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LYTTELTON. _ Lyttelton is situated m lab eoutfe, !' jjjtt* 172.64 east; and the difference oS time Lyttelton and Ohriatohurch is SQLseo. Tas tima-ball is dropped every week cAY *R J 'Wv New Zealand mean tune, whioß it ••uiraienfc to 13.50 Greenwich mean, time -<S? "j*. previous day, being calculated for 172de£ east long,, and n>i«i 30miu east of i ii Uxawiwioh msaa time. PHASES OF THE MOQN. j 1 FEBRUARY. v d. h.Poll Mooß • « • . 1 | a " 2n - La* Quirted * » * • 13 5 42 a.m. New Moon ?v • • J® ? 1 o ii: Pirst Quarter . 6 a ’ sa ‘ WEATEBR REPORT ETCK ‘ ; IHSgh Water, This 'Day aag a.m. Sun rises 0.33 a.m., sets ii, Moon set® 3.18 j>.m. '• WEDNESDAY. FED Rl g \ Barometer . • >■■ 29 “ S | «■■■:■■■ Thermometer , • • • i || I; Wiodi, N.E., light. . |j THE WEAThK AUSTRALIA. lj S=i . v The following weather reports were received II' 1 ;lrtaa Australian stations jesterfay; , 1 ■ J Albany, Feb. 12-Wind, S.W.; haromete. Feb. 12—Barometer 29.5; cloudy, il Feb. 1 13-Wind, east; barometer '/a:' 86.8; fiae. THE WEATHER IN NEW ZEALAND. ||d'- The following weather reports were received jhom New Zealand stations at 5 P-m. yesterHeads—Wind, iS.W. breeze; barometer 30.21, thermometer 70; cloudy, sea modeill .^Nhw-'Plymouth—Wind, ■ W-, light 5 jmeter 30.11, thermometer 70; fine t sea slight \m‘. ■ Caatlepoint—Wind)? N.W. breeze i barometer iBO.O, thermometer 17j, Am, sea moderate. • on-Wini N.W., fresh; barometer fe).92, thermometeir 69; c.oiidy. : Westport—Wind, N.E., light; barometer 131?: teO.lQj- 'thermametei 65; drizzle,, sea. smooth. ’ Kaikoura—Calm; barometer 29,78, thermoSWBySr,^^ I Oamaru—Wind, N.E, light; barometer 29.77, • tofstbmste.a; fine, sea smooth. ‘ Muff—Wind, -N.W., fresh; barometer 29.63, Jfcettaometer 63; gloomy. , ; 'S&am- Xdwin reports:—lA further and 'ctrfteidtoable'decrease of pressure has taken p'i;teß»'a*? , .'Hbbai l t?-.biit :it. has increased at Aliiiii’/i&tflfi: A low pressure-from the'west wall pass ■»|?r: -tHe* meridian.' of, the' South Cape about I -s tt|d|fjKht'< tb-night, - and one ifrom the .same I’.', awSiote otf'Feb.. 15. There .are evidences_ of 1 ’ ii-lor'/pressure ip the Tasman Sea, travelling 11' 5e l tMe % soutl>east; but'demeasing in energy. WEATHER FORECAST. Tfie- following 1 weather forecast was telewrapted from Wellington yesterday;—Wind irnlidwate" tb' stteng generally from the west,wtod. The barometer will further rise north irf Napier and New Plymouth and fall, but 4*'lii»#t l aftesix' hours elsewhere; The sea will I’ofr moderate- on. both coasts,- and the tides 'ofeMt*Uy poor. Synopsis of the last twentyifSm'Kours:—A slight decrease of pressure has place*, aouthwaid of Naipiet and New Plymouth; but the pressure has- . itfontinned to increase in other parts of the -weather - , has been fine- every-, !vHw». a- low pressure: froni the west wall «i®' : 4wWard' of; the-meridian of South- Cape laSdnt Friday- There are indications that II iWijliSiiiSuW te‘ low':' in the