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The following is Messrs Miles Beds, and Co.’s Priced List of wools, imported from Canterbury, sold at the current series of London public sales, which commenced Feb. 12 Ex lonic. Feb. 12.—FC, sup cbg, 3 at Is 2d; 2nd x-cbg, 6 at 9Jd; 3rd x, 1 at 8d; x-pcs, 1 at 6d. FC, undumped, x-mxd pcs scd, 2 at 6d. AE over T, Ist cbg scd, 2 at Is 9id; 2nd cbg scd, 21, part Ist, 2 at Is 5-J-d ; cbg scd, 1 at Is 3 id; Ist cbg h-bd scd, 3 at Is 2£d ; Ist cbg J-bd scd, 7 at 1 lsd ; 2nd cbg J-bd scd, 7 at Hd; 3rd cbg -J-bd scd, 2 at lOd; mxd x-sed, 2 at Hd. Ex Beitish ' Queen and lonic. Feb. 12.—Middlchurst, cbg scd, 2 at Is 4|d; scd, 4 at Is 5Jd; pcs scd, 13 at Is sid; bellies scd, 4 at Is 4d; cbg grse, 2 at 9d; pcs grse, 5 at Bd. Ex lonic, Beitish Queen, and Fenstanton. Feb. 13.—P over FG, scd cbg, 6 at Is 3d; scd Ist cltg, 16 at Is 21d ; scd x-bd, 8 at Is 3d; scd x-bd 2ml cltg, 7 at 10 id; scd x-bd 3rd cltg, 8 at 9d; scd Lneln, 14 at IOJd. WJI, slipe Ist cbg and cltg mmo, 5 at Is o]d; slipe mxd, 1 at 7id, 1 at Bd. Geo Clark over Ch Ch, scd Ist and 2nd cbg, 3 at Is 2d; scd Ist cltg, 4 at Is 3d ; scd 2nd cltg, 2 at Is 3d; scd 3rd cltg, 1 at Is Id ; scd sup h-bd, 2 at Is Gd ; scd Ist h-bd, 1 at Is 4Jd ; scd x-bd, 2 at Is Old. H, grse cbg, 1 at 10id; grse x-bd, 7 at 9d. G&C, grse sup cbg, 2 at 9id. Ex lonic. Feb. 13.—Murgatroyd over HZ, scd Ist cbg, 2 at Is 8d ; scd 2nd cbg, 2 at Is 7d; scd Ist cltg, 1 at Is 7d; scd 2nd cltg, 2 at Is GJd; scd 3rd cbg, 1 at Is sd; scd Ist cbg h-bTI, 1 at Is 6id ; scd 2nd cbg h-bd, 125 pt Ist, 2 at Is s^d; scd 3rd cbg h-bd, 2 at Is 31H; scd 2nd cltg h-bd, 1 at Is 3d; scd cbg x-bd, 2 at Hid; se<j cltg x-bd, 1 at Hid; scd cltg 3rd x-bd, 1 at Hd; scd brands x-bd, 1 at Is. CW over Corwar, sup cbg hgt grse, 20 at Hd; sup obg grse. Hi at Hid; sup x-cbg hgts grao, 23 at 10id. Balrazio, x-cbg hgts grse, 23 at 7-id; xcbg grse, 29 at 7d ; x-grse, 1 at 7d; Romney Marsh hgts grse, 2 at 7jd. Ex Fenstanton. Feb. 15.—DAM over NZ, scd cbg, 12 at Is 4d; scd cltg, 3 at Is 3d, 4 at Is Id; scd h-bd, 9 at Is 2d; scd J-bd, B"at IOJd ; scd 2nd h-bd, I at 9d ; slipe x-bd, 11 at Is Id. Ex lonic. Feb. 15.—JWE, slipe, 3 at Is lid; slipe cltg, l_at Is O.Jd; slipe sup li-bd, 10 at Is Id; slipe x-bd, 6 at lid; scd fine, 3 at

