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Miscellaneous. 0 „ T COLLIS BROWNE’S 1 Original and Only Genuine CHLORODYNE. , orGHSi COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, „ T r „ii is Browne’s Chlorodyne.—Dr J. C. Dr J- S . Army Medical Staff) Discovered n I'donoto which ho coined the word OhioMcetij w Browne i s the Solo Inventor, and, os of Chlorodyne cannot possibly ho 3 i, v analysis (organic substances doling **■ * • a .v fka fAwmiiifi hno iiavav luAn upound *'' Kl . rliloroilvnt must bo false. This caution jO'VUO 8 U v v j lV ”tsarr, as many persons deceive purchasers Ifalsc r ,\^ is l 'p™w-no’s Chlorodyne.—Vice-Chan-X r Vir IV. rage Wood stated publicly in Court 5 ifr T Collis Browne was undoubtedly the In- + ♦ rof Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the deliberately untrue, and he reilli to «av it had been sworn to.—See the v r;!ieu O • • „ ,o;i ‘'unes.'' duly ISdl. Dr J. Collis Browne s Chlorodyne is a Liquid a ii.-inc'’which assuages pain of every kind, - w n o ,,i m , refreshing sleep without headache, *d n invigoratcs the nervous system when exCoM* Jtc.-From W. Tesalins PettiVn formerly Lecturer at Bfc Hob* London;-” I nave no hesitation m stating V*'*' l V . tiKl S.OUrtOn. 1, ~ Sue never met with any medicine so office- . “an Anti-Spasmodic and Sedative. I have I 'V j,, Consumption, Asihma, Diarrhrea and fi, Ir.ii«eisCß. and am perfectly satisllod with the ,-nIN From IV. C. Wilkinson. Esq.. P.E.C.S., “i consider it invaluable in Phthisis {jMivling: ind ' aided Cue Cough; the benefit is very marked rnFiT SPECIFIC FOR CHOLERA, DYSENbKLAi TKRY, DIARRHOEA. Th' Gewnl Board of Health, London, report itiat i! Ac!-asa Charm, one dose generally suffi-GiM>:->n Armv Medical Staff, Calcutta, states Two'do-v’s completely cured mo of diarrhoea.” •Nvnics and Co., Pharmaceutical Chemists, Medical Hall, Simla. January 5, 1880. <T i T T Davenport, Esq., S 3, Groat Russell street, ' ' ' Bloomsbury, London. <-i r —Have the goodness to furnish ns with evir host quotations for Dr J. Collis Browne's tlilorodyno, as, 1-eing large buyers, wo would much crefer doing business with you direct than through •-V whole-lie houses. We embrace this oppor-■hi-itv of congratulating you ni>oii the widespread re-ivd'-ition this justlv-csteemcAmedicinehasearned fw itself rot only in Hiudostan, but all over the p.wt ' As a remedy of general utility, we much i-Vvu whether a better is imported into the eeunt'rv. and we shall V- glad to hear of its finding - xl.ii" in overv Anglo-Indian home. The other -ih tvo are happy to say, are now relegated to the*native bazaars, and, judging from their sale, ‘ {, in ,-T their sojourn there will be but evanes- , , 1 ., t ‘ vi’e could multiply instances ad infinitum of tl 'i extraordinary efficacy of Dr Collis Browne’s Chlorodyne in Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Spasms, Primus Neuralgia, the Vomiting of Pregnancy, v-i a general sedative, that have occurred under on- personal observation during many years. In CboVnic Diarrhoea, and even * the more terrible forms of Cholera itsalf, we have witnessed its surnrsi' ’lt controlling power. We have never used nut other form of this medicine than Collis Browr.o s, from a firm conviction that it is decidcdlv the best, and also from a sense of duty we owe to V”o profession and the public, as we are of o-. iion that the substitution of any other than Browne’s is a deliberate breach of faith on •opart of the chemist to prescriher and patient i- e- _We are, Sir, faithfully yours. STMES k CO., Members of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, His Excellency the Viceroy’s Chemists. DE J. COLLIS BROWNE’S CHLORODYNE Is the True Palliative in sEUEALGIA, GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM. From Dr B. J. Boolton and Co., Horncastle: — ‘ We have made pretty extensive use of Chlorodyne a oar practice lately, and loek upon it as an excel?nt direct Sedative and Anti-Spasmodic. It seems o allay pain and irritation in whatever organ, and rom whatever cause. It induces a feeling of comDrt and quietude not by any other remedy, and it seems to possess this great advantage ver all other Sedatives, that it leaves no unleasant after effects:" ition. Hysteria. Important Caution, —The Immense Sale of this emedy has given rise to many Unscrupulous Imaitions. N.B.—Every Bottle of Genuine Chlorodyne hears i the Government Stamp the name of the Insntor, DE J. COLLIS BROWNE. Sold ia Bottles, Is Kd, 2s Sd, 4s 63, by all Chemists. Sole Masufactceee : J, T. DAVENPORT S 3, Great Russell street, W.C.

