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The usual. monthly meeting of the Ashurton County Council was held yesterday; present—Meeara W. 0. Walker (Chairman), E. Q. Wright, Johan Jack son, Thomas Bullock, H. T. Winter, Thomas Taylor, John Isunbte. chaxbmah’s bxaixmhkt. The Chairman, in recapitulating the chief Berne of business to come before toe Council, and that done by himself, arid that the Boss Brothers, who were to be prosecuted for tempering with the water-races at Ohertoey, had sent an apology to the Oouneil'e solicitor, enclosing £lO in name of damages, and asking that proceedingi bs stayed. Begirding planting along toe tides of the wator-raoes, too Council’s officers bad issued 27,000 tree* for that purpose. The Chairman recommended the appointment of a Committee to foams water-race by-lawa for adoption by the Council under the Council’s Empowering Act* XNOIKBBB’B bbbobt. The County Engineer’s report was mid as follow* " Aahburton-Sakaia Blaine Water Supply.— The auxiliary channel from the Ashburton river baa hitherto been yielding a good supply, and toe different races have been fully charged and running well during last month, but in order to meet the further requirements of the additional water-races about to be constructed, I am having a large culvert put through the stone-work forming toe protection of toe inlet, so that the future supply nay not be dependent upon filtration alone. This work will be finished about the etui of this week. The earthwork of race for Messrs Power, Johnston, and others has tapn finished and the water led over the entire length of that contract, but some of the fotos are still imperfect. Fbur thousand willow stakes are being planted near the eoGTCp of auxiliary water eupply, with a view to guard against the encroachments of the river, and prevent injury being done to the head work and that portion of the main channel situated below the terrace. The extension of Power's race ie being proceeded with through the Winchmoro property, and toe other owners along the line ore taking the matter up, to that the raoe should be extended as for as the main line of railway in about a month. ‘ As toon aa the addition ia completed at, the intake of auxiliary channel, the supply from Budding Hill will have to be temporarily shut off, to admit of the repairs to concrete channel previously authorised by Council. At the same time an enlargement of a portion of the race la connection with flume over Dry creek will have to be made to as to provide for the additional supply which the recently authorised race* along the ‘hick track,’ See., will necessitate. I have arranged with Messrs Gould ani Cameron’s manager to execute that portion of the water-race from the auxiliary channel through Springfield property, so as to enter Mr Beynold's land. The proposed route Is shown on plan, and the supply will-form part of tiie fractional portion of one-tenth of the auxiliary eupply which the Council agreed should be assigned to the Springfield properly. This arrangement will only affect the raoes leading from dam at Mount Harding, that ia tho End El lines, bnt I anticipate that the small supply available from Chapman’s creek will be sufficient to give at least an intermittent supply for these raoes during tiie ten day* or so which the repair* will occupy. I should propose shutting off tho eupply from Budding Hill on Monday evenmg. Oct 9, giving noticj by advertisement I daring the week, if the Co anal will so nathstriso me. The contractors are now on their way to start the work of that portion of BS raoe, paid for by Messrs Allan, White, and Osborne. Tenders for several races will he placed before you to-day. These arc to be done at owners’ cost, under the aupervirion of toe Council. Except for No. 4 contract (for which 1 expect funds will he provided to-day), all toe necessary contributions have I already bean received. The owners on the proposed nee, from lyndhnrst downwards to the main line of railway, have not yet taken any action in the way of nuking up the required amount, but this matter will be arranged shortly. Tho line asked .for by Messrs Dent, Murray, Lemon, and Bright is in the same position, as is also the proposed extension of the B Hue, and consequently none of these are included in the list of races tendered for to day. "•Stream Diversion, Alford. Forest.—With

reference to this question as laid before the Council by tbe owners of the Alford station hi last meeting, I have visited the district, and find that the course of the creek, from which tins water has been diverted, leads past Mr W. T. Chapmen’s, and falls into Taylor’s stream; that Mr Chapman has a water-power for chaff catting, &a, on the came creek, and for this purpose require* all the summer supply available from the creek, and that, though (except when requited for water-power) he would not object to one ■mall stream being led through Mr Binder's sound, and just sufficient to reach the school in the vicinity of the gravel pit, be decidedly objects to branches being led eff thia in eeveral directions, as at present-; the oonsequence being that cot only is the normal supply of tbe creek much lessened, bnt considerable damage is done to tbe road*, and also to some extent to part of tho Alford

