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Kaiapoi Bboattav—The Xaiapoi Segatta willbeheldtoday,the first race startingat coon. It wu originally intended to hold the Flower Show on tho same day, bat circumstances intervened which prevented this being done. Ax&bqhd Bam. four men, named respectively James Meitland, William Copley, James Blunt and Charles Cooper, were yesterday remanded till to-morrow by Thomas Bullock, Ktq., sitting on the Asfcburton Bench. The men were charged with having committed a rape on s middle-aged woman on Feb. 26. At the eame Court two inebriates were fined in •mall turns. Gbbaxbikk Cockct.—Government have granted the Mount Cook Boad Board £4OO towards opening up the Alpine country at the foot df and around Mount Cook by roads, on condition that the Board undertake the coc•traction of the work, which they have agreed to do. The Geraldine County Council are taking steps to irrigate the South Canterbury plains, ana a Bill will ha introduced into the coming Parliament to assist them in doing so. Oaops nr South OiSTSßßinrr. Our Bot th Canterbury correspondent has gone over the distriot, and made a careful calculation of the damage to the crops by the recent wet weather. The result of his inspection and inquiries is that h« sets down the loss in Geraldine County at £21,088, and in Waimate j County at £27,969 $ total, £49,057. A good j deal of this, ho states, is solely owing to the carelessness or parsimony of farmers themselves. Law Hxajohatiows. Messrs T. 8. Weston and Allen Holmes, the law Examiners for the Colony, will hold their half-yearly examination of students on Monday, March 19. It is to be conducted in the various towns, nnder the supervision of the following gentlemen:—Auckland, Bev Mr Bunciroanj Wellington, Bev Mr West; Nelson, the Begiatrar of the Supreme Court; Chrittchurch, Mr G. L.Lee j Dunodin, Ven Archdeacon Edwards; InveroargUt, Mr h. E. Beade; Blenheim and Hokitika, the Begistraps of the Huprerae Court. The subjects under the rules, are as follows:—-Contracts and torts, conveyancing and law of property, Soman law, international law, practice and procedure, New Zealand law, ovidenee, bankruptcy and divorce, criminal law, and equity. The total number of candidates who have entered for tho examination is SI. Of these, six are candidates for admission to the bar, four of them being in Auokland, one in Wellington, and one in Dunodin. The applicants for the position of solicitor number 25, of whom four are in Auokland, six in Wellington, two in Nelson, one in Blenheim, two in Hokitika, five in ChrUtchuroh, three in Dunedin, and two in Invereargill. Chbistohubob Musical Booibtx.—The Committee of the Chrutohurch Musical Society, at their meeting held on Monday night, arranged the programme for the four concert* of tbe 1883 season. From the re-

port of the meeting published in another column, it will be wen that the work* to be B>rf orated include Gade'* "The Erl-King'a eughtor," Gounod'* " Redemption," and Maofarren'* "May Day," all of which aw quite now to Obrutchuroh.. "The Hedemption," it may bo remarked, from its being a recent production of the eminent compote.-, though it has already become famous, can be purchased only at a great expense, and, of coarse tha procuring of a sufficient number of parte, &&, of the other new work* also entails considerable outlay by the Committee of the tfoeiety, to recoup which a large accession of subscribing members ii needed. The Scoretary, at tha meeting, referred to the fact that at Ximaru there are two hundred nets-per-forming member* of the local Boeiety, and at Auckland there are about 600, while in Chrietehurea the number doe* not reach what cricketer* eall «• a century," Tu what this indifference to the interest* of high-das* musio in Ohristohuroh i» to be attributed, it ie not easy to sayi it certainly cannot be attributed to any shortcoming* on the part of the Musical Society, whose concerts, tine* it* reconstruction in June 1881, have been admittedly far superior to it* previous performanoM; come of them, such as the " Elijah" concert and tha " Ad* and Galatea" concert having been of even marked excellence. 'Xho remaining performances—" Eli" and "Messiah" though produced under circumstances of extreme difficulty, tit* conductor being absent, were, nevertheless, very creditable, and by no means unworthy of the Society, which aim* at being the dhief es» ponenfc, in Ohriatohoroh, of music of thii character, She Committee are certainly fully justified in canvassing for new member*, and being able to refer to the excellence of the Society's past effort* ae a guarantee of what their future performance* will be, should have no difficulty, in a mmic-loviug city like this, in making their list equal, if not exceed, to nambflr* that oit the Auckland Bociety.

