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•.lfia<oell*neoiu. ~„.. ZZ--/T ILIJAMS ft BACH, Lamp Makers to -4k» r Y Boyal Family, 92, Sew Bond street, London. . Aladdin's Palace oit tamp*. Patentees of Improvements in duplex lamps, each lamp giving light equal to 26 sperm candle. Lamps for/reading. Queen's new pattern, lamps for Doudoirs ana drawing-rooms, lamps for dining and billiard rooms, lamps for halls and conservatories, lamps for paa ■ aages and stables, lamps for school and class-rooms, lamps for India and the Colonies/lamps for yacht* and steamships, lamps for every possible use. On* thousand patterns to select from in china, Doultoa ware, bronze, &o. Inventors of zoological and oral, thplogical lamp. Mac of aoturei» «i improved portable oil stoves for invalid rooms and greenhouses. otoluccas oil. Vnndors of approved mineral oils, from Is 6d per gallon.' Gilded catalogues of Umpa and prospectuses of stoves, post free. A specialty. —■Williams and Bach's collection of novelties a lamp and candle shades and transparencies, of which they are importers and manufacturers, is by ar the largest in the Kingdom, 92. New Bon* street, J .noon • - No Families who value their Health should be without one of the ' ONDON AND GENKBAL WATEB PUBITT J ING COMPANY'S (LIMITED) PATENT CISTEBN FILTEBB, Charged solely with animal charcoal, requiring. member, 1867, and May, 1870. The "Lan Price, SX 10s and upwards. Portable Filters on this system, £l6e to ftS. Patronised and used by Her Majesty the Ques* Bagshot Park,byH.E.H.the Dukeof Cambridie, the elite of the medical profession, ana • tta London, Westminster, St George's, St Mary*% Consumption, Fever,' and German Hospitals, 'various Lunatic Asylums, lutitutions, Brewer *o., and by all the schools established by *h* School Board for London. Pocket f Iters, lo 6d and 6s each. " Household and fancy alters, from 12s. ' Water Testing Apparatus for detecting impuntie in water, 10a 6d and 21s each. "The Testing Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities in Water "is a aiost *»•» renient and portable one. Vide Dyke on the "Pit* 157, Strand, W.C. (four doors from Somerset House), London; Bead Water: its Empanfciesand Punfloatioo, Price, per wwt. (H JL. ful efficacy of Keartley's Widow Welch i Female Pills, which have been proved by thousands) annually for man' years past to be the most effectual remedy for that complaint to which female* are liable, headache, giddiness, nervous depression, pallor of the lips, and eeneral debility of thesyaV tern, often accompanied by palpitation of the heart. The most obstinate cases of apparently % onflrmed invalids have yielded to a course of these pill*. Sold in boxes at 2s 9d by all chemists. Wrapped is white paper. Be sure to ask for " KearsleyV and see that you get them, as sometimes a spurious? i article is offered. By post for 84 stamp*, of Sansoa and Sons, 252. Oxford streftt, London w. j fly uTABLB IS COMPLETE Wll'HuUT; PILLIMAN'S BOYAL EMBBOCATICK, [i ' SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Prom His Grace the Duke of Butland, Master o Belvoir Hunt. Deo. 1,1879. Bms,—EUiman's Eoyal Embrocation is used is aiy stables: I think it very useful. Rumawb,, From G. C. Carew Gibson, Esq., Sandgate, I Pulboroueh, Sussex. Oct. 7,1878. ase a great deal of it. Al - . ,_ uid slight sprains it does well for ; capped hoes* and sore throats it is almost certain to cure. Hunt. ueoemDer, taut. Bias,- useElliinan's Eoyal Embrocation, and nave found it most efficacious in many cases of spi ains and wounds, but especially for sore throats, and when used with bandage as a mild blister. J. BILLAVT. From Lieut.-Col. B. H. Price, Master of Radnorshire Hunt. . December, 1878. amrriiMMS,—l use the Eoyal Embrocation the statles and kennels, and have found; it Taty servicer ale. I have also used the Universal Em* brooation tor lumbago and rheumatism for the last two years, and have suifered very little sine* nsingit, B. H. Paicx, Liaufc-Cot Of Chemists and Saddlers, in Bottles, fls, Sa 64 andSs6d. Proprietors, ELLIMAN, SONS ft Co.. Slouch. '. "tTJI-rATEBLOO PATENT BOUND FEEDIN9 VV OILCAKES. 1 Suitable for Horses and all Descriptions of Stock. These cakes are composed of a variety of artiol—, - carefully selected, and which, when combined, forak the most perfect Mixed Food for Stock thatphaa ret been introduced, and one that is specially Map* tod for Young Stock. .. " At the London Dairy Show this year the first prize for the cow giving the {largest quantity ana best quality of ■xUiwaswonbyacowtthejaropertyof Mr Coates) which was fed on the Bound Cakes. At the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show, held Nov. 16th, 17th, and 18th, 1882, the Champkna Prize for the best Beast in the Show was won Vj m>, steer which was fed on the Waterloo Bound Out of fifty-eight other prizes given at thia ohowV? thirty-eight were won by stock fed on the Waterlog Bound Cakes.