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Business Notices. HORSE CLOTHS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES FOE SEASON 1 8 9 0. ■RTTOTWITHSTANDING the Rise in Pries o£ all hinds c£ Materials, wa havedeternuned on SELLING JJvl Our Celebrated HORSE CLOTHS this Season Cheaper than ever, and much under Wholesale Prices. The following CASH PRIOR LIST speaks for itself/ BACH COVERS, formerly DRAUGHT COYBSS, formerly TARPAULINS Equally Cheap, All Sizes - Kept in Stock. ; Wa ara Solo Agents for Rodda way’s Celebrated COTTON BELTIN G, which is manufactured from 'only tho heat Egyptian Cotton, and has proved itself the Best and Cheapest in the Market, ptock kept from 2m to Sin; also ENDLEbS BELTb for Threshing Machines, Sin and 6in. MARQUEES ON HIRE FROM 12 x 24 to 20 x 80. ALSO, SMALL TENTS AND FLAGS. ( B. HALE & CO., SAIL, TENT, TARPAULIN, FLAG, HORSE-COVER, AND OILSKIN CLOTHING ' MANUFACTURERS, AND ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS, < CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. ..■ ASK FOR LIEBIG COMPANY’S EXTEACT § MEAT* AND SEE THAT EACH JAB HEARS BAEON LIEBIG’S SIGNATURE IN BLUE INK ACROSS THE LABEL. FINEST AND CHEAPEST MEAT-FLAVOURING STOCK FOE SOUPS, MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. INVALUABLE AS AN EFFICIENT TONIC IN ALL CASES OP WEARNESS, KEEPS GOOD IN ALL CLIMATES AND FOB ANT LENGTH OP TIME TO BE HAD OF ALL STOREKEEPERS AND DEALERS. LIEBIG’S EXTRACT OF MEAT COMPANY, LIMITED,’ PENCHUECH AVENUE, LONDON, ENGLAND. 7623 COOKE ET BOOKS can be obtained at the office of this paper. SPECIALLY AUTHORISED WHOLESALE A&SZ9EB FOR NEW ZEALAND, MESSRS P. HAYMAN & CO,, DUNEDIN. CHRISTCHURCH, WELLINGTON, AND AUCKLAND. THE ABOVE CARET A COMPLETE STOCK OP H. E. KUGELMANN & CO.’S STANDARD HERBAL MAGNETIC REMEDIES, Which may be obtained from ail CHEMISTS AND STOREKEEPERS ALL OVER THE GLOBE, _ LOCAL AGENTS FOR H. E. KUGELMANN & CO.’S MAGNETIC MEDICINES— Those Goods can be procured from the following— CHRISTCHURCH—W. R. Cooke, High street ; Cook and Boss, Colombo street; Wallace and Co., Triangle. &SEBURTON C. M. Brooke, Chemist; John Obb and Co., Mercbaata* RAKAIA—C. E.kXi>T and Co.. Merchants. BRETON AND "WAIKASI—W. Vaughan. 4 LYTTELTON—A. B. W-Parsons. AMBERLEY —W. S. Smith and Co. > „rt \ ■•■■■■ RANG lOK A AND OUST—W. J. Cboehkbs AS#o#i - fe , tS -A LEESTON—R. S. Cook. AKAROA— G. F. Dodd, METHVEN—Hxbbb, Bros., Storekeepers fWHBBE UNRIVALLED HERBAL MEDICINES ho universally tetagsa 55 boat in the world. They are quite different to all others known, being Busnrpassed in their universal excellence, They are absolutely speesno Use those ooaplftßw #hr which they are specially prepared, and are free from poiaoa and all mineral drugs* Quite pleasant to take. THE BALSAM OF PARADISE FOR ALL LUNG AND THROAT DISEASES. As Bronchitis, Asthma, Wheezing, Coughs, Colda, Fog Paver, Sore Throat, Blooding from Lungs, Tightness on the Chest, Inflammation of Lungs* Collapse of the Air Cells* Indnratiwa of Lungs, Congestion of Lungs, &o. It is the only medicine known to mankind that will completely cure consumption in its early stages* It is composed of choice fruits, flower seeds* gums, balsams, and herbs. It renovates and fattens the weakest constitution, alike of younjp or old. It is exceedingly pleasant to take, and causes an immediate improvements all wa* take it. Sold inbottles at 2a 6d, 43, 6a, and lOs^ « THE BOOM OP THE COMING CBNTTJET.” H. B. Kugelmann's EL&CTKIC FSSENOE.—An external remedy for all p&teß OT ache®* Nothing like this has ever been known, and nothing else will ever equal it. If you have ft rheumatism or gouty pain that you do notosid about)* obtain a bottle of this -Electric JSswflOfi and it will make you happy. Use it for sprained backs* knee joints, all swellings, dropsy, back ache, sciatica, neuralgia, weak spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness, cramps, quinsy* mumps, diphtheria, croup, and for all pains and aches. Never be without it for snake bite* and all bites of insects or stings, and for burns, cuts and scalds. Price, 3a od and 7s. H. E. KUGELMANN’S EYE OINTMENT AND ANODYNE EMOLEENT. This ia undoubtedly tho finest