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Musical Society.—The final rehearsal last night of the music to be given by the Society at its concert this evening was in every way satisfactory. The programme is an excellent one, and should draw a really good house. Catholic Church, Rangiora. His Lordship Bishop Redwood visited the Rangiora Catholic Church on Sunday for the purpose of consecrating the new church bell. He was assisted in the ceremony by Father Le Menant des Chesnais, and he afterwards gave a most interesting historical sketch of the manufacture and use of bells. There were large congregations at each of the services held during the day. The Opera.—There was another crowded house at the Theatre Royal last evening, and "La Mascotte," which was performed for the last time, was received with every manifestation of delight. Tho "Glou Glou " duet was enthusiastically encored, and at the end of the second act the principals wore called before the curtain. This evening "La Fille du Tambour Major" will be produced. St Mary's, Merivale.—At tho evening service at St Mary's, Merivalo, on Sunday, tho Rev T. Flavell, who is about to pay a visit to England on account of his health, took a temporary farowell of his congregation. The reverend gentleman informed them that satisfactory arrangements had been made with tho Rev F. Knowles to take charge of the parish during the four months he himself would be absent, and urged them to renewed energy and unity in regard to the work of the church in the parish.

Boaud of GovßßNons.-An ordinary meeting of the Board of Governors of Canterbury College was hold yesterday afternoon. A report appears elsewhere. The Hon tiik Ministkb op Lavvh.— Tho Hon W. BoJloston will loayo Christchurch this morning tor tho Hanmer Plaina, whonco bo will V™xo& overland to Blenheim, and thencei to Wellington. Absent Jurohs.— Honry Bylove Sorensen and Charles Hood Williams, who had been suuimoued to tho Supreme Court yesterday morning as special jurors, woro each fined £o, " unless cause bo shown," for non-attendance. Kaiapoi BtKoTORATM. —Mr Alfred Saunders mot some ol his friends at tho Good Templar Hall, Kangiora, yesterday morning, and after a long conversation, arrived at tho deoision not to contost tho Kaiapoi election with Mr Eichardsoru Accident at Port. Yesterday afternoon an accident happened to a man named Percival, who was working on board the New Zealand Shipping Company's coal hulk Blackwall. A derrick fell and struck him on tho back, but liis injuries were confined to a few bruises.

Boat Accident.—Three young men got a severe ducking at Sumner on Sunday. In attempting to launch a boat through the surf, an oar was broken, with the result that a breaker caught the boat broadside on, and capsized her. Tho occupants managed to scramble ashore. St John's Band op Hope.—There was a very good attendance last night at the meeting of St John's Band of Hope, which is evidently assuming considerable strength' in numbers. The Kev H. C. M. Watson presided, and several readings, recitations, and songs were given by members in very creditable style. ~ OXPOBD EOAD BOAKD ELECTlON.—Nominations were called to fill the vacancies on tho Oxford Road Board caused by the retirement of Messrs D. Sladden and D. M'Phedron. At the hour of closing only one nomination was received, that of Mr D. M'Phedron, who was declared duly elected. Fresh nominations will have to be called to fill the other vacancy.

Weather Exchange. New Zealand : Fine weather ; still high pressure, though slight decrease in South. Variable winds and moderate. Australia: Generally -fine, with high pressure over Eastern Australia, and southerly winds. Barometers —New Zealand : Russell and Wellington, 30-4; Bluff, 30-4. Australia: Hobart, 29'9 ; Portland, 300; Sydney, 30-3. Chtjkch Annivebsaky.—The anniversary sermons of the Eangiora Free Methodist Church were preached on Sunday by the Bev J. Parkin. The church was prettily decorated, and specially selected hymns were sung. In the afternoon a children's meeting was held, during which a programme of addresses, readings, and recitations were gone through. There were large congregations throughout the day. Waipara Licensing Bench.—The meeting of the newly-elected Waipara Licensing Committee was held at Waikari on Saturday ; present —Messrs G. Kemp, R. Johnston, and W. Parkerson. Mr G. Kemp said he had spoken to their last year's Chairman, Mr J. D. Lance, and from what he had said thought he would not object to refill the vacant chair; A motion in accordance was unanimously carried. There was no other business. Banks' Peninsula Church Mission.— A meeting of Church members, attending the services at Pigeon Bay, was held in the schoolroom on Friday. A highly satisfactory balance-sheet was presented, showing that .£36 had been remitted to the Diocesan Treasurer during the past year. Mr C. Kay was re-elected churchwarden, and seven persons were nominated to act as church officers. A Committee was appointed for the purpose of arranging for a tea and concert, to take place on June 6.

