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HedloalU THB UNFAILING MAORI SEMSDT, x '-'" -■■ <rAs? £ %<% «*sr ws C&r <a» I^A v*’ Ectsrsrr.ESD sitAsr siap.b. TAKA.TJO CUKESCut?, ETanfro, Ulcers, Fora Teats, Saddle Galls, Cracked Ksoin, fipmles, Swellings, Greasy Hor Ja, pOvov-ronchefi, Bwollou Udders, i&o., seres Eisd j Grenada oi et«vj dworpWun o« | HOUSES, CATiJjSj AND DOGS. ! «—w ' if ■'”*!> IC AHO ia pr.-pawdbolk as an OIIITMSNT i Jy ’ and r I.OTKIN. ' "wjses »ri]l -nor. approach any part to which tho | Loti .n hm bean apptie !. On oscoiwt ci its rsoalbw taste, aoinuria will not lick Tnktro from the -wound. (1 In evory ctsoin which TaVuro Isas bean tiasd, the 1 *nro hao been so speedy and so osmotate, that tho i-proprietors fcolnuy juetid'.id in recommending it I its tee boat remedy of lo* kind yet discovery d, Its value im b«eu thoroughly i’rovea by loading (SOBBK-OWKKn?, TRAIN'S H-V, TSAMWA7 J££.:■ AUB!i. OAKifIBHD and other*. who nil speak lath# highcot termso Its wonderful hualing propsi-tie?, as cvidonoad by tlio following lotted selected from a cumber oi TESTIMONIALS. From Movtb DoUma’Ei nod Co„ Rink Stables* Christchurch. by special appointment to hio Ezcalianoy tbo Governor. ‘ ) ObrJstoburob, July I3fch, 1592. T'kae Fibb.—Wq hovo triad yor.r mixture, Takato, tad imv ■•• lone-' it the boat remedy wo have yet used fur Ctmpood line s and mud fever among bones, v-'o have no b..3i!atio,j in recommending its use for wither ot ther.Vtvpu-vns-os. IJKPAMAIH LTiD Cot Vroa Mr J. Thomson, Manogsr New Brighton Tram Stabiaß. C’Jifistcbnrob. .Tuna 3th, 1893, Fra?.—t have ntatl ynq- ' tn a bores in our rtabio ' which h r :f]f fu-. i. <h JV.-bt, incurable Greasy feco’e, but on applying your Lo'iou :>ud Ointment ffor olght days liras very rc-ich gratified to find that I had beta mistnkon, at I inTo got a perrua* neat cure, <l. Tnoacos. (ffrom Mr Vi r . Ears, ChritSohureh. ono of tlia moat Bnooiiisfiu trainoiß of trotting horsoi ia Now Zo&lar.d. Now Brighton. June Utb, 1692, Fnt3,—T. have much pleasure ia teo.'ifyin? to the CiTtc;n:K y of your Tikiteo Lotion and Ointment as a euro cure lor Cracto.l HeeL. and other Fores on hwrsea. I had one horse under training which wan very bad with cracked hoale, a art I could not get him cured, although I hied two cr throe different treatmen to. Happening ro of jour 'i aUaro,_ I tried it and gov him all right in a week, 1* should r.dvis-i all men v.'bo u.o horses to Irsep it in tho btable. w • Erss. From Mr Charles Eorr, Ohriatohurob, the euo» cesglal trainer ot trotting iioraon. ITcTt Brighton, Juno 10th, 1892, Fins, —I have ns id your Takaro, and have much ploj,>mv. in testifying to its efficiency, X a.m euro it is the bsEt. preparation in the market for Cracked H-iols, which wo traintrs arc vary much troablod with. Ctrir.Lna Ee,«b. From Mr W. ,T. Blako, Christchurch, Chriatohurch, Funs 19th, 1892. Sirs,-'I have used your preparation, Taliiro, end I wih say it is the bf ct thing I have over sserj for' rooked Hoala, and also lor Saddio uni other Bores on horcos. W, J, hLAKE, From Mr Hi Piper, Upper Bicoirton, near Christ, ohnrch, the'well-known and ouooasafal trainer. Upper Eicearton, 11th Jr.nsj 1392, BsnS, —I bare great pleasure in testifying to the good results tain d by using Tak».ro ue a Buotiiug t...d healing ointment. For allaorts of wound--, on norsos it cannot bo equalled. 11. Pirns. EETAIIi PRICES— Tizieo OiBTMEET ~, ... 3-i Cd and 5a Lomu 3s 3d and 3a 6A Prepared only by THE! KONGO A. BrAKUPAOTUaiHG CO., Princes (street, Dunedin. W. P. TOWNBND, 4SEHT, CnuiSTCKURCH, X 740 life \ X EIjISOTSIOIT'S 1 ELKOTEiCITT eleoteioitt BELTS BELTS! BELTS jVEK SSOO BOLD IN HEW S 3 ALAND! .rJIHOURAKI)?. have tsatiCoi to the ruprrioi V- povrer of these hoalth-ruatorinfl Mngaoto. J~Je4tro .