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i/v U4&K* Tt*m Office. Thoreday Kromaff. CUSTOM*’ BBVBSUE. The following was the Oostouf’ wb» eol* ieoi#€ yesterday i-Wlww. mf aputtm. £m 7* 84 i b(W, 48 U» j tea, 4t Of !M ; W 471 6s 114 1 tobaooo, 4113 Us 04 s cigars, ]* 64 j good* by weight, 47 I2i 41 j ad vatorm, 476 t>i j other untie*. 45 10s t total. 4811 10* 64. LOCAL MABK3TJ. Mesara 11. M«»» a»J> Co. report on the Wye Biffltorket, &0.. for the week mtog Thuntejr. sale at ! Ao oi smtoa a very tew sheep came to hawl, the entry being of stores of various classes «a« sgtSS&saaaaass igSSpSusfiasaaa SoMSjrtaaS 1» a c i S well every Jiao »t l ,r^^^^L hroaght adraooe of late rote*. Tto hart \2»U>m% MrCbwios Tum. hob also mnohhiehor rates in woportlo# U«*a tioa. ac» .a*.—. L an insUace jysii »75a!

On W, and « lino nf SOO « and S-tooth Itonusey ditto for Mi* W. HariusU «t (M to 10*. Taking Uw day's sale tor fttoro mwnj* all through, wa iHHmidftf St the most »ali*(artory Ihut Sim >H town bold« every lino of Our entry Ixnns fleam! at ptiro* aft before quoted. flood oroao-brod kimhs art- now being bought Itoelj at y» M So H» fid for »toro purpo***, a line of hrod hr Mr Sm,<m ifol. Wing »M hy «» al»«. and a 4rnf! of 4ro itonmry*. «eal to hand by Mr win. Holly, at h* 8d anil to lOd- In beef tbcne w«« almro an average *owdy, lh« quality on Use whole tain* Indifferent- value# remain unaltered, the bulkof our entry bring rinsrod »t from ll»* MS # pet in )1«. The claw of afore cattle to band IM, uerluip*. » HtUe letter than «*»»L *UU raJitr* were marked by no improvement a rood few line* N(»ir turned nut imrold, Uioee iH»po#ed of ehnnsiiiß hands at very l»w rate*. Jhe »4e market prowntnd an osropl tonally large entry, trod a* w.ietal buyers were present imwhasfeg lor stubble nurj’-otwi, the whole were readily clwirod at prior* St* i»» -t* par head over thou* of lata jew*. The (ebb jantal for the day comprised I*.BBB sheep, <44 head of cattle* end tSH pig*, of trhlehour entry inofo.fol ohrop, 277 head of tie, and 2W idea, for Mr»»r* Jim. bean#. W. I’oatl^hwiUU', J. Hiiidlßg. C. Unlit, t. i’yoe. *- Broadfoot. I. fatMOftwruft, W. Ooodwln. Henderson and M’lteath, W. Illrdling, U., A.O. hVwuwoa, Ornmi. wood Hro#,. John Milne. T. Kowe. fc. M. 1 <’'' l W. Molly. O. Kmt.l, It. Tubman, baltfety and Co., John Smlthwn. W. Hartnell, School. J. Price, James Walls./fj" l Q. *V.-U, 3. and T. Jackaon, A. Cablet, i enny, WKmwhaw, >V. Moft, James Kedman, J. Idnncy. U O’Neil, U. Forguvsun, B. Bray, Corbett, Jm..Mark, , M Mailer. J. Wright, T. Tubman, Jame* Ntoholli!, X Tfoytorf A. Smith. X. Vole. J. Snell, tV lionntree, 1- Ifevitt, U- thuallej, J. M'ftdla, J. Cochrane. T. Flannery, Mrs sfeloy, A. Kennedy, and other*. la fat «««IS our principal sales were, 40 or«i*d)wd« ftt 14ft «i, »t U« IM to U» IM, ( at ll« 6.J. *0 merinos at ft*, fc. orosft-bmda at i-*I ft l u, io 4 0,1 77 at lift, WO at lift, 100 nt li »f it Jt» ft » a* «• «d. « at Ua od, T» merino wothera at S* IM «nd 9». Store*—l4S merino wethora at 7ft. 30S tr.ised MM own at 8s I**, S£J aged cros«dmed ewe* nt 0* M. «5 cull merino* at 4*. r 47, 2,4, and 6.tooth cro»ft-hred» nt H* ad, ‘ill cull croft»-hwd ewe* at 6« M. merino** at 3s, .'iii.g d-tootli and fnlbuiouthed Koro* cay ewes at !!s to I 0», Kd**d>red e*w at to 3d, Ist merino ewes at 4# IM, 100 ewe* at 8a 9d, 4le a.tooH»cPMft-bteiU«s 9ftl«l, <OO Komuey lambs at NSd and 8* tod, 130 merino owe* at Me ISI »ift4r cross-bred ewes in fresh condition at es 3d, ow aged merino owe* at 3* id, »h>B cross-bred lambs at Sft, 177 aged crcas-brod owe* at 6s Sd, 100 4 and «• tooth ctosa-bred ewea at 12*, 2.0 mixed oro»»*brcd« at P* to i>» M, SO ortww-hrad ewes nt 8s M, fa*v lamb* from 7» to gi 6d anti git. Fat oattle t2 at *2at &> 3 ftt £S V* <W, 2 at to, 3 at tS 10s. 4 at t 4 15s, 3 at fc> 15s, 3 at £5 I Os, 2 at td 10*. 