station ground, as represented by Mr Herring. 1 would, therefore, suggest that the small tide races leading off, near the school, be shut up altogether. If a water-race were •till wanted to Alford station, it might be taken from the creek before it enters Taylor's •beam, and from that point led in the general direction indicated by Mr Herring, and at I hare shown on plan. In this way no existing interests would be interfered with. “Headworks, Mount Somers Water Sopply.—These works are progressing satisfactorily. The head race bat been formed from the creek bed over the adjoining terrace, to connect with the race recently made is far at Mount Somers township. The works of the dam are alto under .construction, and should be completed in a little more th*n a fortnight. I bare met the various owners Interested in the question of route for the proposed races, and, so far as lean make out,the lines indicated on the accompanying plans would servo every purpose. There doee not seem to be any necessity at present for extending the race* to the lower end of that portion of Bnooleoch property. It would appear that in Hen of this, the owner* situated between Taylor's and Bowyer'e stream are desirous to nave two races, which would bo •applied from Tsvloi’a stream, a little below the Council's bridge, and I understand the parties whom this scheme would benefit are to petition the Council for it to day. As to the Mount Somers races, tenders could be in within a fortnight if the Council should approve. "Ashburton-Bangitata Water Supply. fha races on this system are, on the whole, working very efficiently. I have had a few men engaged during the month in strengthening the embankments, cutting grips, Jko, At the head works at South Ashburton Biver willows sre being planted to secure the riverbed at the source of supply. The race through WesterUeld and past Winslow is •till improving slightly, and becoming a little more retentive. It is questionable, however, whether its proposed extension psst Willowby should be extended quite as far aa DawaonVroad tor the present. The two «mII fork* between Winslow and Hinds have been constructed recently, and are running satisfactorily. I have gone over the route of tiie proposed subsidiary race from xoral section £8527 downwards, and will be prepared to put the work in band as soon ae tbe owner* contribute tbe estimated cost of race. “Tinwild Creeks. The supply in ths three creeks bas been adjusted, so far as It seems possible to do so, in equity; but to provide agunat period* ol drought it would no doubt be a great advantage to have a supplemeatiry supply from the river. This could easily and inexpensively be obtained, so far ae ;work is concerned, by connecting the Ho. 1 creek with the tail-race of Westerfield mill, ae shown on plan. By this means aa unfailing supply for this week would be obtainable from its source to Ue termination at Wheatstmei, and so benefiting the residents - in the latter district, where a summer supply ii tjse tftated, and thus settle the ever- rearing question of abstraction of krater bom

Toyler** omk along tbs course of the stormwater channel there. No. I.—lf No. 1 w«*k were supplsmsntod in the way I here pro* poeeci, the proportion preeentljr »Uo»ted to it by the box arrangement* oeer Tipweld would go to augment oreekeNo*. 8 and 8, thus giving a better supply in thee# creeki.and such m would admit of a email service to Mr Joseph Clark and others, who ate at a disadvantage at present in not haring a oonetaut euppfir. The oeume of the propoesd connection would he through the property of the Hon John M'Leen. who would have to be consulted before the scheme could lake any definite shape. Having examined various points on thenver, I should ray there ere none more ■aiiable thin thii. Tixvn ere eeveral places below the railway where a eupply could euily be led out, hut at these places the threatened encroachments of the river are such that any system of stream diversion, without expensive protective works, would only tend to increase the injury to the banks, which the river is now effecting in many places, notably in the district below Grove Farm road, where considerable encroachment has recently taken place. ... , “ Plantation block.—The ploughing and fencing of these blocks are in a forward ■tote, end the whole will be finished nnd ■own down by Oct. 80.-Upper Bangitata Bridge: The work of superstructure is not vet commenced, but the contractor is daily expecting the arrival of the first shipment of timber.—Wakanui Flat Water Supply: The races in this district are now in operation. 1 have seen Ur Moffat, of the Wakanui mill, who agrees to maintain the raoe in river bed, according to terms stated m accompanying letter, and I would recommend that hie offer he accepted. 1 ’ WATHB-BAOBS. The Engineer was instructed to fence the willows at the North Ashburton intake, and the suggestion In his report at to shutting off the water from Pudding Hill to certain races was adopted. The paragraph in hi* report regarding stream diversion at Alford Forest wm referred to the Water Supply Committee. Borne other matters regarding water-races were also referred to the Water Supply Committee. mnwald causa. The Engineer was, instructed* to put the diversion of the Westerfield tail race in hand, the Chairman to let the tender. WAKANUI FLAT IUrPLT. An agreement was approved of with Mr Henry Moffat to keep up a constant and fall supply in the. Wakanui raoes, the* supply to which was taken from a source common to them and Mr Moffat’s mill nee—the Council naying hslf-cost of all expense incurred by him in restoring the channel in tho rim bed after freshes. BANGITATA 7BBKT. A petition on the subject of retaining the ferry and ferryman at Lower Bangitata was presented by Mr Taylor. A Committee was appointed to report on the matter. BOBBIN'S rOBD IBIDQB. After a short discussion on tho subject of the proposed Dobbin’s ford bridge, it was re* solved to consider the area to be rated for the work in Committee of tho whole Council at next meeting. LICENSING. On the subject of licensing, Mr Julian Jackson gave notice to move at nsxt meeting —"That application be made to the Governmsnt to constitute the entire County one licensing district under the amended Act of 1882.” HOSPITAL. An offer to perform the duties of architect to the hospital—making periodical inspections and reportsupon the building, and preparing plans and specifications for all repairs nod minor alterations, but exclusive of any future alterations--was made by Messrs Books and Son, for the sum of £25 per annum. The matter was referred to the Borough Council for their opinion.