lid; alipo sup Lstr, 10 at 9jd; x-bd, pt ecd, brands and pcs, 8 nt GJd. Feb. 16.—WJE over Kaikoura, sed ebg Ist, 3at Is 8d; sed extra long, 2at Is GJd; 1 sod, 78, 2 quals, 4 at Is 2d ; sed x-bd ebg, lat Is 4d; sed x-bd skirts, 1 at la 3jd. BF, sed ebg skin, lat Is -1 Jd: mid skin, 2 at Is Bid; sed x-bd akin, 1 at 10d. bt Leonards, grse Ist ebg A, pt H, GO at Is: grse 11,219, C, 7 at lid j grse, 1 at 10jd, lat lOd; grse slipo, 1 atlld; grse hgt h-bd, 20 at Is OJd s grse hgt, 23 at Hid; grse hgt x-bd 2nd, 1 at 9Jd ; grse hgt dgd. 2 at Old ; grse hgt, 4 at 9d ; grse Lstr, lat 7id. I*ahau, grse h-bd 11, 19 at lOd; grse h-bd dgd, I at 9d ; grse h-bd, 0 at 101 d. Ex lonic and Fenstanton. Feb. 10.— 88, Slipe x-bd A, 12 at Is IJd; slipe x-bd B, 14 at lOd; slipo x-bd B dgd, lat lOd ; slipo x-bd C, oat Od; slipo x-bd, Int7l d; acd x-bd slipo, 9at lid, 3at Bld, lat 11. id, B&P, sed, lat Is 4Jd. Ex Catalonia, Archer, British Kino, AND WAIPA. Feb. 10.—JBH in Diamond, sed fine x-bd, 2 at Is 2d. Ex Doric. Feb. 10.—JP&Co. over L, grse x-bd, 1 at sd. Ex lonic. Feb 18.—EME connected, over Otarnia, fine x-cbg hgts grse, 2at Old; x-cbg hgts grse, 29 at 9d; x-cbg grse, 4at 9d; Lncln grse, 71, x-hgts, 3atßd ; mxd grse, 2 at 4d; dgd grse, 12 at BJd j x-lambs grse, 3 at 4Jd; x-pcs grse, 4at 7d; dgd x-pcs grse, 4at s ld; dead wool, 3atßd; dgd dead wool, lat 7d; pcs dead -wool, 3 at 7Jd. EB-, fine x-cbg grse, 12 at 91d. TKO in Diamond, x-cbg grse, 3at BJd. E with Line under, hgts x-cbg grse, 5 at 81d; x-cbg grse, 9 at 8d; dgd x-cbg grse, 1 at 71d j mxd sed, lat 8d; dgd sed, lat Hid. Hillwood, sup ebg grse, 5 at IOJd, 1 at 9d. Triangle over JC, x-cbg grse, 5 at lOd ; dgd x-ebg grse, 1 at Bd. Ex Archer. Feb. 18—M in Brackets, sup ebg grse, 24 at 9d. E. Bros., grse, 2 at 4Jd. EEB, grse, 1 at 6d. Ex British Queen and lonic. Feb. 18— DI, x-cbg grse, 35 at BJd. Prince of Wales’ Feathers over G, fine hbd hgt sed] lat Is sd; j-bd sed, latll Jd j J-bd sed, lat H Jd; x-pcs sed, oat Is Id; h-bd pcs sed, pt hgts, 18 at Is Id; J-hdpcs sed, 559, pt h-bd, 17 at HJd; Lncln pcs sed, sat lOJd; j-bd pcs sed, 1 at Is Old; h-bd bellies sed, 504, pt pcs, 12 at Is lid; bellies sed, lat lOd. J. Pearson, Ist x-hgt grse, sat lid; dgd x-grse, 3at Old ; Ist xpcs grse, 3 at 7Jd ; dgd x-pcs grse, lat sd. FW, dgd x-bd grse, 2at Old. Pistol, dgd x-cbg grse, 4at Old. W over '~ s , grse, lat 8d; h-bd grse, sat 9 Jd; x-grse, 4at Bd. Brackeufield, h-bd ebg grse, pt hgts, 24 at 10 Jd. J. Barrel, x-sed, lat lid; sed, lat 8d ; ebg grse, 3 at 9Jd; x-cbg grse, pt hgts, 14 at 7Jd. H, x-cbg grse, pt hgts, 5 at 71 d. P, pickings, 3at CJd. Ex lonic. Feb. 19. WA connected, grse h-bd, oat 10 Id. Ex Fenstanton, British Queen, and lonic. Feb. 20.