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Contents.— Our obituary column includes announcements of the death of Froude, the historian, and of the Hon P. Dignan. The condition of the Czar has now become extremely critical, and news of his death may, apparently, be expected at any moment. A mining tragedy is reported from Cromwell. A miner there was found shot dead in the hut of another man, and the body of the supposed murderer was subsequently found in an old tnnnel. The Accidents and Fatalities include a sad boating disaster at Hokitika; two bodies have been recovered, and in all probability there were two other victims. The Chinese state that they have received news of a great battle on the Lower Yalu River, in which their troops wore victorious! Meetings of the Victoria Amateur Turf Club aud Canterbury Trotting Club ate reported. Parliamentary.— I The Legislative Council sat on Saturday morning. The Sea Fisheries Bill, Post and Telegraph Department Bill, and Public Trust Office Bill were reported from committee and passed their final stages. The Wilson’s Land Bill was thrown out, and the Land and Income Tax Bill was read a second time. In the early morning (in continuation of Friday night’s sitting) the House of Representatives dealt with the Banking Bill in committee, and the measure was read a third time and passed. The House suet again at 2.30 p.m,. when an agreement was come to respecting alterations made by the Council in the Bills dealing with Native Land, Sea Fisheries, the Public Trust Office and the Criminal Code. Three local Bills were also passed, and the Hours adjourned as a mark of respect to the memory of the Hon p # Dignan, whose death had been announced. In the evening, the report of the Waste Lauds Committee respecting the Pomahaka purchase was considered, the being ultimately adjourned.

Mbs Bebant.—Mrs Annie Bessnt left for Dunedin by the express on Saturday morning. Richmond Free Methodist Church.— The children’s concert given last Thurso day will be repeated to-night, commencing at 7,45. Admission will be by silver coin. Cbibbage. —On Thursday evening a cribbage match was played between the Bangiora Oddfellows and Druids, fourteen a side. The result was a draw, each side scoring thirty-two games. Bowling. — On account of the unfavourable weather on Saturday afternoon, the opening of the Christchurch Bowling Club’s season was postponed to 2.80 p.m, on Saturday next. The opening of the Canterbury Club’s season was also postponed. Ashburton Agricultural Show.—The, privileges in connection with the show of the Ashburton Agricultural and Pastoral Association were sold on Saturday, at the following prices Luncheon booth M 10s, No. 1 confectioner’s booth JJIB, No. 2 ditto .£lO, all to Mr W. C. Davis; right of sports .£4 ss, Mr Sheard; catalogues 11s Bd, Mr M. Dailey. Military Tournament.— The drillahed and grounds in Cashel Street are looking very busy now, the various corps working up for the competitions to take place on show night. The tickets are selling freely,, there being already some two thousand in circulation. The Christchurch Gas Company is now commencing to lay the plant and fittings for the lighting of thegrounds* Entries are still coming in. Northern Agricultural Show.—The entries for the northern show were coming in freely on Saturday, but unless the prospects improve before to-morrow evening, the closing time, the numbet is likely to be below that of last year, Mr _T. Laacelles has offered two additional special prizes, viz., a guinea for the best yearling colt or filly, and a like amount for tho best two-year-old colt or filly by Vander-J bilt. Eaxapoi— On Friday night Lieutenant* Colonel Gordon held the annual Govern*' ment inspection parade of the Eaiapof Volunteer and Cadet Corps in the drillahed, when there were present about seventy-;*!