WAXANUI OBIBX. An offer to prepare a plan of the properties through which the Wakanui creek rune, and which Us near to it, was made by Mr J. B. Barker, on behalf of draughtsmen in his office, for a sum of £2O. , The offer wae accepted. VATXBTON POUND, On a letter from the Longbeaoh Boad Board Clerk, it was decided to empower that gentleman to have tome shingling done at the Waterton Pound, charging the cost to the County. ABHBUHTON DOKAIN BOAJtD. It was decided to pay £6O of a grant previously voted to the Ashburton Domain Board. LIBBASIIB. In reference to an application from the Mount Sonera library for a grant-in-aid, the Clark was instructed to write, stating that £1 for £1 on any buildings erected would be paid, the plans to be approved by the Council. XAXAIA AND ABHBUBTON POBKB BAILWAX. A deputation consisting of Messrs George Hart and E. B. Coster,, waited on the Council, and urged them to take stops to collect tho rates leviable on the district through which the railway ran. Mr Hart explained that tbe Government had kept faith with' the ehareholders of the Bailway Company, and had paid the amount of aid that had been promised, but tbe aid on rates that the shareholders should have received had not been raised. He knew that there had been difficulties in the way of the Council, who probably did sot see their way in the matter of the expense of collection; Bnt be would point out that the rate, when levied, should be such as to cover that cost. He pointed out further, in reply to the Chairman, that under the old Act, though an apparent power was given to tbe Directors to collect the rate, aa actual power was not given, inasmuch as the Director; under (he Bating Act were not a rating body. The Chairman was sorry that this information had not been given before, as the Council had certainly been under the impression- that the Directors were folly empowered to collect (he rate, failing its collection by the Council Mr Hark assured the Council that he had stated the exact position of the Directors, which was clear enough for the future under the new Act, but (he deputation desired tbe Council to collect tbe twelve months’ arrears which thnr now asked. After farther talk, tbe Council said that full consideration of the matter in the new light throws on the. subject would be given, and the deputation thanked the Council and withdrew.

Mr Lambie gave notice, of motion as follows :—“ That the Council will, at its next meeting, authorised!* striking of a rate or rates to raise the sum of £2611 10s fid for the Bakaia Bailway Company, as directed by the Minister for Public Works, in a letter dated Oct. 18,1881."

ASHBUBTJIN LIBBAB7. Mr Bollock asked that tbe Council vote (he £1 for £1 grant promised by tbs Council to tbs Ashburton Library Committee, who wars now prsparsd with plans of tbsir proposed Library building, and had nisei £l7O of subscription*, bat calculated upon raising tbs remainder of tbs £2OO to secure tbs Council’s limit of £2OO promised, fie submitted plans of thebnUdinffi Tbe OounciTapproTed of tbe amount, and resolved t* hand over the £2OO as soon as (lie same sum is collected and .paid into the bank. WATXB-XAOI BY-LAWS. * A Oommittss was appointed to prepare By-laws under the Empowering Act. After some minor business had been lrm»acted, tbs Connell adjourned.

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Lyttelton Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 6741, 5 October 1882, Page 6

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ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 6741, 5 October 1882, Page 6

ASHBURTON COUNTY COUNCIL. Lyttelton Times, Volume LVIII, Issue 6741, 5 October 1882, Page 6