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LYTTELTON. Lyttelton is situated in lat. 43.87 south, long. 172.44 east; and the difference of time between Lyttelton and Christchurch, is 20sec. ■ The time-ball is dropped every wees day at ,2 p.m., New Zealand mean time, which i» equivalent to 13.30 Greenwich mean time of Jhe previous day, being calculated for 172 deg EOmin east long., and Uhra SOmia east ol Greenwich mean time. PHASES OP THE MOON. FEBRUARY.

WEATHER REPORT. ETC. . High Water, This Day (Saturday)! Morning 1.13 a.m.,' afternoon 1.40 p.m. Sun rises 5.24 am., sets 7.4 p.m. Moon rises 1.47 a.m., seta 4.53 p.m. FRIDAY, FEB. 15; 5 p.m. 9 a.m. Barometer s . . Thermometer .... 71) Wind, N.W., light. THE WEATHER IN AUSTRALIA. The following weather reports were received from Australian stations yesterday: ■ Albany, Feb. 14-Wind, NJE.; barometer 80.30; fine. ' Hobart, Feb. 14—Wind, west; barometer 69.30; fine. , , , ■ Sydney, Feb. 15-Wind, N.E.; barometer |SO; gloomy. THE WEATHER IN NEW ZEALAND. , The fallowing weather reports were recived from New Zealand stations at 5 p.m. yesterHeads—'Wind, f>.W., breeze; barometer 30.10, thermometer 73; fine, sea moctera'New Plymouth—Calm; barometer 29.96, ihermometar 68; Gloomy, sea moderate sweh. Cashpoint-Wind, N.W., fresh; barometer *9.73, thermometer 73; fine, sea moderate. 'Wellington— Wind, N.W., moderate gale, barometer 29.73, thermometer 69; gloomy. Westport—Wind, W.N.W., breeze; barometer 69.85, thermometer 64; cloudy, aea smooh Kadkoura—Calm; barometer 29.61, thermometer 72; fine, sea .smooth. Oamaru-Wind, N.W., light; barometer 69.56, tUhermometer 71; fine, sea smooth. _ Bluff—Wind, N.W., light; barometer 29.48, (hermometer 59; gloomy. . ■ 'Captain Edwin reports:—There is a jery fSMet change of pressure at Albany, but rt Ls xd-sen a 'Me 'at Hobart and fallen at Sydney. '.A low pressure from & of the meridian of the South tomorrow morning.

, WEATHER FORECAST. ■ The following weaither .forecast was graphed from Wellington yesterday :-A gale tom 'between the north-west, west and south In most parts of the country. The barometer will 'fall everywhere, hut will rise after twelve tours southward of Timaru and Queenstown,, .fend later at all other places. The sea will be "heavy on oil the western and also on jha east coast between Castle Point and, Aairoura, and it will he moderate elsewhere. -Lne pdes will he high on the western coast of the North Island and also on the east coast of the -South Island south of Lyttelton, ana ‘inoderate thence to Cape Campbell and poor thence northward. Rain is probable at moe'u places -south of Napier and New Plymouth, jnd a considerable decrease of temperature may $e expected, with a rising barometer. Warning signals for westerly gales are exhibited at gape Maria van Diemen and Tiritiri, andaJso it Capes Campbell, Farewell Spit and Foulwind. Synopsis of the lust twenty-four hours: j-A slowly decreasing pressure generally, and Iheie was also a slight increase between 8 pan. *nd midnight. A low pressure from., tho west passed eastward of the mendian of South Cape late yesterday, and one from the same erection will pass to-morrow morning.