Pharmaceutical Product of the century. An immediate cure for chilblains anil frostbites, Nothing hitherto known can compare with this Ointment tor its marvellous excellence, elegance of combination and superior effectiveness, it wiu euro alt eye diseases, as sun blight, sandy blight, watery blight, matter or husaonry blight, inflammation of ©yes and lids, chronic ophthalmia, and all and every eye disease $ and as well it is the best and nicest thing possible for fly bite, mosquito bites or stingsiof scorpions* •antipodes, spiders, &c„ and for sore throats, coughs, mumps, quinsy, «<*,. V 10 splendid. All weak nervous persons should use it to> *ub well in down the spin® and.onjbus estomach. We guarantee that all who übo this once will never be without it. Bold only ia {ara at 20 6d and 5a each, H. E. KUGBLMANN’S HERBAL MAGNETIC OINTMENT. This unrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly the best ointment ever elaborated forcuriag .M sores, bad legs, ulcers, fistulas, piles, bleeding piles, eruptions of th« akin, broken Chilblains, entih wounds, Ac., Ac. In jars at Is, Is fid, is 6d, and 5a each, THE HERBAL MAGNETIC TONIC LIVER AND STOMACH RESTORER. For a!’, liver complaints, biliousness, jaundice, congested liver, enlarged liver and oplsea, languor, drowsiness, pains between the shoulders, chronic Indigestion and all stomach com. plaints, heartburn, flatulency, sour stomach, vomiting of food, loss of appetite, «ok headache, nervousness, nervous debility, prostration, and the convalescing stages of Ml Mot. diseases. Bald in bottles at 5a and 10s each, THE NATURAL ELECTRIC BLOOD PURIFIES. This median" has no equal for all blood and skin diseases, perfectly free from meremy, acsenic and all mineral drugs. N ever fails to cure tho worst forms of scrofula, scurvy, eoaama, iteh, ulcers, abscesses, sore legs and breasts, and all having their origm in the blood. It will work wonders in every case, without exception, gee handbook. Prices, u fid, to M, and IDs fid each bottle. THE FL UID HERBAL LIFE. This is the soul of plants, an absolute specific for chronic neuralgia, face ache, teeth ache, Ito doloreux, swollen face, gumboil, and earache. Price, is fid and 3s per bottle. HERBAL MAGNETIC LIVER PILLS. "’hese Pills ara unrivalled, nud superior to all others for all liver troubles, biHoumesa, eoettveneas. giddiness, indigestion, wind, and heartburn. They are composed solely of the vital properties of herbs, are coated and tasteless. At Is fid and 3s each;. Those should ka kept la •vory house, as they are a sure cure for numberless ills. 7 * THE CHILDREN’S VITAL ESSENCEThis is a liquid food medicine, prepared and adapted exclusively for permanently removing the ailments and diseases of infants aud children in every country and climate. It gives life, anerev flesh, bone and muscle to the frail and wasted infant, and will restore the health, vitality vigour, and plumpness of the weak, diseased, or sickly child. Being pleasant to take. It is readily taken by all. Sold ia two sizes eolj, price 2a 6d and 5a each, with our guarantee attached, without which it cannot he genuine. ' HERBAL MAGNETIC ASTHMA CURB. This unrivalled Herbal Compound i- undoubtedly the beat inhalant in all-asthmatioal com, plaints and difficult breathing, as dry asthma, humid asthma, spasmodic asthma, nerrou. asthma, bronchitis, wheezing, tightness on tho oheit, catarrh, hay fever, colds ia the head, AC., Ac. Sold at 3s fid, 6s and XOs. HERBAL MAGNETIC SNEEZING POWDER. This ia a most useful little remedy of a very uniform and positive character. It has keen devised and used for many years for colds in the head, catarrh in the nose, hay.-fever, ocena* 1 polypa%#ad all Obßtruathuis in the nose or nasal passages, Sold at 2a, So. H. B. KUGELMANN & CO., ' SOLE PBOPBIEIOKS. ' MANUFACTURERS OF ELECTRIC AND PROPRIETARY MSDICIHffIa; • ' Distillers of Essential Oils and Medical Liqueurs, Ac., &o„ * - > FOURTH AVENUE, NEW TORT CITY, U.S.A. 4 fr-mr-t—w-m- Head Office and Warehouse, 172 and 174, William street, Melbouraoi VlfltMta. cod Establishment at ** Mount Paradise," Gesabrood, tiSi Stoariptive Handbook, mailed fre WB d®(BBCX kb haiupoatapplSimSissi.