3 at t 5. 3 at t 5.» tsl. 4at £C>, 4ot £5 12s (sd, 4 at US 10s, 18 »« tj I'H iiii. fl a£s 2h 0,1, fco. Stores: 15 at t-1 ** ud, OHttd 10s, 9 at £2 4attiU«M.B4 at tt 10s. Uairy cows from £S to tD. In pigs wo cleared our entry ns under; T nt 40». 11 at 355. II at '£*, 9 at 23*. ft at ! tgn gat \> sat I St** 37n At 6a 6*l, 27 at 8# w, at 13s. 7at 37*. 4nt 40», 17 at 17s, 12 at S3*, sat 355, 4 at 37a, 4 at 345. 10 at os. 10 at Kw «d, 15 atlSii. Ac. CAJfTKBwcaY Home MißftßT.—At Tattersall ft on Saturday last our entry for the diT comprised 122 horses of various description*, including between 30 and 40 unbroken torts, arid a number of drays, traps, sets of harness. Ac. In the class oi slock on offer there was nothing calling for special mention, excepting that, if possible, the horses to hand were even of a lighter afed weedier class than baa been noticeable for some month* past. Aft special entries we offered ■ on account of Sir John Ball a few light horses, including a usefnl carriage pair, a lady's hack, and a few ponies, all ot which iwith Urn exception of one of the latter! were sold at »ri ass as per description. On Account of Mr Eoskroge we submitted 11 unbroken colts and fillies, 10 of which were sold at from £8 toßlSeaoh. On account oi Mr H. Hawkens we also disposed of a line of 13 mixed horses, including light unbrokon colts, Ac. As these were of a very medium description, and large numbers of this ol«s are now coming forward, prices obtained ruled low, though even? lot was chared. Of our general entries we quitted considerably over half the number. whilst several enquirers for good draught horses would have been ready buyers had thoy been able to secure what thoy wanted. At the present time we could place several lines of useful young farm horses at prices which, in comparison to lata values, would no doubt be satisfactory to vendors. wool, casxrsxiss, Fat.Hi sxs, as t> Taiiow. —0 n Thursday our weekly catmogue comprised 156 bale* of wool, 3684 ibecpektns, pelts, and iambtkhw, US oxhides and oahskiss, and 159 bags and packages fat. WooL—At the various auctions of wool by the different firm*, held this day, oompeUUou oani ot be aald to have been brisk, a*, no doubt, the mis line published wild exhibit. At oar sale wo offered 156 bales, with the following result ! MB conj.laed, srtto, &c„ s-bd. 1 fsdge at 6|d. fit. por, ft bale* a'. 3d. MO and Co., lambs' wool, 8 at So, 00, mroo, sat ?}d, paened. C, pea, Bat ad. YJ conjolued, pea. sat aid. j. over C, x-bd. I at 644. Oiitneomri, mixed wool, lat sld, wID, x-ba. 1 at 61d. passed. Knot, x-W,2at<td. over A. W, »rno, 3at Sd. M, pcs, lat 6id. J Lee, Ist cross, 7 at 6|i. 0 with bar tkroanb, x-bd, i at <id. Diamond, lamba* wool, 5 at 7id. J P eonjoined over Wat Hi, Ist obg ewo, IS nt 7|J, ptatdi Sad cbg Weiner, 8 nt 7J4, passed ; Ist obg do. 7 at J} i passed ,• 2nd obg bgt, 16 at 7 id, passed % Ist cbg hgt, 7 at 7fd, passed j 2nd obg ewe, 18 at <ld passed! Ist obg stud ram, 1 at 7|d, passed t Ist obg etnd owe, lat 7fd, passed j sandy, *at 6id j pcs, 7at 4id s Ika, Ba* x|i. Two sharps, po*. Bat S|d: tornc, 2 st bjd; xud and blank. 