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torrietow ItoMt Oflta. fridar £v*#ut#. Tfc® iapw* strict dados tie past week hae »« sock mot* animation tinm Ike pnrrioai. w—la mwt bnaeias oontiaas* exteeasely qoiet, «t'.k as eridcst disposition «n the part of tndeea to msttist opentiosa. Tb# adqidqr usaaßr Cast at tUe btqioio&g of tiu bmdUi baa act teen sattoeaMy active, k&4 txanaariisma bate beeaooa fn^* l ia * tamasxv, to eovtinsop vuraele. The Mortis af tbe anotb paused over fairly waff. «m----iliettox *bw peasant position of the maser aurket. With ©heap o»a»er ia Ka»l*ed, and the jrasllmltoa of 081 Jaxrest, oonaktetol# relief sboold b® •tve&tot&xtoemlocißr. *bto impartbr, to to® ■km uasa, a xieator t«li j to confidence In the to the fator*. The tsfcympbie repona to tbe floatiaf to the Tictortaa loan, and the earn tendered in txaeae to tbe meant required, •how pointedly the vast accumulation eeriia# a ■aiiataatory walk* to toveitmeat. , Money being ' siw -atari) eie&ptrr to the London market, meat no doubt, to a certain astaat' meat agon oar loca ftatnre to oar ndrantag*. Lawsr a® rim are to bead from to# Mauritius bf toast*am line lately eitabitelmi. Tb* regularity ■wt shorijui ■ to lias taka to to* delivery to too noils are appreciated by those totorosted, Jtofce*# sew beteg *meir«4 within a day or two over three weak* after panting. The reports regarding tbe growing cam s were astiafantovy, and with an abMae* to banttcaa®* daring the fallowing two tffftßtta aiptr the departtue to the mil sood (Mwriut wear* a&lteipcted. Best watte# bad #A to fts4 wfttft LoftftWy prteea am witoowt change, while fair »b» have few** and* at Importer'# demand*. Byrop be* bs*» totertor, ** a remnt arrival,but aato# ##««*» f uti mt,j aouitog ban been ooee. Tbedeaaadfor rteaw, stew, bet them t» algae et a reoreentive fiaritog ei jag. Toteneos are qatet, and nothing too, 'turn mn» smteto# of amad trad* ordara. Them 1# to ob«**« Is dried traits, moat description* rat* isg » buw to bay#**. Far toimen'aetoeee it# bastes** b*s been restricted te aortteg op paroela, and (hama* my be arid of the mlln line* to groocrteA. A tew uiutsoticaa ia liberties of low to medium qox.iiy are atone aottosable. Forte are without eaquir?, although the aeaeoa now oomiog on ahouMl eltoit mh bit mmcs. Cteuamine*, oa*.i.WU> to tea e oii«-r*, bare not t«eu doxlt It. ConsiderahU whiskey, both ia balk and ease, have been cniie. Tb* boalnese moattr hse been dose la brunde well keown ia tbe market. Brandy eiflw* n® Improved teadaney. BUm are being »»4# at a|®at«* atesind rate*. Bom soatiiuo# asamdtagly stow to sal*, and etecka are more than svipto* Bonding asateriria have not improved, awl all tbs leading Mae# are nnxiterodU Ceatent, lending. hx»t«»n qaltted exceptionally tow la lavol®o par* Mte. Btiledundraw linseed tol«*« dull to sale, fferosene ha* been aeliteg at la lOd to 2# M.acoordUgU text and fearasd. Castor i» wltbeat change. ifegllah iatesdvteea report a lurthe* and approtoahte advawMs in aiovee seeA Althoogb sot immeCUtoiy apparent to the prl'.e to etoric paw#!*, he porters ate not f.i,irt»o4 to e«U» to arrive, at present qootetlooe. The demand tor m*J» ter autnuo eowteg In the SSidAie Inland this **##sn baa been a trifle mow praaounced, and fair pares!