QmomhiV feu* ttftiMJOW.'-A ipwUl meeting of tb» Lyttelton Borotiigh OmsM waa held fas* evening to confide* what itep* should be taken with regard t» *K management of the Ooteniste' flail, tha MW* and Beading-room. A report appear* ia another column. IUMH Of A« OM> OOMWtt*. —Mf. Chaney, after wham tho rt**iw* «n th* Worth line known ** Chanty'* COM* unit named, if dangerously ill and not exjwctod to recover. Mr Obaney is a rery old eoloniet, one of the **Filfirim*"i» fact, and arrived m Ihtihlp Bandolph. , _ ! BAK IHAMJJOO If AHn—Xfc# CHty of Hew York arrived at Auckland yesterday e rafting. She «m five day* late in leaving, inconsequence of the malts having boon left behind by tho railway authorities. The »w» leWf for the South at So'etook thia morning, and tho matte, therefore, cannot bo delivered before Saturday, at the ttittctt A Miuntty of moil newt appear* elsewhere. Jim QVAMXtIMM 8»ATio».«On lute, day Mr 3. K. March, of the Immlgr*tion office, inspected tho Quarantine et«« tioo, Bipa Island, and found everything in first-class ordtr, The faspeetlou iras made in view of tho arrival of tho immigrant ehip Crusader, now expected) but it ia to bo hoptd that tho Mttieoi of tho mj neceeiiary otatum referred to will sot be called into rcquitition. TUMPBiiAHCB HtttttifeXtAmr (LIKITID). —The adjourned annual meeting of the Temperance Hotel Cospeny (Liinltod) waa held last night, when tfcc balanoe-eheet, which had boon duly audited was adopted, after aome diicuteion. The forklng expenses lait yawexceeded thor«»ipU by £39)l9e4d,and tho profit and lo»» socount ihowtd a debit balaacoof £1867 B*.-tho general tone of the discussion woe of a hopeful character §4 to tho futuro auociif of the hotel. A report of the proceedings will bo found on another page. ASOTWim Yotrttt WA*»wm».--Oh Mon* day evening last itwae reported to the police that a little boy mined William Goifan, about 6 yean old, residing in Madras street eouth, aear the Cavershao Hotel, had loft hi* home during the day, an! had not returned. Efforts were made to Ink him by the police, but without inoooM. lothing waa hoard of the little truant till hit night, when it waa re- j ported at the sUtim that Mm Appleyard, a retident in Dyer'a oad, on the Sandhills, had found him on Tueitey, and rtetomd hins to hu parenti yesterdgr. Ho moat hare epent one night in tho opn air, and alio have gone nearly twenty-four honre without food. STOKSHAM LlCfifßlKO Commiwbr.— At the flrat meeting of the Sydenham Oommitteo, held jintordey, two exlwnaiona of lioenaetto 11 p.«. were granted, tho Oom« mittoe being arer»< to granting any more 18 o'clock exteniion*. Mr Xhomae,o» behalf of Mr Serimahaw, aaktd whether the Oommitteo would bo willing U grant a lioenae tX the next annual meeting to i kouae to be ereoted at tho corner of 'Durham and Batterteti atreett. Alter eoniiderableddiberaUon the Chairman, Dr Frankuh, tho majority of the Oommitteo would le inclined to favourably ooniider Mr Sorimhaw'e application. Two of tho member*, Kesare Bone and Bowden, diaeented from thi deeinon. 8* Joh» thi Bawisx.