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LYTTKLTOS. **WrSt>. , % , Maidi 10-O»ftoa, •.»-,*** ton*. to>h»*o»,lrt» Con*t for.* *«a Weittogtoft. N. Z_Ur«Ds imH wd Storcaetila Coair**?, **ent*- ?»•*♦»• Taykr <1). tUowatwr, **•***"•• 3hyk*. BrowiJa*. K«Mt W**«iM (3). Watob, itoitdsrtwii, A«Wb*.dJfWbw, M*l<4 16— PpM Tr»d«r, »MjUr, VM to< *, M‘Arthur, from Uotitt, WoM. wtwttlr Md U>.,*. i fe»>* KtefdttP,<*>•« Bind. &X. UIWO As®»v’T **d M«?• Canute 0« , »*»«»•• , _ m u( a ]v—t’rtttl, toftj'td, t™ vs**, Anton, irons OadUra. C- w. i«(W, jUftiri’ili n—Tataro*, to*., sTs rows, Hits toy, fwijn li. i *.SUU, IWfteUjM*-3 «’,««?• **S»nr«l! U - Ixwh Brodsa, W. 3 tea*, fro* “j&h n-«*«*. «i x***.my.nutKr, hom Masufsa usd «*j part*. M. *#»»*- liM'fluhwa {»». itiry, I’.cufcl-c*. dnaittr. K*A»d>4i, 1 mean, ftMitlr, \»« IWate, K*a»*ly, **t UtiwKl* JtU*, ycdie», Beitor, WrJd*, AS3tro»», Vv-ntapj *r.d“ »»•***•. jgtjnsh U-ViV i,vi, iwr«sn«. T4i tosa, unrem, frost Lead*. K-iwwMm itonatel *mi Co , *«**(*, FWW»rr*>~:M rr.» fK), Mltofctto* Uu«ww, Mwdaaen* hw-r, WsM»m-o« sad Ptsttof*- I *, ***** line*-*. r.'Nr.,!. johisaroe, Cot.. M‘4*a, WUliwwwß.ulwto, WU«S#eL , Msrth w Hv.r. !©«*, K«Maf. (TOM Part Cfetta*** R. {'Ktlo t, ««Ot, fUM..' Uandta. H wr*r., Ujt'is** UaCidsy. ut f, GrooMt, UmWi fcgsoid; »*** Si ‘* s ***** <o» F«t A »•«--.»• WoM, stt«Wt *ffld C«, artnt*. «»PBb?--Ti‘>sta.*»v»fvi» w«, C*»rJt, of P» sr --.t*. ter asfders. S-R. Of»lB *S«t<jy S»d a«rroa-!i-»' vrafo-**._ Vtnfe r- -«i K leof, Imml. (mr tuaNff. W»,»■•! »t<JCs nrfßtf. Mux* iMtin finfe, fcritffetttiw. I*s toot. BhfJt. tot Attcklud- cv.B *»4 utmtea. Nr»t», IUUSB. . . TUnk Ombstsu R.X. ttnwa Ac*bcs n»a ainroasia* Coa. li*~©**t s ®f*. *-»« Sf-1 tctf, WfbjtOf, tit Batwdia. ft. PnAstt, *(«*. stMvfe iO"»T»:*s's*. *i*ic tot*, Ta*BMa*, for Oorfc' or ot<!or*. N.Z. Ondn Ayrscj* ««d a*m»tSJeCoa{*Wf. M*aw. . _ . Msrofe !'•—K.»*no«, S7 fcxa, Owtiwis, (or Eishmj-, Ward «sac», rnjmfa tfik awe* JO * C'«d of Uws W*inc ertwoow, 58 tou, Im Aaot-Usd. Cuff «s 4 Onduun, uaal*, toKk jj—acwo*. m, '*& toof. M'iijiUmy, fc« Wriaanwa. %. i’feflttU *t**h IHritud tMtd. S*« afSitwsd, St«s«» M Cmtte. C*t, SSobtt,»»Skis,Co:c.f. IHn*,u.a.» •oa, Ei-vj. isroaie. E«we»: * f l=r» *a»4rt«*. Cosa*4p>«« -5*- »*>• tin «sd Soft: C. ttr-Üb. . . ur*fW»s: brosa Groj »o*tlt-S p>(f» ; fro® W*tt~ Wet *033; Ne’roa-50 etw i»®l irvm W«titr«foß-<> troUM ionthor. s**.-*# ' ysw.r*, i i«xla<tt, si ■ i! ejMAftS® n*4 Co.{ Bailor; U#>sv3_.-..~, LO*r»a Os,; Ttwst Bro».t Coiiawtew ol c .»U-rsa»; r-ca»t Vt KOS. Stratum «J Co.; ScUft* d«W «s 4 Co.; GCtißr, Mu *nd to.; K. S t JO3 tsM ooiL CoasieftW*—Oft« ftad 13 c*«a» <w3, *5 cmw* ««sd, I qr-jon, ISS ttfcce afttAn**. Cosotfa***—'P« C. tB-ft*’®* I Masters ; E. SutitE; Edward*. Bo**»a. «ftd Co.; 3&a-Bar tro*. j f. Bajntns a»d Co.; B«»»tnfs, 3DB*do» aatd 03.1 crow# wd O.: J.Usrt ts-j Co.; t. Paflett; Sew iUoitnd tnii* : Pres Lcados—lSO ent«* ria, SO Area* 5 riws.'aME' bar* troa. €S itai nod Boxm, 1 «*3r Sfcrfelo, s caaE» ploasß •&«•#«, * lap* S «wi» *«#*»*«,* Isdw wool f10ek.,5 m«u jiaT t rsyr*. S 5 j>*c» isUeliae r-owder. 