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ANNUAL MEETING. The annual gentral meeting of the members of the Oaaterouiy Agricultural sod Pastoral Association was held at their rooms, Hereford street, last evedng. About 40 gentlemen were present, and the chair was occupied by Mr W. Hendenpn, President of the Association. ’ j Apologies wen made for the absence of Messrs X E. Parlor, X T. Matson, Watt, and the Hon J. T< Psieock. oouidTran’s napoßT. Tho following teport of the Committee for the year ending /an. 31,1883, was read “ (X.) Tour Ucmmittse beg to make the following report of the transaction* of the past year, Whitby although not so satisfactory from a financial point of view as in former years, is still encouraging, as the work of tho Association it being carried on with the same spirit as hitherto. (2.) The entries for the November show of 1882 were 128 U in number, distri utod as follows s—Sheep, 869; cattle, 148 } ones, 128 ; pig* and sheep dogs, 64; impuments and extra exhibits. 814; New Zealand manufactures and woo), 116. (8.) The qualty of the animals shown in most of tho rinses was quite up to that of former years! The classes for merino sheep were esnspicuous for their number* and excellence.; The exhibition of Implements was equal to that of any previous show. (A) For the flrsttimo during a long course of years, the 9th olNovember, the principal day of the show, wail for the most part, wet and stormy, and although the public attended in large numbers, lie takings at tho gate* fell far short of the Previous year, being £6lB, as compared with W 29 taken in 1881 j to meet this deficiency loe amount deposited in the Post Office Savufes Bank, £166195, has been withdrawn and added to the general fund j other provision rill have to be made to meet the AssooiaUon’sMahilities over and above the amount to creditln bank. (6.) The income of the Association for the past year has been £2068 12* lid, including £lB6 16s carried forward from hat year j and tbs expenditure daring the sameperiod has been £2367 Os 7d, i leaving a credit Sash balance of £3Ol 12s 4d to be carried forward. In addition to this, a further sum of £416 8s 7d will bare to be provided to mat aU outstanding liabilities up to date. (6.) The Treasurer's accounts and the books of t» Association hav* been duly audited by Messrs H. B. Alport and 0.0. Aikman. (7.)lThe portion of the ground set apart leif the exhibition of goods, for which thee were no distinct clasts*, proved a source of much attraction and instruction. Tbl queitioa of providing covered* io space in addition to that already erected lor the exhilltion of local industries on a larger scale thin hitherto, will have to occupy the attention pf the incoming Committee. The growing ihportanos of this department of the exhibilon demands increased attention, (S.) Co May 22 last, an exhibition of fat stock, grab, and roots, was held oath* grounds of f>* Association, bub did not prove a sueoas. Some few years ago the tame experimrit was tried with the like re* suit. The slow was held during the International f xhMtioti, as it waa thought that an exhiWtiooTof tho kind would have attracted a lane number of strangers, enoh. however, was lot the wee. (8.) The annual parade of stalloni was bsld, as usual, on the ground* of Its Association, on Saturday, Sept. 80, on whloh oocwion 64 bores* wore paraded, a* against 67 in 1881. A notice* able feature oT the parade was the presence of the rseeoUr Imported American trotting horse*. (10.) The annusi ram and ewe fair took place on &wh 28 w>d the foUowingday. The totalnucjber of ram* catalogued was 1477, and of ewes 280. (U.) A trial of goree. cutters was!held In November last, the machine* connoting being thoee entered for exhibition J the «bow-vi«, the Horaebv (English), Mmsfietd (paUnt colonial made). The judgeelreported that, a* none of the maobtnes ibrked mtisfaetority, they could not recommend any pri«« being awarded. Th«* was dso a trial of «»“* **** •uppers held at tb( fam of Mess'* Henderson and M'Beath fa January last- The TnaoWn*. i opmpeticgwtr* one manufaetwed by Heim P. and fii Dnnoaa, anotbsr by Messrs O. Booth and Sowjwd also <>“• {make to tie order of Meei« B- Wilkin and