* have been disposed to tor immsdiste o*e. Tbe riaste valoe* ia moat sharply felt in atelke and good sample# to Bngllab red clover. GRAIN ASIi PRODUCE. The jmrket tlaiiw; the week has presented iiineli the m feature* u» the pruvioun. A cousldOTrijk quantity of grain hae been sold oa the aam# ban « of price*, though the feeling ia hardly so fine. Telegraphic communication with England, whlet ban. been interrupted tor the lari tow day*, wae r»> gamed this afternoon. The advice# received reporl a quint market. The damage to the grain in manj dteteito* through the rain# turn* «it to be# seriom matter, and the low. U I# estimated. wOI he a con “^/fob^CPac) j. m hntlote 4e 3d to 4» 4jd f.o.b. Chwi iSU it being ******* law® enatititte# will abortiy be owning tejrwaril. Fricee tor thlagrtonsre W wry, and Is IC>4 to d» ter feed, and Si Id tot best oi.l.rtoybarc tetely ■UMieai price# rangtea from 4# to ia.SA tor tail quality, #S to fid tor good, while eaten fine Itoe a« quoted opto te Al. . . Fmwd#—The price tor some make* i# now quote* •tut. ■ ■■■■'-■■ Qum (tean.—Boom naaeptes to ferwera’ &tm*o< tan* hows taken at v« tat to 3* 3d during tbe week . nri. raaotriaa no fashes oteawto# eomanuton 3e Sd tc a* tat. Ttaacela UtU* «#■ s Wteem tnusplrlag. keww, *t the UMnnaal «M *a RIA la altwmA. tbomfU «t fv

p*»wls to (felitery »4®itc« feat® !•«» <ju«U»«l at 4d, I«m« a «U»«in»t «)mJ to U| par «»l to 8 jof «»** j lUiat raorw'. a.~Csi«i«#, 4J4 to M i btttto, M to at. STOCK ESPOBT. Al«a Addiagtoa \aivl* m WadueadAy, a »«y Ucgo «Bfcty«dib»tkrates f«t«A Thets wttnafood attoudauce of b«y«ra, and *al« Wit® offioolod at (Httlialaolorj- |«l®e« to atot ds*sH®l«>fta of fat »«•! ■ atot® atoct, * la fatß««»r only a jiraportloiw compriwl of good and prltas aoriA. tb» inlaaos Wag mad« mp of pscpisS B*d »»ti«sa qwality lota, I'riwo «to»* bro.l* «otl from Uta to ISai gowl ditto at laitHli »»«r!no wslbom (c*tr»fwim® .jw«li»v)«» l*aW»»d ‘ lA»9d't good ditto at 11*. We qaoto &J pwlbw aa awraga to »«Hoa. . A large entry of atom »h«p told freely at pike* ( ■ aartiiitotory to *«»dor». Croa»f>r®«l owe* (*o«*4 a»t‘utb«>l) at torn l‘M to 13a Mt dftto, Vn*kon aaMlb*4 to» 0* id to S» s mssed twsvtooth at fit M t toipwooDed Ua,lt* k>ta torn bn io »*; good ditto, tom “s to T» SHL ' Fa? Oam».«A toll ««yply to nrimo petti of wbkh ffltds • mdy sale at Uto quotation* The qaoto £tta per 1«HI. aa an b®#rt*e to beef* A tor- on tty of S»ws Cam*, and i be dewnad to tbit citsti w«a a liulo men aaimated coaipawd to 3 Isle aaki. ccitoms' Kivimm fb* (oliowtsg w* the Oartewe* *■««»«« , tootod y«i«td»y ««»Wliiwi», #4l3* id i (|dnMi Ut 01 i U**lm 18* *d| 'W toV*MmcC #« Ito Mi «»or*. «•»'•**» «««• to m l**M t ad m t «**»«• Akl«f JWS IT* i total, *f» 18s 5dTfco Ksw Zuui» Itoan *«i> MnscawritK Aojwcr Ooxrsat (AlmUod) ffpatt »** «m wurioto to tbo «e«b oadibi Mu«b 9, as to iO W«KW»~tIw» oslm wbioh bare botAdtutn# Uw cot rent wagasUdpaiodt oatol ISOitoto offeiod oaly SW dmmA tou batamw. Out eatotogan cowprkod ll® todoa IsetwU&K aosii wtiU-kaowu ellp*. Oftbose, only too Mouat. Wbltamid a in Wiangle worn pkowMbe tomet at B|d, and tbe Salto at , »|d 5 saka oovatoa SJ? toss, to* •oUowlag prion# . war* realised i Otatay metioe, <id to e|d t SfArto, »|di ototobtad, 04 to mt ?»