[’alta in ocadloiting and esiorrav.iatmg S-boumatlßiu, Lumbago and all Eervouß - _Disc334S. {Strength am Vitality, ia inerr.aaed and given to o nervo forces, and Nattiro is nfißiatcrt in giviuß 6,0 war to tho weak -parts and building up a healthy u,\ robust frame- by ibo ure. cf .Tioits, Ai>y of tbn tmdcrmcntloned gooflß will bo fori Warded to pay aodreoa on racelp. of postal note ol (Eionay order, (Tihon ordoring plaaaa Bond bin Stosmd S7ai«t, nest the skin,) jLtdiee’ Elaotrio Bolts, 21b; Q;mts’, 17a Gd; Eleotr« Enaa-oap, 9s, iChsst Espandera to restore stooping persona to m ■nprightt dovelopmsut, 7a <3(l. THOS. GAGES, SS, JCAKOKSST3SB ISSBEBT, ESJ3 Cai7r-2IiC?SCX2S. 2243 > BALTH FOK Ai ‘OLLOWAT’S PILLS AND OINTfd.JNT. Thtso Pills purify tcablotd, corroctaUdis* orders of the liver, Btoratch. kirtnaya and buwels l jjd arc invaluable in all coruniaints iuoido nta.l to femalts. ... The Ointmentis tho oniy rauabla remedy for bid Jcgß, old vrouna?, sores ana ulcer.'. For bronchitis, diphtheria, oongha, coldo, gone, rhonmatism and all skin di.sen.sea it hna no cqn-,1. Sold by tho Proprietor, 'I hoi-tas Hoppowat, 78, Now Oxford street, Loudon, and by all Madicina Vandcrti throuchont tho World. XI A. TV OSD ERF till HE,pICIHE BEECHAki'.i PILLS •OBEi-HaIA « Piiji.fe, J 3 OEEOHAM'S PILLS. JJ* Aie unlvertiuly admitted W bo worth a Guinea a Pox lor Bilious and Eervoas Disorders, each as ■Wind r.n'l Pam iu the tonicii, Dick: Headache, Giddiness, Fuiueim av.d Sv.-eilmg 'after mettle. Ditzinoea and urowßiucsa, Cold C/iilie, Flneiimgs cf Kent, Loss of Anpolito, Shortnsas of Breath, costivonoss, -■ curvy, .blotches on tho Sitin’, Disturbed jei.-v-, Pnghttui jj.eamts, and ell is or. vous tmd Tromhiing Sensations, &«. Tho lirst do a a wih give relief iu -h minutes. 'lLiaie nollcuon, for they have done it m countlesß, citeos. ilvory sniioieE is eamcatiy invited to try ono box oi those -.i Ilf. anil tihov wid bo ai:auuw:u-n<od to as VosTH A GUINEA A BOX, -,. V m .. t A f'.TirVtLi/. A r OHTIi A GUINEA A BOS, ‘ ./ OKTH A GUINEA. A BOX. w JilAil’d PILLS For fomalofl of idiagos they aro invaluable, I-fo icmaio uhouxd bo without them, 'i'liuro ij not a iubaiciho to bo equal te them for rente nag uuy obßtruotieu or irregularity ox tho symwm. If taken actoramg to the dixectiOnt given witu e&on bos, they will soon restore toinaics oi ad ages to Bound and robait health. This ihuj h.-cu proved tj tnouEauda who tiit-d tticul, and, lound tuj Pen.hie winch nre.-a.-urod tV tacit use. IPEISCHAM’S PILLb. , j 3 ycr fl. wGftfe stomacii, diiforuwis y' iivsr. tbuf aot* luc aad u wv/ uci>t3S •vyiiico iouiiti to won; wondors iii!«n tiae H.O-.Z iuiportuiit of Uio ‘iiaman luauniii©, likey StreUijClioii «uo wiiclo leßtolO lost? coiuploxio/j, fciu-; l».ac«. ctia ctiyo of uitihj ikkiii i y "iVict tiiO i*osoi>ua. ot tue wuuio oiiyaiciu energy ill Hilcll trjllilO* iiIOLG UJ.O . IIeCVS by uiembois ot juA clubacs of sociocy, a2ift ono of tho btbli aiuoob Ao tlio ftorvous Mid Pcbiiiiatett Ot ftiiy ia ’j‘io world* )BSCHAM* MAGIC COUQH PUjLS; -OESCH "c 1 13h' CHAM'lii MAGIC C ' IGH PILLS, jk> is^SECHAJI'aM, > GOUGE PILLS JL6 -■:! jab a remedy for Cousns i.a ; general, Asthma. Lionel)uti AliocUonc, HoitseiiOws, nhortiiosa o£ iireath, u.ighuionß, and G,u;i-<3tniun oi the iJhoaa ? ltc„ these Phis stand nuwvarlsif. They are ths | tefct ever ollerea to the pubac, and v.ui speedily xetuOTa that seme of oiixtrciticn and diUk-.uity o! kxeatiii»K which nightly uojtnve tho patiout jest. Lot any person give LAKCIiAD PILLS a trim", aim the moat v;oi«utcuugn will uu short time beromoTuU. Prspaped only, and Sold V/iiolesale and retail by IboPropriotcr, 'TUOfiIAA BEECJHaA), St>Helen’s, l.ancashiru, England, in boxes lo led (containing fit pith), anti i. t -O 9d (treble quantity). . - hold by all Druggists and Patent Msdioms I Dealers every where. Xl7 3,—Full dirootioaa are given with each box.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIX, Issue 9986, 15 March 1893, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIX, Issue 9986, 15 March 1893, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIX, Issue 9986, 15 March 1893, Page 7