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Lyttelton is tat. 43;37 South, ’!«?. 173.44 W; aod tl;e difference of fame fcetweaa Lyttelton and Chrvstcliuxdi i» 2Jsec Tbe time-ball is dropped *ee* ojj at 3 p.m.. New' Zealand me** Equivalent to 13.30 fee previous day, being calculated * or ] •Omin east long., andllhrs 3imm east of Gi&enwioh mean time. •

■ : WEATHER REPORT. Sign, Water, TMa Day (Tuesday) - . Morum^, ! lAM a.m.; attemooa, 10-38 p.ia- ‘ iSAO «fcj tete 7.9 p®;. Meoa «® -iLd, Befis 1.28 fD.m. .

WEATHER IN AUSTRALIA. Tho following weather Reports «■ , ceived from Australian struma y®dW - Eiicla, Feb.. 9: Wind, fq’-w'- Wometer Hobart, Feb. 9: Wind, S.W-, ba.ometer , SO &e^ o Feb. H: Wind. S.‘K; barometer 29,90 WEATHER IN NEW ZEALAND. , The Mowing weather, reparte receded I'feoxa New Zealand stations at 5 p-m. yebter Heads: 'Wind,, south •Omeijer 30.1 Q; thermometer 72, cloudy,, sea ! 8I S h: Plymouth : Wind, N.E ’light; W .anetex 30.02; thermometer 70; fine, sea modeW laneter 29.89; thermometer 74, me, ** i X WeUington: Wind, N.W. breeze; barometer ■>29.90; thermometer 69; fine. KnTn , uo ter >■- ■ i Westport: Wind/«S.W. fresh, baro^ ISO 04 • thermometer 63; sea smooth. _ ' Wind, S.E. light; barometer 129 87; thermometer 70; sea. smooth. > Oamaoru: Wind. S.E. light; barometer29.B7; i ’thermometer, 60; sea smooth. . ■ i Bluff: Wind, S.W. fresh; baxomeaer 29.88, Sorts a low pressure from jthe west has passed eastward of the meridian lef South Cape. WEATHER FORECAST. The following weather forecast was teleimaphed from Wellington' yesterday:—Wmd : ’moderate to - strong from between the north•west, west and south at,all places northward ■of Timaru and Queenstown, and a gale from 'between tho west, south-\ve3u and south. whore. Tho barometer will rise everywhere, ,’hut very little at places between Castle Point, ! Taupo and Tauranga. The sea will be con- ■ 'Biddable on all the .western coast, and l<m the'east coast south of Castle Point. The I tides will be good on the western coast ol ■ , [the North Island' and also on the east coast ’of the South Island, and moderate elsewhere. {•Rain is probable southward of Lyttelton and 'Westport. . Synopsis of tho last forty-eight [hours: —A slowly increasing pressure gene-. ,* -rally. Strong westerly winds have been prevatv/• li?<i».t and rain has fallen at most places southIward of Wanganui and Castle Point. A low i f • ; 'pressure Iron* the west passed eastward of the 'meridian of South Cape late on Saturday, and b> . |one from, the same direction is now, passing [■tho same meridian. A low pressure from the lowest will probably pass on Thursday. arrived. • Feb. l&r-L°r oa > a - s -> 174 tons Romleril from |tha Chatham Islands. Kinsey, Bams and Co., (agents. Passengers-—-Sira Foster and three ■’ (‘children, Messrs W. Daymond and Foster. ) Fsb. 11—Mana, s.s„ 77 tons, Westrup, from i 1 1 [Pelorus Sound. Kinsey, Barns and Co., 'agents. ' ) Feb, 11—Kahu, s.s., 99 tons, M’Alisier, from •Nauier. ' Kinsey, Barns and Co., agents. *sv : ■: I '--Feb. 11—Dingadee, s.s., 333 tons, Di.ner, irom Westport. C. W. 