1 at 7d; mixed pcs, lat 6pi. JM. mrco, 2 at "Jd; pcs, 1 at 3d. . over .C., iambs, Bat 71<t, passed. W£. * bd, Xat 614. C, slip®, x-bd,S at 6VI- JO. mixed wool, 5 at TIL 3, pes, lat 5J4, It over X, mrao, 1 at fill, JO, name, 1 at 7|d. H over MW, x-bd, I at 6{dj x-bd and mroo, 1 at Sid: nurno wool and pc*, lat SJd; Iks, lat t; x-bd I ledge at tid, Sbeepekins.—Oat catalogue exhlbtted a considerable entry, and competition ruled upon a par with last week—orots-breds to 3s Id; lambskins to 3s Id; merino to 2* 2d i merino foilwools to 6s Id t ordinary quality at Call mss. according to grades and date of shear ng. Hides. —Salted. Sfd per lb j green, S|dj ca f do do. Eoo«k fet, rid per lb up to S|d per lb. We may 1 note that all consignments under ear care this , week osme to hand in excellent order, and received the amount ot competition their merits deserved at the hands of bayors. . . , ... Cousin* riiix.—Un Monday last we conducted a very successful sale for the executors of the late Mr James Maskery nt the Homsstead, Prebblston, when there was a very large attendance present, every line finding a baser. The f*rm went to Mr Thomas Hatton at £27 per sere, or about 8831.0. The aouthdowß flock sold up to £6 ts per head, and the Implements and odds and ends realised well. AsBBDKTOB.-Our weekly sale in this district found a large entry, our auction being condaorod by Mr 0, Thomas with variable tuecera. The demand for all classes of store sheep tn this district may be said to be upon a par with the rest of the Province, the abundance of feed and a fair turnip mop exciting competition at our auction sales. Lanu.—So sales of importance have transpired during the past week. a»sskory*s farm at Probbleton. sold by us at £27 per sere, is the only tran> action 1 1 importance under the hammer. Wc have a capital enquiry for good farms, and have tororal laa properties under inspection, ot which, no donbt, we sha l record sale*. Messrs C. Hxwiok shd Bon report on the Lire Stock Market for the week ending Thursday, March 8 a# follow* t—The Addington laid* wereorowood with ail classes ot thesp on Wednesday, from the unre (at Lluooln wether down to the old, worn-out, crawling merino e«c, Pat sberp sold at about 7d cor lb, t crimps w a few exception*! in stances—such ss Messrs Chapman's memo wethers—a higher price wav paid, 'ihe bo f trade was by no means erUk. It is true the quality yarded was only very medium, and we fancy the trade is supplying itself in a great measure from outside. 10s per 1001 bis the top figure at present, but if mutton t«k«s a rise, which we think will be the esse before long, beet of course will be In better demand. The demand for breeding ewes has sett in with a vengeance. Croes-bredt and merinos sre quitted freely, the former at from 10s to 18* each t the latter, if aound-meutbed, and from good fleok*, at from 6s to 7a, Bit, and 8a fid each. Wo are pleased to find this season that buyers of merino ewes are oriii« more judgment and ducretion than ttey have hltntrw exercised in this elate of stock, Formerly it mattered very little so long ss the animal had tome sort of a mouth and four legs under It, One merino ewe answered the same purpose ss another, and if the mortality proved unusually heavy, it was attributed to sou'-west storms, and not to the want of constitution. The . aspect ot affairs is now wonderfully altered, ss , proved by our sales this season, for although we nave had ewes on owe books which we could have sold at from 4a6dtos*6d and 6s each, yet farmers have preferred to give us 8s fid each for . the Cheviot Allis