* adults and thirty-four cadets, under their respective officers. The whole were put through the manual and firing exercises . and other movements with apparent satisfaction to the inspector, who also examined the arms and accoutrements, and expressed himself as well pleased. The volley and independent firing was gona through on Saturday afternoon. Ashley. —On Friday evening the Presbyterians t at Ashley held their annual tea-meeting. Thera was a large attendance, and the proceedings were in every way a success. Tables were provided by Mesdames J. Carmichael, D. Collie, A, Wilson and the bachelors. After tea an entertainment was held, the performers being Mieses Sim (2) and Martin, Messrs W. Gower, W. J. Slpane, B. Strong, J. Banks and Hunter. At the close, Mr D. Carr moved votes of thanks to those who? had assisted at the gathering. The Rev R. Tout, pastor of the church, presided. Pigeon Flying. The Christchurch Pigeon Flying Club flew off a race from Hinds on Saturday. Thirty-five birds, divided amongst twenty-two owners, competed. Mr J. Pearce’s Ascot was the winner. Owing to bad weather the velocity was slow. The club desires to thank the stationmaster for liberating the birds. The following are those placed:—Mr J. Pearce’s Ascot, 830yds per minute ; Mr C. Hasell’e Belmont, 818yds per minute; Mr P. Kingsford’s Ace of Spades, 817yds per minute; Mr W. Thompson’s Wiseacre, 814yds per minute; Mr B. Cooke’s Red Whizzer, 813yds per minute ; Mr A. P. Clarke’s Red Jacket, 805yds per minute; MrF.Unwind Outlaw, 761yds per minute. Wksteefield Lawn Tennis Club. The third annual meeting of this club was held at the club’s court, Grafton Street, North Opawa, on Saturday afternoon. There was a good attendance. The annualreport congratulated the club on the progress made during the past season. The number of members on the roll 60, an increase of 27 on the previous year! The receipts had amounted to £l3los lOdf and the expenditure to £l3 3s thanks of the club were duj/to Mrs Treloar, tho patroness, for the use of the court, and her past efforts in the interest® of the club. Officers for- the season 1894-95 were elected as follows:— 1 Patroness, Mrs Treloar; captain, Mr H. J, Moss; vice-captain. Miss Edwards; honorary secretary and treasurer, Mr J, O. Shetland; committee. Misses Harding, Partridge, F. Partridge, Messrs C. G» Moss and G. A. Hill. The club opened the season after the meeting closed. Afternoon, tea was provided by the lady members.

North Canterbury Bicycle Club.— The tenth annual meeting of this club was held at the Junction Hotel, Eangiora, on Friday evening. There was a good attendance. Mr A. C. Wilmot presided., The report presented by Mr G. Jones, secretary, was of a congratulatory character, the finances being on the right side and the track in good condition, as a result of the expenditure of £23 on it last season. In regard to racing, the honour of the club was most creditably upheld last season by Messrs A. C. Wilmot, W. Wilmot, Eich, G. Jones, E. Cook and A. Smith. The fostering of touring' was recommended, and thanks were accorded to the Press generally for the prominence given to cycling. The balance-sheet, which, showed a credit of £1 2s lOd, together with the report, was adopted. Tea new members were elected. Officers for the year were appointed Patron, Mr D. Buddo, M.H.E.; president, Mr J. Sansom; vice-presidents, Messrs H. Boyd, E. W, Relph, A. Templer and A. S. Clarkson j captain, Mr A. C. Wilmot; sub-captain, Mr W. Blackett; secretary and treasurer, Mr G. Jones; committee, Messrs H. Wilson, R. Cook, J. Thompson, H. Collins and A. Smith; bugler, Mr H. Martin; delegate to N.Z.C.A., Mr G. Jones; consul, Mr A. C. Wilmot. The opening run, was fixed for Thursday next, to Woodend, starting at 6 p.m. Mr Wilmot was appointed to represent the club on the Eangiora Athletic Association, and it was decided to vote £2 2s to its funds. _ A vote of thanks was accorded to the retiring officers, and the meeting terminated.

Rowing.— The formal opening of the rowing season at Lyttelton took place on Saturday afternoon under anything hat pleasant conditions. Towards 2 p.m. the south-west wind moderated a little and the rain passed over. The procession, headed by the Navals’ cutter, containing the drum and fife band belonging to the company and several officials of the club, was lined up between the club stage and the dock. The cross jobble caused by the wind, however, greatly interfered with the manoeuvres of the lighter boats, and theywere unable to cross between the moles, Returning towards the_ stage the fleet was grouped round the Navaia’ cutter, and here the president of the club, Mr T. L. Smith, formally declared the season opened. Eleven crows had entered for a scratch, double sculling race, but owing to the state of the water only two heats were decided. S. Sinclair and F. Dailey beat G. Cousins and W. C. Harrington, and W. Harkisa and A. Parsons beat R. Collier and D. Jack. In the boathouse afternoon tea and refreshments were dispensed by a number of young ladies, who were kept actively employed for several hours. In the evening a dance was held in the Colonist’s Hall, Miss O’Brien’s orchestra provided the music, and the catering was done by Messrs Hinds and Cordelia.—A meeting of the committee of the Young Men's Christian Association Rowing Club was held in the boat-house last week, Mr Pavitt ia the chair. Correspondence from the New Zealand Amateur Rowing Association was read. Messrs A. Hamilton, J. Merrie and P. Sherlock were elected members. Crews for the Trial Pairs were drawn as follow First heat: P. H. Le Quesne and C. Hawley v. W. Roxburgh and E. M. Irwin; second heat: W. Bosom worth and J. H. Finlayson v. A. Mills and R. Kinnear, The races will be rowed on Nov. 21 and 23. Federal Cigarettes, High - class American tobacco. X 1272

