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Business IQ'otieas', A WOBD TO THE WISE. AS GOOD WINE NEEDS NO BUSH, SO GOOD TEA NEEDS NO BLENDING. not bo misguided bj those who puff thoir Blended Teas, but, if you have any regard for you liver, uaa in future only OUR PURE UNBLENDED TEAS. BEAD PROFESS OE BIGKERTON’S REPORT IN « TIMES ” THE DAY AFTER TO-MORROW. TEICES, FOE CASH ONLY, I s B°, 2 5 2 D , and 2 s 8 d fbr lb. Eeduotiona made of Id, 2d, and 3d per lb respectively for 121 b Box. THE CHINA TEA COMPANY’S 'DEPOT, DUNCAN'S BUILDINGS, CORNER. OS’ CASHED AND MANCHESTER STREETS, CHRISTCHURCH. Orders by Post will receive immediate attention. Business Hours—Nine to six ; Saturdays mne to nine. 743/ THE PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE- OF NEW ZEALAND OFFERS GREAT ADVANTAGES TO PERSONS TO PERSONS TO PERSONS TO PERSONS TO FOREIGN about t"> make their wills, and desiring- to secure the faithful execution of thoir last wishes, about to marry and make 1 provision by mintage contract or settlement. ' contemplating tbo settling of thoir estate, or of a sum or sums of money by trust deed. desirous of constituting trusts for charitable or benevolent objects TRUSTEES bolding moneys in trust for parsons resident in All such should obtain detailed information from the PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Custom Bouse Quay, Wellington; or from ACLAND, BARNS & CO., 7615 LOCAL AGENTS AT CHRISTCHURCH. THE LATEST! ! E. W. MARRIOTT AND COMPANY, TnrAVXNG .List Received from England. one of POX AND WHEELER’S PATENT JLiL “THOROUGH" FRUIT CLEANERS, with Latest Improvements, will now supply Kitchen iruit Perfectly, Clean, ready'for use. Customers are invited to cemo and see tamo at work. Also, TEA MACHINE3T, the n=e of w&cIl wi]! cißure equality in tLe blowSs, An otir HP. MARUrOIT has tha entire sujtervision of this iJcpar-iiiGJiu, these justly jfbpular Tons wUI bo found even to guporsede thoir lc»rm*.r excellence:— Sold in 41b, 11b, an f 21b j>iicketß, not v.eiqht, at la 2<3, Is #3, Is 6d, IsOd, 2s, 2g 4d, 2s (3d per lb. Also, in Tins, containing 51b> 81b, or 101 b, at 2d per lb reduction: half chest, 4js to £i : original Os to 21s. The above are well bought, and sold at half the utual profit. We have no room this.mouth to quote prices, but guarantee to supply every article in tho Grocery Trade at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, J Hours Of Business : 8 a.m, to 6 p,m. Price List cn application. ORDER 3 SOLICITED AND GOODS DELIVERED DAILY. ONLY ADDRESS— B. W. MARRIOTT AND COMPANY, TEA, GROCERY ASD GENERAL IMPORTERS, CASH ITALIAN WAREHOUSE. 171 Cashel street, opposite The Cafe. ASK FOR LIEBIG COMPANY’S EXTRACT S MEAT, AND SEE THAT JSACH JAR BEARS BARON LIEBIG’S SIGNATURE IN BLUE INK ACROSS THE BABEL. FINEST AND CHEAPEST MEAT-FLAVOURING STOCK POP. SOUPS, MADS DISHES AND SAUCES. INVALUABLE A 3 AN EFFICIENT TONIC IN ALL CASES OP WEAKNESS. KEEPS GOOD IN ALL CLIMATES AND FOR ANY LENGTH OP TIME. TO BE HAD OF ALL STOREKEEPERS AND DEALEE3, LIEBIG’S EXTRACT OP MEAT COMPANY, LIMITED, 7623 FENCHURCH AVENUE,.LONDON, ENGLAND. Business notices. Medical. j'jpUE MERCANTILE AND BANKRUPTCY GAZETTE OF NEW ZEALAND With which is incorporated. “ Thk Weekly Auvertiskr*'). PUBLISHED EVERY S/TURI>4Y MORNING. Contains — Particulars of .Bills of Sale,' Stock Mortgages, Ileus on Woo iand on Crops, Bailments, Aiiidavi!.B of Sat la faction, BauErupfcy Petitions, and Discharges, <!tc,, tiled during each week. Also, Corotuify.revisad Share and Produce Market Reports, Latest Legal