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■v* — ~ ■ Miscellaneous. w KITING oases and desks, oast quality suit able for birthday presents or compli mentary gifts, from 7s 6d to £lO, witl Bramah locks. A very large assortmerit. About 100 patterns to select rom at Stophenscn’s Stationer:’' Warehouse 09 Oxford street London, W.C. _ EXPANDING Writing Cases, eafily packed in 1 ■ the portmanteau, from 10s 6d to SSa. A . large assortment. Stephenson’s Stationery Warehouse. Oxford street, London, W ATEKLOOPATENT BOUND FEEDING OILCAKES. Suitable lor Horses and all Descriptions of Stock. These cakes are composed of a variety of articles, carefully selected, and which, when combined, form the most perfect Mixed Food for Stock thatrbas yet been introduced, and one that is specially adapted for Young Stock. At the London Dairy Show this year the first prize for the cow giving the largest quantity ana best quality of milkwas won by a of Mr Coates) which was fed on the Waterloo Bound Cakes. . , .. At the Norfolk and Norwich Christmas Show, held Nov. IGth, 17th, and 18th, 1882, the Champion Prize for the best Beast in the Show was won by a steer which was fed on the Waterloo Bound Cakes. Out of fifty-eight other prizes given at thm Show, thirty-eight were won by stock fed on the Waterloo fioopd Cakes* ~ July 3rd, 1880.—I have the pleasure of handiuff yoo the result of a careful analysis of one of your Waterloo Bound Cakee, which you sent me a few days ago. The condition of the cake, I find, is exceUontAltogether the enclosed analysis and recent examination of your Waterloo Round Coke fully confirms me in the high opinio:*, which I have expressed in years past of the feeding value of those cakes. During the last five years I have made many, analyses of samples of your cake, sent to me by consumers, and without a single exception, I have found all the samples of the same excellent quality os that of the cake which yon sent me for analysis a few days ago, and I am satisfied that you mak the Waterloo Bound.Cakea always from the same kind of feeding materials of the hest quality, and employ them in the same proportions. The more extensively the Waterloo Coke will become known the more it will be appreciated by feeders and tattepers of stock- AnensTUß Vobixkeb. Every delivery is guaranteed to analysis. Present Price, £7 lss per ton. Free on rails Hull. Cheques to be mode payable to W. Chambers Secretary of the Waterloo Mills Cuke and Ware bousing Co.. Limited. Hull. rOEN HILL’S 10 Guinea Silver-fitted Lady's Travelling Dressing Bag, No, 68. 14-inoh Polished Morocco Patent Wide-opening Travelling Dressing Bag, with one outside pocket, stitched handle, with gilt rings and plates, gilt douhle-action registered lock, and ’PhornhlU’s improved patent stop-hinges; Bag lined with rich Moire Antique Silk, with Thornhill’s improved indestructible pockets. Costings.—Set of plain out gloss fittings, with richly engraved Hall Marked Solid Silver Sterling Tops, consisting of oval soap, tooth brush roller wife two tooth brushes, nail brush roller, with aaU brush, pomade jar, tooth Ut lar, two scent -bottles, with screw caps ,ivo h h—ish, ■in case, ivory clothes brush, ditto glov strstohera, ditto a per knife, dressing comb in case, writing book, tnedsilk, and fitted with stationary, penholder, and blotting book, patent portable ink an . light boxes, card case, looking glass, thread and needle ase, pincushion, instrument board fitted with pair -nail scissors, ivory nail trimmer, four ivory-handle nstnunents, and a pair of tweezers, “ Pbice 10 Guikeas. If the Bag sin Russia Leather ..11 guinea*! „ ~ Crocodile 8kin...13 guineas 1 The Silver Tops may be richly gilt for 21s exbra. Ebobavinq.—Engraving monogram of two oi hree letters on the silver fittings, ivory brushes ove stretchers, paper knife, and four instruments, nd stamping initials in gold on the bag, 42s comlete. Or only engraving the seven silver fittings nd stamping the bag, 21s. W. THOENHILL & CO„ To The Queen and Boys! Family, 144 end 145, New Bond street, Londor, Established 1754, Db J. COLLIS BEOWNB’S CHLORODYNE The original and only genuine. Advice to Invalids. —If you wish to obtain quiet refreshing sleep, free from headache, relief from p«tn ana anguish, to calm and assuage the weary achlngs of protracted disease, invigorate the nervous media, and regulate the circulating systems of the body, you will provide yourself with that marvellous remedy discovered by Dr J. Collie Browne (late Army Medical Stan), to which he gt re the name of Chlorodyne, and which is admitted by the profession to be the moat wonderful and valuable remedy aver discovered. Chlorodyne is the best remedy knownfor coughs. Consumption, bronchitis, asthma. Chlorodyne acts like a charm in diarrhoea, and is be only specific in cholera and dysentery, Chlorodyne effectually cuts short all attacks ot •pUepsy, hysteria, palpitation, and spasms. Chlorodyne is the only palliative in neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, cancer, toothache, meningitis, *VEarI Bussell communicated to the Collage of Physicians that he hod received a despatch from Her Majesty’s Consul at Manilla, to the effect that cholera had been raging fearfully, and that the only remedy of any service was Chlorodyne.