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HvTSOVLTt <& C® Wollingtoa U aecoubt & CJO.,; . AUCTIONEERS. STOCK AND STATION AGENTS, SHAREBROKERS, &c„ LAMBTOH QUAY, WELLINGTON, PROPERTIES FOR SALE. TARANAKI. 1 COiOiiEf, near Eltham; SO acres in grass, balance light bush. Trail watered, sis- 1 roomed honao, good orchard. J?rieo £S 10s per acre. 324 QQJI ACRES, about 2\ mileo from Stratford; WOW 250 aoroa in grass, balance bust, sis' paddocks, eevon-roomod house and outbuildings.; Price £3 per acre. 206 j A oa» AUK Ha, Urenui, Taranaki*; open grassed, -sit)!? land, eleven paddocks, well watered, eightroomed honee and outbuildings, healthy situation.; Price £5 10s per acre. 351 o«ro ACRES, six miles from Stratford, one ‘JO milu from good school; 180 acres in grass,. balance in light bush, two miles from Dairy Factory, good cottage, dairy, to., 12 acres in crop.; Price £s los per acre. 431' 1j 1 jt?j j ACRES, Urenui, about seven miles from! I*”” Waitaru Freezing Worts, all in grass except 200 acres, well watered und fenced; at present carrying 2000 ewes and thoir lamba ; eight-, roomed House and outbuildings. Price £3 ids per, acre. 004 OA.7K ACRES, Inglewood, two flag stations on £AS J O property, three road frontages, watered by two streams, excellent level land, 300 acres in grass, balance light hush. Cheap, SOs par, acre, 425 divided into 9 paddocks, and watarad by! two good streams, all live fences. Good seven-; roomeddwelling-honeo and outbuildings; closo to public school, post easy terms. 477 /won ACRES near To Boti, aoouroly fenced and : JOU subdivided into 9 paddocks, all in grass;60 acres ploughed and 30 acres stumped ready fori ploughing. New house (cost £3-0), stable,buggy shod, woolshed, yards, &c.; a well-improved form. Price £9per acre; easy terms. 378 ROK AGKKIr, about 4J miies from Eltham, all Utltl grassed, fenced, divided into paddocks and wall watered; live-roomed Cottage with all necessary outbuildings. Price fi? 10a par acre. 389 •A.K(\ ACRES, highly improved, rich and level,; tKiStr Trail watered, four paddocks, live fences; Ms-roomod House, Dairy, Stables, &o. Price £1950. 79' WANGANUI AND EANGITIKEX. HA A ACRES, Wanganui District; 480 uorea in grass, four paddocks, three-roomed Cottage and outbuildings, first-dnso sheep country.. Price £3lO-j per acre. 293, l> Aft ACRES, about 9 miles from Wanganui, alb Cud in grass; fenced and subdivided into 10 paddocks, nil well watered, Excellent * sheep; country, with about 100 acres rich, flat land. Good dwelling-house and outbuildings. Price £3 per; aore. 501 '(iQfl ACRES, near Haloombo, all in English; li/Jyvl grasses, fenced, and subdivided into twelve paddocks, well watered; three-roomed cottage and outbuildings. One mile from station. Price S3loa por acre. . 443 Af\S\ ACRES, near Balls, wall grassed and ifUti watered; fenced and divided into paddocks; six-roomed honed, woolshad, yords, so.' Carries four sheep per ■ acre. Price £ll per acre. ' 449 MANAWATU. RKft ACRES first-class unimproved bush land,! UifU within 4J miles of Shannon, on the Wellington and Hanawatu Railway; nearly all flit, land. Prion £3 per acre. * SR ‘* ft-jfj ACRES unimproved land, about 3 milea. from Shannon; exoeUsut sheep country, Pries £2los per acre. *534 Q ACRES first-olaes arable land near Longhorn,; on Main road; 8 acres have been cropped;] two-roomed cottage and born. Price £2OO. *533 . OQK ACliEi unimproved bush land about 3 miles from .Shannon; first-class sheep country. Price £2 10a per sore. *535 ■ i/j ACRES unimproved bush land in the Para-, paramu block, on the Manawatu Company's lino, about S i miles from Wellington.; There are about 200 acres fiat land, the balance: being undulating and hilly ; well-watered, with lsl miles river frontage. Price 30s per aore. 529 1 QQ ACRES in the Waiopohu Survey District,! o*s Manawatu