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Lyttelton Time * Office, Thursday Evening. CUSTOMS REVENUE. The following was the Customs revenue collected yesterday Spirits, £69 2s 3d j wine, £7 Is; beer, £lB7 5s ; tea, £26 15s ; sugar, £l9 13s 2d; ad valorem, £29 3s; tota', £338 19s lid. Messrs H. Matson and Co. report on the Live Stock Market, Ac., for the week ending Thursday, April 24, 1884. as follows : The prospect of yesterday’s Addington market, in the early part of the day, pointed in the direction of a considerable falling off in numbers, i.e., in comparison with the past month’s sales. This, however, was scarcely the case, as although mutton snpply was not quite as heavy as of late, vet by the time of opening the sale, the influx of stores had so filled the pens that quite 10,000 sheep must have been catalogued. Buyers of fat sheep, were again limited to the local trade, and as the choice lay chiefly in cross-bred ewes, there was a dragging sale generally, the only exceptions being one or two small lots of prime cross-bred wethers, for which plenty of competition was shown, and full rates obtained. Under this heading, we may specially mention the Teviotdale wethers, a splendid lot of sheep, sent to hand by Messrs Greenwood Bros., with which we topped the market, at the high figure of 19s for crossbreds, and 20s for the half-breds of the line. On account of Mr T. M. Mitchell, of the Washdyke, we also placed two-tooth cross-bred wethers, at 16a and 16s 3d, two-tooth ewes at 15s ; for Mr E. ■Wright, of Ellesmere, cross-bred ewes, at 16s to 16s 6d; for Messrs Campbell and Co., of Bellfleld, about 300 two tooth ewes, at Its to 15s, one pen at 13s 9J, prices which were scarcely commensurate with the quality. On account of Mr E. Wright, of Mokikihi, we placed a consignment of nice quality two-toothsat 15s 6d; two-and-four-toothcross-breds, for Mr Chambers, at 16s 6d; cross-bred ewes, for Mr Overton, at 15s 6d and 16s ; cross-bred ewes, for Mr J. N. Tosswill, at 16s; four-tooth ewes, for Mr H. Chamberlain, at 15s, wethers at 15s 3d; 2-tooth wethers, for Mr J. Overton, at 15s 9d; cross-breds, for Mr Langdon, at 10s ; mixed crossbreds, for Mr Leslie, at 13s to 13s 6d; two-tooth mixed cross-breds, for Mr O’Callaghan, at 13s, &c. As a f general summary of the market, we consider that or any but the choicest lots, the tendency of values continues downwards, and 2id for medium to 2Jd forprime mutton may be considered the current rates. In stores, there is still a large amount of business being done, though it is only possible to make a quittance at lower rates. For all sheep of this class, especially cross-bred ewes, values are Is to Is Cd per head lower tlinn a month since, hut the present rates are undoubtedly nearer the actual value than -they have been of late. Merino ewes were, in a great measure, a specialty of yesterday’s sale, and, among others—acting under instructions from Messrs Dalgety and Co.—we sold, on account of Mi Fortoscue Dalgety, of the Grassmere estate, 100 C merinos of mixed sexes. Although these sheep were a little wanting in condition, yet this defect was more than counterbalanced by the ages (2, 4 and 6-tooth), which, in merinos passing throngl these yards, is a rarity. Coining straight from the station, ns they did, and never having had a cross bred lamb, the ewes of the hue were much in re quest for breeding purposes, and sold readily at 6i per bead, a price which would have been enhanced another Is or Is 6d had they possessed a little mon size and condition. The wethers of the line wen of the same age and class, and sold at 4s Cd each On account of MrF. Neave, from the Mount Ail Judas station, Lake Coleridge, we also soldbetweei 500 and 600 merino ewes, with good mouths, a 4s 3d to 4s 6d ; 300 call merino wether at 4s 2d, both lines being somewhat out o condition. For Mr Hartnell we sold 520 2 and 4 tooth cross-bred wethers at 13s 3d; for Mr Stevens 450 sound-mouthed merino ewes at 7s 8d ; for M Yarr, 90 merino 8s 2d; for Mr Leslie cross-bred ewes at X2s 2d to 13s, cross-bred lambs a 8s 2d; lambs for Mr Hart at Os 6d and 7s/&c Owing to the protracted nature of the sheep auc tion, the fat cattle sale did not commence unti late, when a large proportion of the buyers hai supplied themselves privately. As to