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Medical. JTTLIEN’S purgative fruit A Vegetable, Laxative, and Refreshing Bon-Bon in case* of CONSTIPATION. TfULEEN’S FRUIT, -which is an exclusively * V vegetable purgative, has the appearance of a nice Bon-Bon, and has a very agreeable taste. It is perfectly harmless and is recommended iu the treatment of Gastritis Gastralgia Liver Diseases Dyspepsia Dysentery Skin Diseases MIDY'S SANTAL Its refreshing qualities are valuable to all persona who have predispositions to apoplexy and neadahhe. If given to children it prevents convulsions and acts as a deporgative iu the care of mumps and crusts, juxienTchemist, 8, Eue Vivienne, Paris. Agents in Dunedinßainsbory, EUiadon A Co. These are now used in he Hospitals of Paris in place of Copaiba, Cubebs and astringent liquids, and will cure in forty, eight hours all derangements of CAPSULES Urinary Organs in either sex wnjriDojjx.o. w itii o ut, inconvenience of any hind. GatMAtiLT A Co„ Paris. Melbourne: W. Fo«x> A Co,, And of all Chemists throughout & ustralia. 7490 Steedman’s a ©OOTHTNG X® JL OWDEES Vor Children Cutting Teeth. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. The value of this well known Family Medicine has been largely tested in all parts of ho World, and by all grades of society, for upwards of fifty years. Its well-earned extensive sale < boa induced spurious imitations, some of which in ontward appearance so closely resemble the original as to deceive many purchasers. The Proprietor therefore feels it due to the public to give A SPECIAL CAUTION against the use of such imitations. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristics, without which none are genuine r—--Ist,—ln every case the words “JOHN STEEDMAN, Chemist, Walworth, _ Surrey,'* are engraved on the Government stamp affixed to each-packet. 2nd,—Each single powder has directions for the does, and the words “JOHN STEEDMAN, Chemist, Walworth, Surreyi” printed thereon. 3rd.—The name Steadman is always spelt with two EE’s. ■ith,—The manufacture is carried on solely at Walworth, Surrey. Sold,in Packets by all chemists and medietas vendors at Is lid and 2s &tl each. Agents for Christchurch— X 796 226 KEMPTHOENE, PROSSER A CO. A SURE REMEDY FOR BALDNESS ICEMAN'S ECLIPSE HA I E PRODUCER. (Registered). THIS PREPARATION ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS A NEW DISCOVERT tor tne Growth of Hatron the Head and Pace; for removing and preventing Dandruff, and arresting the fall of the Hair. It cares any Disease of the Sculp, and causes new growth on the head after being bald for years. Whore it has become weak and thin, from whatever cause, it quickly restores it to its natural vigour. Christchurch, N.Z , Aug. 15,1567. Mb Hickman, Dear .-ir,—lf my testimony to the efficacy of your Hair Producer is of any value to you, you ere at liberty to make whatever use of it you may think proper. About sis years ago my n*ir began to fall off in irregular patches, and although. I tried seven.! supposed “ infallible remedies,’’ was unable to check the steady progress towards baldness, About fifteen months since I was induced to try your Hair Producer ; at first I did not notice much improvement, but as I bad been using it rather spasmodically, and not carrying out your instructions, 1 determined to give It a fair trial, and nso it regularly, and as often as directed. My perseverance was amply rewarded, uud t am glad to say that my hair baa grown as thick as it ever was, and quite its original colour, which is vary remarkable, considering that I um over fifty years of age.— Yours faithfully, H. THOMSON, J. £*. Each Bottle contains supply for one month. PRICE, ("GEO. BONNINUTuN. QOULU * GO. An opt COCK A ROSS. W. R, COOK. {. AND ALL CHEMISTS. General Agents-N.Z. DHVO COMPANY. 2215 CURE OF SKIN ' DISEASE. Hazeldean Road, Addington, July 17tb, ISB7. To Mr William R. Cooke. DEAR Slß,—With much pleasure I write this testimonial. I have been suffering with a very bad arm for the last twelve months. 