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t" ■ ' Stud Hreoa. mo TBITSL ;his season -** IS THU - LINCOLN, GRKBiNPA-K, BPEINGSTON, TAI TABU aud KAAPOI DISTRICTS Tho Imported Oldepurgh Stilliou. OEPESUB.359 F. SL'MONS, Proprietor. Undortissra. E. W. WALT3RB & CO.. FURNISHING UDEETAKBRS. T7IUNEBALS GONDtjTrB D in Tow or Country Jj on the SHO uTESTN OTXOE. Polished Coffins in Rim or Kauris and every requirements h nd. oTEiil 9. Sasid9rioa-213. I'aluhono No. lie. A 2.1 H. SCEIHSHAW, UNDERA-KBR. TTIDNERALS FURNr.HKD AT LOWEST Hi Otl -.Blais, Town audCountry. DUKHAM S'iiSET SOUTH, Telophnio N 0.433. Xii-5 Wanted Known, WANTED Kaowa-A good Secourl-bnrd Pianoforte tor sie. Apply 8.5., oifin-nf this pspe . 2375_ WANTED Known— lianou on hire forsoomle, balls, ooncarts, to. Bowman and Sor Hereford straps. WANT' .1) Known—Hit Dustoloaitß and Lace Mantles ; spiondd variety and low pr ces, Tonejolifie and Carey. X 353 Wasted Known-Sunsbades. Sunshades. Immense varictjanl ready-money prusas. ToneyoHife an I Carey. E 333 WAN' ED Known See our Trimmed Millinery—choaiest in town—at Sooeial Midsummer dale. Boatband Co. • K 27 WANTS > Known-Vow Pieces of prints, damaged through heavy rains, to be cleared cheap. Tone'elite and Carey. K3SS 'ANTED Known—Seed’, Furnltuie Palace for the PurchMO of New or Secondhand Furniture oi every description. 143, High Street. WAN TED Known—a largo lit of Remnants that have «coumdated during tbeaean’n to ba cleared this veek. Tonttyc life and Carey. ' 31353 "ANTED Known—Walnuts for Pickling, 7d •per hundred or J- per thousand. Apply, 318 Colombo street north,, corner of Soli bury street. ' ■ -4 6 "ANTED Known —At Kniopoi, for Sale, : Pour Shops in High. strict;, let to cr od tenants. For particulars apply to James Butt, 2156 3C ranoi. ANTED " Knowi Special Midsummer f-ale. lii livuof presents, profits given Beautiful dresses 2s 9d, 4-1 9d, fis ltd, tor 13 Beath's. 327 "ANTED Known-Ms of Prints This Week at balf-mrics, 2J, SJ, 4i and SJ; also, Galateas, Si and fif; all new gouds. W. At'O ea and Co , 210, High Btceso. 3537 ANTED Known.—Roidy-tnudo Clothing (boys’, youths' and mon’-i) at Factory Prices. Profits aacrifited in lieu i,f Xmae presents all this month. BeatUaud Co. 537 WANTED Snoimi—Prints! Delainea. and other washing dress fabrics, at cost price aU this month. P oils given away ims'cv) of Xmas pre-eats . Beath and 00. X 27 ANTED Known—Just opened, choice Prints. Zephyrs, white and cream Muslins, Norman Stripes and Checks, oalateuß, for the Bauson. Blaus, Beattie and Uo. 537 ' ANTED Known—We ace nhowing Novelties in English and Colonial Dress Hoods. Mantles, MMinery, Ribbons and Laces, jn.uj oened. Black. Haittisaml Co, 327 ANTED Known—St Catherine’s Lodge, V » 233, Gloucester street west, is open as usual; same terms. Tree tenon Sunday. Miss Bale, Hon L idy uperintundent 2iߣ_ ’ANftD Known-Where -you cm buy a useful present at less than coat, ? Way, at Lake's great iv»)idari:ui sal*, Clarkson’s Warehouse, next Edwards, Bennett & Co. 3437 -*«./ AN i'ED are showing cow V v Twoods, Saltings, Coatings, Shirts, ECarves, Jersey and Kniokor Suits, and other NoveliibS for the season. Slack. Beattie and Co, ANTED Known New Yea- Cards. Thousands to select from. New Supply hr mail. Beautiful assortment, c.t reduced price. H. J. Wood and 00., ttotioncri* Hall, 310, High Street. 