GATHER honey from your flowers. Neighbour's celebrated Beehives. Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876; Paris Exhibition, 1867, Three silver prize medals awarded to George Neigbour and Sons. Neighbour’s improved Cottage Beehive, as originally introduced by George Neighbour and Sons, working three hell glasses; is neatly and strongly made ©f straw ; it hoe three windows in the lower hive. This hire will he found to possess many practical advantages, and is more easy,'of management than any other beehive that has been introduced. Price, complete, £1 15s; stand for ditto, 10p, 6d. Bar Frame Hives of most approved construction at 7s 6d, 12s 6d to 25s each. Philadelphia Frame Hives complete, with cover and stand, 425. An Italian Alp Queen, with full directions for uniting to black stocks, at current prices Ligurian and English bees. Stocks and swarms may be obtained as heretofore. “ The Apiary," i by Alfred Neighbour, ss, postage sd. A newly ar- j Tinned catalogue of other improved hives, with drawings and prices, sent on receipt of two stamps. George Neighbour and Sons, 127, High’Holborn W.C.; or 190, Eegent stret, London, W. A GRAND Discovery for the Unfortunate: 4),000 cures have been effected by the follow, ing preparations:— The Cordial Healing Balm, 11s a bottle, will effectually care debility, loss of mental and physical capacity, inward decay, nervousness, low spirits, trembling and shaking of the hands and limbs, asthma, consumptive cough, spitting blood, internal bleeding, Ac. Pills No. 1 are a speedy cure for recent cases of gravel, lumbago, pains in the back, rheumatism, disease of the kidney, bladder, Ac. Fills No. 2 are much famed for curing longstandinz cases of the above. Pills No. 3 will search out and purify the blood from contamination, and effectually cure senrvey, blotches on the skin, scrofula, pains in the bones, head, eye, Ac. All the Pills 4s 9d a box. Sold by the Proprietor, 61, Kirkgate; Bamsden, Vicar lane; Harrison, Bridge street, Leeds; J. Lund, Westgate, Bradford; Heald, stationer, Wakefield; J, Thompson, dnegist, TMrsk. Messrs Woolford and Co., 51, Kirkgate (opposite the old church), Leeds, may be consulted daily as ■usual, from 10 to 1 and sto 8, with great success, on all cases of nervous debility, skin disease, Ac. It should be remembered that ene visit to those who are qualified and habituated to the practice will he the best means of avoiding future misery. W. and Co. decidedly state and guarantee that no case within reach of medical skill shall leave them ■until effectually and permanently cured. Complaints incident to females skilfully treated. Medicines sent to any part. Private entrance, first door up the passage to the right. A book of testimonials and cures, also one on marriage, sent for two stamps each, By post, rupture trusses, 3s 6d, 4s Cd and 7st 6d elastic stockings, knee caps, issue peas, Ac. PEIZE Medal (Paris Exhibition) awarded to Day and Martin’s Eeal Japan Liquid Blacking, The only composition of the kind to nourish and preserve the leather. High Holbom, London. PEIZE MEDAL VOUVEAY CHAMPAGNE. Notice.—This wine can only be obtained from the original importer (in 1867), A. H. Browning, | hewes, Sussex. Price, 38s per dozen quarts, 42a per two dozen pints, dry, extra dry, or medium, j imitations are worthless, the genuine wine having importer’s name on label. Carriage paid. NO STABLE IS COMPLETE WITHOUT jgLLIMAN’S EOYAL EMBEOCATION. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS, irom His Grace the Duke of Rutland, Master of „ Belvoir Hunt, Dec. 1,1879, hies,—Elliman’s Eoyal Embrocation is used in my stables; I think it very useful. Hctlabd. From G. C. Carew Gibson, Esq., Sandgate, Pulborough, Sussex. Oct. 7,1878. Hies, —I like your Embrocation very much; wa use a great deal of it. All sorts of cuts, bruises, and slight sprains it does well for; capped hocks and sore throats it is almost certain to cure. Tj , Yours faithfully, G. C. Cabbw Gibsox. From J. Bellamy, Esq., Master of the Isle of Wight Hunt. December, 1878. ams,—l use Ellunan’s Eoyal Embrocation, and nave found it most efficacious in many cases of “Plains and wounds, but especially for sore throats, ana wnen used with bandage as a mild blister, t, # J. Bbllaht. From Lieut.-Co’.. E. H. Price, Master of Radnorshire Hunt, , December, 1878. 1186 the Eoyal Embrocation e stables and kennels, and have found it ve I Lave also used the Universal Ei t„° catlon for lumbagound rheumatism for the la and have suffered very little sin E. H. Piuce, Lieut.-Col. ■niu/ag 6d™ ists and Sad<Uers ' in Bottles, 2s, 2s 8d - Proprietors. ELLIMAN, SONS A Co., Slough, HAND.STITCHED saddles and haenessT N^. CO, 7d e<luei ’ eo of tfi e prominence glv saddles and harness by! ’JENKINSON 4 CO. 'WIW that nUtheir and 7<™.o_ li “ ther . Work is Mand Made, Pri ° e than that advertise AUnan Hall and Alblou Place, E.C.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7228, 30 April 1884, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7228, 30 April 1884, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7228, 30 April 1884, Page 3