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Publications. . "TEE CANTERBURY ■, MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER A JOURNAL OF TH2 NEWS KNOWLEDGE ■ . And LITERATURE "' \ OF ' TEE WORLD. . : SIXPENCE WEEKLY. :"J- y .NAL provides an amount of Useful sn'4Entertaining Reading not to"fea' found lirfcnjj' other publication of the same .class in th« INFORMATION . ,-.; INSTRUCTION ■ ■ - ■■- '.' .■ And'' "'■''/ ' RECREATION ' ir '\ FOR ALL CLASSES/':':;, Are to be found in its pages. / j. _ THE GREAT IMPROVEMENT'S: > ! Whic]f have recently been effected, iafhl; " CANTERBURY TIMES''* ■.■ :}'/ | Have made the Always: Popular , Journal ! THE BEST WEEKLY PAPER J IN / NEW ZEALAND. Not only, lias every effort been mad«:; : t«i: maintain the always ■ high character of/iti? General'Contents, but .- : : " - ;'■■ NEW FEATURES'.' ' {:''..:'}. \ hate been introduced-to :snit the requirement!'. of popular taste, until this - .- ■ ■•'■■ . /'" / '■ 'OLD-ESTABLISHED BUT: •'■'/,/^ Journal admittedly stands at the .head of th* Weekly, Newspapers of New Zealand.. :, THE LADIES' PAGE?, Edited. by : the.foremost: Lady Journalist is :■: New Zealand, not only, giving the" Social'anct/ Fashionable News-of the Day, arid ArticleaV on Household Matters and" Fashions, but' also treat'of the Position .and Progress:, of Woman in every sphere of life, and ths'l opinions of. the ablest: women- and other: leading thinkers on the questions which ar« of vital interest to men and women alike. : AGRICULTURAITnD PASTORAL Matters have always been ably vdealt within the ,"Canterbury: Times,"- and ■■the:,' space" devoted, to these subjects : has been greatly extended. Practical Articles on Agriculture, Stock-keeping, Dairying, and , the ' 'other branches of farming appear in each issue; repprts upon experiments and investigations by scientific and practical authorities hi :all ~ parts of the' world, which may .afford,: formation to' colonial' farmers;;' notes '.. on - " Stock, the Dairy-and the Farm, ; and Agricultural and;,Pastoral "'News fr'Jm all--'■■■' partt of the .world are: supplied by a; host of contributors. Questions ere answered and advioe given on any of these subjects. / ','-.'-.. , v, ; :.. i VETERINARY ADVICE :■' '*'// Is given, and Articles on. Diseases, .; anj Treatment of Stock are contributed. : by. \ th« ' leading practitioner in New Zealand.' ■' THE GARDEN. "". .- '/\ '' " Work' for the 'Week " 'has been ; a highly, appreciated feature of , the "Canterbury Times'' from it's first publication. This useful guide to'gardeners is contributed by a horticulturist of the highest qualifications and experience, and is "followed with success in. alljparts, of New Zealand. Special .articles on' the cultivation of. various plants, flowers,/ fruits and vegeables appear at .".the piope* . season's. • - "'. : '.'/'/. /' . POULTRY. ■' Special attention is given to practical Poultry*--keeping, and advice w. fully giyen by an experienced 'Poultry-keeper .to beginners- and others, while " the fancy "is not neglected." ': / CRICKET ANIXFOOTBALL. ' The " Canterbury Times " deals..with :tbes*.. popular forms of athletic sport: in a manner at" once interesting,' comprehensive and vca.partial. Every item .of importance. :'■ and/ everj opinion of value , co-nxtecto'd with either. are recorded in its columns, ■ COMMERCIAL. - : - \ Trustworthy special." .reports' of English;' Foreign and . Colonial '.Markets- are : a ■ distinctive feature of tke'.," Caiiterfaury ,Tiarve'a." : They are-, obtained from '.the ■'■'• best, sotjroeSi and being absolutely independent, have coaimanded the confidence, 'of* both- producers and purchasers. : -.,.,;.':_.?•'::/.-.'.•'. •■. .;• ■ -.' ■ " '■ ' TM'KEJ^NEL:.r:' : '. To the fostering .support-:.of; the? *i ■Canterbury:'. Times "■' is due-the remarkable' progress of the - canine fancy in :New'"Zealand.: ihc "Canterbury Times" is- the only weekly ■ paper '.in* the colony the -Kennel .'