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EYTTELTOW. Lyttelton is situated in 1at.43.37 south, long. 173.44 east; and the difference of time between Lyttslton.and Christchurch is 20sec. The time-ball is dropped every week day at 1 p.m., New Zealand mean time, which is equivalent to 13.30 Greenwich mean time of the previous day, being calculated for 172 deg SOmiu east long., and llhxs 30min east of Greenwich wwan time. PHASES OP THE MOON. AUGUST.

WEATHER REPORT, ETC. High Water, This Day (Tuesday): 'Homing, 8.7; afternoon, 8.32. Sun rises 6.48 a.m., vets 5.21 p.m.

WEATHER FORECAST. Captain Edwin sent the following weather forecast to Captain Clark yesterday: “ Wind moderate between west and south and south-east at all places. Barometer further rise everywhere. Sea moderate on both coasts. Tides ,good on East Coast between Lyttelton and East Cape, low from thence northward, and also'; between Cape Egmont and Poxton, moderate but decreasing elsewhere. Colder weather is_ probable in all parts of the country.” ‘ ARRIVED. August 21-“-£jokrel,. ketch, 61 tons, Anderson, from (Sbltengfwodd (put In). Pitcaithly, Wallace and Ca, agents. August 22—Comma, s-s., 820 tons, Morisby, from Westport- Union Steamship Company, agents. August 22—Cufbona, baxqrsentine,-. 201 tons, Cranch, from Bun3(er Island. Kaye-and Carter, agents. August 22-—Brunner, .s.s., 332 “tons, Millman, fiSSK tTnidrt Steamship Company, agents. August 22—Janet Nicoll,, s.Si, 49(5-'.ions, Ryan, from Westport. Uiidh Steamship Company, agents. SAILED. Ahg&St siS-., 517 tons, M’Lean, for. Wellington. Union Steamship Company, ageitts. RSSsengbfii: 1 For Wellington-—Miss NotriSi Mrst Jenkinadji; Captain Morisby, Dr Guthrie, Hon J. E. Jeukinson, Messrs Fergusoa, M’ClUrg, Oodi, Edngsland, Gardner, Bridger, Thompson, Lipscombe, Owles, Beverley, Prostick, C. Lewis, M.H.S., and Zachariah; for Nelson—Miss Williams. August 22—CorinnB, s.s., 820 tons, Spence,, for southern portae. Union Steamship Coin--pany, aginte. August 7500 h.-p., 8 guns. Captain Hamilton-Brown, for Wellington. August 22-—Taupo, sts., 408 tons, Lobb, for Wellington and Greymo.uth. Union Steamship Company, .agents. August 22—'Brunner, e.fl., 332 tons, Millman, for Wartport. Union Steamship Company, agents. - IMPORTS. Elisabeth Graham:! Prom Newcastle^—9s7 Vois coal v Pnom Banker Isiaad—33o tons Shark 0- _ Tau|k 0: Prom DuntVJin —20 .oases wMsky, 220 Sacks see d, 4 ; hhds ;«le, 3 pkgs, 20 caSeS. ginger wihv 12 cases' geneva, 40 cases, 8 pkgs, 12 boxes pen 1 , 4 hhds al*, 3 bales bops, 20 roll# heWtfgr boxes caVidlei?, 198 sacks 3!f pkgsf; TiiuarO* —7!3 sacks; from sOck*-crawfish. PehmiiH: From Onaiiunga—l* case tobacco, 3 pk v gs>!' fiSm New cA» tea, 10 boxes- butter, 2’ pkgs 1 ; from Nels-un—C 88 sacks bark,- 7 pkgs front-Wellington—-12 bct-ls iron, 25 jss’es- test,' ff-ahOk^caUiiflbWejS;tin x-tonks, 42 bars iron, 3 bdls steel, 3 cases fish, 36-vaoks hides, 1 bag; from Taranaki—22 boxes butter. Hoifißfibhd 1 : Ft bin pigs QbCp.-. woiflf,' 2 orates 1 ,-1660’ sleepers,- 220*000ft timber* Corinhai From •tons coal.- V EXPORTS. Mararoa: FjOF thMedm—ifr sickF ciicOfy, 12" bbKs-ObrnfiDufj -5‘ k^s i naßsi - 14' criltes erAptf(Sß'? 1 hbtsb;-6!f gtinhiOS Omofis', 3 frusses' leather," IO eihpty. hhds,- 16 pkgs'; for Melbourne—2B casks ’ tallow,-., 34, case's fruit. Kotomahana: For Wellington—22 sacks' se 'ol i Khda ale', F'ca'Sds stout, 34 pkgs ranges,2 IISW tfeotf, 4 pkgs'.wheels, Iff bales'hay, 1 cylinder, 2? pifSsabS; 2 : handles, 25 sacks 1 pOllard, 117 sacks and 192-bags flour, 3 crates poultry, 3 . pkgs boitrda, 1 drill, 2 sacks meal, I 1- plough l ,- 1- hofSe; 11- cases fruit;- 25 pkgs implements, SO cases apples;. 85 sacks potatoes; 63 pkgs; for", Blenheim—l7o sacks barley, 8 pfigs racks', 1 #B'eel, 2 safek’a seed; for Foxtoh—l chaffchtter, 1 pair shafts,' 4 wheels; 18* pigs* ' S' pkg# harirowS; 1 jflough, 47’.plies'; fOF Wahgahui—ls pkgs'; fOr Shva— ■ l case'bacom \ , . . , Tauno-;' For- New PlynibutiH-S sacks* flour, 9 sacks oats, 240 bags and. 70 sacks flour, 1. chest, 6 sacks' teres, 17 pkgs implements,- 2‘ sacks seed, A 1 sacks bran, 2'crates pigs, 10 nkas'; fbi* Wanganui—2B sacks’ potatoes'; fob Greymoirthte-1 octave whisky; 26-sacks manure, 1# sinks' beans-;- 100' - SStekS flour, 11 Ssteks Seed/ 2 s crates - chtiese;- 5 boxes - butter, 1- case bacOny 2Qr sa6ks pbfttbes, 15' sacks oats, ,37 pkgs; for Hokitika—3o sacks seed, 15 Sacks manure,' 4 sacks potatoes',. 21 pkgs ; for Westpoff—s stout, 219 1 sFckS potatoes, IS gunin'ee and o Sacks' onioxrs, 1 cycle, 1 Wheel, 11 cases.

