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jfodioaL IMMENSE SUCCESS OF BICE'S PBEVENTION FOB SEA SICKNESS. Testimonials constantly received of its astonishing effects in arresting Sea Sickness. A sea trip now a pleasure. . . Sold by Most Drnggists. 3305 Eastern Dispensary, Hereford street. WOKDEBPUI MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are admitted by thousands to be worth above a Guinea a Box for unions and Nervous Disorders, i kt: h ,i nnr i T> D ;«t ;.. tu ft*™Y»«nh. Rink HeadDlzziness and Drowtinest., Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveneps, Scurvy, Hlotches on the Skin, Tons and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dOBe will give reliet in 20 minutes. This is no fiction, for ... r-i j» it. i— 4-u A.. nf nftttM. KMTT sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Dills, and th«y will be acknowledged to he WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For female* of all ageß these Pills ar* invaluable, as a few dosea of them carry off all humours and bring about nil that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Beechoin's Pills for removing any obstrucsoon restore females of all ages to tound and robust health For a weik stomach, impaired digestion, and all disordei s of the liver, they act like " magic," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost oomplexion, brin* back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action; with the Hosebud of Health, the whole physical energy or the human frame. These are "facts " admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervsus and Debilitated is, Beecham's Pills h«ve the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Full directions are given with each box. Boldby all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the Colonies. 8280 ANHOODBE S T O BE Dl A Cleryman having tried every known remedy for the CUBEof NKBVOUS EXHAUSTION, PKEMATUBE DECAY, &c., has at last discovered a simple SELF-CUBE, which, for the sake of suffering humanity, he will send FBEE the Prescription 1 which UUKED him. Be sure to state in which papar yoa observed this notice. Addross, with self-adriressed stamped envelope—--1085 Dr E. A. CLAHKE, P.O. Box 292. Sydney. 3iß DUSABT'S (of Paris) STBUP OF LACt TOPHOSPHATE OF LIME, hosphate of Lime is the substance most neces* a_V«_ . :_JJ #«» *lm #/v*matfnn ftnfl nutriment of the bony system ns for the transformation of food into muscular fibre. For Balk and Delicate Children suffering from Loss or Appetite, and subject to Scabs, Mumps, Ebtjptionb op the Skin- and Deformities of the Lbos, Dusart'a Syrup is the right medicine. It is of in. estimable benefit to Convalescents, Wea* and Old People, and Rickety Cbildben, whp find in it the Calcareous Elements—entering into the Constitution of the Bones—and thus enables Children to cut their teeth without convulsions. "Well adapted to Ladies in the Fahily-way, Wet Nubses (whose milk it enriches), and to stop Chil. dbbn's Diabbsgsa. : , 2691 Sold by all Chemists throughout the Colonies. Westminster Chambers, 36, igton,oppositeN.Z. Clothing Factory. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of chronic, nervous and special Diseases. The Expert Specialist. Dt Speer is a Kegular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.S. He has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be the most expert Physician in, his specialty in the United States. Young Men and-Middle-aged Men who suffer from Nervou3 and Physical Debility, Loss nf ifriarc-ir and Mnmorv, Eruptions on the Face, &0., &o. will do well to consult Dr Speer. Experience.