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Business Notices. WAIa&BBTS Bot ]1? M 1 T ■ Xlj em e d 1-E 8^ IN TWO DRENCHES. UNEQUALLED SUCCESS. HUNDEEDS~OB HOESES CUBED BY THEIR USE. - , Bold by all Saddlers and Storekeepers. Factory: Canal. Deserve, Woolston. Nov. 1, 1533. ■ B. Meredith, M.H.8., says:—l had a fine young draught horse got so low in condition that he nU. unfit for .-work. I got very-anxious about him, .«* - ho showed every signs of dying. ■ I cave him jrotue ’Bot Ply Remedy With the very best results. He is now at his work as hearty as ever. I can highly recommend it to all horse-owners. i Gust, Nov, 3,1893. 1 thoroughly satisfied that your Bot PW Eemedies are the right and proper thing for th* suffering horse. I bod a young horse that I quite expected would die. Ho got very low in condition, a tight skin, dry coat, and a very careworn expression of the eye. and so lifeless that I hod to lay him up. I give him your Remedy t* directed, aid in a few days he began to mend, on 4 is now Eo.aash 1 can sc'.rce ride, him. I can highhf recommend farmers to -.use it in time, being conn* dent tbit it will save t}:e horse, relieve him of suffering and improve his condition. 1 ‘ / ■ S. Kiksseuet. Mrs Fitzpatrick,,Balcairn,,had a fine young.hadk that was quite the talk of the neighbours for actios and go. He got so low that she could, not put him m the trap. Walker’s Bot Fiy remedies wet* administered, and she says it’s worth all it coat to see him galloping through the paddocks’ with hi* tail la the air, thanks to the remedies, Mr Crosq, Burnham, got the Bemedy for a hors* Buffering lust year; on reaching home he was dead] This’ season one- took bad also, showing til* symptoms. Ha gave the Bemedy, and the second day after he.passed hots in hundreds, and is doing n«ii. 1 Greenwood Farm, Southbridgo,'August 2,1892. " Mr Walker,—Sir —lam.gladto bear testimony to the wonderful effects, of your. Bot Fly Ecmedjo*. One of my best horses' became.very bad; the skbj tight, the eye lifeless and a bad colour; and got IpW in condition. Anxious to finish ploughing a pas dock, I did not want to lay him up until ho beaaial unable to lift his feet, or more; We had to holp him. into the stable. I gave 1 him' youi Eemedies, and the treatment you prescribed, and ia a few days he was quite better, and ia how at hi( work, hearty and well.*'-1 quire’ believe, had I hql ■given him ,yonr Komediea, he would have died. You ctm use tins as you please. ' ■’-'"v//:;/.;,., ■ ’ ' HdEEM.TEOIrPSOS. V ■ ' ' ''V ’ ' , Amberloy, July 26, ISSff, 1 ’ ,To Mr ‘ Betiert, .Walker, Christchurch..' Sir,,--,' Having lost three good horses; and on oxaminatioj ; found the stomach of two completely fiatsn through, and tho .whole - of the-.stomach thicllj , covered with' all .steges’of irmsioriaaticUi I became much alarmed about tha’, rest of tij stock. X used your. Bot Ply Eemedies on on© ihal was very bad. and had every symptom of dying; ■ and in three days she was completely cured, aadli doing well. I believe it is a. proper iking, and 11 given at the proper time we shall have no men deaths from the Bot Fly. • . David Bnowar. Gray’s Eoad, Amberley, September 6, X£9B. Mr Walker, Sir,—Your Bot Ply Remedy reached mo in due course. 1 gave. them to ima that vj-as vary bad, and as I had iost a splendid-young honipj I got very anxious, as the stomach'presented oa« mass of hots in all . stages, with the coating eaten away. -I. am .glad ,to tall you that the one I drenched according to your instructions got quit* better, and is now at his work egftin, X would highly recommend formers to use the same ia time, as I am satisfied that they, will save and greatly, improve, the condition of thehorse. : Sead masom* of your Bot’ Fly Preventative for the Summer, and oblige.—Yours-vexy respectfully, j Edwasd .WArses’. . fit*nf , flTnfca , r Mr Hubert Walter, ChriEtchuroh." Dear Sir,*— Tour Bot Ply Eemedies have provodl’a complete success with my horse. He had-bean very bad fc« some, time; the coat dry, a tight skin,got .veryloo in condl tion.and got scarce able ’to walk, I quits expected he wbuld. die, as ho' hadall'th'e eymptoma of one that my neighbour lost with the Bats. 1 gave your remedies as yon directed, with theiol* lowing results:—The horse, after getting the liw* bottle; became very pained, lying down rolling arid groaning with pain, in the paddoojs. .-"He hegwlia cough very hard, each a tMsK humorous .matter from the nostrils, ’ the like which I never saw before ■ coming from a hor**; This-continued all next day/ which X am.cenJjuji were the Bots burEting.fro!m,the effectß* Remedy, and coming np-through'the nostrils by the effects of . the cough.’. AftCr-’this, ceased tits horse began to . mend, hod him-M work again, hearty and well. You ’should molt* thesaß/mediespublic, so that farmers,might kno w there ism-remedy fyjrthis destruotivo peat. EofiEBT'MCIOBBiW. / They were very fcheißllesi 4 nfore Agnbultriinl and TastoraV Association,; ISB3, and received the' highest award at, thojtOrfitoa AfetiQnjtijrflJ and Fastorah AEsociatiou, X6SS; arid very Metropolitan Shew at Christchurch, 1G93.