ewes, for which station we have sold, within the last six weeks, Wtfl at an average of m U each, and 7006 store merino wethers at toOd , each, delivery on the station! and we oonld readily have sold a groat many more on account of the same owner It we bad them. What with the fact that oar lorsip crap Isa most decided snoots*, and stabblee faff of feed, grazing sheep are in capital demand, flood store orots-biefl wether# ate bneglng from Ids to ll# M esebj and good store merino wethers are quilted freely at from 5« fid to 6a «d each j brif bred wesson at# bringing f rom 7,i 8d to 8s eaen j and three qnarlArihreds up to 8* fid and 9s eaoh, 6tote cattle are dull of sale at present, and we fancy we shall see no material change in this olats of stock till towards'next spring. Good growing steer#, of mures, are always in demand, end etslly soil at alt seasons of the year, but young stock of mixed sexes are a bit of a drug In (ha market at present. Springing heifers and good milch cows And buyer* at from «5 10s to £8 H* each. The total entry on Wednetdsyoomprirod 18,868 sheep, «tbe*d of cattle, and ÜBi pig#, uur entries were ou amount of Messrs 3, (forfonb, James Hume, J. Fsnthaw, Htewsrt, K, Amyec, 0. CsmphoU, K. loiter, Bruce, Mercer, and others. Mr Bruce's cross-bred# (180) sold at from 12a 64 to 14* each—« very nice even line, welNgnsed sad wall dratted. Mr Uurse’s merino wethers, very good stores (400), brought fit (Id each, and crons* bieda (400) sold at from IQs Id to Ils 0d each. Mr Campbell'* orossrjtrod ewes (216), sold at 8e fid eaoh, and the weauers (237) at 7* 04 each. Mr Fantham's owes sold at each, and Mr htowait’s brought 8s fid eaoh, and (at lamb*, on aooowit of same owner, sold at 8* Od etch. Fat steers on amount of Mr Omortb sold at £7 12a fid each. The above were the principal ealm we made by pubUa auoUoa, but privately wo sold 2*oo merino ewe# for Mr Burse at 0e 04 each, and 1030 for Mr Magee at fig fid etch, and 000 store merino wetbere at 0s aiao 1000 merino ewe# at fi# 3d each. On Tnnr#4#y, we conducted a clearing sale for Mr Charles Overton, at OnSdaads, neat Probblaton Tea ftttendaaoo was not large. ?or were tbo Mddiims very animated. draught horses sold of £SS 10* 1 15 acre* of potatoes sold attotot«fewt,wd the (arm implements, drays, B K.,«wTt^u i u*i desrins- prices. We kava much nleasuro In remarking that all the farm t-nnijM—w.* nftxrlv equal to new, refisotlng Grorlm for the cue that h» been taken of them.

the Addlogloa Yardt on jjartwr* S^.’iTM^wsSHX'Sl® qttir®»#«te. and those ode»f fegwnapMVatUton. olteted, some of which Sfflrssa-f wdftdssKasg teal welhere (from the mmulmi of the late m Chm*mniat 18«M«od»iOdea«h. Onfewiwnt of Othlr owner#, medium quality eroM-btedh. at ?u Sdt store mcrlnu wethers, at di M and n sd.'eSw •»«*. broken mouths,l, at a- as.* f*t ateere and belter#, from AS 10# to llVfi Od, w T etoree, mtead .««, uit 'limraday wo held the turaal weakly Bate of ahron kiZ in Tut Mew Zealand Wool Store*. ThTro «n a good attoodanae of huyets, and eniiiked competition. Frioea were equal to late quotattona. Woolly .skin#* largo, S#» So Bd, da #4 j 00, second quality, 3i l Sd, *e 3d, ftaj temwktna, targe,taM, Bsfd to MKW j do, otooud quality, MM, la M, Sts 8d j pelt*, ten# and early shorn, 8# la, 3« 6d, *s ll* 1 do, medium, la, la Ud, 2e ld| »o, •mail and let# shorn, ad. 7d, Is. Fat mid Mlow.