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Suunii.—Telephonic communication with Sumner was established yesterday. gajRLS CoMMUKiatxioK.—Th« stoppage on the cable between Port Darwin and Ban joewangle was removed on Wednesday evening, and messages are how coming through at niual> Srowfiwo.—Four rime horses were shipped oh board the Batomahanayssterday for Napier to take part in the mew on Thumday next. They were Mr Bat* Poet and Minem, Hewn Mason and yaUaaee'e Louie, and Mr H. Bonn’s Canard. Bam ffiggot wae m obarge o( The Poet and Minem,WetoUarjof Loam, and Barry Lunn of Oanard,--The Wanganui Cop ran yesterday wae won by Kin* Quail, who jot home easily In front of Busaard and Fame. The last named, who is a daughter of the deface* Australian bred hmmm ™ Paint**, carried off the Derbf*

Omtmii. Bom.-Tb» Owoteri Hotel Km been leased for Ms yean by Mr Biots* to Mr Jamte Wallace, Ist* of Chsitsey, Ashburton ami Baksia. Mi«o»l.J-A»*cro» Bt-Uw.—The police tr* taking the necessary (Mm to sscur* the due observance of the provision# of lb* Miscellaneous By-law which ha* recently come into fore* is this city. hitqvMt at ta* imvK.~A» inquest was held yesterday torching the death of Mary Maroney, an inmate of the dry I am. Medical evidence showed that (ho n«H of death was consumption, and the jury found • rsrdtct ol “Death from natural causes." Ai.t,*ost> Assauit.-—lt Jo stated (hot on Wednesday Mr H. K. Bathos assaulted Mr F. fielig, on jits premiss* of Ur Jubal Fleming, in consequence of a paragraph which appeared Is a weekly journo! commenting upon a recent sue heard in th* Kesident Magistrate's Court. Axsbica* Taoer.—The Secretary of the Canterbury Acclimatisation Society baa re* eeived an intimation that 10,000 trout ora from the M'Leod Hirer, North America, arrived at Auckland to the Ban Francisco mail steamer consigned to the Society. I hey will be forwarded to Christchurch h early m possible. la a Tiotobiab Loan.—The new term# upon which the Victorian loan was offered seem to hare produced their due effect, as the remainder has now b*cn subscribed at a price •lightly above par. It will he remembered that par wa* said in a recent telegram to be really equiralent to about 98, the terms of payment being greatly in farcer of subscriber*. AcciDiwT.—At Haagiora, shortly before six o’clock last evening. Captain Parsons and one of hit sons were anting la Ashley street, when by tome means the horse# drew the rain# from the hands of the boy, who era* driving, and bolted. Both occupants were thrown on to the road, the father receiving some Internal injuries, the extent of which were not known when our despatch left. The lad escaped with a few bruises. The horse made for the Boad Board office, and In turning into the yard damaged the buggy to some extent. Joobbxtmab Tailoxa* fiOCIBTT. A special meeting of the member# ef the Amalgamated Society of Journeyman TaOor* wee held sin th* Foresters’ Bali last evening to consider what action should be taken in view of the fact that a number of metsbere of tho trade are unable to earn % living in Christchurch, on account of the elackness ol trade and the low rat* of wsget now prevailing. There was a numerous attendance, and on animated discussion took place on the subject. A proposal wae nude that as many men as possible should he sent to other Colonic*. No decision, however, was arrived at, ae the discussion was adjournsd to a future meeting, of which notice will be gives by advertisement. Fast Cbkxbtobbsob School —A swimming contcet among the bpye attending the Fast Christchurch Main School will take place at the school baths at 8 tun. to-day. A capital programme baa been drawn up, oompririeg Soaring competition* and races lor boy* of various ages, a slow nee, and a hurdle race. A number of capital prises, medals, penal-cases, docks, and other articles hare bans presented, including a champion medal presented by the Chairman of the