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Misoellaßaoiui IMPROVED NOISELESS TTBBB. CABMONT’S PATENT, The noiseless ttbe company, limw*b, B are now prepared m bjjjuuw in Rubber Tyree. The advantage offered are absolute eeourity gainst the ruulßi: coming out of place on the roughest roads, and, being noiseless, offer perfect lurury to the; ““onoanto ol QOIBOIOWi uuw yviiovw , Qftn*iajrofl hsviiijf thdsd tojsuiflr tid> doubted economy, as the old oiimhrous way of oouroea eoouymj', o*> - —.-- applying rubber is superseded by the Garment process. The following testimonial has been given. Copy letter from H. S.Benahaw, M.D. : „ *• Bale Bridge House, Sale, March 27,1888, “ Dear Sir,—The noiseless indiaruhher tyres lied to my open carriage have worn remarkably oxeu lo uur upu ~ well. For several months, and or an average of sight hours a-day, they have been driven over aural* auuxo v % —: —t cobble stones, various kinds of sets pun cinder roads, and there is no indication of damage whatever. The luxury of driving quiet without aoisa over the roughest roads is a great comfort The indiarnbber takes off the jolting movement ordinarily perceived In running over cobble Btones, and the saving of wear and tear to all parts of the carriage is doubtless very great; over rough roads the noiseless character of the tyre is almost perfect, as over the roughest way the vibration is reduced to a wiinimnm. and is no more perceptible in running over tae smoothest. They have in every way given me great satisfaction. Please supply my brougham with the same kind of tyres at your earliest convenience. 1 laiQf truly. S. Esnbhaw, M.D.“ These tyres, which can be applied to carriages, mbulances, &0,, can be seen at Messrs Windovers, Ooachbuilders, 154. Piccadilly j and at Messrs Forder and Co.’s, Limited, Hansom Cab Builders, 7, Upper St Martin's lane, London. Application from the trade and others to be made to the Noiseless Tyre Company, Limited, 20, Bt Anns Square, Manchester. B.uon OHBISTMAS AND NEW TEAS CAEDSf rwrrs beg to express our thanks to oar patron. W and friends for the kind and flattering appreciation of our past efforts, and feel a pardonibf* pride at the very emphatic endorsement wbi'jh onr cards have received from the American, B!n ff Hph, German, and Australian Press. With one accord these exponents of publio taste have given onr Cards the first rank over all similar productions In the market. We are hound to maintain this superiority s Mid wo have, as heretofore, spared no expense to create,'with the aid of onr Utgeox. patience, a series of novelties for the Christmas Season, which, we have no doubt, will meet the expectations of the trade. Wo have been singularly fortunate in procuring the assistance of, we may say, representative American talent In the preparation designs, and besides have secured jhe 00-operationi of soma of the most eminent European artists. , . Out line is now completed, and our agents are ps Che road to call on our patrons and friends. An Inspection of the sample hooks will convince them that, in regard to originality and variety of design, excellence and richness in execution, it fa*, exceeds >nr last year’s effort. To give an idea of the high artistic order of the line, we would say that IT oom prises: _ . Figaro Designs by Miss Dora Wheeler, Mist Bogina Emmet, Mias L. B. Humphrey, Miss L. B. rwiimi, Elihu Vedder, Walter Satterlee, A. F. Brooks and others, „ _ „ j Landscape Designs by W. Hamilton Gibson, 1 Thomas Moran, F. L. Smith, and others. AnTwia Designs by B, E. Bsnsell an Horry **]?lowor and Bird Designs by Miss Fidelia Bridges Mrs 8.0. Whitney, Jean Bohie, of Brussels; H Giaoomelll, of Fans, and others. The Literary matter in connection with our d» Signs has been carefully attended to—among otners, by Mrs Celia Thaxter, Mrs Emily Shaw. Forman «ud Joaquin Miller, i

Our Regular Lino of Christinas and New Year’s Cuds wUI comprise plain cards, fringe cards, and double fringed cards, varying in prioefromSO cents tofiOdolporset of 12. „.. , . Protectors are furnished with all fringed cards, and also envelopes for all series costing 1-80 per se* and more Besides our regular line, we would call specie the following ■ NOVELTIES AND SPECIAIITIEB. Aladdin’s Lamp.—This is one of the most elaborate and elegant Christmas Gilt Cards we have ever offered to the trade. It is a large folding card, heavily fringed, and provided with & leatherette protector. The front outside page is a design cf peacock feathers on satin; the left inside page contains a poem specially written for this gift by Joaquin Millar, also on Batin, and surrounded by a delicate border of oriental design; the right .aside page presents Aladdin bearing his lamp, after a painting by the eminent American artist, Elihn Vedder; and to complete the whole, the back is embellished with a most unique, artistic design of Calendar for 1884.—At the solicitation of acme of our business friends, we have this year doaided to bring out a calendar, and are happy to be able to announce that we shall issue a Calendar from John Buskin, for 1884. This consists of an artistic mount with a block calendar, having suitable selections from John Baskin's works for each day of the year. The selections have been made by a lady weß known tor her cultivated taste and jndgmant. The mount has been designed by a well known Boston artist, and, coming from her thought and tasteful skill, the form and decoration will be a flirting accompaniment to the words within. This calendar will oe a source of pleasure to all who love and appreciate Buskin, that they may have every morning p 'ewel from the treasure of his noble ano earnest thought. ..... ~, . “The Christmas Sheaf. —A folding card, with Inside pages, in colour, stamped out in the shape o« a sheaf of wheat. Tied with silk cord and tassels, •• The Christmas Boek."