the manno in which the beef sales are being conducted, w have on many occasions animadverted, pointing ou the unsuitability and injustice of the present syt tern. At last the question has become so serious one for the graziers and others that representation have been made to, and favourably received by, th Directors with a view of having the fat cattle sale conducted simultaneously with the auction of stor sheep, similar to what is now being done with th store cattle and fat sheep. Should this course b adopted, there is ho doubt hut that it would h favourably receded by all, and thus enable the fa stock as well a»' stores to he sold at such time in the day as to ensure the attendance o buyers. Of the te£cU on Wednesday there i nothing to be fimd in its favour, prices ruling low ii A- face of a very small supply. On account of Mr Wil liam Boag we sold fat cows at £7l2s 6d to £7l7s 6d heifers for Mr O’Neil at £0 ss; steers for Mr Krus at £6los to £6lss; light-weight heifers for Messn DonW, Tubman, and Malley, at £4 10s to £5 We. quote the heat beef at 18s to 20s per 1001 b light-weight and inferior quality 16s to 17s 6d In store cattle there is no alteration to report, tin demand being at a very low ebb, and the supply consisting chiefly of inferior stock.’ This has beei the leading characteristic of the sales for some time past; but dull as the enquiry undoubtedly is

1 tho class of cattle sent to hand of Into lifts for the most part been of such a description ns to oiler but little inducement to buyers. Pigs are maintaining their values remarkably well j and with tho ounm, season close at baud, prices for fat pigs must still improve, rather than otherwise. Of our entry toi • the day, wo sold light weight “ bacouers ’’ at from ” 40s to 50s j porkers, 25s to 355; small-sized stores. ■ 10s to 20a. The totals yarded tor tbo dny compnseii ’ 10,851 sheep, 297 head of cnttlo, and 2l4l>igs,oi which our entry comprised 0228 sheep and lames, n 170 head of cattle, and 182 pigs j for Messrs J. Overton, Greenwood Proa., F. Dalgoty. R. Wright ■. (Gllesincro), R. Wright (Makilcihi), B. S. Chambers, ■, D. O’Callaglmn, T. Laugdon, E. Hack, Campbell and Co.. H. Overton, W. Bong, P. Grant, , a head, Henderson and M'Bcath, P. Noavo, J. ® UU H I ’ - 11. Eimfcerbrook, J. Kiilloy, T. W. Mitchell, 0 Tosswill, H. J. P. Loslio, H. Chamberlain, W. Attwood, E. Yarr, A. Broadfoot, W. Hartnell, a Kountreo and Hart, C. Stewart, A. Rodoy, l ■ 1 Slattery, P. Tod, D. Cant, K. Brake. A. J. Liiuiov, A. S. Bull, E. Spoucor, It. Rice, H. White, J. O’Neil, D. Kruse, B. Tubman, T. iuhinau, W. MiiUcv, T. Dawson, W. Dunlop, G. Forgusson, w, ; Bailey, J. Hiue. W. Hayes, J. Thompson. Mrs Blythe, Tishraarsh, J. Gear, P. Porou, G. Briggs, G. Orchard, and others. , Canterbury House Market.— For our last I Saturday's sale, at TattorsalTs, we catalogued an entry of 78 broken, and 61 unbroken horses, or a total of 134 head. Tbo attendance comprised most , of tho export representatives, a number ot the local trade, and a largo gathering of the general public and outside buyers. Considering the class ' of stock on offer, wo have seen at no marmot of late • so much apathy and indill'erenco as was exhibited on . this occasion, tho cause being a slight weakening of the trade on the other side. This, no doubt, is in some measure due to the recent drought iu New . South Wales; but this calamity now over, wo may hone for increased life in trade iu that direction. ; At last there is an outside enquiry, which may ’ possibly become permanent, for vdiat of late has ! been a drug in the market, viz., light horses. The ’ same remarks, however, which wo have made bom time to time ns to tho care necessary in breeding draught stock, applies also to light horses, and even to a greater extent, as it is an admitted fact that our hack and light harness horses are, in point of usefulness and character, much below our draughts. Once lot us start to breed hacks of the right description, horses possessingsome weight-carrying power and substance, and then wo may exxiect to reap tho advantage ot breeding to supply other countries less favourably situated for production than ourselves. Of our total entry on Saturday, most of tho broken, and about 20 head of unbroken horses were sold; draughts, £ls to £37; ordinary