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Medical. FOB WINTER COUGHS AND BRONCHIA. THE MARVELLOUS BEHEST . TOB ■ COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION, AND ALL CHEST AFFECTIONS. BONNTNGTON'S PECTORAL OXYMBL OF CARRAGEEN OE IRISH MO9SV m _. TaJT _„v IRISH MOSS S (® ,tOISTBREI> ). Cures the worst forms of Coughs, Gelds, and Hoarseness, gives immediate relief in Bronchitis, is the Best Med.cine for a sthma, Cures WhoopingCough, is invaluable in the early stages of Consumption, Believes all Affections of the Chest, Luugs, and Throat. SOLD EVERYWHERE. GEO. BONNINGTON, Christchurch. Christchurch, N.Z., August 17,1885. Mb Geo. Bohninqtos, ■ • ■ Dear Sir,-Like all "tenors” my throat is susceptible i f cold, and for the last three months I have been troubled with hoarseness, and at times a hacking cough. Last week 1 was persuaded by Mr Stevens to try a bottle of your “ Irish Moss * preparation, and one teaspoonful had the effect of giving me a quiet night’s rest—no couah—and my voice is nearly restored, having taken only two doses.—Yours faithfully, _ MURRAY ASTON. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. These Pills purify the blood, correct all disorders of the liver, stomach, and bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for had rags, old wounds, sores and ulcers. For bronchitisdiphtheria, coughs, colds, gout, rheumatism and ,*u skin diseases it has no equal. ■ , Sold by the Proprietor, Thomas Houowit, 78, New Oxford street, Loudon, and by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Steedman’s Soothing Powders For Children Cutting Teeth. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. The value of this well known Family Medicine has been largely tested in. all parts of he World, and by all grades of society, tor upwards of fifty years. Its well-earned extensive sale has induced spurious imitations, some of which in outward appearance so closely resemble the original as ta deceive many purchasers. The Proprietor therefore feels it due to the public to give A SPECIAL CAUTION against the use of such imitations. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully ta observe the four following distinctive characteristics, without which none are genuine:— Ist. —In every case the words “JOHN STEEDMAN, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey," are engraved on the Government stamp affixed ta each packet. 2nd.—Each single powder has directions for tha dose, and the words “JOHN STEEDMAN, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey," printed thereon, 3rd.—Tha name Steedman is always spelt with two EE's. 4th.—The manufacture is carried on solely at Walworth, Surrey. Sold in Packets by all chemists and medlcins vendors at Is ltd and 2s 9d each. Agents for Christchurch — 1796 226 KBMPTHORNE. PROSSER 4 CO. PEPPER’S QUININE and IRON TONIC 13 OUSES and develops the nervous energies, iti enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels languor and depression, fortifies the digestive organa. Is a specific remedy tor neuralgia, ague Indigestion, fevers of every kind, chest affections, andm wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, Ac. The whole frame is greatly invigorated by Pepper’s Tonic, tha mental faculties brightened, the constitution greatly strengthened, and a return to robust health certain. Bottles, 32 doses 4s fid next-size, Js. Sold by Chemists everywhere. Th name *I. Pepper, Bedford Labors’ ory, London, most he on the label. There is nc lonic so certain ix ■ effect as Pepper’s Quinine an Iron. It is strongly recommended to reside’nts in India and the Colonies, and should way ho kept ready for use in every case of fever febr' sondition. Sold by KBMPTHORNE. PROSSER A CO. “BULPHOLINE LOTION. A N Externa Means of CURING SBIK DISEASES. There .s scarcely any eruption sat will yield to " Sulnnoline" in a few days, and tommence to fade away even if it seems past cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, blotches, scurf, roughness, vonisn as If by magic; whilst old, enduring akin disorders, that have plagued the sufferers lor rears, however deeply rooted they may he, “ Sulyholino ’’ will successfully attack them. It destroys the Bnimc lonise which cause these unsightly, irritable, painful affections, and always produces a clear healthy, natural condition of the skin. “Sulpha Ine" Lotion is sold by most demists. Bottles, B 9d. Made by J. Pepper and Go. Sold by KBMPTHORNE. PROSSER A CO. TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLIN. PREPARED only by J. Pepper, London. This Fluid combination, extracted from medicinal roots, isnow used instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of oyspepsia, b iliousness, and all symptom* of congest!.mof the liver, which are generally pain beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in tha morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, and feeling of general depression. It sets the sluggish liver in motion, very slightly acts