London and geneeal watee puEiry ING COMPaNT’S (LIMITED) ■ patent cisteen p id tees. Charged solely with animal charcoal, requiring, when once fixed, no attention whatever, and superior to all others. Vide Professor Frantland s reports to the Kegiatrar-General, July, 1060, November, 1807, and May, 1870. The “Lancet," January 12, 1867. Also testimonials from Dr H assail, September 23,1863; the late Dr Letheby, February 15,1865, and December, 1872. Price, £llos and upwards. Portable Filters on this system, £lss to £3. Patronised and used by Her Majesty the Uueeih at Osborne, by the Prince of Wales* at Sandringham, by H.E.H. the Duke of Edmbargb, at Eastwell, by H.E.H. the Duke o£ Connaught, at Bagshot Park, by H.E.H. the Duke of Cambridge, the 51ite of the medical profession, and all tne London, Westminster, St Georges, fat Mary s Consumption, Fever, and German Hospitals, and various Lunatic Asylums, Institutions, Breweries. &0., and by all the schools established by the School Board for London. Pocket filters, 4s 6d and 6a eaohi Household and fancy filters, from 12s. Water Testing Apparatus for detecting impurities in water, 10s 6d and 21s each, _ “The Tasting Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities ia Water is a most convenient and portable one. VMe 011 tllo “Preliminary Duties of Health Officers, 57 Strand, W.C. (four doors from Somerset House), London. “Bead Waters its Impurities and Purification. Price, per post. Go. UDIAN cigaeettes of cannaba INDICA; GEIMAULT & CO.'S (Paris). Asthma, Nervous Coughs, Chrohic Lartngitis, Hoaeseness, X'OflS OP voice, Pacial, and Insomnia, are rapidly relieved by nß SoldbTaU throughout the Colonies..

IMPROVED NOISELESS TYEES, CAEMONT'S PATENT. THE NOISELESS TTEE COMPANY, Limimd, are now prepared to execute orders for their Sociality in Rubber Tyros. The advantages offered are absolute sacority against the rucbtr oonung out of place on the roughest roads, and, being noiseless, offer perfect luxury to the ooceupants of carriage a having) these* tyres, together with undoubted economy, as the old cumbrous way of applying rubber is superseded by the Garment process. The following i ostimonial has beengiven Copy of letter from H. 8. Eenahaw, M.D.: •• Sale Bridge House, Sale, March 27,1883. “ Dear Sir,—The noiseless indlarubber tyrss fixed to my open carriage have worn remarkably jell. For several months and on an average o and the saving of wear and tear to all parts of the carriage is doubtless very groat 5 over rough roads the noiseless character of the tyre is almost perfect, as over the roughest way the vibration is reduced to a rniTnli n i i TTl r and is no more perceptible ishan in running over the smoothest. They have in avery way given me great satisfaction. Please supply my brougham with the same kind of tyres Ait your earliest oonvoni3nco« <■ 1 am, yours truly, * H. S. Eehskaw, M.D.” These tyres, which can he applied to carriages, mbnlanoes, &0., eon he seen at Messrs 'Windovor’s, Coachbuilders, 154, Piccadilly; and at .Messrs Porder and Co.'s, Limited, Hansom Cab Builders, 7 Upper St Martin's lane, London, Application from the trade and others to he made to the Noiseless Tyre Company, Limited, 20, St Ann’s Square, Manchester. TS" ONDON JOURNAL, Holiday Number, Price J 8 j sd the Double Number, Issued in June. •of exceeding beauty and pathos,"—” Adver. tiser."

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 9093, 2 May 1890, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 9093, 2 May 1890, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXXIII, Issue 9093, 2 May 1890, Page 7