..ColumiV ; .,«tv: whiclf' ■, il'. conducted- "by a practical-'fancierj" fhoro^gjiix. versed in canine matters.-\/- '■: ■/, ,'/..■*.::':". ■■ '.'".SPoiTi'NGi'.'/'"-.' "./'/''/;""' In Sporting matters the--. Canterbury Times'' ■ is absolutely independent, and - . being-. fre« from, the influence of either ciubs deals" boldly and impartially.,;. with. Sa-cihg,,, Trotting," and every' department: ■ of;,Sport,,' in which it is/acknowledged to ;be £he:mosi, reliable,authority in:the 'colony.. // / -■:,: •: ■';,..' ■/AQUATIC. ' : '"':-' :: '^Jy" The same liberal spirit is displayed ■• in- ; 'th» ; pages dealing-with Aqiiatic "eveh'tsj and ~th*: Paper presents ah admirable reyiew it. ' thedoings of. the week, dnd;.oi occurrences ; of interest in-all parts of:'the World. ."' " '■■■','■'. '"' " 'athletiu '. ' : ';:.':;".;. The department devcicd to Athletics is undermost careful and 'capable supervision;: .--.and . gives an entertaining arid raliable ■ accdua-S' of .Athletic matters iu the. coiQuy--and-eise--where: , . ' : ; ■GYGLINja.' '- : ■'; ■/■•■-. : The.pages aliottea to -Cycins ccc?a:n iru.-t----worthy, accounts of ail lmuuritint", ) achieve-■' 'ments -whether on the road or' U-a.-k, if. AeM ■ Zealand "or iu other countries/'.": '.~:.. Ladies i-sa specia" feature o; this d.-ii'd^tuc.:-;.. which contains much that evti'-j .•ridc.-.-wiiei.hji-professional. pr- ; amateur, i'veteiau.'.cf -.•jsbvi-c. should read.- , . ■ ~.■-.. ';•.,■: nayy, army a"nd yolunjeers, '■ One ot the most 'interesimg and' features • of. the Paper is the section devoted' to-the views, and" tiie interests of/ciir citizen >" soldiers,'and the doings, of Briti'sn. .-sototefi and sailors throughcui; the world!, ," : •- ; «V rS ■'";"-;;'/ ;■'": ■ ; ; : A- very large',-.prapoifaoa /ox/tile'.-apace th«- ". Caiiisi;hitty 'xiines "as - < lure. 'Serial. 'j-aies.ahd":Shvfi, facbrie's '.by tiia; most, popular, autlic'rs' of -the ftay, r Btiiliajit. Sketches,.. '."Reviewsj- ana Occasiojuti'-. AriicKa' on subjects".oi interest-in^ihe 'literary form a-budget of reading, at pace: iaterestipgi i entertaining instructive. '. P •'. :;'/:,. '■ --MUSIC' AND~ikE' DRAMA.-:' '*- / ; Are treated of by*•'•rfriiers, morou'3|»iy , : con-,' versaat with the subjects, and. tha" .iliisical and Dramatic iJpings_ of, . tin?.. colony:"; and ■■ o'ther parts' of •" the" world are de'scnbsd,- ui bright ana effective fashion/. , . ;', : ".■'/ . ILLUSTRATIOaStvThe Pictorial ue&iaiJß.eub\ :'oi ..iae ■''" Caater-. - bury Times" has been greatiy extended and : improved. Illus tratibas -, or high , lucut,,:, xe-" presenting peopie, "plices acd, incident* -oi interest at the present :day,- are published ia,' every issue. ■ . ;\' : / ' ■. •BANDSMEN'S COLUMN/; This is a'specially luiei-eswug, feature. ■■„' The"' doings of Bands and Bauasiuen,' nop ou'ly In \ew Zealand, t>ut in the other colonies an'd the Old World, are 'treated of ■by oapabl» > and weit-inlornied writers, , ";,• ,i >. ':.},{ . ''CHESS/' -'■ ■'■- ■ : ; : ".':.;']':''' Under the supervision, of iij. s/S/: Black-" : burne, the celebrated player,, this: ihtelleotual ' and historic „ recreation,ra .treated of in: ad- . Chess News. PnoTslfiwia or,* : nuvny other matters: or 1: prised under this Treading.. OTHER iPEATURES. The "other: features, bi. CANTERBURY . TIMES " comprise— VDITOiIIAL NOTES-PUBLIC OPINION __GENERAL ! NEWS-MINING-PaiZß' '■•■ - BBE. '- VITIES, Etc., -etc-,- .etc; „ The ■ " CANTERBURY/ TIMES "- can b, ordered-from the HetA Office, or any Agencji o£ this Paper, 'or /front any* Bookseller of News Agent throughout the colony. - -' ..If,:piid,:iii': : advance, 2i's par annual. : If booked, 30s per annum. - ;.■','..i ' Postage included. __ ORDER FOEH. "" a copy ot Uui : CANTERBURY ** ''

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12424, 13 February 1901, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12424, 13 February 1901, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12424, 13 February 1901, Page 6