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The first day's racing, under the auspices of the Wellington Jockey Club, was held at Island Bay on Wednesday, The weather was very fine with light north-west wind, and the attendance was estimated "at about 5000. The racing was first-class, but in the Cup and Hurdles the pot boiled over, the favourites being nowhere. Three totalisators were open, but after the first race it was decided to close the one on the hill, as there were no investors. Great interest was centred in the Cup. The bookmakers mustered in great force, and plied their calling with great diligence. It was evident from the excitement that some great change had taken place in Cup quotations. On enquiry, it turned out that a demonstration had been made in favour of Sou'-Wester, who, it seems, had been backed during the morning for about -£6OO up to 3 to 1. Tigredia and Black Rose, on this demonstration, were a little easier, but their supporters were just as confident as ever. From the result it will be seen how far the knowing ones were out, the winner turning up in. Mr Tancred's Administrator, who went to the post with 10 to 1 against him. The following are the details:— KILBIKNIE STAKES HANDICAP, of 60 sovs. Three-quarters of a mile. Mr D. O'Brien's b in Kuhina, by Kingsborough —•Etiquette, 4yrs, 9st ... ... (Derrettj 1 Mr P. Butler's bk c Talebearer, 3yrs, 7st 9lb (Williams) 2 Mr T. Hill's ch g The Slave, syrs, Bst 21b (Vaile) 3 Minerva (Bst 121 b), Bally (Bst 81b), Marion (7st 51b), Okato (6st 71b), and Dynamite Ifist) also ran. Putaugitangi was scratched. Time—lmin 17sec. Dividends—Lawn, £3 13s ; flat, .£3 Is. HANDICAP HUfiDLE EACE, of GO sovs. Two miles. Mr Jennings' ch g Secretary, 6yrs, 9st 101 b (Pierson) 1 Mr Weston's b g Linwood,, aged, lOst 71b (Sheenan) 2 Mr Proffitt's br g Maccaroni, aged, list 21b (Bae) 3 Cribbage, Shamrock, Speculation, Ngatitoa, and Ingomar also ran. Dividends—lnside, .£1112s; outside, .£l7 18s. Time —4min lOsee. HACK HURDLES. Halcione beat five others. Dividends—£B 12s and .£9 18s. WELLINGTON GOLD CUP, of 500 sovs, with piece of plate value 200 sovs; second horse to receive 50 sovs, and third horse 25 sovs from the stakes. One mile and three-quarters. Mr P. J l . Tancred's b h Administrator, by The Premier—frincess Mary, syrs, 7stl3lb (Vaile) 1 Mr J. Pilbrow's br h Sou'-Wester, syrs, Sst 51b (Clifford) 2 Hon G. M'Lean's ch f Lady Evelyn, 3yrs, 7stSlb (Sharp) 3 Black Bose (Bst 21»), Fusilier (7st 91b), Ugly Buck (7st 81b), Tigredia (7st 61b), Armourer (7st3lb), and Gaiters (6st 71b) also ran. Mocka and Wanderer were scratched. The betting was 2 to 1 agst Tigredia, 3 to 1 Black Rose and Sou'-Wester, 7 to 1 Fusilier and Lady Evelyn, 10 to 1 Ugly Buck and Administrator, 20 to 1 Gaiters and Armourer. After a couple of false attempts the horses were sent away to a by no means good start, Administrator having all the best of it and Ugly Buck the worst. Vaile made the best use of his advantage and soon had a couple of lengths lead, -with Black Rose and the others all in a cluster. After going a hundred yards Ugly Buck, who was evidently cutting out the running for his stable companion, ran into second place. Bounding the top turn Administrator still led by a length, Ugly Buck second, Black Rose, Tigredia, Lady Evelyn and Sou'-Wester forming the third division, Fusilier last. Passing the stand for the first time, Administrator and Ugly Buck wer.e racing side by side, the others, with the exception of Fusilier, being in a cluster,-which could have been covered by a sheet. At the bottom, Black Rose and Tigredia showed out from the ruck and followed close in the wake of Administrator and Ugly Buck, who were still together, the little roan being half a length ahead. Sou'-Wester was fifth, with Lady Evelyn at his girths, Armourer, Gaiters, and Fusilier being too far be. hind to be dangerous. Going along the back stretch in front of Mr Holmes' residence, Administrator was still leading, Buck second, Black Rose, Tigredia, Sou'Wester, and Lady Evelyn together, but improving their position. Here the race became most