Dooieions, Original Articles, illustrating tho Working cl Commercial Law, and other interesting ud valuable matter. ABSOLUTELY INDISPENSABLE TO THE safety of all traders. Terma: II 7eCd (including Digest) per annum, LiuiVtly Payable in Advance. Free Sample Copies obtainable from the Proprietors, B. T. WHEELER & CO., Dunedin, Accounts Collected for Subscribers. AGENCIES.EVERYWHERE. THE NEW ZEALAND PKOTEGTION OP GBEDITOhS* SOCIETY., Ib also in connection witli the above Gazette, and the Society pbbsetiita unrivalled facilities for giving RELIABLE PRIVATE INFORMATION as to tho Commercial Standing of Individuals Fer particulars, apply HEAD OFFICE, Dukmiih. Medical. QTILL TRIUMPHANT.—Tha following Medicines line been for many years highly approved of by tho Public, and a Gold Modal awarded them at tile Christchurch Exhibition, viz. FOR HORSES : Colic or Gripe Drink Blister Ointment Embrocation Grease Ointment Condition Powders Hoof did Worm Powders. FOR DOGS: Distemper Powders Mango Ointment for Human umE: RHEUMATIC BALSAM and Cough Syrup, Ever? Article that bears my Mama (•b.S. ) And Trades /-Mark Cv.aJ Is Guaranteed. Beware of Spurious Imitations, CAUTlON,—tWhereas 8. LNSINgER, tho old and most renowned Veterinary Practitioner in tho Australian Colonies —who has 'nt -oilneed his unfailing remedies, end educated tho public to treat their own Horses, Outlie, or l og , by olfeiinghia Medicines at a very low price .for ihc different diseases, see circular) —has, after obtaining a good sale for thorn, now tc Can-ion the Public against Spurious Imitations of bis Btiiuedjet. Some unprincipled people are trying to push the srileof their abominab'e rubbish in opposition to tho genuine article, and Mr Slt-tinger warms'! his Customers not to bo g-u Jed or duped by I S.B. such impostors or their agents, hue that my y Name and Trade Mark is attached to every | V. 3. article. J I will shortly give you tho names and nnmiier of those villains who are now trying to rum me, if they could, by forcing th 5 sale of spurious imitations. Sa.MU. SI,IISINGKit, 7459 Veterinary Surgeon, Dunedin. health fob all. OLLOWAY’B ■ PILLS AND OINTMENT. jj, m These Pilia purify tho blood, correct all dia ordera of tho liver, stomach, kidneys aud .bowels, and arc invaluable'in all complaints incidental to temalcß. The Ointment is tho only reliable remedy for bad Agr, old wounds, sores and ulcers. For bronchi via, diphtheria,jirongbii, ooldn; gout, rhsumathaa and ul Bkiu diaffiisoa it has no equal. bold by the p.-opristor, Thomas Kolloway, 78, New Oxford street, London, and by all M&iidia# Vendors thxouNhoilt, tho World. A"t E I M O N I A L. JUiT PUBLISHED, In Cheap Pamphlet Form, K A TUB It'S HfDOEH T 3 EA3UR If, Bya Frcuoh Dd-ilor. A safe and snro Guido to health and Happiness To married persons, or those about to marry, it fs ivorf.ii its tvuiglit in Diauiolids. Price by post, enclosed in a tu cu e oavtnopr, 1-3 8d I N.Z.) sv.'uup*, Add,etc FAiilaiAN AGENCY, I’.O. Box 76U, Eydttey, Please mention vhia paper. BisLi-L23 yr ASCELLES' Goat and RhettsmWo Pilln, at, jj i once relievo, and in a-few days own gout, rhenmaiiem, sciatica, tin. &o. Buhl id; l s ild aua Is Urt per ho* h,- •’! «.-d Buot’h'ino voudorF H Tj CURE FITS! When I say euro I do rot JL mem merely to stop liftsm for.a tilao and thou have them returii again. I mean a radical cure. 1 have made the disease df PITS, EPILaPBY, or FaLLIKG SIU.K..N tv S■, a life-hmg study, X warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason tor not now receiving (» cure. Send at ouco for a treatise and a Pros Bottle of my iniallible remedy. Give Address in full. It coats you nothing for a trial, and I will enrevou. AddrosaDH H. G. BOOT, S, Plum Tree, Ct,, Farringdon street, London, England. 