—S&Co. over Smithfield, sed Ist ebg, II at Is 91d; sed 2nd ebg, 2 quals, 1 at Is 41d; sed 2nd ebg, 4 at Is 71 d; sed 3rd ebg, 2at Is 5Jd; sed 2nd, 4at Is 71d ; sed 3rd, 144, pt 2nd, 4at Is 31d; sed pcs, 1 at Is 7d; sed Ist ebg h-bd, 32, hgts, 46, pt mrno, 6at Is 6d; sed Ist ebg x-bd, 10 at Is Id, sat Is Old, 3at Is; sed 2nd ebg x-bd, 3at Is, 2at Hid; sed 3rd ebg x-bd, 72, 2 sorts, 10 at lOd; sed 3rd ebg x-bd, 9at lid, 2at lOd; sed ebg x-bd, lat lid; sed ebg x-bd, pt mrno, 1 at llld ; sed Iks, x-bd, 3 at 10M; sed Ist ebg |-bd, 5 at Is 7d, 7 at Is 6d; sed 2nd ebg f-bd, 3 at Is 4Jd, 2at Is sd; sed 3rd ebg, -J-bd, 22, pt mrno, 2at Is 2d; sed 3rd ebg ]-bd, 4at Is 21d; sed Ist ebg |-bd, 3 at Is 31d, 3at Is 3d. 88, sed x-bd, 7at BJd. THP, grsy x-bd, 10 at lOd ; grsy x-bd hgts. 4 at BJd; grsy x-bd pcs, lat 6d. JbO, grsy x-bd, 13 at Sid. HP over Akaroa, grsy Ist x-bd, 23 at 9d ; grsy 2nd x-bd hgts, 4at 7Jd; gray 2nd x-bd, 13 at 7 Jd; grsy Ist x-bd pcs, 7 at sd; grsy Sind x-bd pcs, 3 at sd. JGS, grsy x-bd hgts, 9at 8d; grsy x-bd, 24 at 7Jd, sat lOd; grsy x-bd dgd, lat 7d. JJ, grsy fine x-bd hgts, 4at9Jd; grsy Ist x-bd, sat 9d; grsy x-bd, 4 bales hgts, 14 at 8d; gray x-bd dgd, 1 at 9d ; grsy, 3 at 9 Jd. J 4, grsy x-bd, 7, pt mrno, 7 at Bd. Ex lonic.

Feb. 20.—HP over Akaroa, gray Ist x-bd, 23 at 9d ; grsy 2nd x-bd hgts, 4 at 7id; grsy 2nd x-bd, 13 at 7id; gray Ist x-bd pcs, 7 at 5d ; grsy 2nd x-bd pcs, 3 at sd. JGS, grsy x-bd hgts, 9 at 8d; grsy x-bd, 24 at 71 d, 5 at lOd; grsy x-bd dgd, 1 at 7d. JJ, grsy fine x-bd hgts, 4 at 9jd; grsy Ist x-bd, 5 at 9d; grsy x-bd, 4 bales hgts, 14 at 8d ; grsy x-bd dgd, 1 at 9d; grsy, 3 at Old. J 4, grsy x-bd, 7, pt mrno, 7 at Bd. JEL, grsy long wool hgts, 6 at 7M; grsy long wool, 6 at 7ld. td over S, grsy x-bd, 3, pt mtno, 4 at 7|d. HL, Eomney, 11 at 8d; Eomney Iks, 2 at 6d. HO in Circle, grsy Lneln, 5 at 7|d. Ex Lueline and Waimate. Feb. 20.—TIT over T, scd h-bd, 10, 2 sorts, 10 at lid ; scd h-bd, 2 at Hid ; scd h-bd and mrno, 1 at lid. Ex Aechee. Feb. 20.—Potts, grsy, 9 at 7id. Ex British Queen, lonic, Fenstanton, and Deva. Feb. 20.—JK over I, scd Ist, 1 at Is 7-jd ; 2 at Is 3id ; scd Ist and Lstr, 1 at Is sd; scd Ist h-bd, 5 at Is Old; scd Ist x-bd, 8 at Is 4d; scd Ist, 1 at 8 Jd; scd Ist Lneln, 11 at 101 d; scd Ist Lneln dgd, 1 at 101-d ; scd Ist pcs, 1 at Is 41 d; scd Ist Iks, 5 at Hid; scd x-bd pcs, pt Lneln, 2 at 9id; scd x-bd pcs, 3 at 6Jd; scd Lneln pcs, 1 at 8d; scd x-bd Iks, 11 at Bd. MD over I, grsy h-bd and x-bd, 2 at S.jd. Ex Fenstanton, lonic, and Beitish Queen. Feb. 21.