— rbero was an average attendance of the trade, und brisk demand j 80 packages were catalogued and all sold. Fat, beat quality, clean and waU »a»ed. W rid per ib I oseonu quality, to t|d per lb 1 inferior and bcated, at id per lb 1 tallow, in ainall lytr, from od wt owfc iox »mx>na fc# Ujß 6a Mf o»» for be»6 qiifeUty# HUloa »na calfak la* not v>UU Measra 11. IlßKaarra a»» Co. report on the live •took market tot the weekending lhursd»y, March ft, as loliowot-Un Wednesday at tho Addington Yard* there were emit forward lor the day a supply W,U6B shoo}., 414 head of oatUe, and kite plgA JI ho attendance throughout the day waa large, but In tho store vbeep market only wao thor* shown a itretmrdiapoattlon toopomte, tho tone ottboothor mmketa and vatuoa being about on » par with tho Immodtato past, Fataheop. Motan orororowdad market, ano with faw e*®eptlon« the qnullto not drwt-oiucs j late value# quite uphold. A grand line of 750 aroaa>bted wethere. mo.ilum woightr, l«wa tho Cashmere Estate, remised 13s per head nil round i boaster weights up to 15s, or an average pvtoo of sd per lb. store ahoep. A largo entry, and. as before oald, a vary htaithy oaqnlry, good lines of lambs and sound-mouthud owes moving very freely, ino following are some of yesterday o •slot; —Lamb*, 7a 8J to »#j oroes-ured ewes, #s, lua. us Bd. and Ike Od per head t mar too ditto, <M Od. Fat limba. A moderato entry, whioh wtui cleared at late rates. Fig a A large number aent forward and biwlnoas tor itore* aotlvo, heavier sorts tow values. Fat cattle. Ftenty on offer, •difift good boot ooiuiDf uodot tho tuu&saor* Bosloees not very oxtimstfo won done at about late ratoo. say *o# par iOOlb. Store oattte. Well grown, fresh conditioned steer#, of which there were a moderate number on offer, moveaoff fairly woU. Yh» same may bo a»ld of heicere, but at lower values in proportion. Yonng atooh oan hcidiy fee given away. Our entries wore—l*«o •beep, 89 head ol oattte, on aoooo.tof Hesare 0. ttoberta, a. B. hharpo. M. Boon, F. Carr, W. Moi», J. Clark, F, Koast, W. Blghton, O. Kanotrrow. A. Bennetts, Beanotla Broa and others, and oar twite oipat ealoawere— ISO sheep at ISa Bd, 178 at If-, 09 cross-bred ewos at B#, 14 at So Sd, 880 lambi at Kr, 83 no at 8s Bd, 4 fat *to«ry at £S fie, 4 at &, 7 at £l, 6 at F 7 6», 3 at «S 15s, 9 head stores at £S t«s, ho. , he., ho. Bides, Sktoa, Fat, Tallow, ho.—At our yards, thia day, wo oatatogued a large entry of above, and our quotations wid show that the wool 1* UflAsinf to iboff ttoeU oa tho ibeop a bwjw» To good liuilsMi wo cleared out at the following rates j—Pelts, la fd, la Bd, la lid. ki, 8# 2a 9d and 3»; lambaatoa, *e to S* Id j tet, from k<l to ltd | hides, unsold. Foul try and Frodaoo,—A large entry of poultry and a good attendance ci dealer a and the general public made one tost woek’o aale cm el the busiest foe a long time. Good table towto want as high as 4eSd per pair t inferior eorte, Ss andks9dj ducks,Beto 3s 8a; geeee, fie to 6s. Potatoes, plenty on offer from 45e to Sue per ton j onion#, |d por lb; ohiokwhoat, 3a Ud to So 8d per bushel. Messrs Milksawb Co., per J. T. Foan, report on the Live mock Market, ho., tor the week end* i.g Thureday, March 8, as follower A heavy entry of all etoases of atooh came to hand at Addington on Wednesday Mat, and taere was alaoa capital attendisoa of buyers. Biddings oonaequently were fsitly brisk, and most of the lines changed hinds. Good quality fat ahsep. both cross-bred and merino, sold at *i<i per lb, and there woe an active demand for all sorts ol stores at full rates. Fat oattlc wo quote at from 16s to Sis per lOOlb*. thia being a alight improvement oa tho tost few weeks* returns, and *s the entry was a fairly large one, beef must be mid to have a decided np> ward tendency, more Cattle.