Tasman Sea, and plitiWltirogfflite'- south-east towards. Capa |||j|iiterS#ell,;but' decreasing: in* energy. t ARRIVED. ' Kmsey,_Barns and Co., agents. I Ipawengers—.Misses Grcig and Kirkmdocl, Mcb-iili-idWSa: Thomas,' Ahercromby, Morrison and "Messrs Ahercromby. ißingham, Gersou, Greig, iTAl.lluia, Thomas, aimL Jester .BingJiaiii* 13-—'liarivwera, &5:,' r ,'1269 ions, Neville,' #gyihgton.. Union Sieamship, Company, - Idtortta-. Passengers—Misses Hudcllesione (2), ' ; Srah; Simnson, Johnson, Wildou, Brown, tJfcjjg, Earnes, Jensen and Metcalf, Mesdames l|ilaSl»m...;(ateen, ; 'EHiqtt,Messenger and four 'tkiidxeft, Forman, Maniioltl, GrimE I 1 i-«Kiod> Lemmo, Mason; Maokay and King and child. Messrs' Monteith,, Hardin, Snepliexd, llil-liicl;; GtWea,. Elliott,.. Messenger, Forman, Burnett, Lemme, Barry, Clifford, Markmann, fwi (2), Carrad, 1 Eicnelbaum, Cooke, Lem- - sq- driews;. Harty, Oliver, and ten steerage. ■ Feb. 13—Whangape, s.s., 1906 tons, CourENi:!li«iHda.. from' Calcutta, via Wellington ana •Auckland. Union Btoam’ship Company, -■ !*Jvf‘ 13—To Anau, s.s., 1025 tons, Bernech, lltbit Wellington and east coast- ports. Union. .Company, agents. . Passengers ittWi'SifiMSiS*: Bdchardsoh,- Lee,, Cox, Jennens, Cor|i- »«6' and. Harding, Mesdames Evans, Mitchell, !.i. Mortlack and child, Smith and two children, kite, Cox and Uigby, Messrs Evans, Mitciieii, - Sanidge (2b Cox (2), Waiters, Roberts, Judge, k:>i.: j»VaS'ev ! Sxhrth,-. Saunders, Wise, Goldsmith, fe!| Stdathbiise, Baldwin, Goddard, Mackenzie, |SE|BdMiSbiv, Lowry,. Gardner, Wilkinson,'*on. Rasmussen and Drake. S', Feb. 13—Cygnet,'sis., 66 tons, Murray, from IlilikaiMaii. via; tee Bays-.; Pit'Can'iny, Wakaoe and #B4; ddente. . ■ ' Feb 13—Te Anau, 1023 tons, Bernech, for SDunddih. E Union S-ieamship Company, .tgents; tfeciii,:S*B&tegeiK—Misses, Farquhar (2)( LamOourne, Payhe; Mefedames M'Kay, and WBrfieffefc. 'Mwsa 'tieiiz aid Bams*, iff- 'm l3)-Waikato, s.s., 3071 tens, Kiddle, for |||j# New Zealand 'Shipping Company, . .. Wgems. . Feb., I^l—Elingatnite, s.s., 1675 tons, Wyllie, is* Svdiiev, via east coast ports. .Kinsey, Bams irpjiiliidi'Cd., agpnfs. Fa|-aengeis; For Weliingion Lisle and Dearner, Metd-ames bowib, •awi .ffctrdy and ,"hvo children and Me era, M* 8319 - Is il feeers,' Davis, 1 Morris, Gieson and Anderson; /Napier—Misses 'Bliss 1,2) and! Cohen, Mr jiji-ng'kamior A-uckl'i^nd —Messrs K-ogers, Samuels and Anderson; ior 'Syctney ■&f>s*>Jfe.Wrighi'- ... Sft'Eil:.;'.FebV. 13—Tarawera, s.s., 1263 tons, Neyiac, lillfe Waiiitelori. Union Steamship Company, pasSengETS —Misses. Mirarus \2), Bent- ’ Igy Byres, Levin, Wilsoii, -Stopford, Sergeant, Thompson, Little, 'Byers and Denham, Mes- - Barnes Levin, Wil-lord, Greive, M Btid\ixivell, ifinßvser, Reynolds, ■ Dale, Turnbull, Dymock, sfei'lOlttiatopher.. and Malet, Rev S. Baker, aisssrs iMilile. Greive,. Patterson (2), iit&»n«guth, ! M’Bndo (2), Lawry, Turnbull, uy- ' haock, Christopher, CoOp, Litter, Buchanan, " •M'Kay, Findlay, Broderick. Manoy and Malet. IMPORTS. Vi ', -Xfl Anaur From Suva—l 69 cases oranges, 144 B|fdiitir :; 'baiatia - S, 3 cases pines, 160 bags sugar, fee:® casea-Ecigarettes, 1 case tobacco; from Auek||Vi : lMt=-200 fire hnfips, 415 bd£® laths, 21 cases Sjfiiaid, 8 cases treac.e, 1 box dried - »MlCs, 1330' bags sugar, 400 bags cement, i Ei’/iRMes: leather; . 