—Two Hearts over St Helens, scd Ist cbg, 9 at Is 5Jd; scd pcs, 3 at Is 41 d. Two Hearts over Glen Wye, scd cbg, 16 at Is 9d; scd pcs, 28 at Is 7*d; scd pcs, S, 67, 2 sorts, 4 at Is 2d; scd Iks, 4 at Is 3d ; scd Iks dgd, 3 at Is 2d; scd Iks dgd tallow, 1 at Is Id. R in Diamond, scd, 16 at Is Old. Ex Beitish Queen and Fenstanton. Feb. 21.—Half Circle over S, scd Ist cbg, 2 at Is 8d ; scd Ist, 3 at 1s 7d; scd 2nd, 1 at Is 3Jd; scd pcs and Iks, 1 at lOd; scd sup h-bd, 1 at Is 3d; scd Ist cbg h-bd, 9 at Is Id scd 2nd cbg h-bd, 5 at lid; scd 3rd h-bd, 4 at 9Jd; scd pcs and Iks x-bd, 1 at 8d ; slipe sup h-bd, 2 at 11-Jd; slip® cbg h-bd and x-bd, 8 at Bd. Waihaorunga, scd 2nd mrno, 1 at Is 71 d; scd mrno, 1 at Is id; scd mrno pcs, 277, 2 sorts, 2 at Is 3,Jd; scd mrno Iks 3 at is; scd mrno Iks dgd, 1 at Is OJd; scd mrno Iks country dgd, 2 at lOd ; scd Ist cbg x-bd, 2 at Is 4d; scd Ist cbg J-bd, 1 at Is Id, scd Ist cbg J-bd dgd> 1 at Is Id; scd 3rd obg h-bd, 2 at Is 4d; scd 3rd cbg J-bd, 270, part h-bd, 3 at Is OJd; scd-2nd Lneln, 293, part h-bd, 2 at Hid ; scd mxd x-bd, 1 at 10 id; scd pcs x-bd, 2 at Hid; scd pcs h-bd and x-bd, 2 at lOd ; scd pcs h-bd dgd, 1 at 8d; scd Iks x-bd,'s at Hd; scd dags, 2 at 7d; scd brands x-bd, 1 at Hid. Ex Beitish Queen. Feb. 21.—88 over F, scd Ist fine x, 3 at Is 2d; scd Ist cbg and pcs, 1 at lid; scd pcs, 1 at 9id. Feb. 22.—Prince of Wales’ Feathers over G, undumpod, Ist fine h-bd hgts grse, 3 at Is Id ; Ist fine h-bd grse, 30 at Is Id; 2nd h-bd.grse, 10 at Is Old; Ist J-bd grse, 40 at Hid ; 2nd !J-bd grse, 167, pt h-bd, 11 atSJd; fine x-grse, 3 at Hd; x-grse, 2 at Old, 4 at 71d; J-bd gi-so, 142, mxd, 25 at 8d; Ist Lneln grse, pt hgts, 21 at 8d ; Lneln grse, 7 at 7Jd ; Lstr hgts grse, 3 at 81d; Downs grse, 2 at 10id; dgd grse, 8 at BJ-d. Ex lonic and Beitish Queen, ' Feb. 22.—ARH, undamped, sup cbg slipe, 6 at Is 21d, 2nd sup cbg slipe, 20 at Is 2d; A slipe, 4 at Is Id; h-bd cbg slipe, 7 at Is 3d; h-bd slipe, 1 at Is 2d; C x-cbg slipe, 6 at Is Id; x-cbg slipe, 6 at lOd; Lstr cbg slipe, 5 at 10 Jd; 2nd Lstr cbg slipe, 7 at 9d; Lneln slipe, 6 at 9 id; dgd slipe, 1 at Is Id; mxd, 1 at 7d; h-bd grse, 132, pt mrno, 2 at 71d; x-grse, 3 at 7d;

blk grse. 1 at Bjd. CO. over Ashburton, undumpod, sup A sed, lat Is bd; sup ebg slipo, 1 at Is Id j ebg slipo. 1 at lldj sup slipo. 2 at Is lid i sup h-bd ebg slipo, 1 at is 2d j 2nd x-cbg slipe. 0 at Is OJd; 2nd Lstr ebg slipo, 2 at 8d; x-cbg grso, 1 at 7jd.