1 oasEemlscSSaHsesee ms. MJxtl* pimfb pintot, }4MbM|* 30 row reeut*. 22 tow fw iroa. l» M't rnuc it fas*!* do«*. 2*do rmt«r, 6 jis baxM. t siwiei, I' dnus* tJZwstoSs, sso «ul> «*a«at, SO <**e» troa,SM bit* wt B.SO I**-; »OB,l'»•» SO mimt, 100 fß|«* fotatf, < toilet*. S Ml* ditto* r, l&S fcwr. « £2 : m mm* mrtA. » qrwwUw wßi*E*y, 930 Ml* Ulfc*. »* m* 1 ow* ttfiae, *« qr«*M bm-dj, I **nealunl loaoawrt»ifti » teisnu tosMy, 6 cm» sirl toll oral .5 caeo* teoeffc, St» wldtis, 13 KMo towr. *0 to)tE« ssi-t, 6 teal*, tM ftM rite** of tcaoni se*«b*sdi»e. Oaettswes-tit-der ; G. to 0*al» *od Co. i P. »*-< aCi! A, J- WhA»j Joto !*««#; Pfitotro*; S.Z. G-Mia. *«*scf *M Mo-owiite Cosweey; fttUsS*** *.od Co. j O. BooiE u* Soa*; MAadtliie-c; Sdwsrdf, B*sat*xt «u»4 Co.; li-trfood, Me sad Kw«a; Ptt.l t I>. O. Mutts; Utm Bayiß; &. T. Tuntlma sal Co,; 0. ?«*«*<»; Stotort J'cei*-*; ilswfcoe s-.d Co,; 5. S*»toiski; Ki»g Sro»; Kates* *M G»y; J. Ptoi*i«4 nd Cj-; J* Lwe i W. B. eaftflß sed Cx : B. Bsttaa; J. Thas>iha • Bia*. ttirrU nod Cori X. V. 3Etl«ey as>* Co.; F. Jose*-, Woto, 9«ftftd txd Co.; *.0,0. Sloe*; H. W. L>f* ; Sell Bines ; iitid sad Ony ; 2Si*B*t4JT <‘l I’abUc Wsitk«; B. B. Gresfca; f. Boil* usd Ca.; R*r Coliis«; Hsssey; T. J. Hsltat *»d Co.; Jsoissfci; W toils sfcftolli feed Beet; Ajrsrtwa* *sl Of. ; B. So»c« sad cc.; lumn, Scat *ad Cc.j i>*lf*ty sad Co.; E. ff. iSkad: J. 2u.d*rtsoe; Twestjsfta *ad contes t T. jsrstoe *J. BCtottyae ud Co.; J. W. Ssilfc *ad Ca.; Sfitifees too* aid Co. j Brsrftli Bros ■ Mis r. wa^sses. txroers. y- firtii i IffiS twes* wheat, <2O bi*r» 13inr, Vt sbclt dc, 12 c*#e* bitoe. 315 mcK* oat*, K*s **4s** (T.i! *«d. ea!p}«»-r. H. Gtwffl; A. Hoot* sad Co.; Wood, esardstr sad Co.; J. B. W*J; Si.H. (Hl*: Asesty. BXPECZXft uoirfiUU Prraa toaslta—Sot*b? 15*1!, W.P.T.E.; Hal* «fosae. J.X.14.8 ; CrosMtr, Brtu»B Kts*. GiOtids, tt«■ Wi, if<tr*;■*. Msrcß 15; Get A****®. Mart's IS' Peuftiisi* Hird& it* krrm I>is*.,i-W*ir*rtps. Mirth 15; Wsssii, !»«wf:u.;-slo—l*'.h Hcm*. StiriSs**Sire, p* cc«. JOiss&eto. Costoeat*. ?mh of 0;as», Match 11Press *idti*> ie— ’■• u:a*tor<wsb. Pros H.obsrt—Pel. Pros; i&ekitad—wi® Meadeiproti «Sew Pork—Betwcos Croweto rtoJfccrti) s-mariftaa. Par Leodss or Ess tad Safi«#-'Trttou, GaGe, toaSer. (». E. ytn.-.s. P„*th of Coch Bislu., Ara''» Ctty cl Bsskts, Ptrth of tw stismirt, W«wt EWtcf, GasttortoMhire. For M*actis sM •*? Mirch to. For '-*-?-*£ £.&a wftj Blwta WtUtaetc®—W*a»l», Mirth IS; Wsirtursp*, iftfis li; P«t««te, M«eb.if. _ Fttf li; Haw**,atorea li Par K«!toißi*-2r»*att. March JJ. , For i Mitrtsfe li ; Opawa, Ihu n*y* y.,r r riatj —Uu-foto. thi* day. rauKut at ms lie. I—S-i**r, tiarift, u. Bt liwfcttr, P*r c <d forth, totlto. Ur«»*. Trltac, Moutgoiaery CeaUe, *j£t'.-y. _ , '■ So a—iJesrot'', Tatsro*. .. . »*' HI . W«« Yotk, M«tley, Beltorto ih'JP. JtoliEU FAllis.