—A surprisingly natural representation of an open hook, with floral design* by Mrs I'isher, and original poems by Joaquin Miller, CHRISTMAN ABT PBINTS ON SATIN. The groat success attending our efforts in this line has induced us to bring out a number of new series, consisting of flowers, landscape, and figure detdgns. These are elegantly finished in several tylos, in fringed tinted mate, with cord and tassels; on mounts with silk fringe and cord; in book form, richly fringed and with leatherette pro-, tec tors, and on rich plush mounts. Prices, vary from Idol 60cents to Sdols SOceute each. We have made large additions to our birthday line, comprising plain cards, fringed and double fringed cards, and art prints on satin. Numerous series at popular prices have been added to our list of Scripture text cards. New flower pieces in mate, fee. Thanksgiving cards—our line wil also be down now. . „ , , Dowiriptive Price lists of our Christmas and New 1 oar Cards are now ready, and will bo sent on application, 1,, FBANQ h CO., Boston, Mass U.B.A, New Forks 38 Bond street, Philadelphift.ilUO Walnut street. Chicago: 112, Monroe stre San Francisco 520, Commercial street No Families who value their health should bo without one of the ONDON AND GENEEAL WaTEE PURIFY ING COMPANY'S (IIMICTD) LATENT CISTEBN FILTERS, Charged solely with animal charcoal, requiring, whan once Asm, no attention whatever, and buboior to all others. Vide Professor FranMand'a ports to the Eegistrar-Genaral, July, 1866, November. 1867, and May, 1870. The “Lancet,** January 12, 1887. Also testimonials from Dr tT.oaaiT September 23,1863; the late Dr Letheby, February 15,1865, and December, 1872. Price, £lloa and upwards. Portable Filters on this system, £lss to £B. Patronised and used by Her Majesty the Queen it Osborne, by H.B.H. the Prince of Wales at Sandringham, by_H.B.H. the Duke of Edinburgh it EastwolVby H.B.H. the Duke of Connaught at Bagshot Park, by H.E.H. the'Duke of Cambridge, the <lite of the medical profession, and a the London, Westminster, St St Mary’s, Consumption, Fever, and German Hospitals, and various Lunatic Asylums, Intitutiona, Breweries to., and by all the schools established by the Sohool Board for London. Pocket f Iters, 4a 6d and 6s each. Household and fancy filters, from 12a. Water Testing Apparatus for detecting import tie in water, 10s 6d and 21s each. “The Testing Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities in Water" is a most convenient and portable one. Vide Dyke on the “ PreHxalnary Duties of Health Officers," 167, Strand, W.C. (four doors from Somerset House), London. Bead Water) its Imparities and Purification* Price, per post. 6d TATEBLOO PATENT BOUND FEEDING OILCAKES. Suitable for Horses and all Descriptions of Stock. These cakes are composed of a variety ot articles, oaxefully selected, and which, when combined, form the most perfect Mixed Food for Stock thatqhaa yet been introduced, and one that is specially adapted for Young Stock. At the London Dairy Show this year the first prize for the cow giving the largest quantity and best quality of i milkwas won by a cow (theproperty Of Mr Coates) which was fed on the Waterloo Bound Cakes. At the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show, held Nov. 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1882, the Champion Prize for tbs best Beast in the Show was won by a Steer which was fed on the Waterloo Bound Cakes, Out ot fifty-eight other prizes given at this Show, thirty-eight were won by stock ted on the Waterloo Bound Oak Bound Cakes, July 3rd, 1880.—I have the pleasure of handing you the result of a careful analysis ot oneot your Waterloo Bound Cokes, which you sent me a few days ago. The condition of the coke, I find, is excellent) Altogether the enclosed analysis and recent examination of your Waterloo Bound Cake folly confirms me in the high opinion which I have expressed in years past ot the feeding value of these cakes. During the last five years I have made many analyses of samples of your cake, sent to me by consumers, and without a single • exception, I have found all the samples of the same excellent quality as that of the cake which you sent me for analysis a few days ago, and I am satisfied that yon make the Waterloo Bound Cakes always from the same kind of feeding materials of the best quality, and employ them to the same proportions. The more extensively the Waterloo Cake will become known fr~h« moroit will be appreciated by feeders and fat, toners of stock. Avavaroß Vobotm, Every delivery la guaranteed to analysis. Present Price, £7lsa per ton. Free on rail* plflll, ___ Cheques to be made payable to W. Chamnere Boontuy of tiu Waterloo Cairo anti nftw boosing COe» limited, Hall*

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8124, 22 March 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8124, 22 March 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8124, 22 March 1887, Page 3