Committee. The races, which were inaugurated by the head master, Mr J. 0. Scott, will be carried out under hie supervision, and a capital afternoon's sport may be anticipated. AQJUCCLTtTBAI AS» PASTOBAL ASSOCIAtick, The annual meeting of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held last evening. The Commiitee’e report wae of a satisfactory nature, with the exception that, owing to the falling off iu the receipts at the lust November Show, a sum of about £4OO would have to be provided to meet outetahding liafaiiitie* up to date. It was stated, however, that there would be no difficulty in meeting all liabilities without trenching on the reserve fund. Mr Peter Cunningham was elected .President for the ensuing year, and Mr T. Bruce, VicePresident. A Committee was also elected and other business transacted. A report of the proceeding* appears elsewhere. Cbxckxt.—A match was played yesterday between an eleven of the Jennie l ea Company and eleven of the Midland C. 0., which resulted in a victory for the latter by 52 rune. For the theatrical company, Hepburn and Stapleton were the only ones who reached doable figures, making 31 and 10 respectively. The former player went in first and saw all the wickets fell but one before he was disposed af. For the M.0.0.C., Williams, Lawrence, Kissel, Bows, and Fox reached doable figures, making 35, 53, 16, 15, and 10 apiece. William* i* a new player to Christchurch, and mode hit S 5 by good cricket. Stanfield and Vernon bowled well for the Company, whiie Paul and Eowc were ■ueeasaful on tho other side. Tho ecoree were— Jennie Ice Company, 82 ; M.0.U.0., 134. Fiek at Saxatoi. Yeeteirday after* noon, daring the festivities in the town of Keispoi, an alarm of fire was given, and it was found that a fire had broken out in Mr W. H. JL Pitchinij’s chemist shop, near the bridge. The alarm wae no sooner given than a dense crowd gathered round the premises. 31m FSra Brigade toon got to work, and had their engine playing on the banting maw of stuff in a very short rime. She fire, it; appeared, had sprung up amongst some rubbish that was stored under the counter in Mr Pinching’s back shop, and it toon caused the shop to be filled with smoke. Ae there wae a doubt, from the amount of smoke, whether the fir* was upstair* or down, several of the Brigade were engaged In removing the furniture from upstair#. Amongst them, four marine* from th* Diamond were oanipieuoae by their remarkable agility in climbing the house and assisting in clearing is, which wae done in quick time, the good* being taken to tho Conned Chamber. Mr Blackwell, Superintendent of the Fite Brigade, took charge of the proceedings, and as soon as the fire was subdued it was found that comparatively little damage had been done, though a good cU&I hid bwfi cftttud by mtd the counters in the shop were damaged. The stock and furniture were insured m the Australian Mutual Insurance Company for £350. Fortunately, Mre Hutching, who has been an invalid recently, was away from home at the rime; Mr Pinching and the mt of the family were witnessing the regatta. Abbbbbtov Bosopqu FiKAJioa.—From the printed ’’budget*’ of the Ashburton Borough Connell it is gathered that the estimated expenditure to the end of March 31, will be £2860 19s 6d, and the estimated revenue is the same. As showing the resources of this rising Borough, and the amounts it disburse* on public works, the items making up the above sum on both side* of the account are interesting. In expenditure, a sum of £l5O is paid to the Gas Company for street lighting j £9O to Ho* pits! and charitable aid purpose* (just 9d per head of population—l6oo) j salaries in all, £19613* 4d j printing and advertising, &0 ; formation and metalling of streets, £785; maintenance of water supply, £150; street channelling in concrete, and asphalting footpaths £700; timber for bridge* and culverts (street eras•lings), £75 j sundries, including