2 'timber jacks, 173 cases iruit, ciaes.bananas, 6 cases seed, 1 ba.e flax, X pelfS; 20 cases tomatoes; 2 cases- Jam, 4 cases cubes, 10 "ji./ssfi-kgS, 11 :!# bssfeS; : '■' ' ', lit''i-Tarawera: 1 From Napier—l bicycle, 4 boxes fiSfioh, 16,casks pelts;; from Wellington—3 oases, 1 parcel; from Dunedin —0 ‘bars iron; irom 'Auckland—B6 pieces timber, 160 bags-sugar, 2 seed. |V;|j-.;.Whimeape: From, Calcutta—slo half-cases :'|,il: ! tastbr'<S, TOO'dframo oil, 87 cheats tea, 1 case ISwclpth.,6 cases .cigars, 1390 bales and 2parce.s E incite; front Singapore—s4B bag® tapioca, 29 age white 1 pepper, 20 cases pine apples, 3 bags jli/iJdiig pepper; from Auckland—6 pieces timber. i)|%l'r , i:,:!EUnga.mile:' l From Dunedin—l, 43 #K;|balea,!tkihs, 15 -bells piping, 2 hhds, ale, 5 barrels (IE/.-ale; ■ quantity theatrioai 'Scenery, 5 mats- rice, otete groceries, 38 cases drug®;. 1 dray, 1 'ba.o SSilleather, 251. cases whisky, 59 cases coffee, 40 casks whisky, 3 octaves whisky, 6 cases sunt dries, 4 pkgs eaddlery, 6 cases ale. EXPORTS. RotOmahana; For Manakau—74 sacks grass ill Aeed; for New Plymouth—2 trusses; for 'NelsEV'itiOn—<l case ale, 10 cases and' pkgs; for Blenji'S/jheim— 4 cases, 1 truss; for Wanganui—ls cased tsfale, 20 boxes,'soap; for WeHihgton— B steel plate®, 172 cases cheese, 1 roller, 1 platform, betas steel, 1 drill, 2 couches, 1 roll carpet, 17 Sacks pota:o£s, S bags and 12 gunnies onion®, 9 rams, 3 wheels, 1 cylinder, SO sacks sjii oysters, 11 case® «•!«, 30 cases eggs, 20, cases pickles, 5 sauces, 2 cases bacon, 2 cycles, Vjp : 6 ofates’biscuits, 9 pkg® ranges, 1 crate perambulators, 7 bags rhubarb, 27 empty returned ca*ks, 80 sacks flour, 1 bale fungus, €0 sacks wheat, Sosacks seed, 1 pkg pipes, 83 cases and For Westport—l cycle frame, 6 cades ale and-stout,'3 hhds ale, 6 cases beer, 5 crates and" 2 caste biscuits, 1 case tionery, 3 cases bacon, 10 cases 'brandy, 40 bo*te 'loa-p,- 6 sacks onions, 90 sacks wheat, 36 sack® potatoes. 30 sacks chaff, 40 sacks pollard, 45 sicks flour, 779 pkgs railway -mayterm. 1 pkg ironwork, 25 cases and pkgs. ’ Lily: For Greymouth—26o sacks wheat, 320 :) *aek» and 480 bags flour, 45 sacks oats, 200 azoks sharps, 150 sacks bran. EXngamiie: For Wanaganui—4o biles hay; for Blenheim —20 sacks flour; for 'Napier—2o /•(jicki 'teed, 4 hales (Hessians, 10 case® -sauce, /S :i 's : ; l <critte' , 'hi<c l uifs; 2 al#, 3 crates biscuits, 1 hhd ale, 1 cask fittings, 5 i=auce, 3 1 l oJrts boots, 5 cases confectionery, 1 cycle, 1 case saddlery; for Gisborne—96 sacks grass - {seed. 10 case® ale, 2 case® bacon, 23 crate® bis'cult*, 100 sack® oats, 10 sacks oatteeal, Q sacks Drape, 21 case® ale, 11 cases pickles, 1 case ('boots, 40 rams; for Tauranga—2o sack® grass ' ieeedi; -for Auckland—l 3 case® picture®, 6 hhds -. 80 Ix-xes soap, 1. crate, S 3 bar® iron, 3 •VWte plate glass, 9 sicks clover seed, 5 -sacks W ‘c6MxP», l"ber «<e»l, 453 . sacks, grass seed, a f/ 'xLw 490 :«ahks.. flour, 1260 sack® whoi-t, (■ iM oats, "1& sacks oaJtimcal, 10 sacks 10 eacktf oatina, S sack® peas, 13 meat®, 18 «a*es pjoldcs,,

