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Lyttelton Times Office, Friday Evening,

The business of the week in the import market, although not showing? any increase in volume, has been fill/ up to the average of the preceding. The bulk of the sales has not been confined to a few lines, but has extended over a large assortment of goods. With the delivery of the grain and grass «eed bringing money into circulation, a more noticeable inclination to purchase is observable amongst traders. This feeling is helped by the consideration that, in several prominent lines, there is every - prospect of substantial advances coming about. The extended advices by the mail, supplemented by those of the Doric, all point to a rise in some of the leading items. The coming boom in business all over the world has bean so of ten prophesied of late, and so often falsified, that its practical advent now has been received with a suspicion of soeptism. However, the fact is true, nevertheless, that Increased prices are now demanded for a variety of goods, more particularly those embraced under the heading of iron. What will strengthen the market, too, on this side, is the fact that exports to Canterbury and the other ports do not exceed the lata monthly averages. There have been no foreign arrivals during the week, and consignees by the Weathersfleld are disappointed that the barque, reported at the Heads, has not turned up. The H. J. Libby, has Bailed from Wellington, hut has not yet put in an appearance, the late south-west gale having doubtless blown her off the land. Portions of her Wellington kerosene have been placed in this market at rates withheld. The Thurso has arrived, and importers decline to aell nt under an advance on previ us values. The Mauritius prices not only disclose a stiller cost, but stocks, judging from present appearances, are likelv to run short for a time. The advance asked is fully 208 to 80s per ton. The Continental Qovernm-nta are waking np to the fact that the bounty system intended for the relief of the sugar industry has not achieved the object for which it wss ioati nted. An alteration either modifying or abolishing the system would send prices up at once, and it is this uncertainty that at present tends to pirtly uphold values, milestone should shortly he coming into notice for pickling wheat. As there is every prospect cf a large area heir g sown this year, the demand should be greater than bus been noticeable for some seasons past. The arrival of the Sir Bobort Sale from Calcutta is anxiously looked 1 for to relieve the market for cjrnsacks. Prices now stand at_6s 6d for large size. Tobaccos have been freely placed lately. *1 be agents of Juno report the almost entire quittance of an invoice per direct steamer, i ameron's agents report also •n equally satisfactory business. - GRAIN AND PRODUCE. The weatber since we last wrote has been very fine, and threshing has proceeded without stoppage. Grain is now being delivered in quantity, and gives every promise of taxing the resources of the railway and the storage accommodation. How that threshing is so well advanced a more determined opinion of the quantity can bo pronounced. We are glad to say that the anticipations formed are fully borne put by the bnlk, and that the .quality is in every way excellent, and will carry* well on board ship. The first grain vessel of the season—the West York—has cleared for London. The latest cablegrams from London do not point to any appreciable change in the Dome markets. W hbat.— There is no change in the aspect of the market., Sales continue to bo made at 3s 3d to 3s Sid for Hunter's White and Pearl, and up to 8s 4Jd fir Tuscan. Chiqkwheat is in request at Ss fid to 2s9d. Oats. —Wo have no alteration to note In connection with this groin. The quantity of long sorts offering in comparison with stout is large. Per tfaa former the market is exceedingly dull at la 7d to ls7sd. htout and milling kinds are more sale-nbl-i at Is 8d to Is 9}d. Babbit,—lt Ss hardly yet lima for the th-oshing

out of this (train from the stack, but in a fortnight or three weeks samples will be more numerous. Quotations stand at 3s 31 to 3s 6d. Second Quality is nnrd to sell at Ze 8d to 2s i (XI. Peas and BxAMB.-Thero is nothin* doing in piasof i'ny description. Buyers are not offering more than 3s to 3s 3i for Prussian Blues, while growers prefer to store at 'present. There is no enquiry for other sorts or for beans. Flour.— Millets’ quotations ore stated at £9 to £9 10«, according to brand. Grass Sbbd.—There is no improvement in ryegrass. The demand continues slack, while the quantity available is unpreeodent'y large. Farmers’ lots nominally stand at 2s 3d to 2s 9d s better quality, 3s to 3a 3d; machine droiaod, 3s 6d to Ss 9d. The quantity of cocksfoot brought forward dating the week has been large. Purchases that have been made for stock have been on the basis of 3&d. For orders, 3|d to 3{d has been given. The market is anything but animated at present. A good many of the samples lately shown have been deScient in oolonr.