'Jl turner, ag£Bt. n. • SAILE.D. Feb. 11—liana, s.s., 77 tons, Westrup, for .1,, iPiclpn, Weiungtoiii and Ratea. Kinsey, Earns and Co., agents. . ''l: r‘Febi".lli-Eahn, s;s., 99 tons, M* Abater, for , Kinsey, Bams and Co., agents. '-t ''.'Feb.; 11— Wakatu, ' s.s., 95 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura anti Wellington. Kinsey, Barns and |Cc., agents. y i Feb. - Hi—Toroa, e.'s., 174 tons, Rdmeril, for Aha Chatham Islands. Kinsey, Bams and Co., jegenit®; passengers—Mrs N. D. Brown and fltUlboy, Messrs meacile and Clough. ; Feb. 11—Tarawera, s.s., 1263 .tons, Neville, Ijlff/i jf«ri'Weifingtou. ; Union .Steamship Company, iihfipgpntk; passengers—Misses Charles, Steel, Slones, Rudd, Mubin, Bresland, Claridge, Law--Bor, Byme, Foster, Fynes-Clinion and Sladden, □iesdumes Chittenden, Hobbs and infant, fßcamiah, iAtmore and child, Neubuen, iE-mer-'«cm, Mabta and, two children, Smart, MacnaSff.'v. TSadcpatrict, 'Hurray and Orr, Revs J. ®. Inglis Dickson, D. A. Anderson and B. ,I’J. Westbrooke," Captain M’Donald, Sergeant [Kidd, Dr Baber, Messrs G. Laurenson, M.InL.R., -[Smart, ’Good, ‘.Gottfried; Mahar, Pitcaithly, (House, Boot (2), Dimar.t, Smith, Stanley, Mac-|lfi-l)niiaara,! Chett-le, Kirkpatrick, Wethered, Chfe-iijSli-'diholm, Tosswill, 'Stock, Rowley, Stuart; Mackay, Sjlibi'f'iCufE and Orr, Master Hendron. IMPORTS. Jr ■■.>•'.. Mana; From Pelorus Sound—soo sheep. . Toroa; From Chatham Islands—looo Sheep. . Tarawera: From Nelson—lol cases fruit, 2 jbaloa leather, 9 cases; from Wellington—3 -biJi| ncycles, 7 cases tea, 10 casks pelts, 13 pkgs, 34 vr [cases, 1 box; from Onehunga—34 cases fruit; ’ ifrom New Plymouth—3 casks runners, 1 empty , Kini; From Greymouth-rd hhds beer, 330 [tons oqsi, 26 tons coke,. 50 bags clay, 454 tile® ' v [and lumps, 11,500 bricks, 22,883 ft timber, 2 Ibexes. ", poherua: From Westport—4 pkgs fireworks, MSO tons coal, 29,300 ft timber. : ||!"l;;;.' : K»hu:' : IFTom Napier—4B9 .sheep. •Eonga: From Hivelock—67,sooit timber. Moura: From Dunedin' —T octaves and 23 \ -cases whisky, 41 , cases and o quarter-cases . _ .coffee, 30 bags -salt, 121 bales twine, 2 ranges, [720 bags cement, 20 coils rope, 1 pkg halters, V.