Co* of Obristohoreh. To Ibis latter machine wee awarded Irtl prise, (if.) The brake «*im*d Ivon Xttgland last year Wo arrived Id good condition. and form • valuable «jdl. lion to the stock of prise boofct on hwi, (IS*) The ‘How Zetland Herd Brak.’-Tke Committee Inn taken onr this week, with o ▼low to its pabUeatbw at tegular intervale. It to therefor# hoped that owners of stock throughout Now Zsaland will accord it » mad rigorott* support. Complete artra*e®*«ti have been mod* far mrrtiag out 100 work with m front aoonraiiy as possible, laekiag whleb, snob * publication would bo ▼oloolwo. It io aontomplatsd to Iwtto » now volumaassran Marafficiratnumkor of entries hove boon roeoired. The Editing' Committee therefor# request that person* desirous of entering their stock will do oo with m lillls deity w possible. (Hi Tko Seat Zealand Country Journal boo now ootorod noon its seventh yoor, ond continue* to bo ootf-onpportiof | satisfactory u this lo to tho promoters, they would still claim for Ibo journal a more gsnsral rapport, considering that its page# am largely devoted to Ibo promotion of agricultural uid pwtofil puf* suit*. Dovers ol natural hiotory and ooionoo will nraally Sod something to ioteroot and laitrnot them io it* pages. While expressing our thanks to thote gentlemen who ban generously oontrtbutod original artioleo to it* page*, the Editing Committee earnestly lolioitfurthoroontributionsfrom those engaged in rural pursuits. (16.) Twelve meetings of the General Committee, in addition to one special meeting and one general meeting, of (be Association have been held during the poet year, beside* several meeting! of sub-Committees. (16.) There ore at present 800 members on the books of the Association (exclusive of 189 life members), which number might easily be Increased by a little exertion on the part of those members Who take an interest in the work of the Alsoelation. A considerable number of annual subscription* still remain unpaid, and yonr Committee trust that member* who are in arrsar will tend in their contributions with* out delay, thereby avoiding the trouble and expense of repeated application*. (17.) Daring the past year considerable improvement* have been made on the ground* m the way of new cattle pens, and (he completion of the boundary fences. Other improvements are still necessary, and will be carried out as funds permit. (Id.) The rooms of the Association have been kept fairly well supplied with papers and periodicals. The Beferense library is used more freely by members than has been the case hitherto. It contain* all the Transactions of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland) the Bqyal English Agricultural Society Journals) Coles’ and several other Herd and Stud Books, as well a* several useful works, most of which are the gilts of members of the Association. Your Committee trusts that further contributions will still be made, which would largely enhance the value of the library. (19.) ine Committee desire to place on record their appreciation of the valuable services rendered by the gentlemen who have acted as Judge* at the Association’* shows and trials of implements. They also desire to acknowledge the serviced of these members who, by their assistance on the Show Grounds, Ac., have greatly contributed to the successful results aomoved. (80.) Beriewing the past year it is plearing to note that the harvest has been a good one, which, we trust, will be securely gathered in. The prospects of the country are, perhaps, brighter at the present time than they have been for some year* past. The establishment of the frozen meat trade and cheese factories is destined to work a revolution In the agricultural progress of. the country. Farming on a better system than that hitherto followed will by these industries be rendered profitable. The splendid herds and doolie of wellbred cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs, met with throughout the country may fairly be claimed as the outcome ol the efforts of this and other kindred Societies, which have done so much in fostering a healthy rivalry of all kinds of stock at their annual exhibitions." A balance-sheet, audited by Messrs H. B. Alport and 0.0. Aikmaa, was also submitted to the meeting. Mr D. Oraigj Hon Treasurer, did not think it was neoeeaary to make any extended remarks with reference to the balance-sheet. The fact that the Association was a little to the bad was owing to the falling off in the receipts at the November show, and to the expenditure of £250 in buildings and fences. There was no doubt bat that they would be able to pay off the deficiency without encroaching on the reserve land. The Chairman, in proposing the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, said that Mr Craig had given a very fair statement ot how matters stood. The buildings and fencing which had been erected were in fint-clasa order, and were a credit to the Association. He was glad to say that satisfactory arrangements bad been mode, whereby the Committee would have sufficient fund* to carry them through the present year. He was extremely sorry to hear the bad accounts of the crops in South Canterbury, especially os he had been told that the estimated loss-—£60,000 —on account of the damage done by the bad weather, was quite within the mark. He considered the lots sustained by Bouth Canterbury was a lost to the whole Colony. He also thought that the northern districts of the Province might consider themselves very favoured in regard to the splendid weather they bad enjoyed. He begged to move the adoption of the report and balance-sheet. Mr Hobert Wilkin seconded the morion, which was carried unanimously. xutorxoH ox dxnoua. The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers for the ensuing year. On the motion of Mr B. Wilkin, seconded by Mr 8. Qarforth, Mr Peter Cunningham was elected President. On the motion of Mr B. Wilkie, seconded by Mr B. Sutherland, Mr T. Bruce was obosen Vice-President. Mr D. Craig was re-elected Hon Treasurer, on the motion, of Mr Murray-Aynsley, seconded by Mr W. Norman. On the proposition ot Mr T, Bruce, seconded by Mr J.G, Buddeoklan, Masers H. £. Alport and C. C. Aikmaa wore re-elected Auditors. The following gentlemen were chosen as member* of Committee Messrs W. Menderson, B. Wilkin. J. T. ford. H. P. MurrayAynsley, B. 8. Harley, B. Sutherland, J. Deans, 8. Garforlh, J. Gould, J. Anderson, jnnr., W. Norman, J. M'Beath, H, M'llraith, dir John Hall, P. Duncan, J, B. Parker, John Mann, W. Bora, John Forguison, J. G. Buddeuklau, James Walls, Hon J. T. Peacock, J. Qilmour and John Gebbie. XtaW HBUBSBO. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Association j—Messrs H. Chatteris, John Carl, Henry Anderson, 0. H. Dowding, G. Northy, James Frame, f. B. Dunsfurd, G. B. french, Joseph Marsdea, Charles Louisson, Andrew Anderson, H. W. U'Beiland, W. BoUitt, J. Trafford, and B. J. Bealey. ntfAwoa. On the motion of Mr Murray-Aynsley, seconded by Mr P. Duncan, a resolution was passed authorising the Committse to spend a sum not exceeding. £6OOO iu carrying out the objects of the Association during the ensuing year. The mover explained that, according to the Act, it was necessary for the annum meeting to vote the amount to be expended by the Committee. totm or TIUSKS. His Worship the Mayor ol Christchurch proposed a hearty vote of thank* to the officer* and members ol the Committee for the past ysar. ' Mr T. 8. Weston seconded the vote of thanks, which was passed by acclamation. The retiring President, Mr W. Henderson, brisfly acknowledged the vote of thanks. Mr F. Cunningham, in a few appropriate remarks, expressed his thanks to the members for electing him to the honourable position ol President for the ensuing year. She only reason that bad induced him to accept the office was the knowledge that ho night be able to be ol some use to the Aseooiation during his visit to Great Britain. Mr Brace briefly returned thanks to the meeting lor hie election as Vwe-Prcsideut. This concluded the business, and (he meeting terminated.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 6

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AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 6

AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 6