exciting, as Black Rose on the outside was seen to forge ahead from Tigredia, and at one time it appeared as if he would overtake Administrator, but he soon fell away again and joined the second division. Clifford now brought Sou'Wester, up, and rounding the top turn by the road, he led Black Eose and Tigredia by half a length. Entering the straight Administrator was still in front, with Ugly Buck second, and the favourites, with Lady Evelyn, a length away. Here the real struggle commenced, and whips were soon out. After coming a hundred yards down the straight Ugly Buck fell away beaten, giving way to Lady Evelyn and Tigredia. When within about eighty yards of the winning post Sou-'Wester came with a suddenrush, and passing both Lady Evelyn and Tigredia, challenged Administrator and a moatexciting struggle took place. The Wairarapa representative responded gamely to the call made on- Mm, and paslmg the

saddling paddock still had his neck in front of Sou*-Wester, Lady Evelyn, coming very fast, a length behind, Black Eose dying away. Clifford rode a most resolute race, but could never get on level terms with Administrator, who had the lead from the start, and he was landed a winner by a short head, Lady Evelyn a good third half a length in the rear of Sou'-Wester, Tigredia fourth, Ugly Buck fifth, Black Eose sixth, Gaiters seventh, Armourer eighth. Fusilier was pulled up, and walked in. Time —3min Dividends—Lawn (£2 shares), 15s; outside, .£9 15s. TE ARO PLATE HANDICAP, of 150 sovs. One mile and a quarter. MrD. O'Brien's bin Rubina, by Kingsborough —Etiquette, 4yrs, Bst 71b <, D „ el ??#! i Mr T. Hill's b c Pasha. 3yrs, 7st ... (H. Hill) 2 Mr G. Bate's ch m Minerva, syrs, Bst 51b (Sutherland) 3 Rally (7st 131 b;, Normanby (7st 21b), Cloga (7st), Trickster (6st 121 b), and Putangitangi (6st IMb), also ran. Sou'- Wester, Ugly Buck, and Talebearer were scratched. Eubina was the favourite at 2 to 1, Pasha and Minerva 3 to 1, Clogs 4 to 1. Time—2min lOsee. Dividends—Lawn, .£2 10s ; flat, £2 12s. .£5300 was put through the totalisator. Second Day—Feb. 5. The weather, which was threatening in the morning, turned out very fine in the afternoon. Macaroni, who was disqualified for his running in the Hurdle race yesterday, was scratched for the Hurdles today. Only about 1000 people were present. NEWTOWN STAKES HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. Six furlongs. Mr G. G. Stead's b f Marion, by Maribyrnong— Peeress, 3yrs, 7st 41b . ... 1 Mr P. Butler's blk c Talebearer, 3yrs, Bst 21b ... 2 Mr J. H. Lunn's br g Rally, aged, 7at 111 b ... 3 The Slave (Bst 3lb), The Painter (7st 71b), and Okato (6st) also ran. Lady Evelyn was scratched. Time—lmin 18sec. Dividend: On the lawn, J 63 9s; outside, £4 7s. ISLAND BAY PARK STAKES, of 120 sovs. One mile. Mr D. O'Brien's b m Rubina, by Kingsborough— Etiquette, 4yrs, 93t 51b 1 Mr T. Hill's b c Pasha, 3yrs, 7st 31b 2 Mr H. Redwood's b c Clogs, 3yrs, 6st 101 b ... 3 Putangitangi and Minerva also ran. Talebeirer, Tigridia, Lady Evelyn, Ugly Buck, and Rally were scratched. Time—lmin 46sec. Dividend Lawn, j6l 12s ; outside, £1 14s. HURDLE HANDICAP, of 80 sovs. Two and a half miles. Mr W. Weston's b g Linwood, aged lOst 51b ... 1 Mr W. A. Donald's g g Shamrock, aged, 9st 71b 2 Mr T. H. Hill's b g Ingomar, 9st ... 3 Liability (list), Berrington (lOst 121bJ and Crib, bage (9st 121 b) also ran. Won by two lengths, Ingomar half a length behind Shamrock. Time —smin 18£see. Totalisator dividends—Lawn, .£3 ; flat, £2 3s. WELLINGTON JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, of 200 sovs ; second horse 30 sovs from stakes. One mile and a half. Captain Russell's bk f Tigridia, by Leolinus— Amohia, 3yrs, 7st 111 b 1 Mr P. P. Tanered's r h Administrator, syrs, 9st 41b 2 Mx J. Pilbrow's b c Ugly Buck, 3yrs, Bst lib ... 3 Time—2min 43Asec. TASMANIAN EACING CLUB. The following is an account of the race for the Hobart Cup, which took place on Feb. 12 : HOBART CUP, a handicap sweepstakes of 10 sovs each, with 1000 sovs added. For three-year-olds and upwards. The second horse to receive 200 bovs, and the third 100 sovs out of the stake. Distance, one mile and three-quarters. Mr N. Wilson's b g Ringwood, by St Albans— Deception, 6yrs, 7st 121 b ... (A. Robertson) 1 Mr W. Field's b c Mozart, 3yrs, Bst (R. Braithwaite) 2 Mr S. Martin's br h Coriolanus, 6yrs, Bst 61b (M. O'Brien) 3