commission, £l5O { insurance, £7 11* Bdj interest and sinking fund to reduce overdraft, £l% 18s fid i total, £2560 19s Bd. From the above it will be seen that out of the total stun, about £I7OO is proposed to be expended on the streets of the Borough in forming and metalling, channelling and asphalting, and in maintaining rite water supply, which latter, as most people now know, provides a stream of running water down each street, and oontribates largely to both the cleanliness and health ol the town. The Income ride of the account shows£6oßl7* ®d as rent* accruing to the Council from Borough reeerree; £BOO from exrise licenses! £l9O from Customs; £l7O from dog mid by-law licensee; £SO from by-law finec j and £ll7B from rates, at Is in the pound on £15,571 worth ol rateable property. Xha item, £9OB 17* 8d from reserve rente, will within five yean stand at between £IBOO and and there are lew borough* in the Colony who have at this moment each a Jlsasanfc outlook for the future m the pishing, busy Borough steading midway ||tw*sn the Osthedraf City sod urn pert of '

bearing the above seme was h#H WEJS Bali, Kaiapoi, on wS J# St SItSSISSLI ™ * nt€rt * lr rr -enl i, 0 f a mirth-provofcmg nature, and « u #. n. appreciated by those who «»* it, avmm* Cotwr.-Oa Wcdntiday Itefistnr of the Supreme Court dupowd r the following application* in Banseupw ..ll S$ J. 8. Wegner, the debtor w*s dischamd on the application of Mr Loughrey, * k ’ Black and Bmpsoo, the debtor# were di*. charged, on the application of Mr Lcogbniy Re L. Bamberger, lb* debtor » M duchartH’ on the applicatma of Mr dpackmsc. Atyeo, the debtor roe di*cr)»re«i. on tv* application of Mr M’Cunsiel, H« O C Amman, the deed of arrangement *wm declared duly executed, on ta* auL.watioa of Ur Millton. The tote qif Quart)* Kasd petto m on u» tows o( the Worm#* Van's Ctob {»., * o'etoek. TfO»raajjis«—tjiltk tw,h. •• lalcZ shire Wllcbte," B. Kaaioa; evasdsetoj-ioe, j•_ Ctooha- da UafsarUJa," a. "HWliZeUliy *S. Rewtoc; !■«’ -4ior£ Wisato," 8. Piau^aette; ?r»64»><s, M "Ei**. Jatto" <Th# Fitofs Veriji ; "La Sate-(toe/* 800 ,««tt, ovanare, •* lr. M'-aWtaa - K. Stmmum f sobotusdia. ’ a.i<-.U*-.*.u. ict, ’ v tosailoo ; Uad Save tfeo V A sm 4a< <4 tea Vavivate foot toll Clrsb w}U K« bald *t tea OarStwa Itotal uu Votkte? * »«nar»t raaaitss of taa-abw* <4 its «Aatetbarr Coantof Uab wui be bald on Slvrte .» rto SAsdae. Tie Sooth-east Otrwtabarea Lfc'.sii: < ■"'■.mas I *, tee mmt at >■ ooe !*•<!»;, Tfea fktiapoi ftowav Bh.»« will ta opa-cC »* - o'clock tola afsoraooa, ' ' V- E. i. L m VStwm tto atoetws r.f Ku«s,hat 7 o'olook tein avaatac. ‘ ' la coo#—i-iaac* r.f tea Ciasar »t it. o»U-r Thaatre to-Btjfbt, Xt Stephaa »«wte h , ,i fci-IO»nt room at rhaComaaseiax Ho-a'. ft has teas srva&sad test tea batweaa a team of n-SSmyort, «.<;«; eitiiaas. and tea ixßkr, of taa (,r. - City Cemaalf, to to iota yUea -o growad m lesaday, Va-eh Tha f.-taar will ha satootad from tea fviJowisj? *«a-. »—a-j _ Kasare W. Trait, Q. WUlasar, Jnha * J’r*J«!ck Botha. C. T. It a to-, w. ft. a. eawtaff, J. JacSsoe, A. Cuff. O. W p* Waraar, hi. saaaatwa. J. W, h i-.' • v ‘ B. Kin,- Os* if tea eoaditwiu oi tea u that bo psaviotu prunicy to to ta si', , ;• . satleipsted that a vary - U? iiu‘ jn Tha foJlowia# wfll wpmta? tto ir.d.v- l ate te teaCapcMUOu at Lasteater P±rj or . :*-.~.rdi-r Match ». ami foitowia* ratartoj. - Bsrsas. Baohsaan, £dwr, Pauh-.,-.*. Poltot. Bargraavaa. Smaea, Taraer, v?’.*-., »-d Watson; etasvsancy: whiliaf, pu,caa&ee a* IJU «har y. B.A. KxAVrXATfOK3 —ln tha Srr-ate of the New Zealand Cnivsreity on ’A Frofeseor Brown moved“ That t..» f Lowing be added to section 2of the *ta- u - f degree of Bachelor of Arts; Bui ?m* scholars of tho University aci *JI -cu , who have at their matnculatcoa es*.- r or at aoy entrance examination subie .