—Miwfarren'e Oratorio, 8t John the BaptUt, ia to be per* formed tonight ia the Durham etreet Wee* leyaa Church, tuder tie direction of Mr Herille Barnett. the pruioipaja are Salome (U.U. Bpenaley), Herod (Mr Appleby), 8t John (Mr J. Knox], the a>loa allotted to the contralto being talen by, Miaa Little. The part of the Narrator, to whom ia aaeigned the task of Unking Jogsther tb varioue parte of the oratorio into hOi»ethir| like a connected whole, ia aaaigned to Mr $ Barnett. Mr B. T. Searoll i* to officiate aekganiat, and Mr J. Goombaaiaumee the leaddehip of tho orchestra. A complete book ofjthe worda i» pub* liahed in programme f ornl Pouca OHAKawi,—Sefeeant Brookes, who for many years hat aotedjaa guardian of the peace of Sydenham, iapout to leave the "model Borough" inprder to exchange placee with Sergeant willia, at preient stationed in Akaroa. |The departure of Sergeant Srookea will » wgrettcd by sot a few of the resident* of Sydenham, among whom he haa gained ajph respect by the diligent and ooneoienUom&aanner in which , henaaalwaya dieohargedtua duties, aa well aa by hie oourteey totiko whoae buaineea with him waa not of auell character ae to call for a display of thtf aternneta of the law."—Conatabltf BUltardlate of Leeiton, ia now stationed in the Bout|Bakaift district in , place of Constable Froaiejrho resigned. t BAVftXOBA LlTßßAßli||lNß«TrjTE,—The Managing Committee of |thie Institute held , their monthly meeting at Tueeday night i , preaent—Mesara G. Buikham (in the ohair), W. Beat, J. Hoasaok, Bj »oyd, J. Fulton, G. Bhorland, and C. I. Jeannge. After disoosaing ' and aettling one or wo minor mattora of ! butineee, the queationjof the purohaao of a , new piano for uae in tto hall waa brought forward, and Mr Fulton; moved-" That Mr , Buokham bo empower/d to procure an initru- , mental aoo»tnofctohto(cd£Bs." Thin waa seconded by Mr Bow, and agreed to. Mr Bhorland gave noticejhat he would mora at \ tho next meeting—"iat boya under 14 ba . admitted member? a, the Institute at half ; the preaent subsorition," The meeting . then adjourned. 1 , Win Mbmok Soicoi..—On Mondojr last . tho children attendim *<bie school held their . annual treat. Betweek BO and 70 ohi'sdran asaembled, and durioi ht> day all aorta of aporta were indulged U. 'ln the evening thay partook of an exeetlojfc tea, after whioh the ! tables were oeoupiedlby their parenta and , frienda. amongst whjn waa Mr Bourk, the . now aohoolmatter. ffore tho children dispersed, Mr 3. Jones i dreaaed a few worda of I advice to tbam, hop ig that after so many . failures in procuring . good soboolmaster, the . gentleman who was twamOngst them might ' giro satiafaction. He •QOalledforthreeoheers , for Mr Bourk, whio were responded to most ' enthuaiaetically. T «a of thanks were abo .' accorded to all thoaeVbo took part in aiding t and carrying out the rogrammo of tho day. ;, Looai IsfDWrsY, -The highly creditable i display of locally n .nufaotured jama Buado i, at the recent JExh ition by Mr William b Thomson, of Ohristo ireb, will, no doubt, be remembered by ma t of our readers. The e measure of success bioh had then attended 1 the efforts of Mr 'XI mson to introduce the y jam making itidust r into this City was r briofij alluded to i these columns at tho i. time. It is gratifyi f to learu that he haa r determined to furtl r enlarge the aeopo of o his operations, and hould to eee that the « amount of support g en by the publio duifiag & the present season « rran»a the undertaking, a ho will proceed 4a 8 {land in the courae of a k few months in on t to procure the latest r improved steam plai so as to be able to turn r, out at ieaat four ton tt jam per diem. He 0 haa already obtainec i site for a factory, imd ,f astimates that he wi hare to employ fiom ,f 20 to SO hands. : r Thomson states that t there is no difficult; ia procuring abundance e of fruit suitable f< his purpose in imd 1 around Ohristehure t in faot, he haa thia >. season expended ore fSIOOO ia tho purchase * of locally grown fra of no less than twenty ■• different eorte. A Tbhatoi BoTAivf' Jo " waa played again ii at the Theatre