4® woollens, 19 cases furniture, 9. cases exhibits, 25 pkgs furn#uje; for NewcastHe—--450 -sacks malt, 200 isaohs oats; for iSydne*— 14 cases cultivators. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. From London-Star of . New Zealand left Dec. 18. Banffshire, at Wellington. Star o Victoria, left Dec. 1. Feb. 9» due Wellington “ Xl f u taka, left Cape Town Jan. Rue Wellington Feb. 27. Bangitira, left Axle Chalmers' Feb. 20. Whakatane, left Jan. 10. Kumara, left Jan. 19, due Wellington March 6. Wakanui, left Feb. 5. Liverish, barque, 1279 tons, left Jan. 20. Waimate,' left leb. 8. Maori, -left Feb. 8. From New- York—lndradevi, left Wellington. Star of England, s.s., Devon, s.s., left Nov. 20. , Star of Australia, s.s., left Dec. 22. Baron Eldon, s.s., at Melbourne, Jan. 28. From Algoa Bay—Belford, dirip, 1771 tons. From Monte Video—Selkirkshire, barque, 1122' tons, left Oct. 18. Criffei, jship, H9o tons, left Oct. 17. ' , From, Hobart—Sir John Franklin, barquentine, 245 tons. , _ , From Newcastle—Brisbane, s.s., left, Teb., 2. VESSELS HOMEWARD BOUNL> Day® v Out. Macduff (Captain- Huelin) .... 104 ;■ Glenbqrn (Captain Pritchard) . . S 3 N Lutterworth: (Captain Wood < . i 30 ■Mario (Captain Gafierb) 2$ THE UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S " FLEET. THURSDAY.—Rotomaharia arrives from Wellington and leaves on return trip. Corinna arrives from Timaru, Oamaru and Dunedin and leaves for Wellington, New Plymouth and Greymouth. Whangape leaves for Timaru. Yesterday the s.s. Elingamite arrived from Dunedin a; 7.30 a.m., the s.s. Tarawera from Wellington at 8.10 a.m., the s.s. Wliangape from Calcutta, via Auckland and Wellington, at 10 a.m., and the s.s. To Anau at 10.15 a.m. Mr James L. Martin, late second officer of the steamer Toroa, has been appointed to a similar position on tee barque Helen Denny, now in Lyttelton. It is said that the cargo of 36,000 sacks oata taken by the Knight of &t George from the Bluff to Sydney was the largest single cargo that ever teft that port. The dredge Manchester went into dock at noon to-day for an overhaul and repairs. The Union Company’s cargo- steamer Whangape arrived from Calcutta, Singapore, Auckland and Wellington at 10 -o’clock this morning. She left Calcutta on Jan. -6, larrivmg at Singapore on Jan. 14 and Auckland on: Feb. 8, sailing again for Wellington the same evening. The Whangape -is commanded by Captain Courbarron, who is accompanied by his wife and daughter. The other officers arc; —Chief, Mr Hull; second, Mr Stringer, and third, Mr Naylor. Her chief