EXPECTED' ARRIVALS. - From New York—DOriV, barque', 1296 tons, Murray, K.L.M.G. ; Sailed May 1,- via Dunedin. Sussesi,- ftaftfid,- 1212 tons; Comffe, via' Dunedin. Norwood, barque,’ 1597 tons, Kay; sailed June 15; From Clarence River—M. A. Doran, schooner,’ 292 tons, Norris. Susanne,- barque, London—Rimutaka, left-London June "S'- at* Wellington' August l£ Tokomaru left' Ldhddiir June 30; duo colony .August 19; HakaiaV left'' London' June' 2SV af Wellington; Kangatiray left London July 12; due cbldgy Sept.' i. Dukd of Devonshire,Ueft Lbndon July ~28 ; dub colony Sept. 13. Her-; d&ip, W.T.R.D.y H’B6? tons-; sailed June 0* * -i :'frdrtt ■ fdW-ffiiSted halrquV,' 140® toiVS.’ RR'G JEgTE# DE'RIeTNM'S. ' tohdoh—Rdkeiii, Atigu'St. Riffitlfafa;, i. . .. _ , Vessels homeward bot/nd. . Day'S 6Ut.Xmflei (Captain Dunn) <■ s . 12$ Helios (Captain Oatermarm) . . •• 84 Westland (Captain Kelly)' ... 81 - THE UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S FLEET. Tuesday— I Tafawera arrives from Melbourne - Via south, and leaves for Sydney via Wellington. Kdtomadana arrives from Wellington, lad iemi 6tf retliffi trip in the evening, ymfats iffivdS iiMa Sydney VIA Wellington, add HiVeS ffir IHtfttdifc Titefi- arrived ff'enh Kttttfi,aM leaVfta for Sydney. The , barqUentide .GuthonS arrived id goffi yesterday mbrding frbxn BxtUkef Island with .sassraa tHff vc,Ssdi MS id eolliSidd Vrith the Barque M«jf ModfS, tefl ealfiSd mtj h» i&irt&bifte lent ihdst. . H.M;9; Tatoanga,' which Was lo have left their 1 yesterday for Akaroa/ left for Wellington; Hif programme oi movements waS kltefed on dtdrdSy, Frbffl Wellington she pfdceeSS td Mklftßa, whieil port she leaV'63 orl Sfebt. 15 for Rarotonga with the new Efitisli Heiidefit; The barqUti Elizabeth Qrabittn, which arrived from Newcastle on Sunday, was berthed at tie Gladstone Pier yesterday. She brings i cargo of coal consigned to Messrs Kaye and Carter. Captail}, Morisby arrived in charge of the steamer CBfihfil yeSfefday rriornirig; ,but Captain Spehce resumed command during the 08f; (Slßteiil Mdfisßsf returning td Wellington by the Penguin. TELEGRAPH NOTICE BOARD. AlßlllVALSi—Ahghst Alibklttnd, 8.15 a.m.,Elingamite,. from Sydney; Wellington,2.2o p;hi.) W&lltftfb) llbin Sydney; Wellington, 3.43 p.m., WAffimocj. from Vancouver j Port Robinson, s;3f) Wakatu, from Lyttelton; Grey--mouth, ItUS a.fn., Dingadee, frbid Lyttelton; Port Chalmers, noon, Doris, frdrri Netv York. . fiMPAM’tIRM Augllst 22: Auckland, 4.1$ p;U.) WoSMlia, for Siftidey; Wellington, 4(35 p.m.» Waik'dre, for Ly uellbn; Wellington, 5.80 jhfe.; RbtbMahana,, for Lyttelton: Wellington, 6.80 p.m., Rakaift; fot Lyttelton; 'Tithftfh. B;4S tfcfiß* Pakeha, fdf Lytieilphi Port ChalthbrS), 3-43 p,m., Tarawefk; fdl' Lyiteltbn; Port ChalihefS) 3iso TaibHj fdf Lyttelton. tflMA&tj. The s.S; Hawea, which left for Auckland bn Saturday night; took frodi this poi-t 312 l socks of tkhMt, 300 Bad sacks of potatoes arid biller SKI Si 4; R&ltfeM left fbf. Lyttellbii ygltefclay afterriiJddi Haying SlilMetl HBfe Jibdlit 25,000 c arcases of mutton and laihb, 212 cdsks of talIdf add pelts; dfid 150 baled "of wool. SHIPPIHG TELEGRAMS. KAIPAeA HEADS, August 22. • Arrived —Enterprise, brigantine, from Wanganui. Brisbane; s-a, from Lyttelton. AUCKLAND, August 22. ! J Afllt'Mi—ElingafiHlb; itblh Syrtttey; pbdson<6t—Mr4 Cftt*fdrfe OVAlatt, ftditi Fiji, Diviilg to measUs htliug plev;!lebi .Sp --Fiji} the vessel was not allowed to land or ship cargo at .the ports of the Tongan group. Captain