«>«. id to •|d ; and looks. I|d to m s «®oa*«d swarias. is M to l#sa j ball, bred, 1# lit i eraisAoed, Old to iO|dj m«rino pteoe*. la Hdi i wsT uuj| asdluroa 10|d. *fh« JUmuon sumi to otoplay aoaalm-aUiUy. the bidding. b«m« narked by great anAlf Uy mo day and w«fc. sees tb# following. Tbe (aMnl ton* of adfloaa, 1 bowarar, point# to a firm market to fine ttoorto ttoneomettiio, and a toteotioa in tbe ooeree nceetoods and tauky wools of elldeeorlp- , t *Ba«*PBW»B,--We bad a large entry to Thwa* day'a EsSO Skins bariar been bronaht towaid, of wbtcn «.0 wore off abeep p««*ed lUtougn the rotrigeiabn# room*. Tbe prune mltaedwow an follow*:—llatoaers* polta, la ?d to 8a Cds oenstty paitr. 9d to la M, It iXto ta 84, end la Wd to da 3d, damaged, «d to 8d ; wooUy mertnoe and eTOee ,cr*da, Se 3d to to id | sktoa in bale* «*d*s|d to Bd. For tbe Balias', ounalgnaeat to id w.a •biaised, nnto #ood competition. Bisns.—Aß forward were quitted at to green end 3{ <to salted. , , . . . Tauow a»j» Far.-'SIJe eororal paroela to band were in good endiM, and tnlbu ijl all round, Privately. «re bare jdaoed nerexal ton# taken from “sSrwassrASSJf i&w.«« weetbrr arebardly yet lnUy.reaJi«sd, batoompetent antbarittoe estimate that ett thud ol lb* crops south and west of Ttmaro aw renaewd nnnt .or oiUeift* *thm liwl ftk>&ft i« nuo»siftal to account for tbs arm attitude of growara. *»bo will aw wut with sound grain at aajtolag nnder is 3d loie *44 f.o.b. At th«*e prises me demand baa beta orisfc,aad nnmetcaa uanaaolwaa bare been oonoladod. , .... , .. Oats.—An Improredtme la perceptible In tbe market to this grain, prioos hartog hardened Moeebat daring to# wnb »•»«»} ***** been effeetod at equal to to Id. f.0.b., to teed, and toldtomilitog. , . . . ~ Banm.-Boyers are at longth nwakeatog to toe tot itMt tit supply of good malttcg tariey is «• ueasaly dedrient. and that fait rat. a most ne paid. a«wmii iuge parcels bare obangrd bands at from Ss nd to iadiffstent matiing, np to ia 8d to prime. Webwtof negotiation* pmding to toe UirodocUon of a cargo from kabtornia which, wo nadarstand, can be laid down at 4a 34 c.ll tor Ha 1. . , tt»A»a Saeo.—Tbe scarcity ol supply baa bad toe affect of hardening rate#, but knowing toe large quantity which will abertly 1m arailabla, of both cocksfoot and rye, merchants are cnly buying lor wants. Good occksfoot commands 44, and rye gram Ss to to 9d, atooroiug to drearing. |)u»t Pscobc*,—wniy a quiet laierprorlnolai trade %a passing, at 81 to iOd tor butter, and &d to ddtoobeese. TbeßrW ZEALAXOyABMXto* Co OrKEAXITB As sociATion or CA*T*nßC»t, Lin»i», repm on tUe week ending iFiklif, March 8, 1533, an tot lowc-Burisow ha* bean comparatively <to** dntleg tbs week, and towub prioes hare neon main mined, buyers are hardly so keso. The week has seen the clearance of the drat train chips to the Btome market, the Loch Bee, Ballun and Centurion having sailed. By tu lastommea we ate forwarding, on aoooant of various abase, holders, between MiOO and SbOO iMlut of wheat, our clients, ia most cases, haring disposed of part of toslr grain locally, and shipped the remainder. Wheat may be quoted at is id to is 3d f.o.b, for gecd samples of