6182 ;POK THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." CdLAEKE'S WORLD - FAMED BLOOD MIXTOBE. Tho’G reat Blood Puriilei 1 and Restorer. Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World. Foi^ cleansing and clearing tho hlood from all impurities, oflunot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula-, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, aifd Sores of all kinds it ia a ncver-'faiiiiig and permanont cure. It cures old sores Cures ulcerated sores on tho neck Cures ulcerated sore legs Cures blackheads, or pimples on tho face Cures scurvy sores Cures cancerous ulcers Quras blood and shin diseases Cures glandular swellings Clearo tho blood from ail impure matter From whatever causa arising. As this mixture is pleasant to tire taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to tho most delicate constitution of eithorreox, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to teat its value. Thoueandß.or testimonials from ail parts. Sold in bottles 2s 9d;cach, and in casesj containing sin times tho quantity. Us each—sufficient to effect a permanent euro in Die great mujoritv of long-standing cases, hy all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world. Proprietors; The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. England. TRADE MARK—“BLOO'-D MIXTURE.” 5953 c. 0.6. COTTLE’S COLONIAL CUBE, In Two Forms, for HOUSEHOLD AND'VETERINARY USE. Testimonials on Bottle.?. TSE NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY ARE NO W WHOLESALE AGENTS For these Medicines throughout New Zealand, iustead of P, Hayman-and Co. Wholesale Agents— THE NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY, Chrittehurch, Wellington, Auckland, (TO7 and Dunediu. JP RICE’S J? ESVENTATIVE FOR SEA-SICKNESS. Praised hy Thousands who have used it. EASTERN DISPENSARY, Hereford Street. fi-TOKTON’S CAMOMILE PILLS ill THE BEST REMEDY MORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS for isDiaEanos. N ORTON’S CAMOMILE PIDLS WITH JUSTICE CALLED ]' ORTON’S CAMOMILE PILLS THE KATURAL ST^KSgTHEIiTEB 'ORTON’S CAMOMILE PILLS OF THE HITMAN STOMACH A Powerful Tonic akb Gentle Aperient. 6173 ONE BOX of CLARKE’S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, 'Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in boxes 4s dd each, by all Chemists and Patent lllodi. cine Vehdors. Proprietors, Lincoln, England. Export Agents, Burgoyne, Burbidges nlili Co„ Coleman street, London. Newbery and Sons, 37, Newgate street, London. Barclay and Sum), 95, Farriwedou street, London. Snngsr and Soils, Oxford etrebt, London. And all the Loudon whole, sulo house:;. Auuuts for Now Zenbrud : KEMPTHURNE, FUOSoER & CO., 064 Christchurch, Diluodin, and Aucidnrid, 0.0.0. BOTTLE’S COLONIAL CURE. Try tho Hew Eucr.lyptus Household Remedy, ■iniermdiv for COUGHS, COLD, CROUP, SORE THEOA-T, IiIPHTIiLKIA, &c, Extemaßy for CHILBLAINS, CHU.H IALaS, CHILBLAINS, CUTS. iVOUrCDi BURNS, &o. Ask vmu- Chamis . or Storekeeper for Cdi'Ti.K’S I. OI.DNIAI. CUBA. Te-timoaidhf with Bettl-.s. i’.Z. DRUG UJif Pa NY, iv huieoaio A (route.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8557, 10 August 1888, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8557, 10 August 1888, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXX, Issue 8557, 10 August 1888, Page 7