3538 WANTED Known—Ou the premises, Firatclaas Tailoring by exp irieuc wockmuu; ■ Wll-miia, shrunk and finished Suit complete. 7Bs; try us. W, EL’Olea and Co., £lO, c uth ■troet. X 527 ■ ted Known—-aloof Gout’s silk Derby , v | V Scarfs at half-pice, 61, Sd, la; merino half ■*'?-J»aso, bid. 9d. Is; 20 dozen ’Varsity Caps, 6jd; ~ N%qaoerful value. 1 W, hl’Cha and Co3lo, High-tre>t. XSS7 ■ "STT ANTED Known—Work boxes, writing » di Bus, tourists’ cases, stationery, books, -.Albums, Bi.-Jes; all to be cleared -ogardless of " cost at Clarkson’s Warehouse, nest Edwards, Bennett A Co. 2Dti WANTED E.nov/n—Men's ad Wool Colon-a Tweed uii-s 39a fid and 36s fid now 10s lid and 36s lid. Buys* and Youiha' Clothing of every dosorip ion at very low prices. W. ii'Oiea ard Co,, 310, High street. XS37 "AN lED Known—Mrs Qr.a-tauiaie is a Cosh Purchaser of Li dies’, Gents u.uu Children’s Left-off Clothing. Letters by poato. othe wise attended to. Addro.s, iilrj G. Quarieruiaiu, 154, High street. X7o< ANTED Known—Juat landed, npacial liu-.s in i allies’ White Embroidered Kkirta,_ an Kaikoura, flint Wrappers, Blouae I'roats, i adicM Blouses in f launelotte. Gill's Drapery Ware, houoe, Colombo roid, aydoubam. * X 3»” 'ANTb'irkuown—ls X 13 Enlargsmont and , . 13 Enamelled Cabinets, 15s; also, 10 x S Enlargement and 12 Enamelled C.u.V.’-, 10 - EntisfaCtiou guaranteed. Dutch and bull, Victoria ntraet. Opsn all day baturdays. X 172 W" AW •ED Kuo-ku— ls xl3 Eam-gemeut and 12Enamelled Cabinets 15-; uDo 10 x S Enlargement and 13 E n »siel cl C.D.V.s’, 10. fc'atisfiotioa gnarmtee i. Dutch and Bui!, Viotoebi Street, Open all day Saturdays. Xl7i "ANTE D Known—Tha Ambor Drip .Syrup is to honey, 31b tins Bid. 4tb Sine la <d| 28 b tins s I (3d, 58iu 13s; Loaf sagai’ 3Jd per lb, White I ’lysint jugar 31d per lb; ~e'.c's Corned Beef, 2Jb tins. Is at T. Taylor’s, Cashel etreot.K222 WANT ■ Known—Lad ied Hosia y. bast va'ne in the ot’y, prices SJd b’Jd, Did and npwordo; Ladies’ Umbroltaw la ltd auu 3s lid. oscept onat value; a redly go d Uluva for 7td, 10ld. la li.. W, M’Ciea and Co., alO, igh Bticet. 1x537 V” a.N ED Known—Tne blisses M Connies wait upon ladies and gentlemen wh-> h ore Becond-hand. Clothes to dispose ef, Furniture, Books, Ac. Aodt-Mis, the Aliases Al’Cermick Colombo road. Bydouham, or 133, Lower High Btruot, .srintoha-cti. 'ANTED Known—£s, £lO, C3'J, £ll. iShO aadotiinr sums waiting uorrowers. Can be repaid by woosly or monthly tustai msuts, o us convouienc to xpplicauts. Ulster Loan Company, 234, Hereford street; J). olrauagnau, maurger Cilice hours: it) t-> 1 mil to 5. Aid ■ aNTc,.d Known—ice latest Beduociju in , , tho face of Flour is at T. faylor’s. ■Wood’s Roller Eiour, 351 b2s od, SOib 5e 4id. 1001 b 10a fid, 20J16 20;; aiD-dressed, 35;b 2s fid, olio 4i 10id, lOOib 9s 61, 2001 o 18s. i’eaoook’a tomato bunco is. jarge bottles for 6d; Woioestert.fiire Bancs. 