Tuatas, other faronred sorts mating within a trifle of tuis figure. Uass continue Ate, more probably from a duinolicatlom on the part ol sellers to do businsas at pricer offering than tom any d»sue on toe part ol boyew to operate, firignt miiliasr are worth as Id to 3e 2d j feeduig, la lOd to la lid. Barley turn teen a fair amount of i business at is 8d to is 6d for good meltlcg, , prime at is 3d, whilst holders of extra good samples ate awing sa. Peae—there le an 1 emmirylir Bine Frustians at, oay 3ißd} other • cons are quotable at 8s 3d to 8# M. . Bourn Mem i to be dull of sale at 3s 6d. draw need, Bye—Good fati&flfk 1 pftroeiii ttfw i&tyolfftd lor f Asa but little appears immediately available, bo rnnoh depends on the nmjde that we quote a range *t 2a 6d to 3s 9d j the latter prioe ebutioable only lor really vrime samples. Cocksfoot appears to bo hardening, holders now asking 4d per lo on to® Fealnsula. * letier that appeared in a recent tone of the Akaroa paper, ousting thin seed from a weU-kncwn Bondon ’ .eedsman** eatslogne ns being worth 80s per owl, has cansad enquiries to bo made as to the pres- , pecte of abippins to London, and the reported sale of a Hue fat export hae doubtlesa tended to 1 strengthen toe nuurset. Our last English quotai tkws fata) from a well-known toed merchant s ( price list) quoted eockefoot at Ms to 60s per ewt, under date January last. Butter—B4 to lOd, ’ €heeae, sd--1 COSH JBXCHAKQK, Tbe following Is tbe report tor the week finding r ffidiy ftwisfi Mfttoh it ■"* f tic auutkcui dvftf the ftppftftt noon i quieter, and the competition among toe buyer* . oectdeoly easier. There la no great alteration to 1 note la valaes from hwt week, but namplee are more ' oKrafai); ncxutinleeo. Considerable quantities of s mig have air. ad; changed bends, but there are t Still large qnaatiliee to cense toesrard, . Wwat —kiwtoikM* e.mpleu of luecan, in chip- • wins lines. At 3d to 4« id pet tmabel f.o.b.| other • wheats, is Id to to 3d; second quality samples, t 3* JM to ist oblekwbeat, 2a U» to to 3d per KfaUktoli t cars —Bo activity tesms to prevail in the e market for Ibis ears*', immple* of good, ehort ■miiiißg awsaleab eat from 2a to 2» Id. dsjlvered » Cb wtohnrob j fwd quality, U ltd to Bs, f.o.b. {. Basket.—Besily good malting samples aw selling , at from *» 44 to to UPM bnabei; fwal «t« ramplee, to 104 to to; feed. 3« to 3s 84, There 0 quotat ona are ell delivered Cbristebtireh. t. a»A«s BB.XD.—indifferently cleaned fsroiew' , sample* are worth from 8e 104 to 3* 3d per bushel; „ macbloe or town dressed samples, to 44 to 8» 84 Mf Igrtudfeel* f CBXKSB ASO Bwrsa,—The tormtr 1* worth fid to f fid per tb j the latter, 9d to lC|d per lb. n COMMKECJIAITa’MLKGBAMS. WiauseToa, March 9. „ Fiour—Adelaide, #l7 to «i 7 10a j Cwsterlwry, n £lolos to #ll, no etoek j Oamara, da do i sharps, I, #sto#SSa» bran. 80s to Ms i oats, to 3d to fcfdj r. polatoe*. 90s to 100*; hama and bsoou, 7d to ?id t 1 batter, exit, no request, 9|4 to lud; oheeae. 8« j to 814,

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6873, 10 March 1883, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6873, 10 March 1883, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6873, 10 March 1883, Page 4