do, £lO to £l4; throe-year-old unbroken colts and fillies, £l2 to £2O; two-year-olds, £7 to £l2; hack and light harness horses, £5 to £l7, according to description. , Wool, Sheepskins, Hides, Rough Pat, and Tallow. —On Thursday, at tbq, Canterbury Wool Stores, our catalogue comprised 4243 sheepskins, 345 oxhides, 190 hags and packages ot rough rat. There was a full attendance of tho trade, and business was fairly’ animated, fully maintaining rates ruling last week. Butchers' cross-breds at 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 2s lOd; inferior, 2s to 2s 4d; men nos, 2s, 2s Sd, 2s 7d, Bs, to 3s 7d; inferior, Is 6d to Is XOd. In factory skins we sold, on account of Messrs Mallock and Lance, 1010 merino pelts at 2s; for Mr E. P. Wade, 400 cross-bred pelts at 2s sd; account Cashmere Estate, 187 cross-breds at 2s 7d; account Messrs Dudley and Northey, 200 cross-bred pelts at 2s 7d. Lambskins from Is lid to 2s 4d; country skins from 2s 6d to 3s Bd. Oxhides held over. Eo igh fat at, for best, 2d to 2Jd; inferior, 1-Jd to 2d. Tallow up to 28s per owt. Laud and Property.—On Saturday last we held our usual weekly auction. The attendance was very numerous, and a large amount of interest was shown in the sale of the Limehurst Estate, situate at Waikari, and lying about seven miles from the township, and adjoining the run of G. H. Moore, Esq. The first lot sold was No. 3on the plan, containing 713 acres, together with large stone-built house, stable, wool sheds, grain stores, &c., &c., which, after some competition, was knocked down to Mr John Parish at £9 per acre. Lot 4, containing 40 acres of freehold and 431 acres of leasehold, was sold to same buyer for £7OO. Several other properties were oifered, hut prices of owner and buyer were not in accordance. Total sale, £7103. We also let by tender on Saturday last H. D. Gardiner's, Esq., Woodlands Farms at the following rentalsss9 acres, with homestead, at 23s 6d per acre; 31 acres adjoining, at 30s per acre; 138 acres ditto, at 17s 6d; 86 acres ditto, at 20s; and 128 acres ditto, at-17s Gd per acre. We have numerous enquiries for farms to rent from 100 to 300 acres; also, houses in the suburbs, from 8 to 10 rooms; but the paucity at the present time will not supply the demand. Country Sales.—On April 17, at Dunsandel, on account of Mr Thos. Stone, we held a cleaving sale of live and dead farming stock at the homestead. There was a capital attendance, and although biddings came slowly, most of the lots under the hammer found buyers at satisfactory prices. Crossbred ewes realised 14s; aged do, 9s 6d; draught horses, up to £32; ploughs, to £9 and £10; other lots proportionate rates. Messrs Matson, Cox and Co. report upon the Live Stock Market for the Ashburton district for the week ending April 22 as follows: —On Tuesday, at the Ashburton Yards, we held our usual sale of sheep, pigs and cattle. The entry in sheep for the day was unusually large, over 20,000 coming forward ; hut in pigs and Kittle there was a very small entry. The attendance of farmers and dealers was very good, hut the bidding was slow and prices for store sheep must be quoted ffom 6d to 9d per head less than late sales. We quote mutton 2jd to ’2idper lb, and beef 16s to 18s per 1001 b. Our entries comprised 6380 sheep, 20 rams, 6 pigs, and 16 cattle, on account of Messrs O’Shea, W. Prebble, C. Primmer, H. T. Smith, A. Jackson, W. F. Allen, C. Stewart, E. Hampton, J. Campbell, J. Wilson, J. Grieg, P. Innes, S. M'Leary, J. Collins, E. Murdoch, J. Gallately, H. Drummond, E. W. Shearman, H. Hudson, Lovell, J. T. Brown, J. Hepburn, A. J. Huston, Aimett Bros., J. Corbett, &c. We sold 50 fat merino ewes at 6s 3d ; 114 fat 2-tooth cross-bred wethers, 15s Id; 43 fat cross-bred ewes and wethers, 8s 6d; 55 merino ewes, 5s sd; 92 merino ewes, 4s 6d. 500 Mount Peel ewes, 7s ; 112 Eockwood ewes, 7s 3d; 2SO cross-bred lambs, 8s 6d; 65 old merino ewes. Is sd; 88 small cross-bred lambs, 5s 6d; 398 merino ewes, 2s Id; 89 merino ewes, 3s 8d; 69 merino wethers, 8s 9d ; 16 2-tooth cross-breds 13s; 49 merino wethers, Gs; 365 merino wethers, 7s; 189 merino ewes, Is 8d; 1000 old ewes and wethers, Is 8d; 17 Lincoln rams, 2-tooths, £2 2s each. In pigs—I’sow, £1 3s; 5 bacon pigs, J £2 2s Gd each. In cattle —Fat cows, £4 12s to £5 12s 6d.