8 bottles for Is. K 222 Known— Baturduy Half-boliday— Yv Seeing that it is only a waste of time and haste now seep open on aaturda a, I intend, from nest Batur'ay, nov, stb, to close my shop at 1 O’clock p.m., providing the othar watchmakors auo jewoliurs do th » rama. J, E. trarz, wa<chmaker and jaweher, 2U, High street, Christ huroh. j ANTED Known—The Cuntomop who spends \ the mo t money with its from Oct. Ist to Eeb 33th, 1893, will got a Cush Bonus ol £25, eeooud £ls. th ru £lO, fourth £5, litih £3, sixth £2. The next fifty -81 each, and the n-JXt one hundred 10s each, pay able April iOtu, 189 J. Bhaw, i4ob:ueon aud Co., ” The Hall,” High attest, Christ. church. „„ a!44 • ANTODKnOwn—the Customer who spande the most money with ua from ih-t. Ist to Eeb’asth, 833, wi l got a Gaaa bonua of £25. BeooidiSiS thi. d £io, fom th £3 flt-n£S. aixthdi;. Tho next fifty £1 each, aud the U;XO one hundred 10i each pujnbio aprii 10th, 1893. aluw, iiobm. oon and Co.. ‘'The Hall,” High street, Cenat. church. ANT ill) Known— 1 ha i.'ustomar who spends the most money with us from Ucfclsc t-o Feb. 23th. 1893, will get a Cash Doans of £25, EBuooa £ls, til ltd £l9. fourt.a £5, fifth £3, sixth £2, U6X& flff.y tiaoU. tiud tbd uyxti ouo liuudrocl ICa each, payable April 10th. 1893, Bhaw, Robinson and Co., •’ The Hal!.” High Bticet, Chrtstoburoh. ; ANTED Known—The Customer who spends the most money with us from Oct. Ist to Feb.23th, 1593, will g«t a Cash Bonus ct £25. second £ls. third £lt‘, fourth £i. fifth £3, six h £2, The next fifty £1 each, and tne u-xt ono huuurod 10j caok, payable April lota, 189> titaw, itoaiusyn and Co., “ The Hall,'* High ctroot, i-Lriss church. ?iii_ ANTED Known—Tho Customer who spends the moat mousy with ns from Oct. Ist to Feb. 28th, 1893, will a tit a Cash Bonus of £ls, second £li, .hir i £lO, fourth£s, fifth £3, sirth £2. The next fifty £lesoh, aud tno next one hundred 10aeach, payable April 10th, 1893, hkiw, Robin. son and Ou., “The Hall,” Higu s treat, chtist. church. Xl4l 'ANTED Known —That I have for sale, on terms as easy as paying icnt, a House of ll" rooms aud biihroom, fitted witn every convan once, niomeettou of land. Thoao »o prop rty has a splendid bitiiatioum tho north west part of the o-ty, aud is convenient io the College and the High Schools, trice £750. Cards to view from Allan Hopkins, Cathedra square. X 205 'ANi eD Known—To Xnvoscr-, Tru-tess, and others—That 1 have looaivec. instructions to B di at a sacrifice, within five minutes' walk of the centre of city, and having n splendid s:t;i tion, a well-fitted house of 5 cotuforUbl > roues, washhouse onpp-r in b-fos, Ehud Am, <-m>eighth of an . se.diiu., no ly p.antoii, »B('!i.ui patus. This jnopnrty must oun.’.n uicl cany attention either for a home or ns a !irat.o a;is apecu a-ti-m. Photo can bo seen, ail necessary iufurra.ttion obtained, on ajvltoui u t > -ill.-.u a, Cathedral Bquar«, 212 XiOojaii,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIX, Issue 9926, 4 January 1893, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIX, Issue 9926, 4 January 1893, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIX, Issue 9926, 4 January 1893, Page 3