Granville, Hobart, Bonnie Dundee, Bonnie Scotland, Astronomer and Elsinore also starting. Betting: 2to 1 agst Eingwood, 5 to 2 agst Mozart, 3 to 1 agst Coriolanus, 7 to 1 agst Hobart, 12 to 1 agft Astronomer, 20 to 1 agst Elsimore and Granville. There was no delay at the post, the field being at once despatched to a straggling start of which Hobart had the advantage, and he was followed by Mozart and Elsimore, but before they reached the bottom of the hill Elsimore deprived Hobart of the lead, and she made the pace very merry, Bonnie Dundee taking second place, and next to him Bonnie Scotland, Hobart, Granville, Mozart, Coriolanus and Eingwood in the order named. Elsinore was first into the straight, and led past the stand, Bonnie Dundee, Bonnie Scotland, Granville, and Hobart being in close attendance, ,while a couble of lengths separated the last named from Astronomer and Victoria. Descending the dip Elsinore still maintained her advantage, no material alteration having taken place in the position of the others, except that Astronomer dropped back last. After passing the seven furlongs post Hobart began to show towards the leaders, and six furlongs from home he ran to the front, and Coriolanus also improved his position. Bonnie Dundee now hung out signals of distress, and dropped to the rear, Elsinore and Bonnie Scotland also dying away. Half way up the hill Coriolanus drew close to Hobart, and Mozart and Eingwood likewise began to make up the leeway. Hobart was first into the straight, but Coriolanus challenged and disposed of him in a few strides. At the distance,- however, Mozart came with a rush, and heading Coriolanus, his victory was loudly proclaimed, but Eingwood on the outside had been creeping up and joining issue 100yds from home. A splendid race ensued, Eingwood staying longest and winning cleverly by a neck, Coriolanus a neck and a half off third. Hobart was fourth, Bonnie Scotland fifth, Elsinore sixth, followed by Astronomer and Granville, Bonnie Dundee a bad last. Time—3min 9£sec. GEELONG GOLD CUP. The following was the result of the race on Jan. 29 for the GEELONG GOLD CUP, 200 sovs. and a gold cup value lOOgs; for three-year-olds and upwards. Two miles. Mr G. Davies' b m Camerine, by Gondolier-Alice-Drew, aged, 7st 91b 1 Sir W. J.Clarke's br c The Athenian, 3yrs, 6st 2 Hon W. Pearson's b g Plausible, syrs, Bst 21b ... 3 Guesswork (9st 21b), Hilltop (Bst 21b), Kit Nubbles (7s t 121 b), Irralee (7sfc 7lb), Anglesey (7st Sib), Silver King (7st 41b) and Coronet (6st 101 b) also ran. Betting: 7 to 4 agst Plausible, 3 to 1 agst Hilltop, 7 to 1 each agst Camerine, Anglesey, and Coronet, 10 to 1 agst Irralee, 20 to 1 agst The Athenian, 25 to 1 agst Kit Nubbles. The flag fell to a good start, Camerine being the first to show in front, followed by Guesswork, Coronet, and Athenian, with Hilltop last. At the Bushes, Coronet was at the head of affairs, but nearing the home turn the field took close order. Coronet led into the straight, closely attended by Camerine and Plausible, the latter being on the outside. At the distance Coronet was beaten, and Plausible then showed prominently ; but Camerine suddenly came with a great, run, and being followed by Athenian an interesting finish ensued, the mare ultimately getting the best of it, and winning cleverly by half a length. Plausible was third, a couple of lengths away from Athenian, Coronet fourth, then came Irralee and Silver King, with Kit Nubbles last. Time—3min 45sec.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 7484, 25 February 1885, Page 4 (Supplement)

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SPORTING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 7484, 25 February 1885, Page 4 (Supplement)

SPORTING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXIII, Issue 7484, 25 February 1885, Page 4 (Supplement)