Company's line, about 3 miles from a railway station, by a good road. Undulating and flat land ooverea in mixed bush. Price, £4 10s per aore, 520 £*e-j .aCKEs on the Manawatu Company’s line,' 00 1 principally hilly land with good rich flats,; Well adiipfed for sheep, all in mixed bash and: well watered. Price, 65s per acre, 521 ■ (adjoining No, 621), principally hilly land, with covered rich river flats, Woll watered. Un-| improved. Price, 70s per acre. £22 ; Aibii ACRES oa the Manawatu Company’s lino, ueulf tdjqioing a railway station ana close to a township. All in good English grasses; rich, level land, well watered ; esouroly fenced and subdivided into 17 paddocks; a large portion of the lend hes been cropped. Substantial dwelling-! house of 10 rooms, with extensive outbuildings.; This is an extremely valuable property. 624 ntj ACRES adjoining tho township of Awabuci,. i A securely fenced nud subdivided into 4 pad-! docks. The whole of the land has been cropped, l but is at present laid down in good English grasses, fcix-roomod house, stable, yards, ltd., about half-mile from public school, Price £lO par aero, 431 ■j ACRES about one mile from Bainesae Kail- 1 way station, Manawatu, all fenced and sub divided into sis paddocks, all in grass and well watered. Good four-roomed house, woolahed, yards, stebloa, and splendid orchard. Carries 8 sheep per acre, i'rico £lllos por acre. 451 4&30 near Sandon, all fenced and sub-. divided into ten paddocks, well grassed; and watered, and nearly all plonghable. Good sixroainad house, stables, woolshed, dip, &o. Price' £l2 per wore. 453 ’2OO * n Birmingham Block, near Feilding, hold on deferred payment. With, £IOO still due to the Crown; 170 aores in grass, balance light bush, woll watered and ring-fenced.; Price £6 ner acre. 455 1 /LC.) Ti ACRES, about 3 miles from Peilding, i c xistl C ll cleared, grassed, fenced and subdivided into 12 paddocks; all ploughablo laud: about 300 acres now in crop, well watered. Good, eight-roomed house, stable, woolshod, yards, dip, &c. trios .£7 103peracre, 438 503 AOBf S, absut C miles from Eeilding, by a good road; all felled and grassed, ring, fenced and well watered; at present currying 2iUO sheep. Price £8 Ss parsers. 446 ACRKS, ab.iut two miles from Foilding, all in grass, loaned and Bubdlvlded into padcocks, well watered; good dwelling-house and outbuildings, orchard, to. Price, £7 per acre. Half, cash. 466 (win ACHES, on the Makino road, about seven wW niilos from Peilding, nearly all in bush. Ptice £3 15s per aero, 441 o--/:; ACRES, about two and a half miles from; "/'■f Peilding, all fenced, grassed and sub-, divided into paddocks, all good plonghable land ;; four-roomed house, garden and orchard. Price £7 per acre. 442 1330' 1 Qi ACRES, being partof Section 30, Waiwotu, Ai’2 I.ower Hutt, about one and a half miles from railway station; beautiful flower garden and lawn, two vineries, and about two acres orchard;! six-roomed house, with every convenience and out-i buildings. Price and terms on application, 393 1 w>., A aapa. AiiD-PAHtATUA-. . ... in the Alfredtowa District j about 400 acres under grass, 500 aores fern land and 430 acres standing bush ; fenced and sabdivided into 6 paddocks. Good 8-roomed dwellinghouse and outbuildings. _ Price £2 2s per aore. 242 AH ACRES at Nui Nai, about three miles from -“3 tho Lower Hutt Railway Station ; first-cUss level agricultural land, most of it having been cropped, and subdivided into six paddocks, and well watered. Six-roomed house, stable, barn, sheds, implements, &c. Price for the whole £2OOO. 470 €Mlj ACRES, near the Mangamahoe Railway station ; about 300 acres in grass, the balance being bush ; nearly all fenced and subdivided into six paddocks, wall-watered. Pour, roomed dwelling-house, large wooished, sheepyards, garden, &o. Carried throe sheep to