Municipal.— Ordinary meetings o£ the Sydenham and St Albans Borongh Councils >rill take place this evening* IMin Oij ? .-A» «<«•“»"> £“"} meeting of the Kingsley Club will he held at eight o’clock this evening. The Hospital. —Of Deamer is the honorary physician and Dr Lomax-SmUh !the honorary surgeon in attendance at the Christchurch Hospital this week. Mnsio in the Cathedral.-— Mr Tendall will play a selection from the works of the great masters at his organ recital to be given in the Cathedral to-morrow evening. The vocal items will be snug by five Cathedral choir boys. Mining News.— The quantity o£ coal exported from Westport last week was 3280 tons, and from Qreymouth 2187 tons. The Reefton gold-mming returns were Alpine, 1950 z of amalgam from 215 tons; Hercules, 770 z of amalgam from 75 tons. The Seamen’s Best.— A dramatic performance will be given in St Michael’s schoolroom to-morrow evening, in aid of the funds of the Lyttelton Seamen’s Best. The programme will consist of the comedietta, A Happy Pair , which will bo followed by a musical interlude, and will conclude with a one-act comedy. My Lord in Livery. Oust. —The ordinary meeting of the Friendship Guild in connection with the .Presbyterian Church took place on Friday evening. There was a good attendance, the Rev D. D. Bodger presiding. The Sroceedings consisted of a very interesting isonssionon “Influence,”ii*.,which, Hiss Webster, Messrs Forbes, Searell.Haßaall, Est W. Lytfcen and the chairman took parti ' Leeston;— A ballad and instrumental . concert in aid of the funds of the local Eoman Catholic school will bo given in the Leeston Town Hall this evening, by a party of Chris‘church musicians under the direction of Mr Harry Eossiter, assisted by local talent. Amongst tba items will be a new song entitled, “Only You.” The song has been specially composed by Mr Eossiter, and will be sung by Miss Lydia Haydon. The Dog Show.— Entries for the Christchurch dog show close to-night, at Mr E. P. : , Dombrain’s office, Cashel Street. A large number of entries have already been received, including the recently imported fcollie dog, Newmarket Ruff,. of which it is paid-in Wellington that he ia the best collie that, ever crossed the line. Several bther racent importations, and most of the ■crack dogs of Dunedin, Wellington and ■Napier; are also amongst those already ' entered, ; The Weather. Our Timaru correspondent writesA very welcome change of weather occurred in South Canterbury on Saturday morning. The district was becoming toi dry, and all classes of land users were wishing for rain. At 7 s.m. on Saturday a violent squall came up from tile south, and continued blowing as. a steady gale throughout the morning j after noon the >wipd moderated. About 10 a.m. a good .downpour of rain came, which must dq » great deal of good. The Mackenzie Cbnntrj c partichlariy needed rain to bring on.the ilaed, which, continued frosts at night and hot days have kept back. It is hoped that the rainfall extended to that diaMqt. Hobrilltill*.— The anniversary setvices in connection with the Wesleyan . Church were conducted by the Rev H* B« Redetone on Sqnday, Oct. 14, when the attendance Was lafge. On Thursday the annual soiree was hold; which, as usual passed off most successfully. Tables were provided by Mesdamea Bradley, Skeat and- Twoae. The. Esv S.J. Qarlick presided at the after meeting, which was also addressed by the Eevs T. Wagstaff (Baptist) and D. D. Bodger (Presbyterian). The annual report, which disclosed a credit balance, "■■"erae read by Mr A. Graham. The choir, under the leadership of Mr E, J. Twose, eclipsed their former efforts by the excellent manner in which they rendered a number of sacred selections. A comprehemive vote of thanks, spoken to by Messrs Eorrell and H&ssall, was heartily . accorded to those who had contributed to : the success of the gathering.