Dairy Pkoddcb.— The market continues dull, Cheese, Sid to SI. Butter, 5d to 6id.

The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report on the produce markets for the week ending March 18 as follows !

Wool.- Since last writing, there has been nothing special cabled (rom Home respecting this staple. A good deal of interest centres in the sales opening on Tneeday next, and advices will be eagerly looked for. We anticipate a good demand for American account, as there appears strong probability of the duty being removed or materially reduced on greasy wools entering the United States. When this question was last before Congress, the'Bill provide! for a reduction also in the duty on woollen piece goods. That Bill was rejected by the bare majority of six. It is now proposed to hold a special session of Congress for the purpose of considering the tariff, when the reduction on wool will be introduced on its individual merits, and the opinion p-ovails that the Bill will pass. Locally wc have cleared off several lots withdrawn at our recent sale, bringing up the quantity disposed of to 753 hales. Wbeepskihs. Thursday’s sales ware well attended by the local fellmongers, who bid with spirit for all lota offered. Prices ehow an advance on ia«t week’s rates. Oar total sales for the week, privately and at auction, amount to 2593 skins, for wuioh the following prices were received:Butchers’ and factory cross-breds, 1b lid to 2s 91; do do half-breds, 2s 4d to 2s 9d; do do merinos. Is 25 to Is Ud; do do lambs, 2s 2d to 2a 9d ; country cross-breds, 4s Id to 5s 9d; do half-breds, 2s to 4s 4d; do merinos. Is 6d to 4s sd. Tallow and Fat.—We cleared our consignments at |d to lid for inferior to well-saved country fat; inferior fallow, 14s per owt. A good enquiry exists for prime mutton tallow, in lines for export, but boilers decline to quote. H ides are held over for another week. The rates which have been ruling for some little time past are still in force’.

Wheat.— Deliveries daring the week have been very large, and a good deal has changed hands. The market, owing no denbt to adverse cablegrams published within the last few days, is not so firm, but prices locally have hot suffered to any exrent. The quality of the grain, we regret to say, is very irregular, some parcels being Very prime, whilst others are pinched and otherwise inferior. Owing to the extreme scarcity of sacks, threshing is much interfered with, and will have to be altogether suspended in the ,event of the Sir Hubert tale making a protracted voyage. '• his vessel le't Calcutta on Jan. 81, and under ordinary circumstances will reach port about April 10. Prices current are Hunters’, 3s 3d; pearl and velvet, 3s Rid; tnacan, Ss 3id to 3a 4d; alt f.o.b. J.jttelteu, sacks extra. Oats.— Supplies have been offering on a liberal scale, and a fair amonnt of business has transpired. There is a good demand for heavy Canadians, suit* able (or the English market, but unfortunately the bulk of this season's crop of short oats is sparrow bills, and business is somewhat restricted in consequence. This class of oats is not in favour in Australia, and buyers cannot give within 2d per bushel of the price of h> ight, heavy Canadians, Prices are as fallows: -Canadians, la 9dto Is lOd; other short descriptions. Is 7d to ls8d; long and inferior. Is 6d to Is 74d—nil f.o.b. Babley.— Maltsters having received a few lines to go on with, tbe demand is not so active; 3s is the value of fair malting, and 3s 3-1 is given for prime; but growers ore not disposed to accept these rates, and are storing in the meantime. Daibt Produce.— I There is little or no improvement r.'i report. Butter has bat a small enquiry at 5d to 6d for inferior, and up to 7d for prime; but the transactions reported ore very meagre. Cheese meets with no demand, except for local consumption. Prices are 4d to 5d for heavy weights and loaf shape respectively. Cocksfoot Heed.—We have to report that a considerable business has been done daring the week, principally in heavy machine dressed for shipping orders. Inferior linos do not command the same attention, and a good deal is being sent into store to be put through the cleaner. Prime heavy seed commands up to 4d; light aid foul with weeds, 2id to Sid, according to quality. Btegbass i-ebd. —There are very few enquiries except for prime machine dressed and good farmers* parcels. Inferior sow sare qu to neglected. We quote 3s 9d to 4s 3d for machine dressed (prime heavy said). 2a 6d to 2a 8d good farmers' lines, inferior Is lOd to 2s 2d, bat these prices are merely nominal.