*-i-SV XUl'.. „ . T . _ lie 1 , 4 W*. VJCte Fargun, Slar(Bi9S, / ''ffr'. r s—''ruder, West Ili-ltcg. Ko, t—U’-y vf i’ anais, UnmharVMiahire. ao. 7—Luaui m, *U«»4, Herald, Comet, The followt<»»*/.6 «k« loading i*. Lotdos for J, niellos . —l»ur!iß« f W7 oa JsJ.. "8; Merope al-ip, I'.vlto**, f.-a -lac. I; Weija, a iy, 7 ;7 wts, cs rfSti- fh ‘ltu i* :*>.<* > r .well Halted fit-a* Jte* Vusk (or J.jfiU ji. and Welilagto® ob I»bc. 31. lb® *.«. Tatero* •m»ol from Port Chalawra y-siricrday si* ui-« leave# Ivr the l Orth to* Care.-cb it tns W«Uit'(fisa to load grain to* L's:lea Kingdom. ..... The nk'.ji antfoc from Port Chalmers yfgi-yr^a P i£ to lojyS fof United lUa#*i&£a for Woad, fcU&cUir taPta* Graham wif i <4 from UloS j (Cm Saturday afternoon, bit* »• low Jot-ded tor tbs netted Kingdom t>/ ite «.Z. Onto *l«Mf *»d Moreantiie Co»f*»y,and t* to hate quick cc*p-itch, T»i* barque Orient _ arrived from o*tn*r% in iailsul on fcatur.Uj n'lcrnoon. Mr C. W. farter load* leaf tor \h‘s Cape. ... Tee ab;p TStnni* left tor Cork or Falaumth .or order* os tford y jB-omtoir, the i« in tint trim, end ahouid make - * mart yi*mqn. T3tm aetcMiera iritertca, for Haj ter, and Crw. of lb» Warr, lor jMj-orkJid, ratted oo ratardajr. Tbo a.a. Haonwo. Captain Kennedy, aitmd from Port Chalmor® yt«vrd*r at Hi W a.t«. fcha left Port Ce«tm*ra u 4.« J p.». on Merab 10, end ax> jwrteaced Ciu-h easterly wind# till arrival. Tito Hanrolo goo* north today, . „ , The *.». Grafton ia advert l*ed to rail for Weiliogtoa, Hclaon and tVeet Coast porta on Woanae* nfcit. Tire Union Ktasweh j> Computy'a XJawf.».Cspt*in M'Oiliivitiy, a.fifiw irom the north je»torder mortUog «i’n lb® Utn Pnuieitoo mall, hho Uit klntukau on March S at 0.26 R.rc , acd imrwl at T«r«ockl V 25 ».m,} railed at B.»0 p.w. tor Helton, aid erriroa at U.JS a.a. on March I‘. I.oft for Plotos at 5* 10, »uo slsy, imd .raved at 4v6am. on March 10. d*l!od tor Wellington at 6 »is and arrived at 10.3'J a.m. Loft Weliingtoa tor Lyttelton at 2 p m , tod arrived a. 6.30 »», oi March U. Paparionoed fine weather throughout. Kk. left for Weilicgton at 10.40 yesterday nuirntng. Tho baiQM Fno Trader nrtived from Hobart on Saturday, -bahaaa cargo of ahiegiae and«, ZZZZJL t to Wood. Hiedalr nad C«. ThoWK ship dosuatoh.4 by the r;e» Zoaland fthtoßinff Company L’nited Kingdam will bo PwuTto sail on April 24. . , A watte from the north was gignalled when oar eiwSTiMt Port hut night, anppuaed to bo tin flUfp ffOKi i,UCiL»^d., iTn.nnfffL.-i tn isfrtfiiftr *iifi wbicli ropoftfia 10 £ otWD B«i*f oa UltuTdsf wmtof w« fto» London, with immUzaeM. te ksa™r but the nanouecaaeat bad n. alkmooQf sboat 38 o o oo» ( » • Bi P w f* M« tome »«•«»■ tort* oojn^jtog , in. t ah«*«« the Cnmdtt. ISafterwards fbe Caiman had talaUiena h«qa* ter*»WP» “ that l»)leali«C a -barque, taetnrday • notber talMakaa Iwpveeaias wemed to be at rood tit# C>«LMbd*r w## ciowi %% WwS

