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Sailway Notices. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. SCHOOL EXCURSIONS TO CHRISTCHURCH AND LYTTELTON, Stit MARCH, TTNEOM Little River line by train leaving Little JO River atß,lo a.m., Lincoln 9.33, Christchurch arr. 10.15, Lyttelton 10.40, Lyttelton dep. 5.10 p.m., Christchurch 5.43, Little River arr 7.50. From Eyreton Branch by ordinary morning train to Cliristcliurcli. going on to Lyttelton by special train at 10.20 a.m., returning by ordinary 4.30p.m. tram irom Lyttelton and 5.0 p.m. from Christchurch. From Oxford Branch hy special train at the following times : '-vest Oxforddep. 7.25a.m,. East Oxford. 7.32, Bennetts 7.54, Gust 5.12, Papaiiui arr. 10.8, Christchurch 10.25, Lyttelton 10.55, Lyttelton de]>. 4.10 p.m., Christchurch 4.40, Papanui 4.58, West Oxford arr. 7.40. Return fares, hy these trains only, from Little River. Rabbit Inland and intermediate stations. West Oxford, Mandeville, Bells, and intermediate stations—children Is, adults in charge of children 2s; from Ohoka, Waverley and intermediate stations, and from Greenpark—Children (id, adults in charge of children Is. 4291 BY ORDER. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. TENDERS EOE PRINTING POSTERS, & c . for Printing Posters, Circulars, &0., required by District Traffic Manager’s Office, Christchurch, from Ist APRIL, 1895, to 31st MARCH, 1897, will he received at that office (where specifications may he seen) up to NOON on 11th March, 1895. 4191 BY ORDER, Meetings. THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. LIMITED. "PVTOTICE is hereby given that an EXTEAORDIiNi NARY GENERAL MEETING of the New Zealand Shipping Company, Limited, will he held at the Offices of the Company, iso. 138, Leadenhall Street, in the City of London, on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of May, 1895, at twelve o’clock noon, when the subjoined resolutions will he proposed. And notice is hereby also given that a further Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company will he held on Wednesday, the 29th day of May, 1895, at the same time and place, for the purpose of receiving a report of the proceedings at the abovementioned meeting, and of confirming, jf thought fit, as special resolutions, the subjoined resolutions . RESOLUTIONS. Resolved—- “ That the third and fourth paragraphs of the Special Resolution passed and confirmed at extraordinary general meetings of the Company, held at the offices of the Company in London, on the 14th day of June, 1893, and the sth day of July, 1893, respectively, authorising the issue of Preference Shares, be and the same are hereby repealed. “That, iu Article 79 of the Articles of Association of the Company, the words ‘whether Preference or Ordinary" shall he inserted after the word ‘ Share. 1 “ That the following addition he made to Article 4 of the Articles of Association of the Company -. “ ‘ And if at any time the number of the Ordinary Shares on the' Branch Register in London shall exceed two-thirds of the total number of the Ordinary Shares issued, the London Board, if it think fit, may decline to make any further entries on the London Register until the number of shares entered therein shall be reduced to two-thirds of the total number of the Ordinary Shares issued.’ ” By order of the London Board, O, R. STRICKLAND, Manager. X3S, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. By Order of the New Zealand Board, ISAAC GIBBS, General Manager for Colonies, Christchurch, 26th. February 1895. Note. —The following are copies of the beforementioned paragraphs of the Special Resolution proposed to be repealed and of Article 79 proposed to be amended, the object of such repeal and amendment being to give Preference Shareholders the same rights of voting as Ordinary Shareholders ; and also of Article 4 proposed to he added to as above mentioned: — “ The holders of the sa id preference shares shall not he entitled to notice of, or to be present or vote at, or to sign a requisition for or convene