ARRIVED. ' Fob. 15—Mokoia, b.s., 2145 tons, Spinks, from Sydney, via .Wellington. Union Steamship i/ompany, agents. Passengers—Misses M Donald, Hunter (2), Low, Craig, Raynor, Brandon, •Hecketi, Hayes, Blaney and Wallace, Compteaso do Courte, Mesdames Flood, Camper, Panton, Bradshaw, Gould, White and Hendry, Compte de Courte, Messrs Conk, Camper, Bullock, Hiorns, Swinburne, Bartels,, Goddard, Bradshaw, Enwin, Akehurst, Young, Easson, Ward, -Hutson,' Uantcn. Guthne, Clark, Hill, Swift, Milnes, Gadd, White, Hill, ■Blaney, Hendry, Dickenson, and twenty-one steerage. , , _ . Feb. 15—Taluxie, s.s., 1370 tons. Smith, from Sydney, via east coast ports. Union Steamship Company, agents. Passengers—Misses Watkins, Lecky, Butler, Beehan, Ziems (3), * [Daley, Twecldle, Ross and Richards, Mesdiames pulley, Clark, Beehan, Spong, Lennox, Willis jbd Keene, Dr -Bakqr, Captain Blair, Messrs Kulley, Clark, Horsley, Beehan, Pasooe, Matton* M’Guinness. ’ Hccliiold, Walter, King, Rivers, Butcher, and six. steerage. ■■ Feb. 15—Waikare, s.s., 1901 tons, Richardson, from Melbourne, via. southern por£s. Union Kteamship Company, agents. Passengers— Misses With ell, Young, Harvey, Carroll, Rea-. lon, Grove, Baxter, Bremmer, Laing, Neville, oendy, Brown, Sinclair, Leggett, Fitzsimmons <nd Clark, Mesdames Henderson, Irvine, Steele, Russell, Mills, Harvey, O’Brien, Pentey, Ridings and child, M’Oarthy, Fenton, Bastings, Bands, .Grove, Conway, Brown, M’Queen, Harris, Beck, Stewart, Esther, Jackson and infant, Howarth and Walsh, Messrs Hill, Irvine, Henderson, Steele, Catlow, Rowe,- M’Gregor, Andrew, Mills; Gillies, Ralph, Carroll, Newton, Wolff, Bastings, Vincent, Sproule, Martin, Mackay, Murray, Robertson, Cadcll, Pickkring. Mill. Bathgate, Harrisj Beck, Stronach, M’Leod, Fairbairn, M’Galium, Potto, Ewan, Cameron, Flowers, Cullen, Brown, Master Walsh, and sixty-one steerage. ’.Feb. 15—Corinna, s.-s., 820 tons, Lambert, from Timaru, Oamaru and Dunedin. -Union {Steamship Company, agents. '. Feb. 15—Tarawcra, s.s., 1269 tons, Neville; from Wellington. Union Steamship Company, 8-gents. Passengers—Misses Willis (2), Hamilton, Gamble, Mountfort, Hall, Dixon, Reid, {STohle, Campbell, Gamble and Polsen, Mesflames Mafra-H and child. Henderson and child, Clark, Chapman, .Gamble, Kenworthy, Poetz, Morgan and three children, Polsen and ■ D’Eeilly, Messrs Mogridge, Poetz, Rowley, Turner, 'Gottfried, Henderson, .Clark, Chapman, Reaworihy, -Hill, Morgan, Barridge, and fourteen steerage. , Feb. 15—Banffshire, s.s., 3603 tons, Stewart, Erom London, Plymouth, Hobart and Wellingon. New ..Zealand Shipping Company, agents. , Fab. 15—Lily, schooner, 84 tons,. Bloom, put back disabled. Pftc-aithly, Wallace, and Co., Igents. SAILED- - . Feb. 15—Indradevi, s.s., 3702 tons, Firth, for Port Chalmers. Kinsey, Barns -and C 0,,, agents. Feb. 15—Cygnet, s.s., 66 tons, Murray,"for Akaroa via the Bays. Pitcaithly, Wallace and Co., agents. Feb. 35—Corinna, s.s., S2O ions, Lambert, . for Wellington, Now Plymouth and Greymouth. Union Steamship Co., -agents. Feb. 15—Whanga-pe, s.s., 1900 tons, Cour-ba-rron, for Timaru. Union Steamship Co., agents.