Messrs Miles and Co. report upon the Live Stock Market for the week ending Thursday, April 24, as follows, viz.:—Addington.—A heavy entry of sheep came forward at the Addington Yards on Wednesday, but, as has been the case for some time past, good quality fat sheep were conspicuous by their absence, and the hulk of the mutton consisted of old cross-bred ewes and merino wethers. Amongst the exceptions to above were the consignments of sheep from Mr E. L. Higgins, Gust, and a line of 2-tooths from Mr Goodwin, of Alhury. The former we placed at 19s and 18s 6d—the top price for the day—the latter realising,l6s 3d. Notwithstanding last week’s rates were very low, vendors hod to submit to a further redaction in values, mutton ruling at from 2jd to barely 2Jd for best quality. FatCaitle.—Only a light entry of fat cattle. The supply, however, proved fully equal to the demand. Account Mr W. B. Clarkson we sold a very choice line of fat bullocks, heavy weights, from the Messrs Hay Bros’ Pigeon Bay estate, eliciting keen competition, and realising prices according to quotations. We quote beet at 16s to 19s per 1001 b, according to quality. Store sheep.—A large entry, composed of the usual varied description, which, however, met, if anything, a slightly improved sale. Cross-bred ewes realised from 12s to 14s; do wethers from 13s 6d to 15s; merino ewes from ssto7s9d; do wethers, 6s to 7s. Store Cattle.—Of this class of stock only a very light entry came to hand. The demand, however, was a very limited one, in fact the market was as bad a one as we have witnessed for some considerable time past, prices, except for really good lines of two and three-year-old cattle, being any. thing hut good. Pigs.—A fair supply of porkers and bacon iigs, and for such as were of good quality, recent rates were fully maintained. The numbers entered were—lo,3sl sheep, 297 cattle, 214. pigs, of which our entries vvere—account of Messrs E. L. Higgins, John Cordy, Goodwin, W. M’Lennau, Willis, J. Brown, S. Garforth, W. B. Clarkson, and others. Our principal sales were —merino wethers, 70 at 12s ; cross-bred wethers, 46 at 19s, 23 at 18s 9d, 22 at 18s 6d, 38 at 16s 3d, 30 at 15s 9d, 190 at 14s 6d; cross-bred ewes at 13s, 100 at 13s 6d. 1 Ashburton,—At these yards there was a very large entry of stock, of which we had the pleasure to submit two or three large drafts of ewes and wethers, fresh from the station. The attendance was an average one, but values were rather drooping. Our entries comprised 6045 sheep. Our principal sales were—merino ewes, 278 at Ss, 800 at 6s 7d, 369 at 6s, 200 at Ss, 884 at 4s, 240 at 7s Id, 225 at 5s 4d, 84 at 4s 6d, 527 at Is 7d; merino wethers, 252 at 6s, 405 at 6s 9d, 375 at 5s 6d; cross-bred lambs, 167 at 7s 9d; cross-bred sheep at 13s 6d, rams from 31s 9d to 635. Our sales were—on account of Messrs W. C. Walker, W, Gerard, Bprott Bros., H. Corbett, J. Eutherfortl. F. M, Foster, Le Breton, M’Eony, W. Morrow, W. F. Allen, G. Bell, J. Corbett, and otherg. We held, on Thursday, the usual weekly sale of sheepskins, &c,, in our Cashel street store, at which there was an average attendance of buyers, to whom we disposed of the whole of our catalogue at prices equal to late quotations. Country cross-bred skins, 9d, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s 2d, 2s sd, 2s lOd; ditto merino, lOd, Is 4d, Is 7d, 2s Id, 2s 3d up to 3s 8d; ditto lambs, lOd, Is Id, Is 8d; butchers’ cross-bred, Is 3d, Is Bd, 2s 2d, 2s 6d, 2s 8d; ditto merino, Is 3d, 2s 2d, 2s lid; ditto lambs, 7d. Is 6d, 2s 4d. Fat, 2‘,d, 2id, 2|d per lb. Tallow at 16s per cwt. Hides and calfskins held over.

