ .' ' J'{ 1 and "Apricots: '. 010 - Fob* per bag \ \ \ \. 1 t 0 8 PEPPER--2 0 Pure White . °lO PICKLES°x? Colonial Crosse and Blackwell, Mixed .* POTTED MEATS— I Pineapples IGINGEK— J Whole White Whole Brovitt ' Ground feOLDEN SYRUP2lb. Tins 4lb Tin's 71b Tins .'. 141 b Tins 281 b Tins 661 b Tins fcREACLE— I OIK Ti'nq 0 8 EICEB6lb 9s, per lb . . .. 1 4 Ground 010 Patna . ' 14. Rennet, lOd, Is 3d and ." SALT- ? I Fine, per cwt . . 1 Table, 21b Jars . £ 3 Ta'&Je, 71b Bags . I * Sago aad Tapioca . S 9 Saltpetie / . .* 10 L SAUCES--0 7/ Mellors, 8d and . . 10 Worcester, 4d large . 15 Tomato, 5d and . 3 0 _ . l 3 2d and . .07 meiiors, sa and . 10 Worcester, 4d large 15 Tomato, 5d and . .30 _ . l 3 2d and e 3 Sulphur . . I 9 o SUGAR—.I2 , Finest, Whitov '• \ , o 1 scwt lots at Loaf Sugar, per lb' -. 0 5 *«ng Sugar, per lb f 21b Tins in Woroesti 41b Tins is Tomato, • 71b Tins ° Anchovy . 141 b Tins . . • • « J " Sulphur •Si Ss ■■:: :IJ -sugakfensDerlb .' V .12 • ■ ' lib Tins, Assorted . . . ,05 *™S S, ■ x lib Tins, Assorted, per doz . .49 bOU.eS>— lib Tins, Raspberry . . . .06 V J, I Nelson Jams, 3 Tins for . . . 1 0 c ! , Tl^^ talJ ' J 21b Jars Raspberry, Is and . .14 I^"^ 21b Jars Peach and Apricot . .14 bAybAG^h ' 21b Jars Black Currant . . .16 ft"Lf; 21b Jars Plum and Damson . .12 bOAP (WAS ' 21b Jars Gooseberry . . . ■ 1 2 • t3e3t . 5" 2lb Jara Grceugago . . • .12 -largt #ELLIES- „ m ,? m£ * Red Currant 011 Challeng OaMstooc (U. and B.) Is lOd and . 3 0 * avol »^ Jelly Powdors, Assorted . .05 .^ arb .olic rujubes (Best Hard) 10 fan ia , tnifo Polish 0 5 TO ILL I b( i Eentils . . - .03 Largo 'J Sapvatade ■ ' '' ' * '° b M^« ; English, lib Tina . . . .06 STAICH » ' Glass, lib 071 Col «£?» ■' Glass, 21b . . . ■ , -I 3 KlV wl, tEATCHES- . Kiokett« 0 4 r Colourec ; oKfi Vcqtai " t '. • • .IS' STARCH C 3 ■ UOO Vestas : : : . . . 410 Japan ea< • Safeties, largo 7id, small 3d, and . 0 4& Chinese .Milk (Milkmaid) " 0 74 -pW^M • D.S.F., Ub Is 7d, Jib . . .0 9J Mixed * Loosu ... ... 1 0 Missed, ( Oatmeal, 251 b Bags 2 0 Allspice, J5iL- • Q°? e3 > : Salad, Cd and 010 Nutmegs Luct:i, 9d, Is 3d and . . . .2 4 Tapioca anc I Cast,,- s<l and 0 8 TOBACCO?>eas- 1 , 1 ? 8^ ; c-jpift 0 2 \Vilhanii ■ blue " - - '. -.-. 015 Williami - \ Peameal'..'..- 0 4 la, j J>ATKNT MEDICINES. PILLS- William: 1 Holloway's and Cockle's . . .12 Is 4( Pain Killer 13 Twist, s Steedman's Powders . • • .12 Derby, ] Scott's Emulsion, 2s 2d and . .38 Vermicelli Safo Cure 4 4 VINEGAR- ' I I SOUp£i Sugar '? erlb ' - • '• 0 :.«■ .* o 6, Hare . . . , d » 1 ° t&li ' Mock Turtle .-•- .. ; -12 1 4 Sapoho . ' n r . i 4 SAUSAGES (FRESH. DAILY^-■ , '.'" , 6 ,16 Pxiro Pork . ' l " ' , . i 2 SOAP - " ' -•■ ' * . 1 2 Best quality, almond scented, D .r .12 bar 9d, pel Jcwt box Ift 0 Pme medal, large bar Bd, Jcw t ; ' '! .0 11 Challenge, per bar 6d, * o wt ' 22 . o 0 £» v punie, per bar 3d, iewt " 'I p. . o 5 Carbolic Sand, per bar . ' ' '' * \ ; J ° 5 Ton.i?T li^l 1 Wi bbar3M 2 I .0 3 I'argo Tablets, White Uo ae n , t : S^ 1 r; ! ;^ eri -- d cu^£! .oo ■•. :.SS . o 74 Coleman's or Bereer's Wh;+„ . 1 3 Blue, per Jb " and Kickett's, 111 boxes . ' * ■ °'i m o 4 Coloured Starch, per box' *■ " ? 6 ;18 •' STARCH GLAZED DOS - - ,0 6 . 4 10 Japanese . o4i Chinese . * .' ' • .06 , 07* Glaucos . . ."*••- 010 " SPICES- ..-.■-■ -:. , r';, ..«- ■„-,.. 0 5 . 0 9J Mixed loa packets . :. '„ '-,; .10 Mused, 4oz .tins .- . .' • ° l * .20 Allspice, Whole Is, Ground ' "'''"? 5 . Cloves, per lb 2s, per oz ."■.'* '„ 2 .0 10 Nutmeg 3 . , . ' * S .2 4 Tapioca and Sago '.". " !-."-''•" '9 '? . O 8 TOBACCO— " ': •;. ° 2 Williams's Juno, per stick 9d, » er l'b k r, . o 2 Williams's Juno, in 221 b boxes 1% \t 5-.« .0 15 Williams's Ruby, per «Sck'lW -04 la, per lb . . , c .i 2.• W m 1 I d b enß, ? il,, 'P er 'rti«* • . 1 3 Nailrod, per atick 4d,' per' lb ' ' 4 ? „ . 1 2 Twist, small, per stick 3d, per lb 4 10 . 1 2 Derby, per stick lOd, per lb r, k . ?, 8 Vermicelli . . . . ' , 7. Sar3aTiarilla (Ayers'3 1 and Hood's) . 310 Extract of Mult, 2s 6d and Maltene, 2s 6d ai,d . Eno's Fruit Salts Table, per bottle .... Table, English, per bottle . Best English Draught, -per'gallon 2 9 Violet Powder, Pear's, per box. i: WAEDELL BBOS.'AND GO.,' %EA MERCHANTS, BACON CURERS, GENERAL IMPORTER CHRISTCHURCH, AVELLINOTON AND DUNEDJ-^

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12428, 18 February 1901, Page 2