Ex Tonoaribo. Fob. 22. SE over W, Ist x-obg, 6at Is OJd; x-obg, 47 at 10d, 15 at 9d, lat 7Jd j x-lamba, lat Old; ebg x-sed, 10 at Ib, Bat 10d; pcs x-sed, 17 at BJd. WW, ebg x-acd, 2at IOJd j pcs x-sed, lat BJd. HS, pcs x-sed, 2 at 7d. Ell, ebg x-grse, sat 7Jd. EIM in Diamond, ebg x-grao, 2 nt lOd. EW over M, ebg x-grse, lat 7 Jd. AE over T, Ist ebg flee sed, 1 at Is 7Jd ; Ist ebg sed, 2 at Is GJd ; 2nd ebg sed, 1 at Is 5d ; super Ist ebg h-bd sed, 1 at Is 5 id; Ist ebg h-bd sed, 2 at lssd; Ist ebg ij-bd sed, 6at Is; 2nd ebg if-bd sod, 5 at la; 3rd ebg 5-bd sed, 2 at 9Jd; Ist ebg h-bd hgts grse, 30r4 at 9d. E, Ist h-bd grse, 2 at 10a; Ist ij-bd grso, pt hgts, 9at OJd; 2nd ij-bd hgts grse, 11 at 8d; 2nd i}-bd grso, 7 at BJd; Lncln grse, 2at GJd. Motuotaria, x-lambs grse, Gat 7Jd. Trio, x-lambs grse, 4 at 7d. Ex lonic.

Fob. 25.—Leslie Hills, Undamped, grsy ebg Ist super superior, 15 at Is 2 Jd; grsy ebg Ist hgt superior, 22 at Is 2Jd; grsy ebg Ist superior, 80 at Is IJd; grsy ebg 2nd hgt superior, 3 at Is I Jd; grsy ebg 2nd superior, 16 at Is IJd; grsy ebg superior, 6 at Is Id, lat lOJd; grsy pcs, 15 at 9Jd; grsy pcs dgd, 2at 9d; grsy pcs B, 12 at lOd; grsy Iks, 9at 7d; gray ebg dgd, 3 at Is. Bell over Studholme, grsy fine h-bd hgt super, 37 at 11 Jd; grsy fine h-bd super, 36 at Is; grsy fine h-bd Ist, 38 & 40, 2nd, 35 at lid; grsy h-bd Ist hgt, Bat lOd; grsy x-bd Ist hgt, 11 at 9d ; grsy x-bd Ist, 10 at 9d; grsy x-bd 2nd, 2 bales hgt, sat 8d; grsy x-bd, 5 at 8d; grsy Lncln Ist, 5 at BJd; grsy Lncln, 12 at 7Jd; grsy Lncln & x-bd dgd, Bat 7 Jd; grsy ebg & cltg, 1 at lOd. Mt Grey, grsy cltg Ist, 1 at IOJd ; grsy pcs, 1 at BJd ; gray fine h-bd Ist, 7 bales hgt, 28 at Is; grsy fine h-bd 2nd, 8 at lid; grsy h-bd, 2at 8 Jd; grsy fine J-bd, 3at HJd; grsy x-bd, 54, mxd fics, 4at 9d ; grsy h-bd pcs, 7at GJd. Lowoliffe, grsy fine h-bd, 10 at lOJd; grsy x-bd hgt, 34 at 9d ; grsy x-bd, 17 at 8d; grsy x-bd hgt, 4at 8d; grsy -J-bd, 10 at 7Jd; grsy x-bd dgd, 2 at 8d; gray Lncln, 59, part x-bd, 17 at 7Jd. GA, grsy h-bd, 19 at Is; grsy x-bd, 8 bales hgt, 35 at BJd; HC over Ellesmere, grsy fine x-bd, 17 at OJd; grsy x-bd, 15 at BJd; grsy x-bd dgd, 5 at 7 Jd. Ex lonic, Lurline, Tongaeieo, and British Queen.