Crawshaw tad great difhculty in itfduciJTg tbo authorities to send off the mails for NexV Zeisland, but ultimately the postal authorities 7 cdheetifed.'’ to’- communioafe with fhA and’ place' the mails' on board. A ease of measles broke out on board the Ovalau on the passage froth Sydney, but only of- a mild type. Wellington, August 22. Arrived—Waikafe, from Sydney, at 2; passengers.- lob Christchurch Mesdames Burke' atfd child',• SadUebrooky Stevens, Arnold and Barker, Misses Begg and Arnold, Messrs Burke;: Barker and- M-Cormick. Warrimoo, from' Vancouver; passengers for New Zealand Miss' Witsdri, MesdaiAes WilSdU and Watson. H J Dr Wilsbn,* Messrs Elliott (2), Lake, Howard,Stev'ensdn, Wilberfofce,- Biell, Staples and Rudd. Her cargo for Lyttelton ik as follows; 118 rolls' of pa'pei?, 2 foils of belt buckles; for Dunedin—lß bales of t paper,. 7 bales of cotton, 1 case of shoes. Pareora, front West- ; P °Sailed—Mawßera, for Ricton, (Nelson and Westport. Waikare, for Lyttelton and Dunedin; Smith,- Stevenson, • Glendinliing (2), McLennan and Boyd. Mesdames Godfrey, Cederman, Sharp, Robertsony McLennan, Meililejohn and two sons, and Dlendihuing, Mess'fS Eflarbanks; Gbd&Ud, Sfnith, Hkfjier,: CfkddbcK, S-ilStrorhy Gill, .Gleii'dihhSng, Bingtenky MoorhoUse,. RieakeS, and Uin'eteen steeragq-. Eotomahana,. for Lyttelton; .piiksengers—Mieses Julius (2), MesPatterson N tod 7 Mormon,- Gaptairf : . PaffefSbn, Messrs; MoffisoU,- VerSChoyle, Ffasen f2)', Pollock, M’Lennany M’Gorni'ack, Barns,Qor'e, whail, HoWden,- Fabart,- and twbntythfe'd steerage. DUNEBINv, August 23. Sailed TaraWera,. for Sydney,- via Aorthern, ports. Sefb«rt, Stevenson, MOnto (2 j. Nelson (2), Sjielgfit, DrhMn, HtslcYb#,- Wilebn, BfhWßy fatfdtmS and HekSf#ifl]f> MesdattndS .Munio,. KMg,- Sfef>B®edn', Nelson, HolmeS-,■ Brittain, Stewart end M-’Phee; Messrs Stephenson,- .Corrigain,',Sutherlafld,„,Wise, Colvin, Borfi% Willidefiy Roßwftson,- Herbert, Currie add BAttfay.

Full Moon . . a. h. m. 69 p.m. Last Quarter; . ...96 43 pan. •New'Moon , . .17 10 6 p.m. First Quarter • . , , 25 8 2-a.m.

MONDAY, .August 2SS. 9 a.Tn. 4 p.m. Barometer . . . , . 30.22 30.30 Thermometer . . . . 52 49

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Lyttelton Times, Volume C, Issue 11665, 23 August 1898, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume C, Issue 11665, 23 August 1898, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume C, Issue 11665, 23 August 1898, Page 4