the aore last winter. Chiefly limestone formation. Price £4 Gs per acre. 375 A? ft Art ACRES Rich land. fn tho Wairarapa, of JVUw papa formation, and three-parts arable; fenced and subdivided into 11 paddooks, with good dwelling-house and station build nga. At pr-.ssnt carrying 7000 sheep. Price £3 per aore, stock given In. • 243 KAWKE’B BAY AND POVEP.TY BAY. QKAft ACRES good grazing country in tho poverty Bay district, about sixteen miles from Gisborne. Title, Land Transfer, Unimproved. Price SOs per sore. 305 ACRES of unimproved land of fair quality, till/If tf covered with mixed foru rnd bush, in the Poverty Bay district, closo to a County roid. Price 2Cs per core, 806 fifinn ACRES in tho Poverty Bay district, Ifuvtf partly grassed; good fencing and building timber on tho property. Price 2Gu por acre. 307 ijrfm ACRES unimproved, healthy shsep MtIUV country, situated on tho coast in tho Poverty Bay district; excellent timber. Price 22a per acre. 308 qq imnACßESunimprovedlandinthePovarty GOjUlfw Bay district; principally rolling hills and river flals, covered in butb and scrub. Prico 10a per acra. 303 O/jZfi ACRES in tho Poverty Bay District, partly pettf V grassed, well watered, and easily handled. Price2ssper aero. 311 ACRES first-olasa Bush land in the Poverty ulflfW Bay District; unimproved. Price 30s por acre. 249 ■s -1 AORES, Crown Grant. Tho bulk of A 1 j'lrJJ'l/ this is rich soil, c. small portion bush. Bix good i addooku. New and commodious house, woolehed, men’s cottage, stock and sheep yards. TTtii.i a little improvomont this land would east’} 6HFry 15,000 sheep. Six thousand sheep (merino)! 60 cattle, 15 horses, and all requisite station plant given in. XTico £10,000; terms—one third cash, balance on easy terms. 2£9m OOPtp ACRES oa main road to Gisborne; soil of excellent duality: auhdivirt«fl intn to of excellent quality; subdivided into 12 paddooks; 11-roomed house, with bathroom and other conveniences, woolshed, dip.yords, £tc. Good orchard and garden. At present carrying 4000 sheep and. 250 head cattle, which can ho had at valuation. 10C0 acres ploughablo. Government bohool on site taken from the property. Price £4 12s Cd per aero. 313 1 ACRES Freehold land. Title, Land, Jit/* Vv/1.? Transfer. LnhfHvidnrJ iri+rtlßnt^nolra <5 \ju>y Transfer. Subdivided into 18 puddocksj with 6 and 7-wiro (barbed) fences, in all 37 milea, 1 besides 16 miles river frontage. 7300 acres are, undo: English grasses, including 1050 acres felled bush; 10-roomed house, woolshed for 12 shearers, cottage, store, workshop, stables, men's quarters, smithy, and other outbuildings, concrete dip with water laid on, several Bats o£ drafting yards, Ac. Farm implements, ploughs, harrows, winnowing machine, to. The run is at present carrying present carrying 15,C00 skosp (half merino and half oross-hrsa), 00 cattle and 20 horses. Price £2 per acre, with stock, implements and improvements given in, Terms: One-third omli, balance on mortgage. SlOji QQ! AOREB, of which 6334 acres are freehold. 00 xv and 8583 acres leasehold; about four miles from Gisborne; woll watered and partly improvei; ten miles fencing recently erected. About SflO acres rich flit, tho balance undulating and hilly thoap country. At present carrying 10,000 sbeop, 40 cattle and 10 hors -3. An excellent property, I'rieu £30,000, stock given in. *Es3 1 Not*.—'Tho above properties, &0., aro a few only of a largo number placed in our hands far eale. Full particulars arc given in " Tho Register pnd Property Investors' Guide,** published monthly, issued gratis, and may ho had oa appli-' fiation» - -

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9510, 4 September 1891, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9510, 4 September 1891, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXVI, Issue 9510, 4 September 1891, Page 8