Feb. 25. —Storcroft, grsy f-bd hgt, 83 at lOd; sedif-bd, lat lljd; sed f-bd pcs, 3 at Is. Half circle over L, grsy x-bd, 12 at 10Jd; grsy x-bd pcs and Iks, lat 4Jd. WC over Hadstock, grsy x-bd, 8 at 7Jd. E, grsy x-bd hgt, 11 at 7Jd; grsy x-bd, 34, mxd Acs, 23 at 7Jd. HW over S, grsy x-bd 3at 7d. W over B, grsy ebg, 3at lOd; grsy h-bd, 51 at HJd; grsy x-bd, 59 at 8d; grsy x-bd, 146, mxd Acs, 10 at 7Jd; grsy h-bd and x-bd pcs, 21 at GJd; grsy h-bd dgd, 2 at 9 Jd. Lee, grsy fine' x-bd, 4at lid; grsy x-bd, .32 at BJd; grsy x-bd pcs, 4at 5Jd. JB over T, sed ebg deep-grown, 8 at Is 3d ; sed x-bd, 17, part black, 5 at 9Jd; sed x-bd pcs, sat 9-Jd; sed Lncln, lat 7Jd. S&F, undumped, sed x-bd, 2 at Is Id. Ex lonic and British Queen.

Feb. 25—SG, grsy x-bd, Bat B*d. G, grsy x-bd, 6 at Bd. WA in Ked, gray Lncln, 35 at 7id. JTS in diamond, scd Lncln, lat Hid; slipe Ist h-bd, 109, 11G, super x-bd, sat Is Id; slipe x-bd Ist, 6at 9i-d; slipe f-bd, 3 at Bid; slipe Iks, 1 at 4-Jd. HB, scd cbg h-bd slipe, 2 at lOd. C JP, scd x-bd slipe, 10 at 9id; scd x-bd slipe lamb, lat 8d; scd i-bd slipe Iks, 1 at3Jd; slipe x-bd, 2 at Is. WC overS, scd blk, lat Is; scd blk x-bd dgd, 1 at 9d; gray x-bd, 3at 7d. Ex lonic and Tongakieo. Feb. 25. —Sheepskins with wool on at per lb.—Leslie Hills, lat 6|d. WP, h-bd, Bat s|d; x-bd, 6at s|d. JB over T, 6at s|d. Ex Auckland, Dunedin and Tongakieo. Feb. 26—R in diamond, scd Ist cbg, 3 at Is 6M, latls 3 jd; scd Ist obg dgd, lat Is 5 jd; scd '2nd cbg, 3 at Is sd; scd 3rd cbg h-bd, lat ll|d; scd Ist, sat Is sd; scd Ist dgd, lat Is 3|d; scd Ist cbg h-bd, sat Is 3id; scd 2nd cbg, 120, pt mrno, 9at Is; scd sup h-bd, 12 at Is 2d; scd sup h-bd, country dgd, lat lid; scd sup h-bd dgd, 2 at Is Id; scd Ist h-bd, 11 at Is; scd Ist h-bd dgd, 4at 10 id; scd h-bd, 3 at B|d; scd Iks and pcs h-bd, lat 71d. E, scd 2nd h-bd, lat Bjd; scd 3rd h-bd, lat 5Jd. Ex Tongakieo. Feb. 27.—Mont Serrat, gray cbg A, 32 at Is; grsy cbg B, 24 at Is; grsy cbg C, 20 at lid; grsy cbg D, 4at ll.jd; grsy cbg E, 5 at 10J-d; grsy pcs G, 2at 9d; grsy mxd pt flee, 1 at 9d. Ex lonic. Feb. 27. —Wff, grsy Ist cbg, 15 at 9id; grsy h-bd hgts, 6at 9i~d; grsy h-bd hgts dgd, lat7l d; gray Ist x-bd hgts, 11 at 9ld; grsy Ist x-bd dgd, 2at 8d; grsy x-bd, 45, rams, 9 at 81 d; grsy mxd, 1 at Bd. Crescent over JS, grsy x-bd, 11 at 8d; gray x-bd dgd, lat 6d. HO in Circle, grsy x-bd H, 22 at 9d; grsy x-bd E, 20 at 8d; grsy x-bd dgd, 4at 7d; grsy h-bd E, 6at 8 Jd. Ex Auckland Feb. 27.—Ashwick, grsy dble, 1 at Sd; grsy Iks, 1 at 4d. Ex lonic. Feb. 28-—M in Diamond, sup cbg grse, 5 at 101 d; sup cbg h-bd grse, sat 10id; sup cbg x-bd grsy, 1G at 9d. Calverdon, sup cbg grse, 4at 101 d; sup h-bd cbg grse, 1 at 10id. Ex Dunceaig. Feb. 28.