Feb. 15 —ilokoia, s.s.„ 2145 tons, Spinks, for Melbourne via southern ports. Union Steam- , ship Co., agents.. Passengers—For Dunedin—. . Misses Ford, Beat, Harman, M. Brown, Cay- ■ ler, Butler, Rosa, Richards,. Kirk, Swanston, and Palmer, Mesdames Roberts, Hughes and Grant # and child, Hesters Hewitt, Coicbrook, Mowat* Wiener, Morris,' Furst, Pascoo and Roberts; for Bluff—Misses M’Lean, L. Corbett, Bush and M'Lean, Meadamios A. Scott and Neill; for Hobart—Mr Back; for Melbourne—Misses Bain, Treweoks (3), Michie, Francis and Betts, Mrs Beanners, Rev Bea/n----ners, Captain Blair, Messrs Banks, Washer,. Harris and ■ Betts. i Feb. 15—Tarawera, s.s., 1269 tons, Neville, for Wellington. Union Steamship Co., agents. Passengers—-Misses Sully ‘(2), Barford, Gibbons, Underwood, Webster, Fitzsimmons, Stuckey (2), MTunnon and Butler, Mesdames Ridings and child, Barford, Murdoch, Danford and child* Peppered, Maddison, Sully, McCarthy, Brown and Symon, Messrs Maddiaon, Stronach, Briggs, Murdoch, A. M’Millan, Finnemore, Parker, Sully, Peppeiell, Ward, J. F. Robertson, Neill,' Gauze, Collins, H. Brown, M’Adoo, White, Knott and Symon, Masters Coulan, O’Kane and Hannan. Feb. 13 —Talune, «.s., 1370 tons, Smith, for Sydney via Wellington. Union Steamship Co., agents. Passengers—For Wellington—- • Misses Carroll, Young, Harmon, Clark, Brenner, Laing, Mikom, Cahill, Grove, Fagan, Win stone, Wiseman, King, Edwards, Kinnear, In tie s, Leggett, Sheldon, Brown, Lingard and Monckton, Mesdames Sutton and ■ child, O’Brien. Harvey, Conway, Mackenzie, Oattg, Mills, P. Smith, Harris* Ivena, Jackson, Walsh, Grove, Russell, Becks, Payne and two children, Sands and Thompson, Revs Mackenzie and Oatts, Justice Edwards, Messrs Cameron, Woolf, Mills, Hartley, PolJock, Vincent, Monckton, Fairbaim, Carroll, (Newton, Potts, M’Gregor, Henderson, Bathgate, Beck, Mill, Goodman, Ralph, Gillies, Rowo, Ewan, Harris, Thompson and Collins, Masters Loughnan and; Walsh; for Sydney— Hisses Crosbio, Fuchs, Lingard and Fryer, Mesdantes Lennox, Peam and throe children. Mills, Hope, Oaks, White, Sampson and Stocks, Dr London, Messrs Pearn, Sproule,, L. Martin, Clark, Hope, Andrews, M’Callum, Robin eon, White, Sampson, Stocks, Cadell,' Price and Oates.” y. . IMPORTS.

