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BuaineM NotioM. T THE HOTEL METROPOLE. LONDON, S.W. iHia MAGNIFICENT HOTEL, situated in Northumberland Avenue and Whitehall Place, Trafalgar Square, is arranged and furnished to afford residents jgvery possible convenience and comfort. In addition to a large number of Siigle and Double Bedrooms, there are j? APARTMENTS. The the’ The general organisation enables the Proprietors to provide the Highest Class Banquets, Dinners and Wekding Breakfasts, for which some of the most Luxurious Suites of Booms inßurope are available. TABLE D’HOTE BEEAKPAST, LUNCHEON AND DINNEE AT SEPABATE TABLES. 470 B. HALE AND CO., SAIL, TENT, TARPAULIN, FLAG, HORSE-CLOTH AND OILSKIN CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS, AND ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS, CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. DIEECT IMPOETEES OP EVEEYTHING CONNECTED WITH THE TEADE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PN thanking onr Customers for the liberal support accorded .to us for the last twenty we heg to L nform them that we are selling our > ENTS, TARPAULINS, HOESB-oLOTHB, and all our goods at a mnoh LO WEE .BATE than they have ever been sold before. HORSE-CLOTHS FROM 15s 6d EACH. • Sole Agents for EEDDAWAT’S CELEBEATED COTTON MACHINE BELTING, O which we always keep a Largo Stock from 2to 8 inch. It s superior to leather, and Much Cheaper. Also, Leather Belting, all sizes. MARQUEES ON HIRE FROM 24 x 12 TO 80 x 26. 7802 A DERANGEMENT OP THE LIVER THE CAUSE OF DISEASE IN THE STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AKD NERVOUS SYSTEM. Below will be found a (brief summary of a Lecture upon the Liver, delivered before the Eclectic College of Medicine, by J HAY DOCK. Tho Liver haa been known as tbe groat blood-maker and blood-purifier of tbo Circulation* From its size and spongy structure, it plays a most important part in the animal economy, as regards assimilation and nutrition, Food taken in tbe mouth and acted upon by tbe digestive organs of the stomach is converted into Glucose and Peptone, and in these forms enters the t’ortoi vein. Here, by the actionof the Liver, these substances are converted into a form of sugar and pans out of the Liver by a large vein, called the Hepatic vein,- into the general circulation. The now material now formed serves two purposes, viz*, the maintenance of heat in the body and assisting in the cell growth o£ the system. Dr Murchison says: “ The composition of bile and its secretion is very complex. It is constantly being secreted by the liver, and increasing suddenly before eating, gradually decreases as soon as the appetite is satisfied and feeding ceases,** Now, if this most important organ of the body becomes torpid, or the passage of bile interfered with, emaciation and disease ensue. I note eight marked peculiarities that now occur, and which we aJI know of : . ,„ „ . X 1 4 , 1, The patient complains of a feeling of weight and fullness of the stomach 2, Distension of the bowels by wind. 3, Heartburn, , , , 4, A feeling of weariness, pains in the limbs, and great sleepiness after meals, 5, A had taste in the mouth, especially in tho morning, and furred tongue. 6, Constipation, with on occasional attack of diarrhoea, 7, Headache in front of head, , , .. , / ' ... , 8, Depression of spirits and great melancholy, with lassitude and a disposition to eave everything for to-morrow, . . . All of the above symptoms go to show functional derangement of tho liver; and now comes the great importance of any error made as to the condition of the patient. He should immediately provide him* self with a LIVER STIMULANT, the most common form of which is a Pill. Daily experience shows that this, when the Pill is compounded properly, is the readiest mode of inciting and promoting tbe action of the Liver, and can be almost always relied on. I have devoted many yarn sof my life, as many of yon now before me know, to compounding a Pill that will act readily and systematically as a Bilious Remedy, Ido not believe in great purgatives, and therefore have mode a Pill, one of which is an active and thorough dose, I have called it DR HAYDOCK’S NEW LIVER PILL. ONE PILL IS A DOSE » (SUGAE COATED.) ONE PILL IS A DOSE I ONE PILL