‘ ;17 hhds ale, 1 . S kegs lead,' 2 bales paper, 20 I ,i __ leases benzine, .1 bdl skins, 500 cases butter, jgolighite, 6 buoys/ 6 weights, 4 bales, jT Khda, 2 baarels, 88 cases, 173 pkgs/8 boxes 1 S'iJ 1 iS-laicfe 1 tin trunk, 6 bdls, 5 kegs. EXPORTS. ’ (Roiomahanar For Wellington—ls cases ale, [8 pkgs radges, 1 .bdl galvanised -buckets, 2 pkgs | ’ 2 pkgs castings, 5 cases since, '34 cases pickles, 5 cases fruit, 11 sacks and -32 , 111 onions, 105 sacks and 140 bags flour, 1 aMdicina chest, 1 .pump, 29 pkgs furniture, 94 [cases and, pkgs; for Blenheim—l parcel, 1 bale; for -Westport—B cases meats; for New 10 barrels ale; for .Foxton—l case Jboots, 1' Ome. t Moura - . For Napier—X casting, 50 sacks sharps, 125 sacks and 40 bags flour, 60 sacks 2'feel'plates, 14 cases and pkgs; for -Tauranga—2 sacks seed, 4 hhds -ale; for Gis- ■ [borne- sacks seed, 7 oases and pkgs; for fWellington—lo hale.s woollens; for Auckland—g/liS jSI Cases' meats, 6 hhds ale, 18 bdls cast-iron [elbows, 1 -octave and 1 case cider, 1 wheel, 2 [cases bottles; 2 churns, 6 sacks caiiua, 75 sacks.bran,, 1106 sacks oats, 168 -sacks grass seed, 23 //gWacks barley, 130 sacks and- 840 bags flour, 1814 [sacks wheat, 9 bales woollens, 2 bales wool, 1 _ [case glasses, 1 bar steel, 13 steel tubes, 5 :[■ trusses,leather, 20 buffer heads -and shanks, 1 ;pam, S 3 cases and pkgs. « ; Elingamite: For Dunedin—lß pkgs iron■.work, 3 bales -leather, 8 cases pickles, 50 acid cases, 10 'trusses woollens, 46 cases -confectionexy, 1 case gelatin-ei 4 pkgs saddlery, 1 case [fancy goods, 1 case-stationery, 7 cases spirits - f,l printing machine- 14 cases, 29 hhds ! ' EXPECTED ARRIVALS'. ' ■, ' From London—'Star of New Zealand, left |l>eo. 18. Banffshire, at Wellington. Star of ;■ Victoria, -left Dec. 1. Karamea, left Hobart ■ [Feb. 9, due Wellington Feb. 14. Rimu[taka, left, Capo Totvn Jan. 26, due Wellington i (Feb. 37. Eangitira, left Jan. 8, due Port (Chalmers Feb. 20. Whakatane, left Jan 15 [Kumaia, left Jan. 19. duo Wellington March . *' left Reb. 5. Invereik, barque, >13719 tons, left Jan. 20. Waimate, left Feb 8 s!{- Maori, left Feb. 8. I From New York—lndradevi, s.s., at Welu. ding lon. Star of England, s.s., Devon, s.s., .left Nov. 20 Star of Australia, s.s., left pec. 22. Baron Eldon, s.s., at Melbourne, {T»n. 28. From Algoa Bay—Belford, ship, 1771 tons. - From Monte Video—Selkirkshire, barque, f ir:; ; *ll22 ions, left Oct 18. Criffel, ship, 1195 tons, felt Oct. 17. I From Hobart—Sir Jobn Franklin, baroueufine, 245 tons. , From Capo Town—Akaroa, barque, 1298 tons. I left Port Chalmers, Feb. 9. •.;>>:,"From Newcastle—Brisbane, s.s., left Feb. 2. !■ VESSELS HOMEWARD BOUND. ,v : Days Out. ■ -Macduff (Captain, Huelin) .... 102 J Glenburn (Captain Pritchard) . . 07 . ’lratterworth (Captain Wood) . , 28 IMaaio (Captain Caficro) .... 20 ’.THE UNION STEAMS HIE COMPANY'S 5 FLEET. TUESDAY —Rotomahana arrives from . (allington and leaves on return trip. PohcPi***" i j METAPHYSICIAN. 1 . ' O. B. KLINE (specialist in nervous and C IjmstieMl 'k 'Wr.7 "4ti House west of Montreal Street ■ lydirr At Homa: 3 ta 4 and 6 to ?. gSJLtwuFre*, 22695.