sunulo casta col, 75bd18 cases muriatic acid, 1 case leather, 258 bags bark, 109 boxes bottles, 15 cases brandy, 5 cheats, 5 half-chests, 20 and 3 boxes tea, 5 pkgs bicycle parts, 10 cases fruits 10 cases c. calcium, 13 pkgs mantles, 1 pkg saws, 1 cask ink, 30 oases, 3 casks, 2 kegs, ,1 trunk, 23 pkgs, 9 crates; from Adelaide—2 oOtavea wine, 13 bags almonds, 4 cases, 2 stands; from Hobart—l7s bdls palings; from Dunedin—39 hhds, 9 cases ale, 40 bare iron,- 57 pkgss tores; from Bluff—6 bales flax. Corinna: From Dunedin—2 bales leather, 90 cases acid, 75 cases jam, U cases meats, 21 cases, 1 box, 16 bags, 10 bdls,' 5. pkgs; .from Camara—3 bales woollens, 10 bales and 1 bag wool, 7 sacks hides; from Tim’aru—22 bags hides. , Banffshire: From London—loo tons general merchandise. Taluhe: From Auckland' —10 oases bananas, 1 parcel samples,-82 pkgS timber, 800 bags and 80 sacks sugar, 1 hhd invert, 1 case syrup, 5 pkgs, -6 efirpty hhds; from.. Napier—ss cask® pelts, 7 crates tins empty returned; from Gisborne —1 cycle frame, 14 casks pelts. Taxawera: From Wellington—l 4 bdls iron, 12 cases lemons, 1 parcel books, 2 cases frait, 1 cask oil, 7 casks pelts, ‘ 72' sacks hides, 31 cases, 20 pkgs, 3 coils, 2 trusses, 1 box, 2 bags; from Nelson—B7 oases fruit', 2 boSefe plants, 1 aeed-sower, 3 bales skins, 2 bales wool. . ... Mokoia; From 'Sydney-2 bags nee, 40 bags ■salt, ’ 258 pieces redwood, 5 oases tobacco, 8 bales kapok, 11 rolls lead, 1 case leather, 1 crate sinks, 140 cases fruit, 604 half-cases currants, 20 kegs cream tartar, 177 bags bottles, 1 coils rope, 2 .horses; from Newcastle--756 sleepers. EXPORTS. Botomahana; For Wellington—l case dead poultry, 10 pkgs ranges, 1 cistern, 13 crates and 4 cases biscuits, 1 crate and 1 case confectionery, 8 boxes, 50 .sacks and 180 bags flour, 49 sacks and 60 bags potatoes, 1 gunny baccm 10 bags sand, 12 quarter-casks vinegar, 7 cases pickles, 2 crates perambulators., .2 blocks stone, 13 cases apples, 1 case and l box fruit, 3 cases boots, 20 boxes isoap, 1-0 sacks oats, 40 sacks sharps, 40 ram’s, 1 plough, quantity cast-iron spouting and angles, 4 axes, 63 cases and pkgs; for Picton—--8 rams; for Foxton—l jar isauce; for Wanganui—2s -cases pickles, 8 pkgs biscuits and confectionery, 2 pkgs; for Blenheim—l cycle, 2 crates biscuits, 34 sacks grass -seed; for Patea—l2 hhds ale, 21 cases and pkgs; for Nelson—2s sacks oats, 6 cases and pkgs; for Manukau—l case jam. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From London —Star - of. / New.... Zealand, at Auckland, Feb...l<. / Stax of Victoria, at Wellington, Feb. 14. Karamea, at Wellington. Feb. 14. Rimutaka, left Cape Town Jan. 26, due Wellington Feb. 27. Rangitira, left Jan. 8 due Port Chalmers Feb. 20. Whakatane, left Jan. 15, due Auckland March 10. Ktunara, left Capa Town Feb. 10, due Wellington March 8. Wakanui, left Feb; 5, due Wellington March 26. Waimate, left Feb. 8, due Auckland. April 6. Maori, left Feb. 8, due Wellington. April 2From New York—Star of England,, Devon, 5.8., left Nov. 20. Star of Australia, s.s., left Dec. 22. Baron Eldon, 8,5., at Melbourne, Jan. 28. , • • From Algoa Bay—-Belford, ship, 1771 tons. From Monte Video—Selkirkshire, barque, 0122 tons, left Cot. 18. • Inveresk, barque, 1297 tons, left Jan. 20. From Hobart—Sir John Franklin, baiquen* tine, 245 tons. From Newcastle—laola, barque, 633 tops. VESSELS HOMEWARD BOUND. Days Out. Macduff (Captain Hnelin) . . . 105 Glenbum (Captain Pritchard) . , . 101 Lvtterwonh (Captain Wood) .. . • 32 . Mario (Captain Cafiexo) . . . . 24 Romanoff (Captain Robertson) . . 2 THE UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S FLEET. ■ , SATURDAY.—Rotomahana arrives from Wellington and leaves cm- return trip. Te Anau arrives from Dunedin and leaves for Wellington and East Coast ports. Waikaxo leaves for Dunedin. Six -steamers arrived at Lyttelton yesterday—the Mokoia, from Sydney via Wellington, alt 6.5 a.m.; the Taiune from Sydney, via east coast ports, at 6.50 a,m.j; the Waikare from Melbourne and southern porta at 7.25 a.ra.; tire .Corirma southern ports at 7.35 ».m.; the Tarawera from Wellington at 8.15 a.m., and the Banffshire from London, via Plymouth, Hobart and Wellington,'at 10 a.m-