- : TH£ L©K’DO^BHIUMATIO--.(flfßß. 1 THEONBY ; bBETAIN^CIIBE Braises and sll-’Chept Complaints. Cnst, Sept. Bth, 1899.'' Mr.Wolker. Sir,—l have great pleasure in testia tying to the wonderful cure effected onmykna* by using your" LONDON RHEUMATIC CUffiß.* 4 Ihad suffered, for three .years, and spent a good deal'in. dootora antt medidiies, but got no relief, 1 whs obliged to walk with the help of a stick, and had given up all hopes, of ever getting better. 1 was unable toibend my knee,. suffering great pain, wWoh ''ffisdo.nie,B(pcetime3,fwat. I got one bottle of the *XONDONEHEUMATIC CCEE,” and ths first, rubbing gave me-euoh relief’that" I could lean for ioy.tand tho day following I was able to wall without mj/Stick and'go about my’work as usuau Oh, such a Change! I was suffering'also withm| wrists" audhamis, and was unable' to sew or kail for along-'time. I rubbed them weii-with, th* C*re, and can. now do my sewing, knittir.y and house wotk as fresh as ever. It is’ marvellous! My’neigl bhoni-s are astonished at me, an i I advies them‘>ll-to use the’ “XONDON EEEUMATIQ CUBE "’for alltheir complaints. - You can use thin as you please. Mbs Akdbbw Gaedheb. • Sefton, October 2ist, 1830, I, hereby-feear.testimony to'tha great relief I ecu* by-using the ‘“LONDON RHEUMATIC CUEB.i I was fluffacing terrible pain in my shoalders with rheumatism, preventing me from, working and sleeping, I used one bottle, and am thankful to ssy the pain has gone. I believe it is a remedy everyono-should have in their possession. -1 nemi had its equal. P. Bee2WI2AX. - Springbank,.Moeraki, Mezoh sth, 1831. To Mr Walker. Sir,—l think it right to add af the wonderful ©ffeots of the “ LOlii DON BHEUMATIO CUBE."’ Xtavo sufflersd wiilj chilblains for years. I- tried everything, bat nsvo< got better. 1 tried the « LONDON BHEUMATIQ CUBE," and three rubbings completely cured mm l aw thankful there is such a remedy. Xodvlt* everyone to always have it In their house. You on make this public ifyou wish.' . i Fsxnz. Mitokblli. . Doyleston,' i§BL "i Your “IOEDOB EHBEMATIO OTOE” it laarvellons. I had a very sore back, and wat suffering with, rheumatics, both of whioh have been completely cured by its use.. I have also cured my neighbours of their rheumatism, chilblains.'and sore - threats. - It has no equal f everyone should use it. Mbs ’McCauslahd. Springbank, Moarala, March sth, IS9I. Mr Walker.- Dear Sir,—X can testify-to the wonderful dure I got by using the “LONDON BHBUMATIC CUBE."- I ..was ’Buffering badly with rheumatics in my hands and wrists;’’the ’ back of my hand was badly discoloured. I rubbed ■ them well-with the. Cure, thankful-to tell you they are quite better.' Thomas Clancet. Ashburton, Oct., IS9S. Your London Rheumatic Cure isaremody worthy to he praised. I took rheumatic fever and wss a good while in tiro hands of the doctors;' at,lost it seemed all to lodge in my ankle. I had to walk with a crutch and stick, The Doctor at last advised me to goto Christchurch and get-the foot taken off, which I objected to do. I got very disheartened, as there seemed no cure for me, 1 heard of the London Bheumfttic Cure, and got one bottle, and before it was done I was able to lay aside my sticks and to resume business, and hava had no trouble since. It is a valuable remedy. 3 can highly recommend'it, as X believe it has .no equal. D. MAcrHßßSoir., ■ Lower High Street,. Christchurch, May, 1693. X have been a sufferer from Chilblains since a boy; my hands broke out every winter, and my feet were so bad that on. Saturday nights ! had to fill my boots at the artesian end stand in this till shutting time. I tried. everything, but never got a cure. I was , advised this winter to try ths “LONDON RHEUMATIC CUBE,’’-and to m* astonishment and delight it healed my wounded hands, relieved my suffering, feet, and for the first winter I can remember kept me free from suffering, lean recommend it with all confidence to thou* suffering-with Chilblains. J. W. Bica. tj Sold bv all Storekeepers. ■ Sold at 23'6d ! n?rbottle. Bole'Agent for the Colonies— 1 BOBBET WALKEB, Canal Reserve, Christohuroh. WALKER'S WATEB-FEOOP DUBBIN. ’ WARRANTED. FOB. HARNESS, BOOTS AND SHOES. The only colonial manufactured Dubbin in tb.« arket. Highly cbmmended-at the Northern Aj idP, AsaoMat!ion.,lS93. Softennond Freserves tha Leather. Sold by oil Saddlers. WHOLESALE DEPOT FOE ALL THE ABOVE: W. J. NEATS, ■t .ooitaußo-fiipsiF. qimmanum

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XCIII, Issue 10595, 2 March 1895, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCIII, Issue 10595, 2 March 1895, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume XCIII, Issue 10595, 2 March 1895, Page 6