Unesh Wslwm west oat it ftir «the B«*d« with kiKilt jKalyoa board to see II sny signs of the ship were riiible. The saistion, bbwetar, w«* (tuitieM. The vsrisbl* wlsde lbs* b»»o been are* relUhg off the Best Cose I would tend to rotsrd the progr»»s of any smUtig mesl, hot even inking tht« into iiooourt, the ship ihst was aes« *t GUgo ahcaUi put is sn eppesis&oe st LylUlioa to-dsy. At the Mine time, it may be twnllostd that the Croasder tsaanot bo ecmmdmd at *H o»*tdu», *e she la only 8i days oat to-day, . , , , the Opawa liaished the dieehaigta* jd einto < n hstardsy. ha»lag pat oat »t*7 tone carlo and utea in SM» Uus ll’ls.t la llworblu dayA The outgo w*» d(*eh»r«oi lata we shed SloegeU# at the e*|»8»« of Use New V.eslaad Shiprdbf Ostt-pasy. The Opswa le*rt« tor the Blaff «» , mine the yew 1?»S the New Emlscd Shlprtog Company shwpiitohed & »*»»».•♦, w,r*t«»'to* .‘4,453 tons, to New Eealabd Irom Ijottdoa, and they slid ovoteyrd by there ÜB4pa**a»gbr«. Of t 'la bmahet of tewed* If tewed* of «<m» aad ASS p*mh«*m» earn* to AttOhUad t >1 ve«*a!». t*» yaweofers, to WelUngloa i W eesieK ll,0?S torn, 581 fftwemger*, to C»«terb»vy { id teeaeU. 15,4?? tone, m pasewngeie. to ttooeiiln t 1 eeeaal, STS ten*, 'ilnarat I »■***♦(, *l* tons, L> Oamatti t 1 wt-rsel, <BS lona* to the Bind. THE WAN LOOK, f BOM LONDON. The bana* Waaleoh, whieh arrived trow lawdott jeeUnky, left Uw Ihiwrs tm l>ro. 5. aad thia port aft*? a comparstkeiy Kn*te.rUvii l'A»w«« ef Ptdsye. No g*l'» were wet 1 s "J”? soother a seas sewrel teeherp aksj^ 1 , which appeared bo be sboet tW-t la heighL udj mhMi» «>*«&# li*htoou»a m ftppvs»m^W»r.e ia ib# wsdoe, the W*bl«>* to Sight of a {ergo *h«P, which, ff^hkth. Month U, ember nowhere, ww )od«MJto he hj Crwadar, from London. The ea Tu<Kiay Ust.snl etooa »h*» toi Hrlto were »m* with, the Wwlock making abort 8 a.m. on rtiwlay, toned Mtmlby «»#HrottbO»o*r. I>r So all ,a to,vrd mAI and bo Wrth« rt totha hal , oenmd during the boarded lb# ewwel <w behalf ot AdwaTOi, VmmU A Co. It way Oaplain Or*rt« w»a «***!**' S* tffittMkl&ki rga is, mk “ 1»1 v. WalteoVs laat visit to wear# urn. when she was commanded by espvwn TOly. Tho Waalon* brißg# twelve raa*Mgor» and a cargo of iswelwisdiie, parucu ! »r»of which appear above. __ DIEEOX STEAM SERVICE. The New Zealand (>»P«fLwhCo«' rasgimr for ihaoowftntoUoa ot hmSMIt built for the Maw Eealaad-hngHah trada, h»v»<h«rl«rod several steamer* which will cow. th. rorviro tai lbeir own ros. •els oss “tak# up the running. * The cx the UrHish King, whlohsft.led frornktodoft on dan, U. and la one at Wellington on M«ch i? »sd at lytultoft on Maroh *l, Krterwm Atod OUs», *8 •* '**J *i® toMnie<Nsst