The Union Steamship Company’s s.s. Mokoia, which arrived from Sydney, via Wellington, at 6.5 a.m. yesterday, left. Sydney at 2-45 p.m. on Feb. 9, arrived at Wellington at 11 a.m. on Feh. 13, and left for Lyttelton at 4.45 p.m. on Thursday. She experienced light variable: winds, with exceptionally smooth seas, throughout. . 1 . ; The barque Tercera, which has been chartered to load wheat-a/fc a New Zealand port for the United Kingdom -and the- Continent, is expected to arrive at Wellington from Natal. The Shire’-laner Banffshire arrived at 10 a-.m. yesterday from London, via Plymouth, Hobart and Wellington, and was berthed at No. 7 wharf. .She has 1000 tons of general cargo for Lytteltdft, consigned to the New Zealand Shipping Company. The report of the voyage states that she left London on Deo. 14, and had a fine run to the Equator. One death occurred during the voyage,, that of the assistant steward, H. Kelly, who died on Jan. 8, and was buried at -sea. On Jan. 15, in latitude 44,60 softh and longitude 40.24 east, an iceberg was passed, and -two more -were sighted the following day. Hobart was reached m Feb. 2, and after discharging 250 tons cargo the vessel left again for Wellington on the following morning. The weather throughput the .voyage was very good, with -the exception of a few days of heavy fog. The Banffshire is still commanded by Captain Stewart, who has with him as officers; Messrs Brown, Russell, -Smith and Meiklereid. The chief engineer is Mr Glen,,..who has six -assistants.

The 'Shaw, Savill and Albion Company’s s.s. Aotea is to leave early this morning for Timaru. She 'will return to ,[Lyttelton in a few days’ time to resume loading. The New Zealand Shipping Company’s s.s. Ot'arama is to leave this afternoon for Waitara. After calling at various other New Zealand ports, she will inaugurate the steam service to South Africa, leaving this colony about March 9. The s.«. Baron Eldon, with general cargo from 'New York, is tp arrive, via Auckland, ■about the middle of next week. Messrs Kaye ■and Carter 'are to bo 'agents for the steamer. Yesterday the s.s. Indradevi left ■ for Port Chalmers at 11.40 a.m., the s.s. Cygnet for .Akaroa at 2.30 p.m., the s.s. Whangape for Timaru at 4.30 p.m., the s.s. Mokoia for Melbourne, via southern ports, about 6 p.m., and the s.s. Corinna for Wellington, New Plymouth and Greymouth; the s.s. Tarawera for Wellington and the s.s. Talune for'Sydney, via Wellington, during the evening- ' TIMARU. The week- has seen a busy day or two at the port of Timaru. The s.s. Herald arrived on Monday,from Dunedin, and went north thesame day. On Wednesday the Upolu landed 500 tons of coal and some timber, while the ship Auckland and barque Lake Eric were loading. The latter worked till 11 p.m. to. finish,, so as to leave her berth clear for a steamer next day. On Thursday there were four steamers working—the Corimm, Rimu, Wanaka and Hawea. Every available wharf hand was engaged, and more were wanted. The Lake Erie sailed for Lyttelton in the morning, and the Rimu and Corinna for Wellington and Lyttelton respectively in the evening. The locally-owned schooner, Lizzie Taylor, sailed for Waitara on