—See • Lancet,” Dec. 31,1864, ’ Caution. —Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood •fated that Dr J. Collis Browne was, undoubtedly, the.lnventor of Chlorodyne; that the story of tie defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, wtiich ke regretted to say had been sworn to,—See * Tie Times," Juno , 1864. Sold In bottles at Is lid, 2a 9d. 4s 6d, and 5s each, Nona is genuine without the words “Dr Collis Browne’s CMorodyne” on the Government •tamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accom iaxi?s each bottle. Caution.—Beware of Piracy and Imitations, Sole Manufacturer—J. T. Davenport, 33, Great. Bussell street, Bloomsbury, London, irSSBTEE’B automatic eolleb milling 1/ SYSTEM. Makes Flour of far better quality than can be dona by Millstones. Is suitable for working in large or prnall Mills, and on either hard or soft Wheats, Will make a larger quantity of Flour than Millstones from the same power. Patentee of Fluted and Smooth Roller Mills, which may also be worked in connection with Millstones. Semolina and Middlings Purifiers, Centrifugal Dressing Machines, Bilk Dressing Reel*, luUstones, Wheat Cleaning Machinery, and gene- j «1 Flour Mill Utensils. An article on Roller Milling, written by J. R. | Carter, at the express desire of the National Asso- i elation of British and Irish Millers, rill be sent I free on application. CARTER'S PATENT DISINTEGRATING MACHINES. In use in all parts of the world, 1, Grind the largest Bones freely to a fine powder or granular sample. 2. Pulverise coal for founders’ use and fuel makers. 8, Grind all kinds of grain. 4. Disintegrate ores and minerals. Shred Bark of all descriptions. 6. Grind locust beans, oil cakes, and seeds. 7. Disintegrate soorkey, plumbago, and asphalt, 8. Pnlvervise sugar, colours, and chemicals, Ac., Ac., Ac. Are Cheap, Strang, Durable, and Easily Managed. Enquirers should state what material they wish to grind, the quantity they wish to tom out -mi r hour, and cho steam or water-power at their iisoosaL J. HARRISON CARTER, 92 Mark Lane, London, E.C. Awarded Silver Medal for Mills at Paris ExbiU tioa, A vents wanted No' Families who value their health should be without one of the T ONDON AND GENERAL WATER PUEIPI I i ING COMPANY’S (LIMITED) PATENT CISTERN FILTERS, Charged solely with animal charcoal, requiring, when once fixed, no attention whatever, and supslor to all others. Vide Professor Frantland’s porta to the Registrar-General, July, 1866, November, 1867, and May, 1870. The •* Lancet,' 1 January 12, 1867. Also testimonials from Dr Hassell, September 23,1863 ; the late Dr Lethoby. February 15,1865, and December, 1872Price, £lloa and upwards. Portable Filters on this system, £1 5a to £3. Patronised and used by Her Majesty the Queen at Osborne, by H.E.H. the Prince of Wales at Sandringham, by H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh at Eastwell, by H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught at Bogshot Park, by H.E.H. the Duke of Cambridge, the 41ite of the medical profession, and' a the London, Westminster, St George’s, St Mary’s, Consumption, Fever, and Gorman Hospitals, ano various Lunatic Asylums, Intitntions, Breweries Ac., and by all the schools established hy the School Board for London. Pocket filters, 4a 6d and 6s each. Household and fancy filters, from 12a. Water Testing Apparatus for detecting impumln in water, 10a 6d and 21s each. “The Testing Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities in Water "is a most convenient and portable one. Vide Dyke on the “ Preliminary Duties of Health Officers.” 157, Strand, W.C. (four doore from Somerset House), London, Bead Water: its Impurities and Purification, Price, per post. 6d AMERICAN INVENTIONS. IMPROVED American Ice Making Maohmea, for making clear, transparent Ice, with an everlasting freezing crystal, that will make loe or Ices from day to day without entailing the destruction of the crystal, as in all other freezing machines now in use. The above machine is most simple for making ice creams, ioo puddings, Ac., tiny being made ready moulded for the table in six minutes with ice and salt. Sizes and Prices of machines.—No. I, pirt, with two moulds complete, £2 lObj No. 2, quait, with two moulds complete, £3 15s. Pamphlet, with particulars of other sizes on application. Inexhaustible freezing crystal, per tin, £1 la. Shown in practical operation, without oblige, ui 119, New Bond street. The American Cabinet Refrigerator,—Meat !»!>, butter, fruit, game, poultry; odourless, wholesome, free from the close smell of all other Refrigerators. Meat, fish, butter, fruit, Ac., may be kept together without one influencing the flavenr of the other. Hence mutton, beef, game, poultry, Ac., con be preserved until used, perfectly dry, quite sweet, odourless, and wholesome. Eofrigeru tors and ice boxes from 27s 6d. ATMOSPHERIC CHURN COMPANY. (Wolf and Co., Proprietors), 119, New Bond street, London, W. Country Agents—J. and 6. Haywood, Derby W. Wilson and Co., SO, King street, Manoho star J, Nelson and Sons, 47, Briggate, leads; Pima and COy 18, Renfleld street, Glasgow; Bennett Bros., Victoria street, Liverpool; leech Bros, and Hoyle, Old Millgate, Manchester; J. Millet, Princes street, Edinburgh; Walker and Emoley, 42 and 44, Woodgate-streot, Newcnstle-on-Tyne; T. Sanderson, York; Waters and Woodhouse, Scar, boro*; Harrison, Grey street. Newcastle-on Tyne 27

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7862, 18 May 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7862, 18 May 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXV, Issue 7862, 18 May 1886, Page 3