i«n« nmsotr* *»• j* * ? tr** rotoe) (ICO At ai Ltoyds) and MUtKatosi bT««* land and Wolff, of Brtf»st White ««• hne of bhe is at present owned by Com pas y. bh« ha# a grow rsgkierM tonnage of SSSa tons, K>t«*eaOng n ««»o city of *t teas* MCO ton*. The Britlrtr Kteg k ehppar Iniit with a straight Mem after ttoMm are: Length, 410 feet j breadth (length ofifeenm), 38 test; depth of hold, IB »eat * ischea. »h« is fitted w;ih six fettih head* ant thrtodudm twoof which are cf ateed, wi i* fomronaJited, Mn i«| sut and mala asst baiss* eaasre-rtggtd, while the miscea aasta&d jigger mart (the l*ftt named being nearnat the atom) cany tbmr Mil* fim ****£• The matt# and the esoke et chare all aiightly rated. On the nape* <J«k are tb. >a »« leg first-cUas sskws. three Urge doabkherth#' mate room#, smoking room, tx, ectraaoe to engine-rooms. »®c*-* roo“H acd ottocro- baih'roem.Fwnrt • •»* rooms, Xtirto ooeapy the greater past of the upror deck atridahip*. tae saloon being to the to ward, over thin huge doek-honee. and galnrd by ■ bandsoM etairour, la the psoas*.ad* deck? on this again 1* th« »j«ato’a cahia acd ssldtJap wb**lhsxi'.9 u 4 sii oi tb# torts room is ssothcr deckdsonse, above which is tbs POOP, & feet long, and ooanecUd with the promenade dock by a tailed gangway. A oonsldttohtoditfUM forward of the saloon u the fereosatie, A 6 fast ia length. On the main deck below the saloon *r* atatmoom* and the ftrvbolaM pssMegem, and oa this dock *Uo u the soso«a»«Sstio» foe eoroad-clans The ikitUh Kmg 1» fitted with *Uher machinesy hetof osrUflvd by tNtengtaeen to Ltoyd'e wglster. The onglooe ere of S«SO bortopower, and the seseal root at an average apvcd oI 18 knots per hour. It shonlfi also bo stoted that the vessel 5* fitted up with rotrgeratlag ehamhets and machinery. As the Brttieh King's smval to Lyttsdton will no doubt be looked lor with Interest, to »» be as well to state that her cumber# are > .L.T.P., saa when the fivgc iafitoaiing these am displsyefi tc» the they can be haded a« the signall ol the artivai at LytoeJten c<f the first of the ships of ear direot Stem feervico with Great Britain. post onllyttelton. High water, this d»y (Mesdsy), Moraiag. Barometer. £9-60; thw mosaeter, €i Wind, d.W., light; overcast enf dnitiing tain, XIMABU. itEim. March 11— Rosntlfol Star, from Kelson. March U—Eakanul, from Invercargill. tUItZD, March 11—Baaa'ifal Star, for Dunedin. iA»ryh li—Kaksuui, for Ducediiu A large ship to making for the anchorage, and ( torque to la tba effing, apparently steering south. SHIPPING TKLKJBA MS. Wruacni, March 11. ATrivod—AOiwata, from Sydney, vto Auckian and Bast Coast.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6874, 12 March 1883, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6874, 12 March 1883, Page 4

SHIPPING. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6874, 12 March 1883, Page 4