- , Morris-tobe Shooting. —On Friday fevonisg the ! C£rii(£hßrch ■‘'•Waking hf ~a’s tJlnb Bifle Class fired off another stage (seven shots at 300yds) for prizes preseated by Messrs «[• Oould, Manning and Co., Ashby, Betgh and Co., J. Preece and H. Veruazoni, with the following leading results:—D. Ashton (4) 35,.J. Glanvillo (1) 34, J. F. Strata (4) 84, W. B. Scott (sot) 33, A. Cowan (scr) 33, B. C. Wells (sor) 33, 0. W. Turpin (scr) 33, W. Garrard (scr) 33, J. (1) 33, G. H. Eodmell (3) 33, W. A. Caldwell (scr) 33, W. G. Munford (1) 33, A. Allan (2) 33, B. M’fdjllan (1) 31. On Saturday evening a return match with the N Battery was fired at, Lyttelton, and the battery was ▼ictoriona by two points. The scores were— For the N." Battery; Gunner Bell 33, Gunner Barnes 88, Corporal Schollar 33, Sergeant Bsazley 31, Lieutenant Palmer 31, Sergeant Souter 30, Gunner Treleaven 30, Sergeant-Major Arnold 30, Sergeant Carrbll 27, 'Gunner Wardle 28, total 805. For the Working Men’s Club: 0. Sherwood 34, B. 0. Wells 84, J. Hastie 33, A; Manning 33, J. Glanvilla 33,0. W. Turpin 80, W. Garrard 80, D. Markland 28, A. Allan 26, W. A. Caldwell 23, total 808. After the match a very pleasant evening was spent in the battery’s orderly-room. Druidisk.— There was a good attendance at the last meeting of the Ivy of Linwood Lodge. Visitors from the Per-, severance, Pioneer, and Anchor Lodges, and the D.G.P., Bro Tomaon, were present. After a good deal of business had been disposed of, the Lodge was adjourned for harmony, when items were contributed by Bros Hutton, Harris, Tomson, Penfold, Swinnerton, Lloyd 'and Hooker. Light refreshments were handed round at intervals.—The Anchor Lodge, U.A.0.D., Woolston, held its annual “ social,” in the Lddgeroom, bn Thursday, A.D. Bro T. W. P. Bound in the chair. During the evening P.D.P. Bro T. Bottomley presented a P.A. diploma to P.A. Bro M. A. Bergman. Members’ diplomas were presented, on behalf of the Lodge, by D.P. Bro Smith and P.D.P. Bro Bennie, to Bros J. Knight and W. Eeeoa, in recognition of their long and faithful services to the Lodge. Refreshments were served by Mesdames Boundy, Bound, Bhodes, Biol and Bergman. Mr B. Hopping gave an Irish jig and a hornpipe in character. Mr Esstwick sang a number of comio songs. Songs were also given by Mrs Hopping, Mias Stephens, Mr C. Bottomley, Bros Papps, Hobson, Biel, W. Spring, J. Spring, A. Wright, J. Knight, J. Spelling, E. Bound, C. Cooksley, A; Snellmg and J. Moses. Mr T. Smith and Master Papps gave recitations. After the programme the room was pi eared for a dance. Mr Davis presided at the piano. Eangioba Rifle Company. At the regular parade of the Bangiora Bifle Company on Thursday evening forty-one rank and file answered to the roll call. Lieutenant? Colonel Gordon was present, and made his annual inspection of the rifles and other Government property held by the corps. * He expressed satisfaction with the condition of the arms, &c., and also at the general appearance of the men and the manner in which they went through their drill. At five o’clock on Friday morning the company paraded under the command of Captain Helmore and Lieutenant d’Auvergne, and proceeded to the range for their volley and independent firing. The Colonel was present, and the firing was carried out under the supervision of Sergeant-Ma,jor Purvis. A strong, gusty north-wester was blowing across the line of fire making good shooting almost impossible. There were 44 rank and file present, of whom 4 were ineligible to fire and 36 fired. In the volley firing 416 points were made, or an awerage of 10T4 ; and in the independent 564, an average of 13’82. Lieutenant d’Auvergne’s squad of 18 in the Independent firing, made the excellent average of 18’6 out of a possible 20, and toe firing of Captain Heimore’a squad was rendered remarkable by the fact of the average being the same for volley «s for independent, viz., 12'66 points. Tak in g the weather into account the shooting was considered to be very satisfactory*

West Eibeton.— On Friday evening the ladies of this district gave a return ball in the local goods shed. There were over fifty couples in attendance. Music was provided by Miss Gardner and Mr Tyler, of Eangiora; and the duties of M.O. were carried out by Mr Downing. The room was prettily decorated. Band of Hope.— The fortnightly meeting of the Burwood Band of Hope was held on Friday evening. There was a good attendance. Mr S. Judd, president, occupied the chair. Recitations were given by the Mieses White (2), M. Clarke, C. Bone, A. Wilson and R. Spencer, Masters L. Martin, W. Burrows and P. Palmer; and readings by the President, Miss V. Jndd and Mr J. Bone. A dialogue was contributed by two members. One person signed the pledge at the close of the meeting. Ashburton School Committee.— The monthly meeting was held last week. A credit balance of £25 3s 7d was reported. The master wrote giving information regarding the concert, and reporting the average attendance for the past four weeks to have been— Boys 240, girls 186. The bad etate of a portion of the school roof was again ordered to be brought under tb.c notion of tlio jLiiduc&tion Uoard, The new Visiting Committee, Messrs Meddins and Paul, were empowered to provide a platform applied for by the head-master. A motion congratulating the staff upon the results disclosed by the recent examination was passed.