Wednesday. Yesterday the Wanaka and Hawea were still busy, and the schooner Enterprise arrived from Dunedin. JAPANESE 'ENTERPRISE. The enterprise of the subjects of the .Mikado was strikingly shown at the general meeting of shareholders of the Nippon Yusen Company, held in Tokio on. Nov. 28. It was stated that 4984 voyages were performed by the company’s vessels during the six months, the distance covered being 2,361,371 miles. The fleet consists of 67 steamers,' aggregating 204,7J3 tons gross, to which has to beaded two new steamers, 1 totalling 12,000 tons gross, building for the American line; three new steamers of, together, 2700 tons.! 'building 'for, the home-trade; one new steamer 1500 tone gross, building for, the Australian trade, making 73 steamers aggregating 223,913 tons gross, in addition to 38 steam launches of 1138 tons gross,' 4 hulks, aggregating 1080 tons gross, and 241 lighters. There are 440,000 shares and 3969 shareholders. A SCHOONER DISMASTED. The schooner Lily, which left for Oreymouth yesterday 'afternoon, put back late last night dismasted. Captain Bloom states that the accident occurred about 5 p.m; yesterday, when the vessel was some twenty-five miles from Lyttelton Heads. There was a choppy, westerly sea at the time, and the wind was blowing a g’ale from the west-north-west. Suddenly the main topmast was earned away by a gush of wind, and simultaneously the foremast broke

off short about six feel below the cross-trees. No sails were lost. The schooner was put about, and reached Lyttelton Heads 'about half-past ten o’clock. This morning she was towed to a berth at the Gladstone Pier. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. ARRIVAL.—Feb. 15: Wellington, 8.40 a.m., Waverley, from Kaikoura. DEPARTURES.—Feb. 15: Auckland, 3.45 p,m., Pakoha, for Gisborne; Port Chalmers, 6 p.m., To Anau, for Lyttelton. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS.'' POUTO, Feb. 15. Arrived—Jessie Craig, .barque, from Auckland. Sailed—Kongabyrd, barque, for Sydeny. AUCKLAND, Feb. 15. Sailed—Pakeha, for Wellington and Kaipara Heads. Sailed—Kongebyrd, barque, for Sydney. WELLINGTON, Feb. 15. Arrived—Nairnshire, from - Brisbane. Sailed—Rotomahana, for Lyttelton; passengers—Misses Eight. Wilson (41, Strang, Barbour, Ogilvie, Rutherford, Ransley, Glover, Lomax, Scaife, Mesdames Scaife, Waterman, Stevenson, Robinson, Massey, Wilson, Hamman, Schaefer, White, Hills, Hodgson, Reed, Rawson, Stringleman, Rev Wright, Judges Davy -and Maokay, Archdeacon Harper, .Messrs Oleyry, Stringleman, Smith, Adams, Mackay, Stock, Cuthbert, Kettlewell, Parata, (Welch, Mills, Evans, Mcdhnrat, Watson, Young, Reeves, Coop, Wilson, Forde, Brayshaw, Dickie, Ingram, Cook, Glasgow, Waterman, Stevenson, Moore, Milne, Weymouth, Beales, and sixteen steerage. DUNEDIN, Feb. 15. Sailed—Tc Auau, for Auckland; passengers—Misses Metier (2). Williams, Patterson, Miller, Slmmachcr, Brittain, Tardy, Fra.-er, Osborne. Brnsmahan, Burgess, Gibb, Shanks, and Waldegravo (2), Mesdames Ross and two children, Reid and two children, Dixon, Round!, C. Smith, Rcith, Brnsmahan, Smith, iand three children, M'Donakl and Somerville, Messrs Osborne, Scott, Ross, Gellatly, Ovendale, MTlraith, Renneli, Oaffin, M'Donaid, Somerville, Galloway, Scott, Magnus, Hutcheson, Lawson, Melrose, and four steerage.

a. h. HI Fall Moon . » , . 4 3 0 a.zn. Last. Quarter , . . , . 12 5 42 ajcru New Moon , . , , . 19 2 15 First Quarter . , . , 2g 6 8 a.m.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12427, 16 February 1901, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12427, 16 February 1901, Page 6

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12427, 16 February 1901, Page 6