-:t -J their matriculation, and previous tothe first section of the BJL ei»=; obtained 50 per cent of the mark* matriculation papers, or 35 per «v ± s marks on the junior seholanhip men 3 | Latin, arithmetic, Euclid, and t. rt.n, sh*J be permitted to omit either La;;.-. ■;? matice from the compulsory -h toe examination, and to eubtoi <:• \i aoy one of the optional »übj?c*a .1 «iich they have not already been examine-i.” Ti* okaoge proposed is a radical oc-, izi ‘toe feeling of the Senate appeared lo that more time should be allowed for cotitostotisn of the matter. The debate >»* therefor* adjourned until next year’s setsios. iBXK A9D New.—Tune, inde-d, works wonder* and many curious ciisije*. At a proof ol this, it is now nearly thirty-two yean ago since Sir Cbarlee Duke'* fstosr, than only plain Mr Dtike used to travel barkwards and forwards to Windsor Cast Is very frequently to consult the late Consort concerning the Hyde Park ExbibUicn :f 1351- Mr IKUke was a great favocrlts C Court in those day*, not only from it* grui praeticsl ability, bat also from h r tlaning and amiable manner#, which ta.-r* . - pedal charm over everythin™ ho was • , ui. In those visits he frequently took r.i* little son Charles with him, who wa* about years of age, and he wae at- that he; tha ladies called a tweet an i eog«gi-sg c'-u i, with golden curly locks which d j»cu gracefully over his ehoulders. The Qaeen was also much attached to the little iellow, acd used often to take Mm on her knee sod talk to Mm while Ms father and the Prince were out in the grounds. Years rolled by, and toe engaging Uttls child grew up to be a use, clever man, with political opinion! a tendency towards BadiaaKam and democracy, and in hie epeeehee he has &««3 k'.c»r. to express himtclf as being very aaach v.j vilified with the expense* of royalty. A few »e«is ago Sir Charles paid another visit to H-:r Majesty to receive a Gabinet appcinir-ct from her, and to kies hand* for the uDid he, we wonder, then bestow a the kind tenderness of former year*. moment when he knelt to kiss o.jal hand which need to stroke his c-; 7 « kindly and playfully when he was * and «Dgagtsg little child. 7 —Bamt OlSAB*.—-CAoaiAerr Jmnml contauu toe following The tobacco trade, po» ;5l 7» has mote mysteriee than any other iq th:» age of commercial immorality. It is almcto. s# difficult to purebaee a good cigar prvetotcoouely in Havana ae it ie in London ; unl«« you know the right shop to go to, you »r# »r likely to buy Whitechapel and Bremec abomination*, exported from Europe for tor purpose and put up in the most orthodox “Habana” boxes. In Tera Crux you say buy cigars for five shilling* a hundred, which the vendors, for a few eenle extra, will pack and label with th* name o! some famou* brand. 80 they will in Porto Plata or ban Domingo. Bo they used in Brasil j but p.Ki«w and other Brasilian cigars have now made their own name, and have established an honourable claim to be considered among the beat cheap cigar* in the world. It is impossible » get an inexpensive good cigar in Cuba itself; the beet brands ate never exported, for few people here would care to give hal£-e----crows or three shillings spiece for their “smokes,” which the wealthy Cuban—wh; consumes thsm toft and grass, wrapping them ia oiled silk to preserve the fUvour—pays on the spot. There is much in a caseThousands of really excellent weed* are made in England and Germany from good raw tobacco imported for the purpose; but it would never do to offer them for sale ae British or German produce. What a charm lie* in the word* “ Vueita AbajV’ to be read oa your cigar boxes! Vueita Aba jo i# » smalt district between Havana and Santiago, consisting of a few acres ol land only, now m possession of two or three of the richeit planters in the island ,- and probably not an atom of the tobacco—noted for its richer**--which is grown there finds its way beyond their own air-tight bladder cigar pouches, or those of their Intimate friends, 11 _ ___ r

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 4