—A large entry, but •alee very dull, those changing hands being quitted at to* pilose—lower even than has obtained during the last tew weeks. Figs were represented in fair number*, and wore in good demand tor stubbles. Tho total entry was aa fellows s—--14.833 ebeep, 414 bead of cattle, and SB4 pigs, our entries were on account of the executor# ol Sir J. U. Wilson, Cashmere estate, the Son John M'Lren, Messrs Q. Uoddlngß, J, M'Momn. W. B, tilarkroo, George Burg are, w. Borland, J. Bash* ford and others. The Cashmere 4-tooth wethers were a tugtulice&fc line of sheep; in fact, they only wanted s little mote time and feed to render them fit tor any market, sod tally ripe tor the butcher. We told the principal part ol the lot (740). at 13* each. The Liuooln breedtog ewea from the name estate, about 1200 In all, ware nearly alt sold at 12# 3d e&ob, one lot going at Iks. The Bon John M‘Lean*a merino watbera, a nice line ol 160, were placed at U a 6d and Its, the majority realising the latter price. Merino ewea, on account of same owner, brought 7a 3d all round, Mr Godding* consignment of cross-bred* realised Iks Od each throughout. Mr George Barge**' cross-brede sold at 12s. Merino wethers, on account of Mr M'Morran, brought 8a Od each. Store tombe and fat lamb* were selling at about even prices, 8# to 8a being current retro tor either. Mr W. B. Otork*on’o pigs brought IS* Od, kte, and SSs each, some smalt cue* being sold at 3* each. Very goed pnoro were obtained tor this Mass of stock throughout. Fat oowa, on account of Mr Clarkson, sold at £7 7s Od each- Fat halier*, on account of Mr Moitond, sold at £6l6* each. Beat generally equal to our quotations. At I inwald on Tuesday laat there waa uo utter abaenoe of fat sheep, but a large supply of stores. They were » very middling lot, mostly old merino#, and acid at from ks to 6* 8d eaoh; oroea-bred lambs brought 7e fid to 8,« merino tombs, 6a XOd. Fat outlie, small supply; we quote 16s to kOe per lOOlb*. Btore o*ttlo, but tow yarded, and these met with a doll aale at about former quotations. At Ashburton wo soli 688 merino wether*, on account of the Maronan station, at 7* each, and to ewea at 6a Bd. On account of Mr Btnohey we placed 850 young merino watbera at 3* ltd. We eold, oa account of the Hon John M'Le n, a line of 2508 lull-mouthed merino o*w at 7* 3d. We alto placed 1800 merino wethers, four and six-tooth, on account of sir lulne at the same price. Cross, bred and smeriao lamb*, oroae-bred ewea and wethers, good linen of merino owes, merino wethers forward le condition, are all in good demand, and oan be placed at satlafaotory price#. On 'Xburaday we held cur usual aale. (small entry of •heepitkto*. Butcher#’ cross-bred polts, la Od, le 104, ka 2d; ditto merino, le 3d, 1c Sd, la lOd. Lambvkioa avenged la Bd. A large line of oro»». bred skins from the Freezing Factory realised kv fid acd k« Sd, about threedouttLe selling at the higher figure. Bough fat, kid per Ib. Uidof, not ioid: B}4 ruling rate. Uut fourth wool sale waa also held same day. Wo catalogued about 480 Mica i particulars will be found elsewhere. During the week we have told Mldmont hoaeo and grounds, 11 sores at Upper Biuoartoo, at the eatUfactory price of £B3OO, We have also disposed of Lowelitta Home Farm, 886 aorea, full acreage, at £1110» pur sore.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6872, 9 March 1883, Page 4