Jto* laat night to a Ml b house, with the samj marked success which & has iMpsrformanee from the • first production tf th »}ay fa Ohrlatehureh. t Miss Lee, wo" andfstwd, wishing to do e aomethlog for tho abet Aw»ha of tendon, t one type of whom phe m on the • etage with such ashnUbfat dramatio akill. a oheo gave • perforfaaeo re- the benefit of - the Boy»» Befugo U »ewpok Market. Mrs a Gladstone and otter emme\t ladies gave '♦ their patronage JM countewnoe to the I. charitable effort, And no lesa • aum than » £l6O waa paid oVer to the euhorltiee aa r theprooeedaof tieevenin|. laMelbourne, \ i. again, hut wlutei Biehep Moorhiuse and tho f clergy generally/ gave the r P*t*toage to a e performance, g<naroualy given byMwa I*e, > in aid of the 1 Children's BoapitU in the [$ Viotorian dapgai On thia ocoaabn £lßl y were netted, m& minUleeoW Pjao* to tlio i, credit of the Instititton, Would ttnofe U I possible to induoe tie gifted aetreatto give if the takings ei ft jjarformanee, givejinndin' », similar auspices, to some of our ownyhailg table and Benevolmti lwtitaUons, sujh w * the Hospital, «*•/ Irytteltoa Or|«aaak «* d the Hkef Ho dojbt the attempt weud I*

AMwai Ctoomrr Coraoifi,—On BAturdAjr, lf*MfS J. Oo»kl«f «sd D. fiuthwrford wars liOiaiffAttd m owrfidAUi for th« VAcant mtal oo Um Amuri Oo«otf Council. A pott, if a*c«M»ry, will b* hmdim iAturdAy. Cists CoM«ra , »i« t ATio».—Jh* officer in obAfgA at th« lafofMph Offlea Inform* o« that tb« f»Uft«i»f tß««*j|A was r»c»ivetl from Walapuala jr'#§Urdsyj-» M JSo eommu« tiicaUon IrtftwWti Fort liirwia And H*»»IoAWAUgi* tats oa th* Av»nbg of th« lib tail, lb* rtpAiring ihSp t» near Bar,j >swaotifl, Atid it It «ifWiWd that communicuUon will m rwrtered tbte Avsoieg.** An Adelaide tetegrata itAt«B that th« line* art ttill intorruplfld. Thk will explsin tb» ob«enco of Kngliah Atid otbef t«legram» from our column y*«tcr<3»y Add to day. Th# folhwtsjf will i»!*r for tA«et«i#r Vuk ftiaiastttiA fea<*itna (J.U.on BattmHy »n«t,»t lA»o»Bter farb i—ilwwri ffwha, ioo»», SiAter, B. J. Woßh, Utuh **jr, Ma/, 0. Uoormi, Bton, Wlt!COx« ravSU. To At 111 * !!!», «KsonP»»d third #1«*«m», will pity a Ulab match »«xt SAtarday. Tli« followltsg ar« ib« tide* i-Majdrs Bwwiok, if elmors, M*tbiM, Aidrrd, M*lnw,rlat, J&lntaa, araitdAU Oook#, llAstlxftd, FAfkarmA, aad tm*, «tAln*t M««>» (lot (captain), Malal, F*awlnk, Hljflnn, Pinokney, ihitttt, IfaxvAr, Uofbaa, W*iiwn, Iloltoo, Hotr, W. 0. OotHsrlll, Attd oth«r», Pl«y to oomoinooe ae laotoflovinc wi'l nipnwefll lan«urtcr Patk in tha Gap isatoA ACAiartttia M.C.O. a« L»t>3»tor Park OA BatttrdAy t»*t(~MM»M M«*v«a, ODirier, BtOT*tt», Du»)op, frith, Pooockr, If, LoaibfiAa. P. IrtiwbtiAß, Ataok, U. CotUrul, Afid Wil<j(o<rj AToaraonnleu, Cayiilt aod Piny will itAfln At 1.30 eb*rp, with tho tltw of flnltalojit th* aia-cb la two Matardsyt tf powlble. Tbo following wilt plsy for th« tbird eleren, lanGAAter P»*k Clab, Af«ln«t «bo BojA 1 Htgh Suboot, on Hntardty mtt at LaaoMtet f erir, commonclßg At 8.15 p.tnr—Mww* Atktujon, Baue, limoo.Cutr, Ulen, a. H. MAttbAtl, (I. ttanball, Moat*ornery, i'eagel'y, V/. btultb, »«d Hear«A, th« Uonna Btaward of Chrlntctimoh HotpltAl b«f» to ttofeoowJ«dffO ttoo receipt, with tbiuiki, of a quantity of fruit And vegetable* from tbe kdi«» of He UtrutM*' eooavetAtlon, Peadatton. Tbs foilowlfif wLU pity for tbs Woolcton O.C. Affaintt tbe Ouanora 0.0. on ftattirda/ next, m the ground of the Uttar, At Woolatoa i-MoMm W. HtiMt, J. Minima, P. r»oott, B. Whit*. B. ewltb. 8. Herbott, 3. Knight, 8, tmxtoa, /. Baaford, if. Hansford, J.Payt e-erfeji«ie«-Bowfon onu G. WW*. .