Education Reserves.— A second meeting of tenants of education reserves in South Canterbury was held at Timatu on Saturday. Thera were sixteen present, and Mr D. Stowe!!.- St Correspondence was read from thS Minister of Lands and the local members of the House of Representatives, who had been written to.- The principal reply was from the Minister of Lands, who pointed out that Clause 6 of the Harbour and Education Reserves Bill.was calculated to assist the tenants of reserves, and he could not promise to do any more for them this session. On the motion of Mr Anstey it was rJsolved to telegraph to the Minister urging that the Bill should be passed this session. It was also resolved to form a Tenants* Association, so that combined action could be taken whenever it was necessary or desirable, and all those present agreed to join. Relinquishing Business.— lt is currently reported in commercial circles that one of our large business firms contemplates at an early date withdrawing from business. 7180 General “ Get Up ” of the Mach in a has been Much Admired. —E. Jno. Pauli, “ Times ” Office, Christchurch, says—The ’94 Humber Roadster, which your firm supplied me soma weeks ago has given me entire satisfaction, being light, strong and splendidly adapted for the Canterbury Plains. The good workmanship, nice appearance and general “ get up” of the machine has been much admired; in fact, I think your machines as good as those imported from well-known firms. Wishing you success in your enterprise, Oct. 4th, 1894.—Adams, Ourties and Co., 70, Manchester Street.— [Advt.] Db Schusslxb’b Biochbmic Remedies, simple, inexpensive and most effectual in the cure of all diseases. Sold in cases at 7a 6d. 15s and 24a, with pamphlet, or 9d, la 8d and 2a 3d the bottle. Health Supplies Company, 245, Cashel Street.— [Advt.] In It Aa Usual.— ln the recent 24Honra Cycle Race at Dunedin, H. A. Soanes, although injured by a collision, rede a Zealandia miles, beating tbe next man on an English Humber by 18 miles. Orders executed promptly and easy payments. N. Oates, Zealandia Cycle Works, Christchurch and Napier. [Adtt.J A Record.— lß94 Dunlop’s beat machines for £lB. This is a record that will take a lot of beating.— E. Kent and Co.. Pioneer Cycle Works, Bedford Row, Christchurch, N.Z.— [Advt.] 1 XI2BB Make no mistake; the recent 24 hours’ race at Dunedin was,won by A. J. Body, who rode 364 miles. He was mounted on a Rapid Cycle weighing only 211 b, made by Waller, Scott and Myhre, 48, Manchester'Street.—[Advt.] X 1251 Stamdish and PKEECE, photographers by spaeial appointment to bis Excellency tbe Governor and tbs Countess of Glasgow. Studio, High Street.— [advt. i . It is true, ladies, Thought one myself, a beautiful, large 2s cake for Is. "Wonderful bow they make them for the money. X bought it at the Smithfield Market, High Street.—Mrs McTarrish. — [Advt.] X 1265 Opportunity.—o, H. Manning will, for a short period, issue to the public, his own patent exquisite Cabinet Bromaline Photographs, at a phenomenal price, viz., IBs per dozen, usual price 255, These pictures are perfect works of art and thoroughly permanent. Remember, the term of issue is brier Studio, 150, Colombo Street. X 1216 To Farmers. For Spring Sowing use Clark’s Carbolised Wheat Protector for Smut.— [Abvt.l

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 10483, 22 October 1894, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 10483, 22 October 1894, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXXII, Issue 10483, 22 October 1894, Page 4