—Having b»en Physician in one of the Leadhnr Hospitals of the U.S. enables me to treat all private troables with excellent results. I wish perform impossibilities, or to have a miraculous power: I claim only to be a skilled and successful iWAWU.lfl.Ul't.'M ing to me will receive my heneßt opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. I will guarantee a positive cure in every case I undertake, or forfeit £2OO. Consultation in offloe, or by letter Free. Charges Moderate. Examination and Advice, £l. Call or AddreßS: Dr H. J. Speer, Westminster Chambers, 36, Lambton Quay, Wellington, opposite N. Z. Clothing Factory., Offloe Hours :9t012,1t04,6t0<3 p.m.: Sundays plete core can be sent secure from observation on eoeipt of symptoms. 2217 ARNOLD'S BALSAM OF HOBEHOUND BNOLD'S BALSAM OF HOBEHOUND ARNOLD'S BALSAM OF HOBEHOUND A PUBE VEGETABLE EXTBACT.—The BEST BEMEDY for BHOBTNESS of BREATH. Nothinsr so quickly cures Coughs, Bronchitis, AsthmaTLoss of Voice, Influenza and Weak Chest, as this Balaam, Where children having Whooping small bottle often cures. This is the best toraat now in use; rapidly relieves the bronchial tubes by dissolving the congealed phlegm. Care, fully observe name of sole proprietor and manufacturer on label and wrapper.—JAMES BBINS-' MEAD, Chemist, St Kilda, Melbourne. ARNOLD'S BALSAM OF HOBEHOUND. Ask fox Arnold's and get it. Spurious imitations axe sometimes offered. ARNOLD'S BALSAM OF HOBEHOUND. Sold by all chemists throughout New Zealand. HOUND. ARNOLD'S BALSAM OF HOBEHOUND. Agents in Christohuroh: New Zealand Drug Company and Mr John Baxter Chemist. 5052 S 108 COUGHS, CoLDS. Bronchitis, Asthma, ■ Coryza, Influenza Consumption, &o. X 7" AYE'sCOMFOUNDopLIinHEEO, Aniseed, IV Senega, Pquill. Tolu, Ac , with ChWodyne. " AYK'd C- >MPOUND, a demulcent upectork_ ant for Coughs, Colds and Cheat < omi'laint". k_ ant for Coughs, Colds ana Cheat < omi'iainto. " AYE'SCOMPOUND.forCougbsand i_ equally serviceable for Horses and Cattle. " AYtl'S 11-. J PILLS, a Specific in Neuralgia, ,_ Face ache, &o. Contains Q linine, iron, 4c. r^oAGULlNE.—Cement for Broken Articles. l j Hole Makers: — „ „ ") KAYE 81108., 3m SOLD Everywhere j St o C kport, England. HEALTH FOB ALL. OLLOWAY'S PELLS AND OINTMENT. ._ These Pills purify the blood, correct all disorders of the liver, stomach, kidneys and bowels, *nd are invaluable In all complaints incidental to females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for bad Mgs, old wounds, sores and uloers. For bronchi"akin diseases it has no equal. mmmm^. Insurance Companies. IQUITABLE LIFE ASSUBANCE SOCEEIT OF THE UNITED STATES. New Business for 1885 over ... (620,000,000 Assets over £13,800,000 Largest Surplus over Liabilities of any Offloe in the World. Tontine, Semi-Tontine, and Annual Cash Bonos " Policies. DIRECTORS, With power to Issue Policies and Pay Claims, Sir FREDERICK WHTTAKEB, K.C.M.G., M.L.C. Hon JAMES WILLIAMSON, M.L.C. Dr LOGAN CAMPBELL. All information can be obtained from JOHN I. CABTEB, Beprosentative for Christohuroh. Or, from Office, 7, Chancery lane, Cathedral Bquare P.O. Box 881. 8935 IHE COLONIAL INSURANCE COMPANT OF NEW ZEALAND. FIBE AnFmABINE. Capital ii 2.000.000. Effeots every description of Fire and Marine Risfci at lowest current rates. Prompt and liberal settlement of olairoo. AGENTS wanted in unrepresented distriotc. CUFF & ÜBAHAM. . Managers for Canterbury. 873 131 Liohfleld street. Christohuiota The jNorwich Union jFibb jLnbubance oociety. head office—norwich, england. Established ... 1797. Amount Issdbed £200,000,000. Losses Paid ... ... £4^00.000 Claims settled.with liberality and promptitude. J. M. HEYWOOD & CO, CATHEDBAL SQUARE OHBISTCHURCH, Agents for Canterbury. 2158

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 7926, 31 July 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 7926, 31 July 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXVI, Issue 7926, 31 July 1886, Page 7