engineer is Mr 1 H. Dove. Mr Hursthouse, late of the Mawhera, joined her at Auckland. The s.s. Cygnet arrived from Akaroa at 2.40 p.m. yesterday, j The New Zealand 'Shipping Co.’s s.s. Waikato left Lyttelton at 3.15 p.m. yesterday ior Wellington, whctice she is to leave for London on Saturday. Yesterday the s.s. Te Anau left ter Dunedin about 5.30 p.m.; the s.s. Elingamite for Sydney via East Coast ports about 6.30 pin.; and the s.s. Tarawera for Wellington about 10.20 p.m. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. ARRIVALS.—Feb. 13; Wellington, H a.m., Mokoia, from Sydney; Port Chalmers, 1 p.m., Belfoid, from ijouth Africa; Gisborne, 5 a.m., Mimiro, from Napier; New Plymouth, 4.50 a.m., Gairloch (San Francisco mail), from Onehunga. DEPARTURES.—Feb. 13; Auckland, 5.10 a.m., Sonoma, for Sydney; Wellington, 3 p.m., H.M.S. troopship Britannic, for Napier; Auckland, 3.20 p.m., Baron Eldon, for Wellington ; Otago Heads, 4.15 p.m, Belford, for Lyttelton; Wellington, 7.40 p.m., Eotomahana (San Francisco mail) ,for Lyttelton; Wellington, 4.50 a.m., Indradevi, for Lyttelton; Akaroa, 8 a.m., Cygnet, lor Lyttelton. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. POUTO, Feb. 13. Sailed —Senorita, barquentine, for Fremantle. KAIPARA HEADS, Feb. 13. Sailed —Senorita, barquentine, for Fremantle. AUCKLAND, Feb. 13. Arrived—Manapouri, from the South Sea Islands. Dr Solf, the Governor of Samoa, is a passenger. Sailed—Ovalau, for the Cook and Society Islands. Ngapuhi, for New Plymouth. WELLINGTON, Feb. 13.-' Arrived, at noon—Mokoia, from Sydney; passengers for Lyttelton—Misses M’Donald, Hunter (2), Low and , Craig, Mesdames.'.Flood" and Cowper,' Messrs Cook, Cowper, Bullock, Hiorns, Swinburne, Bailees, Goddard and fifteen steerage. Sailed—lndradevi, for,Lyttelton; passengers —Misses Stall, Charters, Hanning, Crawford, MDougall, Elkin, Kinross, Ranstey,, Foster (2), Buchanan, James, Mesdames Petersen (2), Dowe, Lyon, Gillies (2), -two children and servant, Brown, Fowlds, Ward, Revs Lyon, Day, Jolly, Davidson, Glasson, ’ Thomas, Messrs Saunders, Buchanan, Edmonds, Cohen, Bartels, Miller, Croster, Bailey, Myers, Laurenson, Wood, Tenrent, Gillies, Lake, Cyfee, Criddon, Platts, Hep worth, Mowatt, Siewart, Hobbs, Pyne, Petersen, Dewe, Gripwell, Butler, Back, Lyon, Foster, Page, Debeer, Ward, Brown, O’Brien, Talbot, Fowlds, and steerage. DUNEDIN, Feb. 13. The ship Belford called at the Heads and was ordered on to Lyttelton 'to load. BLUFF, Feb. 13. Arrived—Hmernoa, pteamer, from Dunedin. Zealandia, ship, from Nelson. Mellen, barque, from Otago Heads. AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. NEWCASTLE, Feh. 13. Sailed—Aratapu, for Gisborne. Neptune and Vision, .for Auckland. ADELAIDE, Feb. 13. Sailed—Lark, for Auckland.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12425, 14 February 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12425, 14 February 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12425, 14 February 1901, Page 4