rua and Mawhera leave tor Westport. Run leaves for Greymouth. Wanaka leaves for Timafu. Whangape arrives from Calcutta via Auckland. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. ARRIVALS.—Feb. 11: Wellington, 2.40 a.m., Whangape, from Auckland; Auckland, 515 a.m., falune, from Sydney; Auckland, 915 a.m., Dalhousie, from Melbourne; Port Chalmers, 11.35 a.m., Medic, from South Africa; Gisborne, 9 a.m., Ururoa, from Newcastle. ' ' __,,., 3>EPARTURES.-fFeb. 11: Wellington, 6.30 a.m., ship for Dunedin; Wellington, 6.5 p.m., E.M.S. Mildura, for Auckland; .Wellington, 7.55 p.m., Rotomahana, for Lyttelton. The s.s. Toroa arrived from the Chatham* late on Sunday night. The s.s. Mana arrived from Pclorus Sound at 7 a.m. yesterday. Tho s.s. Kahu arrived from Napier at 0.40 p.m. The New Zealand Shipping Company's s.s. Waikaito will * leave on Wednesday for Wellington, whence she is to depart for London on Saturday next. The s.s. Otarama is to leave on Friday for Waitara, but will probably return to Lyttelton to resume loading. The loading- of the barque Rojpanoff, char--tered by the New Zealand Shipping Company, fo convey wool to London, is nearly completed. The Sierra, which loft Auckland on Jam. 22, three days late, arrived at San Francisco on Feb. 9, five days later than hex tiiust-able date. Yesterday evening the s.s. Mana left for Picton, the s.s. Kahu for Napier, the s.s. Wakatu' for Kaikoura and Wellington, the s.s. Toroa for the Chatham's, and the s.s. Tarawera for Wellington. The s.s. Mawhera, which has come out of dock after an overhaul, is to leave for Westport to-day. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. POUTO, Feb. 10. Sailed—Kotuku, s.b., for Sydney. Jessie Niccol, schooner, for Wellington. Sarah and Mary, for Dunedin. Feb. 11. Arrived—Otago, barque, from Auckland. KAIPARA HEADS, Feb. 11. Sailed—Kotuku, s.s., for Sydney. Jessie Niccol,-schooner, for Wellington. Saiah.and Mary, for Dunedin. AUCKLAND, Feb. 11. Arrived—Talune, frocJ Sydney; passengers —Misses Ziems (2), Messrs Woodstrum, Cooper, Walker and Matson. Sailed—Talune, for the south,. ONEHUNGA, Feb. 11. Sailed—Rotoiti, for New Plymouth. GISBORNE, Feb. 11. Arrived—Muroa, barquemtine, from Newcastle, after a good passage of eleven days. WELLINGTON,' Feb. 11. Arrived—Yesterday, H.M.S. Archer, from Sydney. Sailed—lnvercargil-1, ship, for Dunedin. Rotomahana, for Lyttolton; passengers— Misses Wix, Taylor, Beswick, Kennedy, Johnston, Bruer, May, JJcvine, Webster. Gallagher, M'Kellar, Marshall, Clark (2), CDonoghue, Smith, Pascoo, Brown, Picott', Burces, Watt, Banks, Gilbert, BanScld and Soutcr, Mesdames Connor, Parkes, Budd, Kirby, Redpath, Denshire, Howes, Marshall, Pritchard, and two children, Thornton, Brown (2) and child, Jone 3 and two children, Gilbert and Souter and child, Rev Baker, Sergeant-Major Parhell, Dr Bennett, Messrs Cowlishaw, Salmon, Louisson, Jones, Fowler, Higgott, Nicholson, Granville, Brown, Morisson, Scandrell, Bigwood, Mercer, Landells, Bridge, Burr, Jack, Harvey, Nea-vc, Green, Smith, Jessop, Winston, Rothschild, Evans, Robertson (2), Meek, Comer, Parkes, Redpath, Denshire, Hoo'd, ' Afleck, Manifold, Wood, Crustall, Styche, Barry and sixteen) steerage. AUSTRALIAN SHIPPING. ' SYDNEY, Feb. 10. Arrived —Ikhona, from Dunedin. Knight St George, from Bluff. Petono and Victoria, from Kaipara. ■ Sailed—Yesterday, Star of Victoria, for Wellington.' ' . ■ ■ ■ . if. ,■":;' .. - ME&B : QURNE,,--^eh.. XL f

PHASES OF THE MOOST. pesbuaky. Pall Moon 4 c 3 .? a ' m * Last Quarter . * • » ® 4 ? a-m ' New Moon , , . ■ 19 3 15 p.m. Pirsi Quarto? . . . r - s ■ "J .. . Ul'Tf!.

era-juae-jun-• ■■■ ■„ -m-r, ,, ■ MOINDA.Y, 11. 5 am.. « a.m* ■Barometer. ■ • • . 25193 23-91 ’ . 64 65 ‘I’heErm'ome’ter . • Wind, N.E., liglhit. ,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12423, 12 February 1901, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12423, 12 February 1901, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume CV, Issue 12423, 12 February 1901, Page 4