The National Mortgage and Agency Company or New Zealand, Limited, report on the live stockmarket for the week ending Friday, March 18, as follows:—At Addington on Wednesday, March 16,12,557 sheep were yarded. Fat Sheep.— A very large supply to hand, every available pen being filled. The quality was, on the whole, inferior, tbe entry being principally composed of fat owes, very few Imes of wethers coming forward; indeed, we do not remember ever seeing so few cross-bred wethers penned as compared with the total entry of fat sheep. Considering the number penned a good clearance was effected, prices ruling much the same as last week, some of the lower quality lines suffering a little. We quote best cross-bred mutton up to lldper lb medium and inferior to li and |d per Jb; best cross-bred wethers sold at 7s sd, 7s fid, 7a Bd, 7s 9d. and 8a; one pen of very prime heavy mieep 10s; mixed sexes and cross-bred ewes made, for best ss, 5s 6d, 6s to 7s; light and inferior, 3; 7d, 3s 10d, 4s to 4a lOd. Very few merino wethers penned. Medium quality made 4- nrd 4s 2d. Fat Lambs.—A full entry men with a languid demand, and prices receded. A pen of very large lambs of the Hampshire Down cross made 7s, the best of other lines made from 4a 6d to 5s 6d, inferior Ss 9d and upwards. Store Sheep.—The largest entry we have had for many months come to hand, and met with a fair market, but with no advance m prices. Merino ewes taken for boiling made from lOd to Is 6d; merino wetbers in forward condition, 2s ltd to Ss; 4 tooth c rest-bred ewes made 6i Id; a small line very good 6a lid; cross-bred ewoa, mixed ages, 4s and 4s Id; old cross-bred ewes, 2a 2d to 3a and Ss 2d. Cattle.-409 head yarded. Fat Cattle.—A heavier entry than of late, principally light-weight cattle of fairly good qualify. Values remain much the same as for the lust few weeks, boat beef selling at from 17a to 38a per lOOlbs; ordinary, 14s to 15s per 1001 b Figs. - 609 penned. A larg e enti y met a fair demand, but not quite so brisk os that experienced for the last week or two. Daconera made 25a to 28s; porkers, to 2 is; good stores, 16s to 20a; small stores, 8a 6d to 12a ; weaners. ss.

The New Zealand Pabmbbb’ Co-operative Association op Cantbkbdrt (Liiimed) report for week ending Friday, March 18, 1887, as follows : There has bean only a moderate amount of business passing in the grain trade during the past week. Wheat is now coming forward freely, hut condition in some cases is questionable. Values remain, at last quotations, hut sellers are holding off where practicable, hoping times will improve later on. Oats are slightly eauer o wing to a cessation cf export demand. Tartarian, for seed purposes, are enquired for, and clean samples would bring full rate?. Barley is being dealt with freely both for local demand and export, and prices are firmly maim oined, medium quality h-iog in greater request. Peas remain steady. More business is passing in ryegrass, but values are without alteration Co' k.f .ot is freely offered, but prices remain steady for good sample*. Dairy produce is dull and neglected with the exception of name and bacon, which, are in fair demand. The principal exports for the week have been 1890 sacks wheat. 5011 pocks oats 9*-7 packs barley, 1175 sacks flour, 2957 sacks seed, 273 cases bams nnd bacon, 82 kegs hatter, 207 sacks malt. The following are oar quotations, being prices paid to farmers, and not applxable to lines ex warehouse; —Wheat, tuacan and ve'vet, 3s 4dto3ssd; Hunter's, Ss 3d to 3s 4d. Oats.—Milling, Is Odto Is lOd; short feed, la 8d to Is 9d j Danish, Is Gd. Barley.—Prime malting, 3s 4d to 3s 7dj medium quality, 3s to 3s” 2dj feed, 2s 4d to 2s Sd. Peas, 3e 5d to 3s fid. Byegrans.—Machine dressed, 3s lOd to 4s; farmers' parcels, 3s to 3s. Cocksfoot, Sid to 3{d. Cheese. 3d to 3Jd. Buter.—Prime salt, 7d. Bacon and hams, 5d to 5Jd, 61 to 6Jd.