on the bowels, giving a ense of health and comfort within 24 hours. It is tue safest medicine. Taraxacum and Fodophyllin is a fiuia made only by J. PEPPER, Bedford Laboratory, Loudon, whose name Is on every label. Bottles, p 9d and ‘ i fid. Sold by all Chemists. A most valuable and essential medicine ter Indio, Australia, the Capo ud Colonies generally. Sold ]g BM p THO j tNß> PROSSER A CO. LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR KING’S DANDELION and QUININE LIVER PILLS {without Mercury), rriHE BEST REMEDY POE BILIOUSNESS, I STOMACH DERANGEMENT. FLATULENCE, PAINS BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS, BAD APPETITE, INDIGESTION. ACID ITT, HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, and all other symptoms of disordered liver and dyspepsia. Acknowledged by many eminent surgeons to he the safest’ and mildest pills (or every constitution. . In Boxes at Is ltd, 2s 9d and 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout tha world. Prepared by Jaa. Eorke, London. Specially valuable Pills (or residents abroad and travellers. 2704 CERTAINLY the Most Effective MEDICINE in the World is “SANDER AND SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT.’’ Test its - eminent powerful effects in Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Ac. $ - the relief is instantaneous. Thousands give tha most gratifying testimony. His Majesty the King of Italy, and legitimate Medical Syndicates, "are its, patrons. Read the official reports that accompany - each bottle. We have no occasion to offer rewards in proof of the trustworthiness of our references. The official reports of Medical Clinics and Universities j tha official communication of the Consul-General for Italy at Melbourne j the Diploma awarded International Exhibition, Amsterdam—all these are authentic documents, and, as such, not open to doubt. Therefore trust in this approved artfola and reject all others. Read these Certificates __ SANDER AND SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT Statutory Declaration.—l, Franz Raaba, Iron bark, Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, do solemnly and sincerely declare that on the 25th June, 1877, my sou Alfred, six years of age, was accidentally hurt with an axe on tha knee. I at once took all pains to procure medical assistance by calling at brat on Dr Austin, who was subsequently assisted by Drs Penfold and Maogillivray. However, in spite ©f all the combined efforts of the said gentlemen, the malady took such a had turn that the patient was lying in uninterrupted wound-fever, and on the 17th August, 1877, the opinion was given by Dr Maogillivray that an amputation of the injured limb had become imperative, in order to save life. At this Juncture I called on Messrs Sander and Sons, procuring some of their Extract of the Eucalyptus Globulus, and by the application of tha samel had the satisfaction of seeing my son within a fortnight out of all danger, and to-day he is recovered. I may jnst add that it was when the crisis had been reached that the Extract referred to was first applied. And I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing the earnest© be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act of Parliament of Victoria, rendering persons making a false declaration punishable for vilful and corrupt perjury.—Franz Raahe. Declaredlat Sandhurst, in the Colony of Victoria, Australia, this seventeenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, before me, Moritz Cohn, J.P, SANDER AND SONS’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT Cure of Skin Diseases. Invercargill, N.Z., 3rd jf July, 1880, Messrs Sander and Sons, Sandhurst: — Gentlemen, —Having suffered from eozema (a skin disease which is very prevalent in this Colony) tor about nine years, I had consulted numerous medical men hero, and in Australia, and hod taken arsenic, suvehnine, iodide of potassium, Ac., internally, and usd used preparations of zinc and lead externally. Tu fact, I had triad all the remedies known to the faculty, and what between travelling, doctors’ and di legists’ bills, had spent a small fortune, almost if not wholly without results, except to injure my constitution. During a recent visit to Hokitika, I was recommended to try your Extract Eucalyptus obulns by a brother who had expo- , rienoed great benefit from it in alleviating a very:sevt re cold, ind, no less to my surprise than satisfaction, If.jund the disease which had troubled mfc bo long was conquered, and the skin resumed its normal condition. This was effected by theextolr-. nnl use of less than two one-ounce bottles. You , ore welcome to make any use you please of thls retter, and I subscribe myself—Yours, &c„ (signed)’ John H. Ker r. Manager Union Bank of Australia* Limited,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7863, 19 May 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7863, 19 May 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7863, 19 May 1886, Page 6