the following will lepnwo&t the Addlegton O.C. in tbe autoh with tka tJ.V.i). on Satnrday aext oa the rroosd of tbe lattmt-Me*«» W. «od 11. Ugler, BeA«er, Wbeatley, Bimpeos, Ponytk, W. aad A. A»bby, Brtmt, Taylor, D Loek i emerttAßek«--A. Jobnstou, Jcnew, AfAttoe, Payliog ead U. Sneddos. IhefolowiDgwill plarforrtbe U.O.C.C.M*tu«t kfCdegton ia the Cap UAtob on Sunrday &«ztaad f«llowiag oa tbt HmUy Park ground !—*&»*«» CB»pm*n, B. Oottatll), W. Cotterill, P. Peowiek, H Veßwiek, BatmAa, Loagden, H.H. 4Uthli«, H. K. M»tbl«», Mllltoß aad Bout eatargeao*—Uigataa, Play to oommeaoe at 8.15 p.m. Any of tbe Above unable to pley will please let tbe Seorutary know At once. Tbe annual meeting of the Agricultural and Paetonl A«aooJation will be bald tbie eveaingf.

An extrsor&nanr general msating of »bare* holders is the tfOtttfisrn Cros* Petrolenm Company will to Isold la Chrlstchuroh on March 29, at Sp.m. A moetlog is le bo held at the Cosanereial Hotel this evening, to consider the qrteetiou of forming s Cold Storage and Bofrigeratiug Company. The Athbarton Racing Clnb's Antonta pro* gramme it advertised this morning. Mr >;. J. Leo addresses tie elictow of Selwyn at tho Tows Hall, booth oridife, this evening* The Sydenham Hortlcnltnrsi (show takes place to-day. The Kaiapol Farmers' dnb moots this evening at 7 o'clock. Tho result of the drawioc for the Sydenham HorticaltatsJ Society's Art Union io adrertlwK). A pigeon •hooting sweepstake oomee off at Psjwaui on Friday, as I p.m. Mr J. M'Laehkn aaaoaaoes bis candldalnte for Bel wys, end t<-rites tho electors to nuot Aim oa Wadaeedsy, at tho To -a Hall, Losstoa, Sjzxid iv A Ought Fxbxd. Charles Clay, lodger clerk at the Bank of Victoria, Shepparton, was killed instantaneously on Feb. 24, whilst batting in a cricket match. He ww struck in the region of the heart bj a full-pitched ball delivered from Grinlingtoo, one of the bowlers. From the evidence taken at the inquest, it appeared latter in delivering the ball lost hie footing, and the ball dipped from hie band and (truck deceased on the left aide over the heart. A verdict of accidental death was recorded. BusDi/rs o? thb Trakbit gf Vxsvß.—The Times, in reviewing the results, so far as they have yet been made known, of the observations of the transit of Venus, says:—" We can safely infer that the incompleteness of the arc of light round Venus on the 6th was due to clouos in the air of Venus. Spectroscopic analysis indicated the presence of aqueous vapour in the atmosphere of Venus at that time. Hence, beyond all doubt those clouds were like ours, olouds of water drops, or cirrus clouds of ice particles. It follows that Venus must have seas like ours; that the same kind of material vitality which is shown on the earth in meteorological phenomena exists also on Venus, but whether for tho benefit of living creatures there no man oan safely say."

Fatal Ebcocthctb with ax Abobightai.. —"WildToby," the terror of the Dawson (Queensland) district, managed to elude the troopers for many years. He was a powerfully built men, and did not miogle with other aboriginal*. A warrant was issued for bis arrest last September for the attempted murder of a msn named Anderaon. Seniorconstable Wright, hearing tkat Toby was on Jundah ran, started with Constable Dwyer, and tracked the culprit, who was found camped on Wolerbee Creek. Dwyer dismounted cautiously, and rushed at Toby, while Wright parleyed with him. Dwyer caught the outlaw by the throat, but Toby managed to piok up » tomahawk, and drove it through Dwyer's skull; he then made a blow at Wright, who, after firing several •hots, succeeded in killing the aboriginal. HOBKIBWI TBAGKDX- IK ADXLAIDS. A deliberate attempt 'upon the live* of three women residing in Castle street, followed by a-suicide of a most desperate character, occurred on Saturday forenoon, Feb. 17. It appears that a German named Kohlie, who had been living apart from bit wife for four weeks, in terms of a protection order that she had obtained against him, left hie work is the morning, and at once proceeded to the house of a Mre Thyber, where bis wife was tern* Eorerily staying. Entering by the back gate, e asked his wife to forgive him, and on her replying thatshe wished to have nothing further to do with him, he drew a revolver from hie pocket and deliberately fired three shots at her. Mr* Thyber and her daughter, in attempting to render Mrs Sohlie assistance, were also fired at, but without effect. Mrs Sohlie, however, was not so fortunate, at one of the bullets lodged in her face and penetrated to the back of the neok. Bcblie subsequently, on finding hie wife still alive, rushed at her with a carving knife, with which he also inflicted several severe wound*. He then went to bis own house, about twenty yard* distant, and thereout hit throat and gashed hi* arm*. Mr* Sohlie wa* taken to the hospital, and up to a late hour in the moraiog was still alive, although the wa* not Mpcoted to live.