Mr P. C. Tababt reports on the lire stock market for the week ending March 17. as follows: The entries for the week a supply at the Addington Yards comprised 12,557 sheep and lambs, 409 bead of cattle, and 609 pigs. Fat Cattle. —The entry consisted of 168 head, V>p’ngc">v«idernbly in excess of the three previous weeks’ supply. The quality brought forward for auction consisted principally of medium bullocks and some good heifers 'and cows. At the'opening of the sale the attendance was extremely limited, and those present exhibited but little disposition to purchase, consequently a few of the first pens were passed out unsold. With an increased attendance competition improved, and a fair clearance was effected, but without any improvement in values on last week’s sales. Best quality, beef sold equal to 18s ner 1001 b. medium and Inferior cow beef, 14 s upwards. Store Cattle.—A larger entr> than usual, bat for want of demand sales were few and irregular; little business was doing Those sold exhibited no improve, mont In values on last week’s prices, but otherwise a slight decline was visible. Pat fcheep.—A largo entry, consisting of the usual mixed qualities. Freezing wethers were not largely represented; those forward were not keenly competed for. The hulk of the market consisted of. medium wethers and fat ewes, with a certain proportion decidedly inferior. Brices ranged for best cross-bred wethers at from 8s 6d to 10s; medium, 6s upwards; fat cross-bred ewes, from 5s to 8s Id ; medium wethers, as t o 4a 6i. Fat lambs were in excess of trade ' requirements, and sold according to quality, at is for small and inferior, up to sa, 6.i, and 7s for the best pens. Store Sheep.—A very Ipge and representative yarding, consisting ot all sorts and conditions oi sheop. from low-conditioned boilers to first-class grazing and b eeding ewes. A good clearance was effected. Boilers mafeimr from Xld to 2s 6d, breed* ing ewes from 3s 6d to 4s 6d and 6s, grazing wethers from 4a to 6s. Pias.—Another very large entry* but astlteie is a goo t demand for stubbiera—which class comprised ihe bulb of the entry—-a good clearance was effected at satisfactory rates, f-heep* etios, Hide*, and Tollow.—Ttero wasa f dl altera* anoe of the trade and fellmongers. Good competi-

tion was maintained throughout, and all lines were cleared. My entry consisted of 2930 sheepskins, 98 base and packages of rough fat, and 45 hides. Butchers’ cross-breds. good condition pelts, skins free of trotiers, realised as follows:—2e, 2s 3d, 2s 6J, 2s 9d, to Ss; medium and bad condition, lOd, is. Is 3d, to Is 7d ; merinos, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is 9d, ta 2s Id; lambs, 2s to 2s 4d and 2s 9d. Country skins at various price., from Is, 2s, 3s, to 6s 9d for very heivy, full-wool skin. Fat ranged from |d to id, Hd to l|d. Hides at the usual rates; all cleared. COEN EXCHANGE. The following is the Com Exchange report for the wees ending Friday, March 18: There is no improvement to note in the grain markets. Shipping orders are not plentiful, and storage in Lyttelton is becoming limited. The o mditiou has much improved, but still rejections are very common. The beat-conditioned Tuscan is being chiefly taken npfor shipment to London, but other varieties are being held in store or taken into our local mills. Wheat.—T uscan maintains its premier position by fully a penny per bushel, rates for prime being 8s 4d to 3s4Jd ; Pearl and Hunter’s, 3s to 3a Sid, Second quality is not in favour. Many lines are being taken up for chicken wheat at prices varying from 2s 9d to 3s; broken wheat sells at 2s 6d to 2s Bd, with little offering. .... Oats.—This market has been fairly busy. Considerable sales of heavy short feed have been taken up on the basis of Is 9d f.o.b. for shipment to London, Sydney and the North Island. The orders, however, are now pretty well completed, so wo may expect a lull for a weaker so. Milling lines are scarce, and are well worth Is lOd for bright, clean, heavy Canadians. T'ho long descriptions are mostly taken for local consumption at Is 6d to Is Bd, Beans have hut little enquiry. Peas.—Prussian Blues are offering at 3s 3d, but buyers are not anxious to speculate in the absence of orders. Feed kinds are worth 2s 9d to 2s lOd for local purposes. ... . Grabs t bed.—This market is exceedingly weak. Orders to hand have been all executed, and holders are not anxions to add to their present stocks. , Prices remain at 2s 3d to 3s for farmers’ parcels. Cocksfoot is dull, 3id being the best price, except tor machine-dressed, which is quoted at 3|d to 4d. Dairy Produce. —This market shows no improvement. Butter is being quitted at 6d to 6d in small lots. Cheese has no outside demand, and prices are nominal at 4d to sd. The above prices are those paid to farmers and for delivery f.0.b., sacks extra.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8122, 19 March 1887, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8122, 19 March 1887, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVII, Issue 8122, 19 March 1887, Page 4