1 have been under several doctors, but they all failed to do it any good. The arm was getting worse and worse, till 1 began to think I should lose it. I got no rest night nor day, till I applied to you; and from the time you began to treat me till I was quite well was about five weeks. Hoping this may lead some who are suffering from a similar complaint to cohsult you. Yon are at liberty to make What n»e you like ot this. 1 remain, dear Sir, Very gratefully yours, J. A. DENMAN, During the fifteen years that I have been in my shoo (2U, high street) 1 have cured a very largo nu L-bur of cases of Skin Disease; many of these l=r more difficult than the above. Yet there are f e w people who like to see their names in print in covuevtioti with anything of the kind ; therefore 1 citinot mention names; but 1 guarantee to Cure any case of fckjn Disease. WILLIAM R. COOKE, 241. HIGH STREET, late of Christchurch Hospital. KCT Hies Street Onlt. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BE EC HASPS PILLS Are admitted by thousands to he worth above a Guinea a, Box tor Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such aa Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fullness and Swelling after meals. Dizziness anil Drowsiness, Cold Chißs, Flushings of Heat, Loss ot Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveuess, Scurvy, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed deep. Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations.&c. The first dose will give relief in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for they have dona it in thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly Invited to try one box of these pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females ot all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off all humours and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beechiua’s Pills for removing auy obstruction or irregularity ot the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will noon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, they act like “ magic," and a fowdoees will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of. the human machine. They strengthen tbe whole mnscular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back tbe keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the Rosebud of Health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are “facts" admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of tbe beet guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, Beeobam’s Pills have the largest •ale of auy patent medicine in tbe world. Full directions axe given with each box. Bold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the Colonics. 9250 £jOTTLfc’3 COLONIAL £jUEE. THE NEW EUCALYPTUS PREPARATION. Unsurpassed Remedy for Outs, Wounds, Sores, Colds, Sore Throats, fct*. in two forms —For Veterinary and Household Use. Sample Testimonials received for Household Remedy— Kaiapoi, 23th Ocr., ISvT. Dear Sir, —Your Household Colonial Cura is an excellent remedy for diphtheria. It may be used by the patient as u gargle, or the steam from hot water contemning the Caro inhaled with safety, affording relief, and arresting the disease. Mrs Wilson, who tried u some weeks ngo, found it gave complete results. Dr Murray, who was attending, stated tne extract of Eucalyptus is most valuable in these cases, aud can be resorted to at once till the doctor ia called iu.—Yoursvery truly. T. Cottle, iaq-, fust. J. Lowihjaw Wjlso;;. Wholesale Agents P. HAYMAN & CD. HOLIDAY TRIPS BY SEA. USE PRICE’S PREVENTATIVE FOE /. SICKNES S And Enjoy Yourself. A Certain Remedy. EASTERN DISPENSARY, Hereford stre-r. HEALTH i'Ok Abu. OLLOWAT’B PILLS AND OINTMENT. These Pills parity the blood, correct ali d isaof the liver, stomach, kidneys and bm m h\ re invaluable iu all oomplaiato incidental tu ie the only reliable remedy for bad old wounds, sores and ulcers. For brOTchitss, heria, coughs, oolds, gout, rheumatism J in diseases it has no equal, d by the Proprietor- Thomas Hollow at, . j, Oxford street, Xjonoon, and by all Mediums ore throughout the World. KJTHFUL VIGOR, HAPPY MARRIAGE HEALTHY OFFSPRING, AMedical Treatise by t hat eminent French Hospi tel Physician, Dr UABONBEX, showing antt'e-ers ho ;SP they may cure themaolves of Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Ac., &c. Sent by Post for penny (H.Z.) stamps. Address, Parisian, P. 0., Box 76ti, Sydney. “ A boon to all desiring * self* ours.’"—"Medicalßeview." 8308 i t'i

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 8322, 9 November 1887, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 8322, 9 November 1887, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVIII, Issue 8322, 9 November 1887, Page 7