—&4. Repitttt. Th« I*at» QwfiaAj. OHA»ai.~-The death of General Chanty, while the remain* of M. Gainbstta were •till lying in the dkt«t£r* ardtnte, in the Palais Bourbon, add* a fresh touch of suggestive pathos to the already draraatio feature* of the great Republican leader** deeeene. There is something more than mere coincidence in the two lamentable events. Tbey seem to have been brought into juxtaposition by a certain melancholy fitness. I it was the patriotic faith of the one that gave opportunity to the military genius of the other} and at on* time the mere sanguine friend* of the Government of National Defence had persuaded themselves that the sword of Chanty would justify the desperate counsel* of the impetuous Dictator of Tour*. A* Commander of the second Army of the Juoire, summoned and equipped by the p****ve*jjpg ardour of Oam* betta, Chanty for a moment interrupted the dreary flow of misfortune that attended the French army after the investment of Pari* i and the victory of Ooulmiers led many to suppose that the tide wa* about to turn. But the tenacity of the German troop*, even when acting in small numbers, and most remote from the main basis of operations, rendered this momentary success fruitless $ and when the fall of Met* entirely liberated the Amy Corps oommanded by Prince Frederick Charles, the raw levies that apposed them ceased to offer more than a scattered and booties* resistance to the advance of the eon* Serors. Bhortly before far!* fell, in the oris dayt of January, and while the mow lay thick upon tb*) ground, Ohaosy saw his army melt away, after its moat stubborn nuoleu* had been driven in rout through la Man*. Hut it ia not byreeult* that either Gambetta or Chanty wag judged then, and it is still lets by any *oeh rude test that they

will be #*tim«4«d sow. If the oW*f obj set of life were,*• it it with many noble mind*, fo»thomo«* t*m, dsmtta to d*oset» th» most Itlni mom«»t for tattiißi short tht etwtr o! OsnsralOhaoiy. Bmtedy towertng enough to go down to poti«rlty aton*, »* hw now ran* ehaiwo of befog gratefoHy remsmbered by the I reocfe f»«*pl» •* the comrtusj in death of the ilnd*f*t!f»bl« administrator who bad* him go fortb and eonaasf. fho funeral obseqales were sol*»si**d with great pomp on Jm. 8, 'Bin eortljr*, whion KM of saw length that it took an hour to past * ifitsa point, went through street* thronged with ■naotsAor*, In which «,lt the shop* were closed and the windows of the bosies draped with flags bxini with crape, BtrsKM'a Famous Dago**.—Mr Xawioo, proprietor of the London Tsfaffrapk, it also the pottessor of the historical dag?«r which | Barke Sang down on tht How of the Bon** !of Common*. This **m* dagger WM handed down in th» family of Bark*'* asset until it Mine into the possession of Mr Lewson. It if Curious, say* the World, hew » (ingle glimpse * r the weapon changes o&»'s prucooedited views as t# Burke's «o<ealied th«siirt»l demeanour in tbe Hoese of Common* durhwr. hi* famous speech, Om would pietnr* in the imagination a crots-hslted dagger with onyx haft Mtd diamond studs, like that said to hare been given to Mr Gatlenga before he joined tb« staff of the Tim*. Barke'* dagger it nothing of tb* kind, being simply the bled* of ft long knife—like »short Roman swoird or Highland dirk—with the tang passing between two bit* of wood forming the grip. It ii not by any mean* a theatrical dagfer, bat * common knife, and vu thrown down by Burke at evidence of his assertion tost weapon* for the French revolution were being made at Sheffield. The iwdmeii now preferred at Hall Barn waa given to Burke by one of the Under-Secretaries at he wae ping to the House of Common*, and wae thee filing down by him in indignant protect againttthe hand* of the French revolutionists being armed with Bngltsh steel

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 4

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 4

TOWN & COUNTRY. Lyttelton Times, Volume LIX, Issue 6871, 8 March 1883, Page 4