Messrs Robert Wilkin and Co. reportAt the Addington Yards on Wednesday 10,351 sheep, 297 head of cattle, and 214 pigs were yarded. A fair entry of fat sheep came to hand, hut the biddings again dragged, and second and medium sorts met a slight drop in prices compared to last week’s rates while there was little or no alteration in sales of really prime drafts of wethers. Store sheep came forward in large numbers, and every line submitted found buyers at prices a shade below late quotations. Fat Cattle—A small entry to hand, the quality being above the average. Prime pens of steers changed hands at prices about equal to 19s per 1001 b. We sold prime cross-bred wethers at 18s each, mixed ewes and wethers at 15s Id, store cross-bred wethers (2.tooth) at 12s lOd a draft of first cross lambs at 9s 2d. p’ig 8 Prime nt 676 od, good ditto at 46s’ Wool, Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, Tallow, &c.~Our usual sale was held on Thursday, April 24, the quantity forward being greatly in excess of late sales. Onr catalogue consisted of about 2480 sheepskins, 34 bales and 15 bags of wool, together with 49 packages fat, and 173 hides ana calfskins. Biddings were fairly brisk, and wo cleared all lines with one or two exceptions, at prices as under • Butchers’ cross-breds, 9d, lOd, Is 3d, ls6d, 2s, 2s Od 2s 9d, 2s lOd, 3s lOd, 4s 4d, 4s lOd, to ss; do merino’ Is 4d, Is 6d, Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s 7d, 2s lOd, Is Ud, 3s Id up to 4s; lamhslilns, Cd, Bd, 9d, Is, to Is 8d; pelts 2d, 3d, 4d, Sd, Bd, 9d, Is, Is 4d, Is 6d, to Is 9d! Wool—Merino, greasy, Sd, Sid, 6id, 7Jd; do, scoured, Is and Is 4d; cross-bred, 3Jd. 3id, 4Jd, 6d; lambswool, Sid, bl 1. to (id; locks, pieces, &c., Id, Hd, to 2d per lb. Koi-gh fat and tallow, 2d, aid, aid, to 2|d per lb j hides, 4d, 3Jd, Bid, to 8d

~er lb, tho higher price for heavy > damaged, 2(d per lb; calfskins, in good condition, ■til per lb j damaged, aid per lb.

Messrs 0. Newton and Son report on the Dive Stock Market for tho week ending Thursday, April 24. as follows; —With tho exception of one or two small lines of fat sheep at Addington ou Weducsdav, the balance wore about tbo greatest rubbish that could possibly be got together; in fact, It would bo difficult to conceive anything more worn out and non-paying than tho hulk of tho moriuo stores scut forward for sale; and how they find graziers and farmers foolish enough to buy them, and put them on their property, is a mystery to us, as It must involve loss of money, waste of food, and disappointment. Good quality wether mutton found fair competition both iu the merino and cross-bred classes, at 2Sd to 2Jd per lb; and hoof found a sale at 17s Gd per 1001 b. One hue of store merino owes brought 8s 3d each; and a lino of stole cross-bred wethers sold at 13s Sd each ; and several linos of cross-bred owes changed hands at from9s 8u to 11s each. Tho total amount of stock yarded comprised 10,351 sheep, 297 head of cattle, and 214 pigs; and although the sales wore very dragging, and the class of stock most indifferent, yet a considerable amount of business was transacted during tbo day.

