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Medical. BAXTER'S LUNG VRLSSRVEE ha* been established >m-r a qu■! -■/ of a century, and patronised by all I’aiu.* c Society, and enjoys a success unparalleled. Consumption, Conklin, CVI'N, Jh-opchiti.'i, As'.hia, Whooping Cough, Son.- Throat, and alt Affections of the Uhc.-. , < and Throat EFFECTUALLY RELIEVED AIVD CURED. iiY HA XTEI’.’S L U N G piiUL’EVEE, TESTIMONIALS: From C. E. SALTER,, Barrister and Colic.tor, " Chriitei.'-rch, March 20, MM. ‘■ju - i'i' Lui’iii’Cj's, “ I have used your Puts < i.L: Elixir m my family; for some years past, ..a. found it VERY EFFICACIOUS in Chest and Tiir-, t Complaints. From WILLIAM EE ED Esq., Shir,ping and Customs A* at “ L« tieiton, Nov. 28,16C3. “ I have used your Lung I’rc.-yver in my family for the last fourteen, therefore have the greatest pleasure in hearing testimony to its • efficacy in the treatment of coughs, colds, bronchitis, croup, whooping coagh, Ac. I have recommended it to my friends, who hi ve also proved it to he a palatable and speedy eu :e for chest and throat complaints. I have uniformly found a single dose of ‘ Lung Preserver ’ check •• ... Ve , ; paroxysm of coughing. I shall on a!! occasions have great pleasure in recommendin ' it to rers, aa I cornaider it a boon to mankind." Prom ISAAC ALLEY, Esq., Agent “Hereford street, Chri-Tehaich, * > ,v. 5, 1883. “After seven years’ exrh I have great’ pleasure in testifying to the efficacy o£ y ur * linos' Preserver,'having proved it in my family to be_» specific for coughs, colrD, ic., .. isw <i" ea invariably subduing the} fiara-.-'iMf c.-tigh, ana while relieving the thrord aT:»i .t *ioes not. like other nostrums, disord-r t - organs by inducing nausea, constipa'icn. h c: -cue, low of appetite, Ac. lean heartily retoin.neml it a* thabest, cheapest, and most j-alatabla mil uve known’ for coughs, colds, bronchitis, whoop!:;---cough, Ac. So highly do we esteem it that we always keep a supply on hand." From W. B. SCOTT, Esq., l uii Isr, Ac.: — “Peterborough street, Chris '-church, " Dec. 1. 1- ■’>. “Someyears ago I was recommended to try a. bottle of your ‘Pulmonic Elixir trd Lung Preserver,’ for tightness o£ the chest, i did so, and from that time I have never been without it in tbfr house. I have found is answer in ev.-ry respect for coughs, colds, and sore throat, and would strongly advise those that are suffering from such complaints to try it." The Eer J. MY EES (ex-Presidont of the United. Methodist Free Church; writes:— “ Hanover street, Lee,ls, March 2.5 th, 1872. “I have pleasure in testifying how rapidly and’ effectually * Baxters Lung Preserver ‘ t-.s acted in allaying cough and irritation of the chest in the case of my wife, who has several times been under the necessity of using it during the •vint-ir.*’ Prom Dr J. Ewart, M.5.C.3.L., Ac.;— “I am very much opposed to y- medicines generally, and totally disco untenaa. ”■ f Ls Balsams. Oxymels, Elixirs, Syrups, and other cations of unprincipled empirics; but I wy..'; your ‘LungPreserver ’ as a really good preparAiou, entirely free from those qualities which render most patentmedicines dangerous, and possessed of those tonicand stimulating properties which render it a treasure to those who suffer from the exhausting effects Of pulmonary diseases and chest affect lons generally. In cases of asthma, it quickly cc tz short the paroxysm. In chronic bronchitis cr winter cough it is useful; the discharge or mucus is greatly assisted, and tic wheezing and difficulty of breathing are greatly relieved by it. In acute bronchitis it is also beneficial, and while it tends to check inflammation, it promotes expectoration, and thus relieves the laborious and difficult breathing so general in these attacks. Asa Cough Medicine, for persons of all ages, it is excellent." From Eev W. B. Marten, Wesleyan Minister ’’ “ Christchurch, 2nd August, 1372.’ “ I have heen induced to try your ‘ LungPreserver,' for an affection of the throat, and_ deem it only just to inform you that I have experienced great benefit from its use, being enabled to preach now with a degree of e;ise and comfort to which I had been some time a stringer. I shall certainly recommend it to ail who suffer 5 u a similar manner. You are at liberty to make what use you please of this communication." Prom Eev SAMUEL SELLAR.S, Minister of United Methodist Free Ca-n. a. “For the sake of suffering humanity t record the following extraordinary cares, which have been, effected by your valuable ‘J.- • ?n-.-erver:'—l know a gentleman in whom c- . ' ! :l had so far progressed that Ins medic;! I nv.n gave up his case as hopeless. He, however. -:v - t-' nimseif of your treatment, and, after tiki''— a tew bottles of your ‘Lung Preserver,’ was so recovered as tobe able to' his business, v.-hich he now regularly follows, without much inconvenience fromeither pain or weakness.” A Cough of many years’ standing. The rev writer of the above continues: —“An aged lady of my acquaintance was for many yearatroubled with a chronic cough so severe that she seldom had an hour’s quiet sleep. Alter spending nearly all her substance in medicine, she was persuaded to try your ‘ Lung Preserver,’ Ac., which, under God’s blessing, soon cured her.” From the Editor of the “ Yorkshire Independent.* - “West street, Leeds, March 6th, IS7S. “My family is particularly liable to ‘ chest affections.’ We have found ‘ Baxter’s Lung Preserver* a most excellent remedy. So highly do we esteem it that we do not like to be without it In the houseFor the first fifteen years not only my own family, but many friends to whom I I:. recommended it. have found great beneit from it. For bronchitis 1 know nothing equal to it. “SfilVAil j x DaTEE,* To he had of all chemists and storekeepers, in bottles. Is lid, 2s od, 4s fid, and 11s each. Wholesale agents —J. Baxter, ooeadst, 21 > Victoria street, Christchurch; Messrs o’. Hayman , and Co.; Sainvhuvy, -EUisdou an I Co., and i Kempthorne, Prosser and Co. Ar may also bo . obtained of merchants throughout Ac >v Zealand. . Purchasers are requested to ask for i “Baxter's Lung Preserver.” !!e i :utious against being put off with some other r.c- uciro, which dealers may recommend sole.y o.: the ground of having more profit. CROSBY’S BALSAMIC COl GH ELIXIR IS specially recommended ay several eminent physicians, and hy Dr EC ONE, Scarborough, author of the “Anti-Lancet." it l:as been used with the most signal success for Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, Coughs, Im'ac iza. Oiusumption. Night Sweats, Spitting of Blood. Shore less of Breath, and all Affections of the ’ ami Chest. Sold in bottles of Is £kl, 4s 6d, ami Us each, by J. BAXTER, Chemist, Christchurch and East Oxford, and wholesale hy JAMES M. CROSBY, Chemist, Scarlet’} igh. *«• Invalids shoe J read Crosbv’.s Prize Treatise on “DISEASES OP THF LtINOS AND AIR VESSELS," a copy of which can be bad gratis of chemists. DE Rooke’s Elixir «;i Fills.— An agency of these celebrated Medicines was established tu Christchurch in 18(58. Ever since the sale has rapidly increased. In order to afford all invalids an opportunity of using the invaluable preparations, the prices have been further reduced, c/i deio to be addressed to the New Zealand Agent, Mr j. Baxter, Chemist, corner of Durbmns! rcei, Whateley road (opposite Goss’ Timber Yard-. o:t receipt of which the Medicines null be carefully {lacked and delivered at the Christchurch Rahway Station free of expense. Orders to be accompanied with remittance. Solar Elixir, 5s 3d and Its A 1 per bottle, or in cases (12 bolides), £0 6s. Oriental Fills, Is 4d and 5s 3d per to The Pills forwarded by post on receipt of 17 or j 6 postage stamps. acc#rdingto the sizolrox requii’>d. The Tram Car stops at tho Corner of Durham street each trip for the con enienue of passei gars. J BAXTER, CHRISTCHURCH AND OXFORD

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7223, 24 April 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7223, 24 April 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Lyttelton Times, Volume LXI, Issue 7223, 24 April 1884, Page 2