Supreme Court.—The case of Messrs P. and D. Duncan, v.. Booth and Macdonald, concerning as alleged libel arising out of the judges' awards at the last Agricultural and Pastoral Association's Show, came to a sudden termination yesterday, the defendants consenting to an adverse verdict. Judgment was given for 40s, and costs .£75. The action Fuchs v. the Union Steamship Company will he taken at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning. To-day his Honor sits in Chambers to take any formal business. Kaiapoi Boeodgh Council. —A special meeting of this Council was held yesterday afternoon, for [the purpose of passing and signing the burgess list; present—His Worship the Mayor and Councillors Wilson, Butt, Stanton, Woodford, and Kidd. After amendment, the burgess list was signed and passed. The yearly statement of accounts was then presented, showing the total receipts to be .£1669 8s 7d; and disbursements, .£1393 4s lid, leaving a credit balance of .£276 3s 'Bd. The balance of the Cemetery account was ■£s6 8s 6d, which was transferred to general account. The statement of assets and liabilities was also presented, and it was decided to advertise same. Other routine matter was disposed of. Councillor Butt tendered his resignation as a Councillor, and the meeting adjourned. ' Ofeba in Timaru. —A good deal of excitement has prevailed in Tiinaru since the arrival of the Opera Company, on the subject of " Eip Van Winkle," which local amateurs having made up their minds to present, were very anxious to see played by a professional company. They therefore, with a number of citizens who had formed a high conception of the opera, endeavoured to induce Mr Dunning to present it, but that gentleman was unable to see his way clear to do so until he was guaranteed a certain sum. This was at once forthcoming, and Mr, Dunning came up to Christchurch yesterday to get the necessary properties, costumes, &c. The company have been enthusiastically received in Tiinaru throughout their season, and the utmost expectancy prevails there about" Eip Van Winkle." Papanui Public Library.—The annual meeting of the members of the Papanui Library was held last evening. Mr H. Godfrey occupied the chair. The balancesheet, which was read by the Hon Secretary, Mr C. Jennings, showed that the receipts during the paßt year had amounted to .£55 2s 7d, and the expenditure to Ml 18s Id, leaving a balance in hand of .£l3 4s 6d. The assets were put at .£23 13s, and the liabilities at .£2O ss. The Committee's report was also read by the Secretary. The number of subscribers on the books at the beginning of the year was only 21, a con- ! siderable falling off. The Committee urged upon members the desirability of persuading their friends to become subscribers, and recommended that the balance in hand should be expended on new books. The following persons were elected a Committee for the ensuing year:—Messrs Anderson, Derritt, Stowart, Godfrey, Jonnings, King and Smith. Mr W. Jose was re-elected Auditor. The meeting then adjourned. The Late Mb H. J. Tanceed.—At the Supreme Court yesterday morning, on Hiß Honor Mr Justice Johnston taking his seat, he made the following address . Gentlemen of the special jury,—Before we proceed to tho business of the day, I cannot refrain from alluding t« the great loss which the Colony, and this portion ot it especially, has just sustained by the decease of a gentleman who in foruiertimes frequently assisted in the administration of justice in this place as a grand and special juryman. As a member both of tho Colonial and Provincial a Minister, as Chancellor of tho University, and in various other positions of honour and responsibility, Mr Tancred devoted a great portion ot his life to the service of tho community. He leaves behind him an unspotted reputation as a private gentleman, and as a servant ot the public; and ho will bo recognised by all his fellow colonists as ono of those men of education and honour among the early settlers, who have helped to procure for the Colony the good name, which I believe, it bears in tie world, and which I sincerely hope it never will forfeit.

The Telephone Cable.—The telephone cable between Godley Head and the Pilot Station, which was broken some few weeks ago, has now been satisfactorily repaired under tho direction of Mr Modelings, and consequently communication is restored between tho Harbour Board offices and the station.

Sydenham Donovan Council.—A special meeting of the Sydenham Borough Council was hold last evening for tho purpose of approving of the burgess list, or considering objections thereto ; present—His "Worship tho Mayor, Councillors Day, Andrew, Sherlock, Comber, Brown, Bowden, and Gledhill. An apology was received for the absence of Councillor Forrester, who was unwell. The Mayor said that there were no objections, but he understood from the Town Clerk that there were several alterations on account of changes of ownership. On the motion of Councillor Gledhill, seconded by Councillor Day, the roll was approved, and the Mayor and Councillors Andrew and Brown were appointed to sign the same in accordance with the Act. This was all the business, and the meeting terminated.

The Board of Education meets on Thursday at 3 p.m.

A lecture entitled " The waste of food in the manufacture of intoxicating drinks," and illustrated by diagrams, will be delivered this evening in the Oxford terrace Baptist schoolroom by Mr John Harding. A sale of work will bo held in the Girls' Friendly Society's Eecreation Boom, Hereford street, on Thursday. Mr Leach announces by advertisement that he Sroposes tu run a coach between Chrietchurch and pawa from Thursday next. The second of Professor Bickerton's course of lectures on " Elementary Experimental Science " will take place this evening.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7227, 29 April 1884, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7227, 29 April 1884, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7227, 29 April 1884, Page 4