-'. -..■.,■.; J, : 'v,..i:'>y o the result of a careful analysis Of one of your too Bound Cakes, which you sent me a few days ago. The condition of the cake, I find, is excellent.. Altogether the enclosed analysis and recent ezamV nation of your Waterloo Bound Cake fully confirm* me in the high opinio* which I have expressed is vears past of the feeding value of -these cakes. During the last five years I have made'many analyses of samples of your cake, sent to me by oonsumers, and without a single exception, I have found all the samples of the same excellent quality as that of the cake which yon sent me for analyst* a few days ago, and I am satisfied that yon mak the Waterloo Bound Cakes always from:the same kind of feeding materials of the best quality,.ana axtensively the Waterloo Cat the more it will be appreciated by feeders and fat» toners of stock. Ato»btub Touosms,'. Every delivery is guaranteed to analysis. Present Price, £7 lss per ton. Free on rails Hull. Cheques to be made payable to W. Chamber* Secretary of the Waterloo Mills Cake and Ware housing Co., Limited. Hull. . «ABTEB'B AUTOMATIC BOLLEB MTUJIHO / SYSTEM. ~ , . u akes Flour of far better quality than oan be done by MiUstonos. Is suitable for working in large or small Mills, and on either hard or soft Wheat* Will make a larger quantity of Flour than i-MSk rtonos from the same power. Patentee of Fluted and Smooth Bollei Mills, hich may also be worked in connection with Milk fugal 'Dreaoing Machines, Silk Dressing Beete, Hfllstonea, Wheat Cleaning Machinery, and gene* ral Flour Mill Utensils. ■ :'■'":.' ■ . An article on Boiler Milling, written by J. H. Carter, at the express desire of the National Aaso> oiationof British and Irish Millers, .fill be tree on application. J _ CARTEB'S PATENT. DIBINTEGBATINO MACHINES. In use in all parts of the world.' ' L Grind tha largest Bones freely to a fa* powder or granular sample, ,2. Pulverise coal for founders' use and fuel maksrß. 3. Grind all kinds af grain. 4. Disintegrate ores and minerals. . Shred Bark of all descriptions. 8. Grind : loeus* beans, oil cakes, and seeds. 7. Disintegrate joorkey, plumbago, and asphalt. 8. Pulrervia* Are Cheap, Strong, Durable, and Easily Managed. " . Enquirers should state what material they wish. tor-power at 1 J. HABBISON CABTEB, S2 Mark Lane, London. J3.C. awarded Silver Medal for Mills at Paris ExhiM Hon. Avwuts wanted ;■'.■■'■■• AMEBICAN INVENTIONS. ■' MPBOVED American Ice Making MimMnea, for making dear, transparent loe, with ao everlasting freezing crystal, that will make, toe or ices from aay to day without entailing tke destruction of the crystal, as hi all other freezing maohmaa now in use. The above machine is most a'-uplefor niakiag ice creams, ice puddings, *o., tlcy beto» made ready moulded for the table in ai» ioinute* with ioe and salt. '' „' . l_u.w Sizes and Prices of machines.—No. l.pnt, w«» i u. ~ ;1.,4.« lAa . Wrt 2 t quaitv with let, "iihpe*. Houlars of other sizes on application. : Tneaaauaable freezing oryßtal, per tin, *l_lfShown in practical operation, without oblige, at tl». New Bond street. ■- u . ~ w butter, fruit, game, odourless, wrote. some, free from the olose smell of all other Befrtferators. Meat, fish, butter, fruit, *a., may be kept together without one influenoins the fiavror ko„ oan be preserved until used, perteotly < quite sweet, odourless, and wholesome. Befiiasia tors and ice boxes from 27s 6d. " ~ ATMOSPHERIC CHUBN COMP *"» T. : (Wolf and Co., Proprietors),' • IW, New Bond street, London, \v, ' W. Wilson and Co., SO, King street; TtUnuhester J. Nelson and Sons, 47, Briggate, -nwix: Ptois Bros., Victoria street, Liverpool j Leech Bros, ind BCoyle, Old Millgate, Manchester> J; Millet, Princes street, Edinburgh; Walker au.l, iSmeley, Sanderson, York; Waters aud woodhouse, aeuboro* t Harrison, Grey strnet, - N»wcaatla-om Tvne W OTlCE.—Spoons,and Forks in Silver and u Electro-plate.'—Elkington and Co:, aa the result of important improvements in the abo»» manufactures, are able to offer their guaranteed aualitiea at such prices as, while fully maintaining list free by post on application. Purchaser* oc ■actuations in the silver markets. Address: ELKINOTON, * CO, H Begent street London, or x, MoorfM I e*reat.Oity

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 7927, 2 August 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 7927, 2 August 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 7927, 2 August 1886, Page 6