—Manawa, grse, 1 at Bid. Ex Tongaeieo. Feb. 29.—F8 over A, grse, 10 at lOld ; grse dgd, 3at lOd; grse x-bd, 10 at 7id ; grse x-bd dgd, 3 at Bd. FB over W, grse x-bd, 12 at 9|d ; grse x-bd hgt, 20 at 71 d ; grse x-bd E, 8 at 7M; grse x-bd, 18 at 9id ; grse Lstr, 3 at 7d ,• scd h-bd pcs, 1 atlOd. Umbrella (new clip), grse fine cbg x-bd, 4at lid, 5 at Hid, 5 at lid, 6 at 101 d; grSe fine cbg x-bd dgd, 2 at 91 d ; grse, 2 at 71 d; scd super SW,.I at 2s ; scd Ist cbg h-bd, 1 at Is Bd. Ex Dunedin. Feb. 29,—88, scd Ist cbg, 5 at Is 9d ; scd Ist cltg, 4 at Is Old ; scd 2nd and 3rd cltg, 2 at Is 31d ; scd Ist b-bd cltg, 2 at Is old ; scd 3rd h-bd cltg, 1 at 11 Jd ; scd 3rd cbg lambs, 1 at Is Old ; scd Iks, 4 at Is Id; scd h-bd Iks, 2 at lOd ; x-bd slipe, 3 at 83d. ' Ex Dunedin and Auckland. Feb. 29.—F in Diamond over Kakanui Elver, scd super mrno, 9 at Is 9d, 6 at Is 6d ; scd 3rd h-bd, 8 at Is ; scd 3rd x-bd, 24 at BJd ; scd 3rd x-bd dgd, 1 at BJd ; scd PB x-bd, 4at lOd ; scd Iks x-bd, 31 at 7d ; scd S Iks x-bd, 1 at GJd ; slipe h-bd, 16 at Is lid j slipe x-bd, 10 at lOd ; slipe x-bd, 2 sorts, 2 at 8d ; slipe ;}-bd, 20 at Bid ; grse h-bd slipe, 25 at 11 id ; grse h-bd slipe dgd, 2 at 9Ad ; grse h-bd slipe, 2 sorts, 1 at lOd ; grse x-bd slipe, 23 at 8d ; grse x-bd slipe dgd, 1 at 7d ; grse x-bd slipe, 2 sorts, 1 at 7id ; grse ij-bd, 388, 2 sorts, 34 at 7d ; grse -J-bd slipe dgd, 1 at Gid. Ex Dome and Fbnstanton. March 3.—WB in diamond, scd sup cbg,7 at Is 7id; scd 2nd cbg, 2at Is sd; scd sup cltg, 3at Is sid ; scd 2nd cltg, 4at la 4d; sod dble, 1 at Is 2d; sod 2nd x-bd, 2 at Hd; sod 3rd x-bd, 3 at 9d ; slipe cbg' mrno, 1 at Is. Homebuah, gray h-bd pcs, lat s id. Ex lonic. March 3.—Prince of Wales’ feathers over G, Ist fine h-bd hgts grse, 12 at Is Old; 2u d fine h-bd hgts grse, 4 at Is; Ist h-bd hgts grse, 208, 263, pt 2nd, 11 at la Old; Ist h-bd grse, 30 at Is Oid; 2nd h-bd grse, 7atls ; f-bd hgts grse, 10 at lid; Ist i'-bd grse, 34 at Hd ; 2nd 7-bd grse, H at BJd; fine x-bd grse, 4at Hid; x-bd grse, 3at lOd 2at Bd, 11 at 7Jd,- i-bd grse, 264, pt ?- bd, 18 at 8d; Lstr grse, 1 at 7id; Lncln grse, lat 7d; grse, 1 at Old; dgd grse, 1 at Bd.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7223, 24 April 1884, Page 6

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LONDON WOOL SALES. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7223, 24 April 1884, Page 6

LONDON WOOL SALES. Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7223, 24 April 1884, Page 6