Messrs H. Bennetts and Co. report on the Live Stock Market for tho week ending April 24, as follows Tho supply ot stock showed a slight falling off at Addington on Wednesday, but the entry £was quite equal to tho demand; 10,351 sheep were sent forward, a large proportion being stores. Tho entry ot tat cattle was a light one, and values were consequently enhanced. Very little was offering, and very little business done in the store cattle market. Sheepskins, Hides, Fat, Tallow, &o.—At our yards this day we submitted a largo entry of sheepskins, &c. A good attendance of folimongers assembled, and showed a good deal of spirit in their biddings, and prices ruled from Sd to Gd above last week’s values. We sold butchers' cross-breds at 2s Id, 2s 2d, 2s 3d, 2s Sd, 2s Gd, 2s 7d, 2s 9d, 2s lOd, and 8s; merinos at Is 9d, Is lid, 2s Id, 2s 3d, 2s Sd, and 2s Gd ; lambs from Is lOd to Bs. Our fat, which was a very clean, well-saved lot, sold at 2d, 2id, 2|d, and 2 id; and tallow at 24s to 27s per cwt. Hides and calfskins at recent quotations. Poultry and Produce. —At our yards on Saturday last, we catalogued a large entry of poultry, &c., which sold at rates on a par with previous reports. Best table fowls at 3s 6d, 3s 9d, 4s 3d, and 4s 6d per pair; medium ond inferior, 2s Gd to 2s 9d; ducks from 4s to 4s Gd; turkeys from 12s to 265. We are selling large quantities of seconds and damaged wheat at from Is Gd to 2s 9d per bushel. Onions, id ito Id per lb; potatoes from 3S to. 4s per bag. Pigs are selling at late rates. We sold a large line of small stores on Saturday at 6s 6d and 9s per head. Country sales. —On Tuesday last we held a clearing sale of live and dead stock on the farm of Mr William Kirk, at Springston, whose lease is just expiring. A large attendance of his farming neighbours, together with horse-dealers from town, assembled, and, after a good lunch, a start was made on the dead stock, which sold at very good values. The dairy cows, which were a very fair lot, hut too far off calving for immediate profit, fetched from £6 7s 6d to £9 15s, and made a very good average. Horses went to £l7 per head. Pigs up to £4 7s Gd for sows in pig, and £2 16s for baconere, land altogether a very fair sale resulted. Land Sales, &o. —Privately during the week we have sold Mr J. Crocker’s two farms at Tai Tapu for £25 and £35 per acre respectively, the purchaser in both cases being Mr Thomas Macartney, of the same district, and we have a lot of enquiries for medium-sized farms situated within a reasonable distance from town.

Messrs Brown and Baird report on the sales held at their Lichfield street Saleyards:—Horses— A good entry; prices from £1 10s, £2 10s, £4 to £B. tigs—lsß yarded; demand still continues good ; all sold at the following prices Suckers, 6s Gd, 9s 9d, 11s to 14s Gd ; weaners and porkers, 15s, 18s 6d, 22s to 26s ; stores, 325, 35s Gd, 46s to 50s ; sows, 26s and 50s; sow and seven young ones, 725. Poultry. —A very full entry, and all cleared. Good table fowls, 3s Gd to 4s; inferior birds, 2s 3d, 2s 9d to 3s 3d ; chicks, Is 3d to Is 9d; ducks, 3s 6d to 4s 6d; geese, 6s 6d to 7d ; turkeys, 8s Gd to 9s Gd; pigeons. Is 3a, Is 9d to 3s per pair. Calves, 2s, 3s Gd to 5s ; cows, £2, £6 ,10s to £8 10s. Produce—Potatoes, kidneys and Derwents, 35s per ton; cheese, 2d to 4|d per lb; onions, £4 10s to £5 per ton ; bacon, 4id; chickwheat, 2s Gd to 2s 9d per bushel.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7224, 25 April 1884, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7224, 25 April 1884, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7224, 25 April 1884, Page 4