any meeting except a meeting of preference shareholder's, pursuant to these articles. “ All the provisions contained in the Articles of Association as to general meetings shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to every meeting of preference shareholders, but so that the quorum thereof shall he members holding or representing by proxy two-thirds of the nominal amount of tbe preference shares issued. “ Article 79 —On every question to be decided by poll every shareholder present, thereat in person or hy proxy, and entitled to vote thereat, shall have one vote for every share held hy him, “ Article 4—The Company may exercise all the powers of the Companies Branch Registers Act, 1880 (New Zealand), and shall keep a branch register under that Act in London. All branch registers elsewhere than in New Zealand shall be under the control of the London Board or agents appointed hy the London Board." 3696 UST CHRISTCHURCH FOOTBALL CLUB. 'he Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Club will be held at the CLARENDON HOTEL ON TUESDAY, March sth, at S p.m. 4166 ill members and intending members are requested o attend. W. SPRING, Captain. Lost, Pound &e. OST, from Upper Bicosarton, 17 Cross-bred J Lambs, branded Bar over 31 in black, ider rewarded on application to J. T. Ford I Co., 154, Hereford Street. 4300 _ OST, from Summerhil), on Wednesday night, J 27th Feb., one Mare, shod, aged, darkonred, with white star on forehead and old .die mark on hack. Information leading to her every will be rewarded. Thos. Brownlee, nmerhill. 4305 :ED from Addington, ou March 2nd, 3 red and white Cow, branded FB. returning cam© to O. CHRIS i MAS, n Mills, will bo rewarded. 4322 Nv antatl. rANTE®, respectable Girl, about 17, to assist in housework. Apply 44, Conference 4332 BTT'ANTED, good General Smith; must he v" good shoer. Address hy letter, Thomas, hues” Office. 4327 ■arr ANTED, to Share Home with respectable young woman, one who has business in u. Terms very moderate. Apply to L.G., ; Office. 4 - a> ft r ANTED to Sell, Farm 42 acres splendid Land, v 12 miles from town, new 4-roomed house I outbuildings, £340. George Hamill, 224, Hered Street. 4330 cry AN TED Known—£7s will purchase HalfIb share in Travelling Business. Fronts n £lO upwards per week. Titus Ward, 'hues” Office. 4038 XTAITING Engagement, at J. J. Parkers W Registry for Servants, 68, Manchester oot,, next Star Cycle Works, Experienced Cook Housekeeper; first-class references. -k.28 577" ANTED, Parishioners of St John's to atW tend meeting to-night at 7.30 p.m., in oolroom. The Churchwardens invite attendbof all Seat-holders aud Parishioners. 4331 a /"ANTED, situation by really good and comV petent Housekeeper, make good hreadaud ter, a careful and good manager. First-class trcnces. hime’s Registry, 171, Armagh Street. "ANTED to Sell, superior House of C rooms, w bathroom, &c., quarter-acre in Hereford ■et, Linwood. Exceptionally nice property and se nearly new. Cheap. Baggs and. Unity, 101. mibo Street. X 065 rr ANTED, immediately. Farm Couple (wife W cook, housekeeper). Farm Youth (8s), el General (15s), Kitohenmaid (12s), Girls ntry). Wanted Adopted, Girl Baby. Mrs t, Manchester Street. 43-1 ST” ANTED, y (eo Girl to assist in Housework (eouutrv- girl preferred), 4s ; General (twe ants kept. Foudalion), 7s. Can recommend I Generals, Cooks, Housemaids, Housekeepers Mrs Gardner, Morten’s Buildings. X 1264 r7"ANTwD, Couple, wife to cook for men, mar b' work horses or useful ou farm ; Cook, £4O ,-ashhig; Cook for Dunedin, first-class family ough Generals, town, small families; House >er; Cook and Laundress, town; Young Girl Sime’s Registry, 171, Armagh Street. AIOK TAKE NOTICE. i JMPOBTANT SALES BY AUCTION i i SEE i t | OUR ADVERTISEMENTS On Page 8 of this Paper. | BOWMAN & SON.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCIII, Issue 10597, 5 March 1895, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCIII, Issue 10597, 5 March 1895, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCIII, Issue 10597, 5 March 1895, Page 1