IS A DOSE 1 For all Diseases of the Kidneys, Dr Haydock's New Liver Pills are a perfect cure. One Pill will mala Diseases, Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude Want of; Appetite’and ick Headache, Dr Haydock’s New Liver Pills will he found an Effectual Remedy, mi nffaafa ami a smrA urm Almost always be t?uarant66d ick Heaaacne, ur nayaocs snew uiverru« wm w • They are universal in their effects, and a cure can almost always bo guaranteed. ACH VIAL CONTAINS TWENTY PILLS—ONE PILL IS A DOSE., PRICE, msrjTS. CENTS. POE SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TWENTY-FIVE Every Pill is Sugar Coated. If your Druggist does not keep thorn, wo wUI moil them free ;to any address on receipt oISK stamps. Five vials for Idol. BUY AT ONCE, DO NOT DELAY, CAUTION.—To secure the genuine Haydock’s Pills, observe that the signature of J. H. Francis, Agent or the United States, is written on every dozen packages. Purchase none without this. . As Dr Haycock’s Liver Pills are entirely different from the 212 kinds now in the market, any sceptic can have a sample bottle sent him free on receipt of his name and address. HAYDOCK & CO., NEW YORK, U.S. 6388 403 A SIGNAL YICTORY OYER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OP THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. ’ “PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE,” OE THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OP CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES ACCOBDINQ TO THE LAWS OP NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS. THE PRACTICE OP MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES IN THE HEALING ART. THEBE IS HOPE FOE THE WEAK, THE DEBILITATED. AND THE DISEASED. SIGNOR BENAUD, The celebrated Ecleotopathist, Botanic Practitioner, Specialist, Professor of Natural Science, 40.,, Author of the following Works:—"The Principles and Practice of Medical Botany,” “The Rationalistic and Eclectic Treatment of Disease,” “Shadows,” 4c., &0., Has the honour of announcing to the Residents of Auckland nd New Zealand generally that he has ESTABLISHED the NEW ZEALAND ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42, t-HORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND, for the effectual and permanent Cure of “Functional Derangement, Nervous Affections, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases,” CONSULTATION (PERSONAL OE BY LETTER) FREE s IGNOE EENAUD has made the following class'of complaints the study of his life, in his Eclectic i treatment having proved pre-eminently successful in thousands of cases. A sure cure will be guaranteed in every case undertaken, viz.:—lncapacity for Study or Business, Loss of Energy, Nervous and Physical Debility, Premature Decay. Spermatorrhina, Errors of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spots and Specks before the Eyes, Trembling of tho Hands, Pimples on tho Puce, Lassitude and Depression, Nervous, Head, and Mind Complaints; Fits; Liver, Kidney, and Bladder Affections; Diseases. Peculiar to Females • Consumption (stages only); Cold Extremities ; Rheumatism (both acute and chronic) ; Impoverished Blood; Scrofulous Humours; Piles; Neuralgia ; Sciatica ; Dropsy (of the chest, of the abdomen, and general); Indigestion, Flatulency, Sour Belohings; Heartburn, Dizziness, Hot and Cold Chills; Pain and Oppression in the Stomach; Loss of Appetite and .all 1 morbid conditions of the blood and general system, no matter from what cause arising. All those who may he suffering with any of the (above (forms of Disease or Complaints not here mentioned should at once, consult the only NATURAL HEALER of all DISEASES imNew Zealand, who practices upon Hygienic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopo itan Principles, Nature a Own System of Healing all forma and phases of Disease, discarding altogether the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. P.O Box 239, CONFIDENCE. ABSOLUTE. Office Hours. 10 to 2, and 4 to 8 Daily, NOTE THE ADDRESS: ;fJ(HE 42, SHORTLANDISTREET. AUCKLAND. P.O. BOX 239 729

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7863, 19 May 1886, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7863, 19 May 1886, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7863, 19 May 1886, Page 7